wfTunnelAuthSlot |
. |
Slot corresponding to this L2TP configuration
wfTunnelAuthInstance |
. |
The instance index of the authentication entry
wfTunnelAuthDelete |
. |
Creation and deletion flag for this record
wfTunnelAuthDisable |
. |
Disable/Enable the usage of this tunnel authentication entry
wfTunnelAuthSecret |
. |
The tunnel authentication shared secret
wfL2TPSlot |
. |
Slot on which L2TP is configured
wfL2TPDelete |
. |
Creation and deletion flag for this record
wfL2TPDisable |
. |
`Enable/Disable L2TP'
wfL2TPLnsAddr |
. |
`IP address of the LNS (Note: this must be unique per slot)'
wfL2TPIPstate |
. |
`State of WAN IP address for the LNS'
wfL2TPReceiveWindowSize |
. |
The recieve window size for tunnel creation in the slot
wfL2TPRetransmitTimer |
. |
The time period in sec to wait for an ACK before retransmission.
wfL2TPMaxRetransmit |
. |
The max number of retransmission allowed.
wfL2TPHelloTimer |
. |
The time period in sec of tunnel inactivity before sending a Hello.
The draft says 60sec.
wfL2TPAckTimer |
. |
The max amount of delay in mini-seconds before sending an Ack.
wfL2TPAckLastNPkts |
. |
wfL2TPLnsHostName |
. |
To host name used in the Host Name AVP of the LNS
wfL2TPTunnelInfo |
. |
To enable or disable the creation of TunnelInfoEntry.
wfL2TPSessionInfo |
. |
To enable or disable the creation of SessionInfoEntry.
wfL2TPDebugFlag |
. |
The switch to control the level of debug info
wfL2TPMaxSession |
. |
The max session/call allowed
wfL2TPPortCfgMask |
. |
Used by SM to indicate the port being configured with L2TP
wfL2TPIpAddr |
. |
IP address of the L2TP_IP interface for the slot
wfL2TPIpCctNum |
. |
The circuit number of the L2TP_IP interface for the slot
wfL2TPTunnelDataFlowControl |
. |
This object determines whether or not L2TP is
to use flow control on the tunneled data packets.
wfL2TPRemoveDomainName |
. |
This object determines whether or not to remove the
domain name from the complete username (before RADIUS
wfL2TPDomainNameDelimiter |
. |
This character identifies the delimiter used to separate
the domain name from the username and is used in conjunction
with the RemoveDomainName feature above.
wfL2TPNsaOrigin |
. |
This object determines where the Name Server Addresses will
originate from, or if the feature is to be disabled. It can
take on the following values and meaning:
1 indicates Name Server Addresses are to be disabled.
2 indicates Local origin from Site Manager.
3 indicates remote origin from a RADIUS Server.
wfL2TPNsaPrimaryDNS |
. |
Primary DNS Server Address
wfL2TPNsaSecondaryDNS |
. |
Secondary DNS Server Address
wfL2TPNsaPrimaryNBNS |
. |
Primary NBNS Server Address
wfL2TPNsaSecondaryNBNS |
. |
Secondary NBNS Server Address
wfTunnelCircuitNum |
. |
Tunnel Circuit Number
wfTunnelCircuitDelete |
. |
Creation and deletion flag for this record
wfTunnelCircuitSlot |
. |
The slot on which tunnel Circuit resides
wfL2TPStatsSlot |
. |
Enable and disable flag for this record
wfL2TPStatsCreate |
. |
Creation and deletion flag for this record
wfL2TPStatsIpAddress |
. |
L2TP LNS IP address
wfL2TPStatsValidSccrq |
. |
L2TP Stats
wfL2TPStatsValidScccn |
. |
L2TP Stats
wfL2TPStatsValidIcrq |
. |
L2TP Stats
wfL2TPStatsValidIccn |
. |
L2TP Stats
wfL2TPStatsInvalidSccrq |
. |
L2TP Stats
wfL2TPStatsInvalidScccn |
. |
L2TP Stats
wfL2TPStatsInvalidIcrq |
. |
L2TP Stats
wfL2TPStatsInvalidIccn |
. |
L2TP Stats
wfL2TPStatsSuccessTunnelAuth |
. |
L2TP Stats
wfL2TPStatsSuccessSessionAuth |
. |
L2TP Stats
wfL2TPStatsFailTunnelAuth |
. |
L2TP Stats
wfL2TPStatsFailSessionAuth |
. |
L2TP Stats
wfL2TPStatsActiveTunnelCount |
. |
L2TP Stats
wfL2TPStatsActiveSessionCount |
. |
L2TP Stats
wfL2TPStatsDropInCtrlPktCount |
. |
Total number of invalid L2TP control pkts being dropped.
wfL2TPStatsDropInPayloadPktCount |
. |
Total number of invalid L2TP payload lpkts being dropped.
wfL2TPStatsHelloPktTxCount |
. |
Total number of HELLO pkts transmitted.
wfL2TPStatsHelloPktRxCount |
. |
Total number of HELLO pkts received.
wfL2TPStatsCdnPktTxCount |
. |
Total number of CDN pkts transmitted.
wfL2TPStatsCdnPktRxCount |
. |
Total number of CDN pkts received.
wfL2TPStatsStopCCNPktTxCount |
. |
Total number of StopCCN pkts transmitted.
wfL2TPStatsStopCCNPktRxCount |
. |
Total number of StopCCN pkts received.
wfL2TPTunnelInfoSlot |
. |
Slot nubmer
wfL2TPTunnelInfoLnsTunnelId |
. |
The tunnel ID assigned by LNS
wfL2TPTunnelInfoLacTunnelId |
. |
The tunnel ID assigned by LAC
wfL2TPTunnelInfoLnsAddress |
. |
IP address of the tunnel LNS endpoint
wfL2TPTunnelInfoLacAddress |
. |
IP address of the tunnel LAC endpoint
wfL2TPTunnelInfoFramingCap |
. |
1 = Synchronous, 2 = Asynchronous, 3 = Both
wfL2TPTunnelInfoBearerCap |
. |
1 = Digital, 2 = Analog, 3 = Both
wfL2TPTunnelInfoLacVendorName |
. |
The Vendor Name used in the tunnel SCCRQ message
wfL2TPTunnelInfoLacHostName |
. |
The Host name used in the tunnel SCCRQ message
wfL2TPTunnelInfoRecvWindowSize |
. |
The Receive Window Size used in the tunnel SCCRQ message
wfL2TPTunnelInfoActiveSessionCount |
. |
The total number of active session in the tunnel
wfL2TPTunnelInfoFirmwareRevision |
. |
The Firmware Revision used in the tunnel SCCRQ message
wfL2TPSessionInfoSlot |
. |
The slot nubmer where the session resides
wfL2TPSessionInfoLnsTunnelId |
. |
Tunnel ID of the tunnel that the session is on.
wfL2TPSessionInfoLnsCallId |
. |
The call ID assigned by the LNS
wfL2TPSessionInfoLacTunnelId |
. |
Tunnel ID of the tunnel that the session is on.
wfL2TPSessionInfoLacCallId |
. |
The call ID assigned by the LAC in the ICRQ message
wfL2TPSessionInfoCallSerialNum |
. |
The Call Serial Number used in the ICRQ message
wfL2TPSessionInfoCallBearerType |
. |
The Bearer Type used in the ICRQ message
wfL2TPSessionInfoDialingNum |
. |
The Dialing Number used in the ICRQ message
wfL2TPSessionInfoDialedNum |
. |
The Dialed Number used in the ICRQ message
wfL2TPSessionInfoSubAddress |
. |
The subaddress used in the ICRQ message
wfL2TPSessionInfoConnectSpeed |
. |
The Connect Speed used in the ICCN message
wfL2TPSessionInfoFramingType |
. |
The Framing Type used in the ICCN message
wfL2TPSessionInfoLocalRecvPktWindow |
. |
This object contains the local Send Window Size.
wfL2TPSessionInfoRemoteRecvPktWindow |
. |
This object contains the remote receive window size.
wfL2TPSessionInfoPhysicalChannelId |
. |
This object contains the physical channel identifier
for the session.
wfL2TPSessionInfoNextSendSeq |
. |
This object contains the next send sequence number for
for this session.
wfL2TPSessionInfoNextSendSeqAck |
. |
This object contains the next send acknowledgement
for this session.
wfL2TPSessionInfoNextRecvSeq |
. |
This object contains the next receive sequence number
for this session.
wfL2TPSessionInfoNextRecvSeqAck |
. |
This object contains the next receive acknowledgement
for this session.
wfL2TPSessionInfoAssignedIpAddress |
. |
Address assigned to this session.
wfL2TPSessionInfoUsername |
. |
User tunnelled within this session.
wfL2TPSessionInfoTxPackets |
. |
Number of outbound data packets for this session.
wfL2TPSessionInfoRxPackets |
. |
Number of inbound data packets for this session.
wfL2TPSessionInfoConnectTime |
. |
Time the session was started
wfTunnelLineNum |
. |
Tunnel Line Number
wfTunnelLineDelete |
. |
Creation and deletion flag for this record
wfTunnelLineSlot |
. |
The slot on which tunnel Line resides