wfIpsecSelectorInInterface |
. |
The network address of the IP
interface to which the corresponding policy is applied.
wfIpsecSelectorInCircuit |
. |
The ID of the Circuit to which the
corresponding policy is applied.
wfIpsecSelectorInPolicyNumber |
. |
ID policy's selectors.
wfIpsecSelectorInFragment |
. |
Fragment number - for large sets of selectors.
wfIpsecSelectorInCreate |
. |
Defines the existence of the policy's selectors:
created - instance exists
delete - instance should be deleted.
wfIpsecSelectorInEnable |
. |
Defines whether or not the policy should be used:
enabled - activate the policy's selectors.
disabled - deactivate the policy's selectors.
wfIpsecSelectorInStatus |
. |
Defines the current status of the this instance:
up: this instance is in use
down: this instance is misconfigured
inactive: this instance is disabled
notpresent: the IPsec code isn't loaded
wfIpsecSelectorInCounter |
. |
The number of received packets that have
matched the selectors.
wfIpsecSelectorInDefinition |
. |
The policy's selector definition.
wfIpsecSelectorInReserved |
. |
Reserved field.
wfIpsecSelectorInName |
. |
name of this instance of selectors.
wfIpsecSelectorOutInterface |
. |
The network address of the IP
interface to which the corresponding policy is applied.
wfIpsecSelectorOutCircuit |
. |
The ID of the Circuit to which the
corresponding policy is applied.
wfIpsecSelectorOutPolicyNumber |
. |
ID policy's selectors.
wfIpsecSelectorOutFragment |
. |
Fragment number - for large sets of selectors.
wfIpsecSelectorOutCreate |
. |
Defines the existence of the policy's selectors:
created - instance exists
delete - instance should be deleted.
wfIpsecSelectorOutEnable |
. |
Defines whether or not the policy should be used:
enabled - activate the policy's selectors.
disabled - deactivate the policy's selectors.
wfIpsecSelectorOutStatus |
. |
Defines the current status of the this instance:
up: this instance is in use
down: this instance is misconfigured
inactive: this instance is disabled
notpresent: the IPsec code isn't loaded
wfIpsecSelectorOutCounter |
. |
The number of received packets that have
matched the selectors.
wfIpsecSelectorOutDefinition |
. |
The policy's selector definition.
wfIpsecSelectorOutReserved |
. |
Reserved field.
wfIpsecSelectorOutName |
. |
name of this instance of selectors.
wfIpsecDescriptorInterface |
. |
The IP address of the security gateway which this descriptor
belongs to.
wfIpsecDescriptorCircuit |
. |
The ID of the Circuit to which this
instance applies.
wfIpsecDescriptorPolicyNumber |
. |
Allows instance of wfIpsecSelectorOutEntry to be matched with
this instance.
wfIpsecDescriptorCreate |
. |
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created.
wfIpsecDescriptorStatus |
. |
The status of this instance:
up: this instance is in use
down: this instance is misconfigured
inactive: this instance is disabled
notpresent: the IPsec code isn't loaded
wfIpsecDescriptorManualSaList |
. |
the octet string represents an ordered list of Security
Associations (SAs). the format of each 9 byte sequence is:
| protocol | Peer IP Address |
| SPI |
wfIpsecDescriptorSaMode |
. |
Identifies mode of the SA for this policy.
wfIpsecDescriptorPfs |
. |
Identifies whether perfect forward secrecy is required
or not.
wfIpsecDescriptorProposals |
. |
the octet string represents an ordered list of proposals.
Every 2 octets in the string contains a number which
corresponds to an instance I.D. of wfIpsecProposalEntry.
The list of proposals is a logically ORed list.
wfIpsecDescriptorSourceForDestAddr |
. |
The source for the destination IP address value to be used
in the SA. 'packet' limits use of the SA to those packets
which have a matching IP addr even if the policy permits a
range. 'policy' allows more than one traffic flow to use
the SA if the policy permits a range of IP addresses.
wfIpsecDescriptorSourceForSrcAddr |
. |
The source for the destination IP address value to be used
in the SA. 'packet' limits use of the SA to those packets
which have a matching IP addr even if the policy permits a
range. 'policy' allows more than one traffic flow to use
the SA if the policy permits a range of IP addresses.
wfIpsecDescriptorSourceForProtocol |
. |
The source for the destination IP address value to be used
in the SA. 'packet' limits use of the SA to those packets
which have a matching IP addr even if the policy permits a
range. 'policy' allows more than one traffic flow to use
the SA if the policy permits a range of IP addresses.
wfIpsecDescriptorStartSourceAddr |
. |
The start Source IP address for the dynamic SA.
wfIpsecDescriptorEndSourceAddr |
. |
The end Source IP address for the dynamic SA.
wfIpsecDescriptorStartDestAddr |
. |
The start Destination IP address for the dynamic SA.
wfIpsecDescriptorEndDestAddr |
. |
The end Source IP address for the dynamic SA.
wfIpsecDescriptorPort |
. |
The port number for the dynamic SA.
wfIpsecDescriptorProtocol |
. |
The IP protocol for the dynamic SA.
wfIpsecDescriptorPrimarySG |
. |
The address of the remote gateway.
wfIpsecDescriptorInboundIdleTimer |
. |
Inbound (Unprotect) SA inactivity timer, in minutes.
If no traffic is received on an automated inbound SA
for the indicated time, both SAs for this policy will
be deleted. A value of zero disables the timer.
wfIpsecEspSaSrc |
. |
The IP address of the SA's source.
wfIpsecEspSaDest |
. |
The IP address of the SA's destination.
wfIpsecEspSaSpi |
. |
The security parameters index
wfIpsecEspSaCreate |
. |
Create/Delete parameter.
wfIpsecEspSaStatus |
. |
The current status of this Security Association:
up: this SA is in use
down: this SA is misconfigured
inactive: this SA is disabled
notpresent: the IPsec code isn't loaded
wfIpsecEspSaCipherAlg |
. |
Identifies cipher algorithm for this SA.
wfIpsecEspSaManualCipherKey |
. |
The key for a manually-keyed SA's cipher algorithm
wfIpsecEspSaDesKeyStrength |
. |
The strength of the cipher key.
wfIpsecEspSaIntegrityAlg |
. |
The algorithm for ESP Auth.
wfIpsecEspSaManualIntegrityKey |
. |
The key for a manually-keyed SA's integrity algorithm
wfIpsecEspSaVerifyPad |
. |
This attribute enables checking of the pad field of ESP
packets making sure it is in expected numeric ascending
order. Packets with bad padding are discarded.
wfIpsecEspSaReset |
. |
Reset IPSec SA statistics indicator.
wfIpsecEspSaBadAuthen |
. |
The number of received encrypted packets that could
not be properly authenticated.
wfIpsecEspSaBadDecrypt |
. |
The number of received packets that could
not be properly decrypted.
wfIpsecEspSaBadPad |
. |
The number of received packets that contained
bad padding information.
wfIpsecEspSaProtectPkt |
. |
The number of successfully encrypted packets.
wfIpsecEspSaUnprotectPkt |
. |
The number of successfully decrypted packets.
wfIpsecEspSaEncryptByte |
. |
The number of successfully encrypted bytes.
wfIpsecEspSaDecryptByte |
. |
The number of successfully encrypted bytes.
wfIpsecEspSaMode |
. |
Identifies mode of the SA.
wfIpsecEspSaPfs |
. |
Identifies whether this SA has perfect forward secrecy or
wfIpsecEspSaExpiryType |
. |
The units used to interpret the expiry value. The SA's
keys don't expire when this is set to none.
wfIpsecEspSaExpiryValue |
. |
The value used to determine when the keys for this SA
wfIpsecStatsInterface |
. |
The IP address of the security gateway which these statistics
belong to.
wfIpsecStatsCircuit |
. |
The ID of the Circuit to which this
instance applies.
wfIpsecStatsCreate |
. |
Create/Delete parameter.
wfIpsecStatsReset |
. |
Reset IPSec statistics indicator.
wfIpsecStatsUnprotectPkt |
. |
The number of received packets successfully
wfIpsecStatsProtectPkt |
. |
The number of received packets successfully
wfIpsecStatsBypassPkt |
. |
The number of received packets that have
wfIpsecStatsDropPkt |
. |
The number of received packets that have
been dropped.
wfIpsecStatsNoSa |
. |
The number of received packets for which
no SA was found.
wfIpsecStatsLastBadSpi |
. |
The last security parameters index for which
no SA could be found.
wfIpsecStatsNoPolicyMatch |
. |
The number of received packets for which
no policy match could be found.
wfIpsecStatsSaExpDropBytes |
. |
The number of bytes discarded owing to SA Expiry
wfIpsecStatsOutClips |
. |
The number of outbound packets clipped due to
buffer congestion.
wfIpsecStatsInClips |
. |
The number of inbound packets clipped due to
buffer congestion.
wfIpsecRemoteGatewayInterface |
. |
The address of the IP interface to which this
instance applies.
wfIpsecRemoteGatewayCircuit |
. |
The ID of the Circuit to which the instance applies.
wfIpsecRemoteGatewayIndex |
. |
An index used to differentiate remote gateway instances.
wfIpsecRemoteGatewayCreate |
. |
creates or deletes an instance.
wfIpsecRemoteGatewayEnable |
. |
enables and disables this instance.
wfIpsecRemoteGatewayStatus |
. |
Defines the current status of the instance:
inactive - ?
active - ?
error - ?
wfIpsecRemoteGatewayIpAddr |
. |
The address of the remote gateway.
wfIpsecRemoteGatewayRange |
. |
The range of destination IP addresses that the remote
security gateway represents.
wfIpsecRemoteGatewayName |
. |
name of the remote security gateway.
wfIpsecProposalNumber |
. |
A number that identifies this proposal.
wfIpsecProposalCreate |
. |
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created.
wfIpsecProposalStatus |
. |
The status of this Proposal.
wfIpsecProposalName |
. |
Proposal name.
wfIpsecProposalSuites |
. |
the octet string contains a list of ordered, 2 byte numbers
that correspond to wfIpsecSuiteEntry instance ID's.
The list of protection suites is a logically ANDed list.
This allows multiple protocols to be used for a policy.
wfIpsecSuiteNumber |
. |
A number that identifies this protection suite.
wfIpsecSuiteCreate |
. |
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created.
wfIpsecSuiteStatus |
. |
The status of this Suite.
wfIpsecSuiteName |
. |
Suite name.
wfIpsecSuiteEspProtocol |
. |
The ordered sequence of wfIpsecEspTransformEntry instances that
comprise this protection suite.
wfIpsecSuiteAhProtocol |
. |
The ordered sequence of wfIpsecAhProposalEntry instances that
comprise this protection suite.
wfIpsecEspTransformNumber |
. |
A number that identifies this ESP proposal.
wfIpsecEspTransformCreate |
. |
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created.
wfIpsecEspTransformStatus |
. |
The status of this ESP Transform.
wfIpsecEspTransformName |
. |
ESP Transform name.
wfIpsecEspTransformCipherAlg |
. |
The cipher algorithm for ESP.
wfIpsecEspTransformKeyLength |
. |
The key length for the ESP cipher algorithm.
wfIpsecEspTransformIntegrityAlg |
. |
The algorithm for ESP Auth.
wfIpsecEspTransformExpiryTime |
. |
The value used to determine when the keys for this SA
expire due to the passage of time. The units are minutes.
The minium recommended value is 10 min.
wfIpsecEspTransformExpiryMBytes |
. |
The value used to determine when the keys for this SA
expire due to the number of bytes processed. The units are
mega-bytes. The minium recommended value is 10 Mbytes. A
value of 0 indicates that MByte expiry is not desired.
wfIpsecEspTransformExpiryPref |
. |
The value used to determine precedence between time/kbyte
wfIpsecAhTransformNumber |
. |
A number that identifies this AH proposal.
wfIpsecAhTransformCreate |
. |
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created.
wfIpsecAhTransformStatus |
. |
The status of this AhTransform.
wfIpsecAhTransformName |
. |
AhTransform name.
wfIpsecAhTransformIntegrityAlg |
. |
The algorithm for AH.
wfIpsecAhTransformGroup |
. |
The DH group
wfIpsecAhTransformExpiryType |
. |
The units used to interpret the expiry value. The SA's
keys don't expire when this is set to none.
wfIpsecAhTransformExpiryValue |
. |
The value used to determine when the keys for this SA
wfIpsecSaStatsSrc |
. |
The IP address of the SA's source.
wfIpsecSaStatsDest |
. |
The IP address of the SA's destination.
wfIpsecSaStatsSpi |
. |
The security parameters index
wfIpsecSaStatsStatus |
. |
The current status of this Security Association:
up: this SA is in use
down: this SA is misconfigured ???
inactive: this SA is disabled ???
notpresent: the IPsec code isn't loaded ???
wfIpsecSaStatsProto |
. |
The protocol used by this SA.
wfIpsecSaStatsCipherAlg |
. |
Identifies cipher algorithm for this SA.
wfIpsecSaStatsIntegrityAlg |
. |
The algorithm for ESP Auth.
wfIpsecSaStatsBadAuthen |
. |
The number of received encrypted packets that could
not be properly authenticated.
wfIpsecSaStatsBadDecrypt |
. |
The number of received packets that could
not be properly decrypted.
wfIpsecSaStatsBadPad |
. |
The number of received packets that contained
bad padding information.
wfIpsecSaStatsProtectPkt |
. |
The number of successfully encrypted packets.
wfIpsecSaStatsUnprotectPkt |
. |
The number of successfully decrypted packets.
wfIpsecSaStatsEncryptByte |
. |
The number of successfully encrypted bytes.
wfIpsecSaStatsDecryptByte |
. |
The number of successfully encrypted bytes.
wfIpsecSaStatsMode |
. |
Identifies mode of the SA.
wfIpsecSaStatsPfs |
. |
Identifies whether this SA has perfect forward secrecy or
wfIpsecSaStatsExpiryType |
. |
The units used to interpret the expiry value. The SA's
keys don't expire when this is set to none.
wfIpsecSaStatsExpiryValue |
. |
The value used to determine when the keys for this SA