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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » Wellfleet » Wellfleet-LLC-MIB » Objects

Wellfleet-LLC-MIB.mib object view, vendor Wellfleet


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file Wellfleet-LLC-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.

Wellfleet-LLC-MIB file content

Object view of Wellfleet-LLC-MIB:

Scalar Object
wfLlcBaseDelete .
- Create/Delete parameter. Default is created. - Users perform an SNMP SET operation on this - object in order to create/delete LLC.
wfLlcBaseDisable .
- Enable/Disable parameter. Default is disabled. - Users perform an SNMP SET operation on this - object in order to enable/disable LLC.
wfLlcBaseState .
- The current state of LLC service
wfLlcInterfaceEntry .
An entry in wfLlcInterface.
wfLlcSapEntry .
An entry in wfLlcSapTable.
wfLlcLinkEntry .
An entry in wfLlcLinkTable.
wfLlc2TrafficFilterEntry .
An entry in WfLLC2TrafficFilterTable.
wfLlcDlciEntry .
An entry in wfLlcDlciTable.
Tabular Object
wfLlcInterfaceCircuit .
The llc1 circuit of this interface.
wfLlcInterfaceDelete .
- Create/Delete parameter. Default is created. - Users perform an SNMP SET operation on this - object in order to create/delete an interface.
wfLlcInterfaceDisable .
- - Enable/Disable parameter. Default is enabled. - Users perform an SNMP SET operation on this - object in order to enable/disable an interface.
wfLlcInterfaceState .
The current state of the interface.
wfLlcInterfaceLlc2CctId .
The llc2 circuit number assigned for this slot, line, and llc1 cct.
wfLlc1InterfaceMaxUinfoSize .
- Maximum number of octets in UI PDU.
wfLlc1InterfaceMaxRetry .
- Maximum retry limit. Specifeis the - maximum number of times that an XID - or TEST command PDU is sent following - the running out of the response timer - TResponse
wfLlc1InterfaceTAckWait .
- The amount of time during which the - LLC shall expect to receive an - an acknowledgment to a sent unnumbered - XID or TEST command PDU - time in seconds
wfLlc2InterfaceMaxInfoSize .
- Max number of octets in an I Pdu
wfLlc2InterfaceK .
- The wfLlc2InterfaceK parameter is no longer used. - It is replaced by the send window (wfLlc2InterfaceTW) - and the receive window (wfLlc2InterfaceRW) parameters.
wfLlc2InterfaceN2 .
- Maximum number of transmissions. This specifies the - max number of times that a PDU is sent following the - elapse of the .. - acknowledgment timer - poll timer - reject timer
wfLlc2InterfaceN3 .
- Maximum number of received I PDUs before - sending a local acknowledgment to the - transmitter
wfLlc2InterfaceTAckWait .
- Acknowledment timer for TX window - rotation - time in seconds
wfLlc2InterfaceTReject .
- Reject Timer - time in seconds
wfLlc2InterfaceTRemoteBusy .
- busy state timer - time in seconds
wfLlc2InterfaceTRspAck .
- Local response timer for remote TX - window rotation - response in seconds
wfLlc2InterfaceTIdle .
- Idle timer - in seconds
wfLlc2InterfaceTPollCycle .
- P/F bit cycle timer (link activity) - time in secs
wfLlcInterfaceMaxNumOfSap .
- maximum number of saps per LLC service - Max = 255 and Min = 4
wfLlcInterfaceMaxNumOfLink .
- Maximum number of end to end connections - per LLC service - Max = 5000 and Min = 4 Default:5000
wfLlcInterfaceDupAddrCheck .
- Flag to force duplicate address check - Default is DISABLED
wfLlc2InterfaceRW .
- Maximum number of outstanding ( = unacknowledged) - receive I PDUs. This cannot exceed 127.
wfLlc2InterfaceTW .
- Maximum number of outstanding ( = unacknowledged) - transmit I PDUs. This cannot exceed 127. - This value acts as a default window size, when no other - window size has been agreed upon through - an XID3 exchange procedure.
wfLlcInterfaceEncapsType .
This indicates which encapsulation technique should be used by LLC.
wfLlcInterfaceSrbRingId .
This indicates a ring number to be used by LLC if the encapsulation technique is SRB. It must be unique in the SRB network.
wfLlcInterfaceFrVMask .
- LLC Frame Relay Virtual Mac Address Mask. - This Mask specifies the upper 2-4 bytes of the - destination mac address. The lower remaining - bytes specifies the DLCI to be used.
wfLlc2InterfaceDynWin .
- Enable/Disable dynamic window. The default is enabled.
wfLlcInterfaceCurrentLinks .
The number of links on this interface.
wfLlcInterfaceHiWaterLinks .
The highest number of links present at one time on this interface.
wfLlcInterfaceHiWaterReset .
Setting to 2 (reset) sets HiWaterLinks to CurrentLinks.
wfLlcSapCircuit .
- The llc1 circuit that this sap is on
wfLlcSapValue .
- Sap Value
wfLlcLinkCircuit .
- The llc1 circuit that this da/sa/dsap/ssap pair is on.
wfLlcLinkDestMadr .
- Destination and source Mac addresses
wfLlcLinkSrcMadr .
- source Mac address
wfLlcLinkDsap .
- Destination and source sap's
wfLlcLinkSsap .
- Source Sap
wfLlcInfoRxCnt .
- Counter for I Pdus rcvd
wfLlcInfoTxCnt .
- Counter for I Pdus sent
wfLlcInfoReXmitCnt .
- Counter for I Pdus re-xmitted
wfLlcByteInfoRxCnt .
- Counter for unnnumbered information - Bytes rcvd
wfLlcByteInfoTxCnt .
- Counter for unnnumbered information - Bytes sent
wfLlcRrRxCnt .
- Counter for RR Pdus rcvd
wfLlcRrTxCnt .
- Counter for RR Pdus Xmted
wfLlcRnrRxCnt .
- Counter for RNR Pdus rcvd
wfLlcRnrTxCnt .
- Counter for RNR Pdus sent
wfLlcRejRxCnt .
- Counter for REJ pdus rcvd
wfLlcRejTxCnt .
- Counter for REJ pdus xmted
wfLlcFrmrRxCnt .
- Counter for frame reject rcvd
wfLlcFrmrTxCnt .
- Counter for frame reject sent
wfLlcFlowDefersCnt .
- Counter for the number of times LLC is unable - to xmit due to a percieved remote busy condition - or to lack of RX window space
wfLlcWaitAckTimeouts .
- Counter for expiration of acknowledgment - timers
wfLlcRejectTimeouts .
- Counter for the expiration of reject - timeouts
wfLlcPollCycleTimeouts .
- Counter for the expiration of P/F cycle timer
wfLlcStateChangeCnt .
- Counter for number of LLC flow state changes
wfLlcLastChangeReason .
- Counter for the most recent incrementing of the - flow state change counter
wfLlcCurrentState .
- Current flow state of the LLC link station
wfLlc2TrafficFilterCircuit .
The ID of the Bridge Circuit to which the filter is applied.
wfLlc2TrafficFilterRuleNumber .
ID for the rule.
wfLlc2TrafficFilterFragment .
Fragment number - for large rules.
wfLlc2TrafficFilterCreate .
Defines the existence of the traffic filter rule: created - traffic filter exists delete - traffic filter does not exist and can be deleted.
wfLlc2TrafficFilterEnable .
Defines whether or not the traffic filter rule should be used: enabled - activate the rule. disabled - inactivate the rule.
wfLlc2TrafficFilterStatus .
Defines the current status of the traffic filter: inactive - the rule is not in use. active - the rule is being used. error - the application detected an error in the rule.
wfLlc2TrafficFilterCounter .
The number of received packets that have matched this rule.
wfLlc2TrafficFilterDefinition .
The filter rule definition.
wfLlc2TrafficFilterReserved .
Reserved field.
wfLlc2TrafficFilterName .
name of the rule number
wfLlcDlciCct .
The LLC interface circuit on which this mapping is configured.
wfLlcDlciNum .
The dlci number for this mapping.
wfLlcDlciDelete .
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created. Users perform an SNMP SET operation on this object in order to create/delete a DLSw Local Device
wfLlcDlciLocalMac .
The Local MAC address of the end station to be mapped. In-coming requests on this DLCI will be mapped to the specified Local Mac address. Values are standard MSB Token Ring MAC addresses.
wfLlcDlciRemoteMac .
The Remote MAC address mapping. Out-going requests specifing this mac address will be mapped to the DLCI. Values are standard MSB Token Ring MAC addresses.
wfLlcInterfaceTable .
A table that contains information about every interface that is associated with this LLC
wfLlcSapTable .
- llc sap table
wfLlcLinkTable .
- Link table, indexed by slot, circuit, da, sa, dsap, ssap
wfLlc2TrafficFilterTable .
LLC2 Traffic Filters
wfLlcDlciTable .
ljd: This table defines which DLCI's a LLC interface has access to and the appropriate mac address mappings.
Object Identifier
wfLlc .