wfQosServPkgIndex |
. |
Instance ID, filled in by driver
wfQosServPkgDelete |
. |
Create/Delete parameter
wfQosServPkgServiceName |
. |
Service Name given to this template
wfQosServPkgScheduling |
. |
Selects the scheduling method, Round Robbin or Strict Priority,
to service the Tx Queues. In Round Robbin, each Queue is
serviced according to the weights applied in the Queue Mib.
In Strict Priority, the highest priority Queue with data
is serviced.
wfQosServPkgNumQueues |
. |
Number of queues configured for this queue package
wfQosServPkgNumLines |
. |
Number of lines using this queue package
wfQosServPkgQueCfgServiceIndex |
. |
Instance Service ID, filled in by driver
wfQosServPkgQueCfgQueueIndex |
. |
Instance Queue ID, filled in by driver
wfQosServPkgQueCfgDelete |
. |
Create/Delete parameter
wfQosServPkgQueCfgQueueName |
. |
Queue Name given to this template
wfQosServPkgQueCfgState |
. |
State of this Queue, either Up, Waiting for a Service
Package, or Misconfigured.
wfQosServPkgQueCfgClass |
. |
Class level for this queue, 0=highest, 7=lowest
wfQosServPkgQueCfgAcctRule |
. |
Accounting Rule Template Index.
wfQosServPkgQueCfgRxCommitInfoRate |
. |
Commit Info Rate (CIR), in Kbits per second, configured
for this template
wfQosServPkgQueCfgRxBurstRate |
. |
Burst Rate (BR), in Kbits per second, configured for this
wfQosServPkgQueCfgRxBurstSize |
. |
Burst Size, in bytes, configured for this template
wfQosServPkgQueCfgRxBurstAction |
. |
Action when Burst Rate is exceeded
wfQosServPkgQueCfgTxDropThresh |
. |
Hardware Threshold in percent to start dropping
Output Packets for this queue. When set to none,
all packets are accepted until the Queue Fills
100 percent.
wfQosServPkgQueCfgTxWeight |
. |
Weight in percentage for the Tx Queue when set
to Round Robbin Priority Type.
wfQosServPkgQueCfgTxActualWeight |
. |
Actual Weight, in percentage, given to this Tx Queue
within its Service Package when set to Round Robbin
wfQueueStatPortLineNumber |
. |
Instance ID PortLineNumber
wfQueueStatLineIndex |
. |
Instance Line Number
wfQueueStatQueueIndex |
. |
Queue Index, matches that of wfQosServPkgQueCfgQueueIndex
wfQueueStatTxOctets |
. |
Number of Transmit Octets received without error
wfQueueStatTxPackets |
. |
Number of Transmit Packets received without error
wfQueueStatTxDrops |
. |
Number of Transmit Packets Dropped
wfQueueStatRxBelowCirOctets |
. |
The number of octets received which were below the
committed information rate (CIR).
wfQueueStatRxBelowCirPackets |
. |
The number of packets received which were below the
committed information rate (CIR).
wfQueueStatRxAboveCirOctets |
. |
The number of octets received which exceeded the
committed information rate, but which were within
the allocated burst rate (BR).
wfQueueStatRxAboveCirPackets |
. |
The number of packets received which exceeded the
committed information rate, but which were within
the allocated burst rate (BR).
wfQueueStatRxAboveBrOctets |
. |
The number of octets received which exceeded the
allocated burst rate (BR).
wfQueueStatRxAboveBrPackets |
. |
The number of packets received which exceeded the
allocated burst rate (BR).