wfLlcInterfaceCircuit |
. |
The llc1 circuit of this interface.
wfLlcInterfaceDelete |
. |
- Create/Delete parameter. Default is created.
- Users perform an SNMP SET operation on this
- object in order to create/delete an interface.
wfLlcInterfaceDisable |
. |
- Enable/Disable parameter. Default is enabled.
- Users perform an SNMP SET operation on this
- object in order to enable/disable an interface.
wfLlcInterfaceState |
. |
The current state of the interface.
wfLlcInterfaceLlc2CctId |
. |
The llc2 circuit number assigned for this slot, line, and llc1 cct.
wfLlc1InterfaceMaxUinfoSize |
. |
- Maximum number of octets in UI PDU.
wfLlc1InterfaceMaxRetry |
. |
- Maximum retry limit. Specifeis the
- maximum number of times that an XID
- or TEST command PDU is sent following
- the running out of the response timer
- TResponse
wfLlc1InterfaceTAckWait |
. |
- The amount of time during which the
- LLC shall expect to receive an
- an acknowledgment to a sent unnumbered
- XID or TEST command PDU
- time in seconds
wfLlc2InterfaceMaxInfoSize |
. |
- Max number of octets in an I Pdu
wfLlc2InterfaceK |
. |
- The wfLlc2InterfaceK parameter is no longer used.
- It is replaced by the send window (wfLlc2InterfaceTW)
- and the receive window (wfLlc2InterfaceRW) parameters.
wfLlc2InterfaceN2 |
. |
- Maximum number of transmissions. This specifies the
- max number of times that a PDU is sent following the
- elapse of the ..
- acknowledgment timer
- poll timer
- reject timer
wfLlc2InterfaceN3 |
. |
- Maximum number of received I PDUs before
- sending a local acknowledgment to the
- transmitter
wfLlc2InterfaceTAckWait |
. |
- Acknowledment timer for TX window
- rotation
- time in seconds
wfLlc2InterfaceTReject |
. |
- Reject Timer
- time in seconds
wfLlc2InterfaceTRemoteBusy |
. |
- busy state timer
- time in seconds
wfLlc2InterfaceTRspAck |
. |
- Local response timer for remote TX
- window rotation
- response in seconds
wfLlc2InterfaceTIdle |
. |
- Idle timer
- in seconds
wfLlc2InterfaceTPollCycle |
. |
- P/F bit cycle timer (link activity)
- time in secs
wfLlcInterfaceMaxNumOfSap |
. |
- maximum number of saps per LLC service
- Max = 255 and Min = 4
wfLlcInterfaceMaxNumOfLink |
. |
- Maximum number of end to end connections
- per LLC service
- Max = 5000 and Min = 4 Default:5000
wfLlcInterfaceDupAddrCheck |
. |
- Flag to force duplicate address check
- Default is DISABLED
wfLlc2InterfaceRW |
. |
- Maximum number of outstanding ( = unacknowledged)
- receive I PDUs. This cannot exceed 127.
wfLlc2InterfaceTW |
. |
- Maximum number of outstanding ( = unacknowledged)
- transmit I PDUs. This cannot exceed 127.
- This value acts as a default window size, when no other
- window size has been agreed upon through
- an XID3 exchange procedure.
wfLlcInterfaceEncapsType |
. |
This indicates which encapsulation technique
should be used by LLC.
wfLlcInterfaceSrbRingId |
. |
This indicates a ring number to be used by
LLC if the encapsulation technique is SRB.
It must be unique in the SRB network.
wfLlcInterfaceFrVMask |
. |
- LLC Frame Relay Virtual Mac Address Mask.
- This Mask specifies the upper 2-4 bytes of the
- destination mac address. The lower remaining
- bytes specifies the DLCI to be used.
wfLlc2InterfaceDynWin |
. |
- Enable/Disable dynamic window. The default is enabled.
wfLlcInterfaceCurrentLinks |
. |
The number of links on this interface.
wfLlcInterfaceHiWaterLinks |
. |
The highest number of links present at one time on this interface.
wfLlcInterfaceHiWaterReset |
. |
Setting to 2 (reset) sets HiWaterLinks to CurrentLinks.
wfLlcSapCircuit |
. |
- The llc1 circuit that this sap is on
wfLlcSapValue |
. |
- Sap Value
wfLlcLinkCircuit |
. |
- The llc1 circuit that this da/sa/dsap/ssap pair is on.
wfLlcLinkDestMadr |
. |
- Destination and source Mac addresses
wfLlcLinkSrcMadr |
. |
- source Mac address
wfLlcLinkDsap |
. |
- Destination and source sap's
wfLlcLinkSsap |
. |
- Source Sap
wfLlcInfoRxCnt |
. |
- Counter for I Pdus rcvd
wfLlcInfoTxCnt |
. |
- Counter for I Pdus sent
wfLlcInfoReXmitCnt |
. |
- Counter for I Pdus re-xmitted
wfLlcByteInfoRxCnt |
. |
- Counter for unnnumbered information
- Bytes rcvd
wfLlcByteInfoTxCnt |
. |
- Counter for unnnumbered information
- Bytes sent
wfLlcRrRxCnt |
. |
- Counter for RR Pdus rcvd
wfLlcRrTxCnt |
. |
- Counter for RR Pdus Xmted
wfLlcRnrRxCnt |
. |
- Counter for RNR Pdus rcvd
wfLlcRnrTxCnt |
. |
- Counter for RNR Pdus sent
wfLlcRejRxCnt |
. |
- Counter for REJ pdus rcvd
wfLlcRejTxCnt |
. |
- Counter for REJ pdus xmted
wfLlcFrmrRxCnt |
. |
- Counter for frame reject rcvd
wfLlcFrmrTxCnt |
. |
- Counter for frame reject sent
wfLlcFlowDefersCnt |
. |
- Counter for the number of times LLC is unable
- to xmit due to a percieved remote busy condition
- or to lack of RX window space
wfLlcWaitAckTimeouts |
. |
- Counter for expiration of acknowledgment
- timers
wfLlcRejectTimeouts |
. |
- Counter for the expiration of reject
- timeouts
wfLlcPollCycleTimeouts |
. |
- Counter for the expiration of P/F cycle timer
wfLlcStateChangeCnt |
. |
- Counter for number of LLC flow state changes
wfLlcLastChangeReason |
. |
- Counter for the most recent incrementing of the
- flow state change counter
wfLlcCurrentState |
. |
- Current flow state of the LLC link station
wfLlc2TrafficFilterCircuit |
. |
The ID of the Bridge Circuit to which the
filter is applied.
wfLlc2TrafficFilterRuleNumber |
. |
ID for the rule.
wfLlc2TrafficFilterFragment |
. |
Fragment number - for large rules.
wfLlc2TrafficFilterCreate |
. |
Defines the existence of the traffic filter rule:
created - traffic filter exists
delete - traffic filter does not exist and can be deleted.
wfLlc2TrafficFilterEnable |
. |
Defines whether or not the traffic filter rule should be used:
enabled - activate the rule.
disabled - inactivate the rule.
wfLlc2TrafficFilterStatus |
. |
Defines the current status of the traffic filter:
inactive - the rule is not in use.
active - the rule is being used.
error - the application detected an error in the rule.
wfLlc2TrafficFilterCounter |
. |
The number of received packets that have
matched this rule.
wfLlc2TrafficFilterDefinition |
. |
The filter rule definition.
wfLlc2TrafficFilterReserved |
. |
Reserved field.
wfLlc2TrafficFilterName |
. |
name of the rule number
wfLlcDlciCct |
. |
The LLC interface circuit on which this mapping is configured.
wfLlcDlciNum |
. |
The dlci number for this mapping.
wfLlcDlciDelete |
. |
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created. Users perform an SNMP SET
operation on this object in order to create/delete a DLSw Local Device
wfLlcDlciLocalMac |
. |
The Local MAC address of the end station to be mapped.
In-coming requests on this DLCI will be mapped to the specified
Local Mac address. Values are standard MSB Token Ring MAC addresses.
wfLlcDlciRemoteMac |
. |
The Remote MAC address mapping. Out-going requests specifing
this mac address will be mapped to the DLCI.
Values are standard MSB Token Ring MAC addresses.