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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » Wellfleet » Wellfleet-PCAP-MIB » Objects

Wellfleet-PCAP-MIB.mib object view, vendor Wellfleet


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file Wellfleet-PCAP-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.

Wellfleet-PCAP-MIB file content

Object view of Wellfleet-PCAP-MIB:

Scalar Object
wfPktCaptureEntry .
An entry in the pcap table
Tabular Object
wfPktCaptureLineNumber .
Instance ID LineNumber, filled in by capture gate
wfPktCaptureDelete .
Delete parameter, created or deleted
wfPktCaptureDisable .
Enable parameter, enabled or disabled
wfPktCaptureState .
Interface Gate State
wfPktCaptureFname .
Filename used to retrieve capture buffer
wfPktCaptureControl .
Swapping the value in this field causes the capture code to do the opposite of what is set in the Capture field.
wfPktCaptureCapture .
Capture state, STARTed or STOPed
wfPktCaptureBufSize .
Size of capture buffer in 1024 byte increments
wfPktCapturePktSize .
Number of bytes to save from packet in 32 byte increments
wfPktCaptureDirection .
Direction of packet flow to capture, Rx, Tx or Both
wfPktCaptureCount .
Number of packets in capture buffer
wfPktCaptureRxTrigger .
Rx trigger, Not used, buffer full or match on filter
wfPktCaptureTxTrigger .
Tx trigger, Not used, buffer full or match on filter
wfPktCaptureRxFltr1Type .
Rx filter 1 type, Capture, Trigger, or Not used
wfPktCaptureRxFltr1Offset .
Rx filter 1 offset in bytes
wfPktCaptureRxFltr1Ref .
Rx filter 1 Reference point, MAC, DATA LINK, MULTICAST
wfPktCaptureRxFltr1Size .
Rx filter 1 field size to match in bytes
wfPktCaptureRxFltr1Match .
Rx filter 1 data to match with packet
wfPktCaptureTxFltr1Type .
Tx filter 1 type, Capture, Trigger or Not used
wfPktCaptureTxFltr1Offset .
Tx filter 1 offset in bytes
wfPktCaptureTxFltr1Ref .
Tx filter 1 Reference point, MAC, DATA LINK, MULTICAST
wfPktCaptureTxFltr1Size .
Tx filter 1 field size to match in bytes
wfPktCaptureTxFltr1Match .
Tx filter 1 data to match with packet
wfPktCaptureRxFltr2Type .
Rx filter 2 type, Capture, Trigger or Not used
wfPktCaptureRxFltr2Offset .
Rx filter 2 offset in bytes
wfPktCaptureRxFltr2Ref .
Rx filter 2 Reference point, MAC, DATA LINK, MULTICAST
wfPktCaptureRxFltr2Size .
Rx filter 2 field size to match in bytes
wfPktCaptureRxFltr2Match .
Rx filter 2 data to match with packet
wfPktCaptureRxFltr2Group .
Rx filter 2 grouping attribute, AND or OR
wfPktCaptureTxFltr2Type .
Tx filter 2 type, Capture, Trigger or Not used
wfPktCaptureTxFltr2Offset .
Tx filter 2 offset in bytes
wfPktCaptureTxFltr2Ref .
Tx filter 2 Reference point, MAC, DATA LINK, MULTICAST
wfPktCaptureTxFltr2Size .
Tx filter 2 field size to match in bytes
wfPktCaptureTxFltr2Match .
Tx filter 2 data to match with packet
wfPktCaptureTxFltr2Group .
Tx filter 2 grouping attribute, AND or OR
wfPktCaptureAtmVpi .
wfPktCaptureAtmVci .
wfPktCaptureTable .
PCAP line record