Wellfleet-RSVP-MIB device MIB details by Wellfleet
Wellfleet-RSVP-MIB file content
The SNMP protocol is used to for conveying information and commands between agents and managing entities. SNMP uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) as the transport protocol for passing data between managers and agents. The reasons for using UDP for SNMP are, firstly it has low overheads in comparison to TCP, which uses a 3-way hand shake for connection. Secondly, in congested networks, SNMP over TCP is a bad idea because TCP in order to maintain reliability will flood the network with retransmissions.
Management information (MIB) is represented as a collection of managed objects. These objects together form a virtual information base called MIB. An agent may implement many MIBs, but all agents must implement a particular MIB called MIB-II [16]. This standard defines variables for things such as interface statistics (interface speeds, MTU, octets sent, octets received, etc.) as well as various other things pertaining to the system itself (system location, system contact, etc.). The main goal of MIB-II is to provide general TCP/IP management information.
Use ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 to import vendor-specific MIB files, inclusing Wellfleet-RSVP-MIB.
Vendor: | Wellfleet |
Mib: | Wellfleet-RSVP-MIB [download] [view objects] |
Tool: | ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 [download] (ships with advanced SNMP/MIB tools) |
-- Change history here need to be removed prior to checking into -- official 12.00. Best to put them into source control history. -- -- 12/18/96 F.Reichmeyer; changed IfTable according to the -- experimental mib (ver. 04), moved IfFlowTable to -- the int_serv mib, removed StaticResvFwdTable (it -- was decided that ResvFwdTable should be read-only). -- 12/23/96 K.H. Chan: Modified changes made by Fran to fit -- both router's classic MIB Services need and MIB II. -- Also updated CDL file to match the new MIB. -- 12/28/96 D. Morrissette: Changed default enum of IfEnable (typo) -- Also changed the spelling of wfReservationsProtocolsGroup -- so ST2's definition of this mib could be imported -- 12/30/96 F.Reichmeyer; Modified SenderTable -- 01/14/97 F.Reichmeyer; Move static path and resv tables to -- separate static mib file for rsvp proxy use. -- 02/20/97 K.H.Chan: Merging rsvp_dev version and Site Manager -- version for 12.00. -- 6/19/97 D.Morrissette; comment format change for SM's mosy -- 8/8/97 F.Reichmeyer; Change RsvpStatic names to be unique to -- 27 chars, now wfSRsvp is used. Wellfleet-RSVP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 IpAddress, Gauge FROM RFC1155-SMI wfReservationProtocolGroup FROM Wellfleet-COMMON-MIB; wfRsvpGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wfReservationProtocolGroup 1 } wfRsvp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wfRsvpGroup 1 } wfRsvpDelete OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { created(1), deleted(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Create/Delete parameter. Default is created. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to create/delete Rsvp." DEFVAL { created } ::= { wfRsvp 1 } wfRsvpDisable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable parameter. Default is enabled. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to enable/disable Rsvp." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { wfRsvp 2 } wfRsvpState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2), init(3), notpres(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current state of Rsvp." DEFVAL { notpres } ::= { wfRsvp 3 } wfRsvpSoloistSlots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge(0..4294967295) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Slot mask for which slot(s) RSVP Soloist is eligible to run on. The MSBit represents slot 1, the next most significant bit represents slot 2, and so on... Slots can be 1-14. Default is all slots on a BCN." DEFVAL { 4294705152 } ::= { wfRsvp 4 } wfRsvpInfoLogFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Turn RSVP log ON or OFF for RSVP informational and warning messages. The bit position is used to represent a RSVP module: RSVP_LOG_RIF_PROCESSING 0x0001 - RIF processing. RSVP_LOG_SOLO_PROCESSING 0x0002 - SOLO processing. RSVP_LOG_ROUTE_INTF_PROCESSING 0x0004 - ROUTE interface processing. RSVP_LOG_MERGE_PROCESSING 0x0008 - MERGE processing. RSVP_LOG_DB_PROCESSING 0x0010 - database access processing. RSVP_LOG_INTSERV_INTF_PROCESSING 0x0020 - INTSERV interface processing. RSVP_LOG_CRM_INTF_PROCESSING 0x0040 - CRM interface processing. RSVP_LOG_STATIC_RSVP 0x0080 - STATIC RSVP processing. RSVP_LOG_CONTROL_PROCESSING 0x0100 - CONTROL processing. RSVP_LOG_MAP_VEC_PROCESSING 0x0200 - MAP VECTOR processing. RSVP_LOG_PROXY_PROCESSING 0x0400 - RSVP MIB PROXY processing. RSVP_LOG_REFRESH_PROCESSING 0x0800 - Path/Resv Refresh processing." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wfRsvp 5 } wfRsvpDebugLogFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Turn RSVP log ON or OFF for RSVP debugging messages. The bit position is used to represent a RSVP module: RSVP_LOG_RIF_PROCESSING 0x0001 - RIF processing. RSVP_LOG_SOLO_PROCESSING 0x0002 - SOLO processing. RSVP_LOG_ROUTE_INTF_PROCESSING 0x0004 - ROUTE interface processing. RSVP_LOG_MERGE_PROCESSING 0x0008 - MERGE processing. RSVP_LOG_DB_PROCESSING 0x0010 - database access processing. RSVP_LOG_INTSERV_INTF_PROCESSING 0x0020 - INTSERV interface processing. RSVP_LOG_CRM_INTF_PROCESSING 0x0040 - CRM interface processing. RSVP_LOG_STATIC_RSVP 0x0080 - STATIC RSVP processing. RSVP_LOG_CONTROL_PROCESSING 0x0100 - CONTROL processing. RSVP_LOG_MAP_VEC_PROCESSING 0x0200 - MAP VECTOR processing. RSVP_LOG_PROXY_PROCESSING 0x0400 - RSVP MIB PROXY processing. RSVP_LOG_REFRESH_PROCESSING 0x0800 - Path/Resv Refresh processing." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wfRsvp 6 } wfRsvpTraceLogFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Turn RSVP log ON or OFF for RSVP trace messages. The bit position is used to represent a RSVP module: RSVP_LOG_RIF_PROCESSING 0x0001 - RIF processing. RSVP_LOG_SOLO_PROCESSING 0x0002 - SOLO processing. RSVP_LOG_ROUTE_INTF_PROCESSING 0x0004 - ROUTE interface processing. RSVP_LOG_MERGE_PROCESSING 0x0008 - MERGE processing. RSVP_LOG_DB_PROCESSING 0x0010 - database access processing. RSVP_LOG_INTSERV_INTF_PROCESSING 0x0020 - INTSERV interface processing. RSVP_LOG_CRM_INTF_PROCESSING 0x0040 - CRM interface processing. RSVP_LOG_STATIC_RSVP 0x0080 - STATIC RSVP processing. RSVP_LOG_CONTROL_PROCESSING 0x0100 - CONTROL processing. RSVP_LOG_MAP_VEC_PROCESSING 0x0200 - MAP VECTOR processing. RSVP_LOG_PROXY_PROCESSING 0x0400 - RSVP MIB PROXY processing. RSVP_LOG_REFRESH_PROCESSING 0x0800 - Path/Resv Refresh processing." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wfRsvp 7 } wfRsvpTotalSenders OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge(0..4294967295) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of Sender (PATH) states in the router." ::= { wfRsvp 8 } wfRsvpTotalReservations OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge(0..4294967295) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of Reservation (RESV) states in the router." ::= { wfRsvp 9 } wfRsvpTotalReserved OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge(0..4294967295) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of of successful reservations." ::= { wfRsvp 10 } wfRsvpCurrentSoloistSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Current RSVP Soloist slot. Slots can be 1-14. Default is zero." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wfRsvp 11 } -- The RSVP Session Statistics Database displays statistics -- relating to the number of senders and receivers in each -- session. wfRsvpSessionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WfRsvpSessionEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Statistics concerning the sessions seen by a given system." ::= { wfRsvpGroup 2 } wfRsvpSessionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WfRsvpSessionEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Statistics concerning a single RSVP session seen by a given system." INDEX { wfRsvpSessionDestAddr, wfRsvpSessionProtocol, wfRsvpSessionPort } ::= { wfRsvpSessionTable 1 } WfRsvpSessionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { wfRsvpSessionDestAddr IpAddress, wfRsvpSessionDestAddrLength INTEGER, wfRsvpSessionProtocol INTEGER, wfRsvpSessionPort INTEGER, wfRsvpSessionSenders Gauge, wfRsvpSessionReceivers Gauge, wfRsvpSessionRequests Gauge } wfRsvpSessionDestAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The destination address used by all senders in this session. This object may not be changed when the value of the RowStatus object is 'valid'." ::= { wfRsvpSessionEntry 1 } wfRsvpSessionDestAddrLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..128) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The CIDR prefix length of the session address, which is 32 for IP4 host and multicast ad- dresses. This object may not be changed when the value of the RowStatus object is 'valid'." ::= { wfRsvpSessionEntry 2 } wfRsvpSessionProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The IP Protocol used by this session. This object may not be changed when the value of the RowStatus object is 'valid'." ::= { wfRsvpSessionEntry 3 } wfRsvpSessionPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UDP or TCP port number used as a destina- tion port for all senders in this session. If the IP protocol in use, specified by rsvpSen- derProtocol, is 50 (ESP) or 51 (AH), this represents a virtual destination port number. A value of zero indicates that the IP protocol in use does not have ports. This object may not be changed when the value of the RowStatus object is 'valid'." ::= { wfRsvpSessionEntry 4 } wfRsvpSessionSenders OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge (0..4294967295) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of senders currently known to be part of this session." ::= { wfRsvpSessionEntry 5 } wfRsvpSessionReceivers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge (0..4294967295) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of reservations being requested of this system for this session." ::= { wfRsvpSessionEntry 6 } wfRsvpSessionRequests OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge (0..4294967295) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of reservation requests this system is sending upstream for this session." ::= { wfRsvpSessionEntry 7 } -- The RSVP Session Sender Database contains the information -- displayed by senders regarding their potential contribution -- to session data content. It is in essence a list of the -- valid PATH messages that the RSVP Router or Host is receiving. wfRsvpSenderTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WfRsvpSenderEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Information describing the state information displayed by senders in PATH messages." ::= { wfRsvpGroup 3 } wfRsvpSenderEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WfRsvpSenderEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Information describing the state information displayed by a single sender's PATH message." INDEX { wfRsvpSenderDestAddr, wfRsvpSenderProtocol, wfRsvpSenderDestPort, wfRsvpSenderAddr, wfRsvpSenderPort } ::= { wfRsvpSenderTable 1 } WfRsvpSenderEntry ::= SEQUENCE { wfRsvpSenderDestAddr IpAddress, wfRsvpSenderAddr IpAddress, wfRsvpSenderDestAddrLength INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderAddrLength INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderProtocol INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderDestPort INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderPort INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderHopAddr IpAddress, wfRsvpSenderHopLih INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderInterface INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderTSpecRate INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderTSpecPeakRate INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderTSpecBurst INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderTSpecMinTU INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderTSpecMaxTU INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderInterval INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderRSVPHop INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderLastChange INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderPSBTimeout INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderPolicy OCTET STRING, wfRsvpSenderAdspecBreak INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderAdspecHopCount INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderAdspecPathBw INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderAdspecMinLatency INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderAdspecMtu INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSBreak INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSCtot INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSDtot INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSCsum INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSDsum INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSHopCount INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSPathBw INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSMinLatency INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSMtu INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderAdspecCLSvc INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderAdspecCLBreak INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderAdspecCLHopCount INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderAdspecCLPathBw INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderAdspecCLMinLatency INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderAdspecCLMtu INTEGER, wfRsvpSenderStatus INTEGER } wfRsvpSenderDestAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The destination IP address used by all senders in this session. This object may not be changed when the value of the RowStatus object is 'valid'." ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 1 } wfRsvpSenderAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The source address used by this sender in this session. This object may not be changed when the value of the RowStatus object is 'valid'." ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 2 } wfRsvpSenderDestAddrLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..128) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The length of the destination address in bits. This is the CIDR Prefix Length, which for IP4 hosts and multicast addresses is 32 bits. This object may not be changed when the value of the RowStatus object is 'valid'." ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 3 } wfRsvpSenderAddrLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..128) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The length of the sender's address in bits. This is the CIDR Prefix Length, which for IP4 hosts and multicast addresses is 32 bits. This object may not be changed when the value of the RowStatus object is 'valid'." ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 4 } wfRsvpSenderProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The IP Protocol used by this session. This object may not be changed when the value of the RowStatus object is 'valid'." ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 5 } wfRsvpSenderDestPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UDP or TCP port number used as a destina- tion port for all senders in this session. If the IP protocol in use, specified by rsvpSen- derProtocol, is 50 (ESP) or 51 (AH), this represents a virtual destination port number. A value of zero indicates that the IP protocol in use does not have ports. This object may not be changed when the value of the RowStatus object is 'valid'." ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 6 } wfRsvpSenderPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UDP or TCP port number used as a source port for this sender in this session. If the IP protocol in use, specified by rsvpSenderPro- tocol is 50 (ESP) or 51 (AH), this represents a generalized port identifier (GPI). A value of zero indicates that the IP protocol in use does not have ports. This object may not be changed when the value of the RowStatus object is 'valid'." ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 7 } wfRsvpSenderHopAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The address used by the previous RSVP hop (which may be the original sender)." ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 8 } wfRsvpSenderHopLih OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Logical Interface Handle used by the pre- vious RSVP hop (which may be the original sender)." ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 9 } wfRsvpSenderInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value of the interface on which this PATH message was most recently received." ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 10 } wfRsvpSenderTSpecRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Average Bit Rate of the sender's data stream. Within a transmission burst, the ar- rival rate may be as fast as rsvpSenderTSpec- PeakRate (if supported by the service model); however, averaged across two or more burst in- tervals, the rate should not exceed rsvpSen- derTSpecRate. Note that this is a prediction, often based on the general capability of a type of codec or particular encoding; the measured average rate may be significantly lower. UNITS, bits per second" ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 11 } wfRsvpSenderTSpecPeakRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Peak Bit Rate of the sender's data stream. Traffic arrival is not expected to exceed this rate at any time, apart from the effects of jitter in the network. If not specified in the TSpec, this returns zero or noSuchValue. UNITS, bits per second" ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 12 } wfRsvpSenderTSpecBurst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The size of the largest burst expected from the sender at a time. UNITS, bytes" ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 13 } wfRsvpSenderTSpecMinTU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum message size for this flow. The policing algorithm will treat smaller messages as though they are this size." ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 14 } wfRsvpSenderTSpecMaxTU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum message size for this flow. The admission algorithm will reject TSpecs whose Maximum Transmission Unit, plus the interface headers, exceed the interface MTU." ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 15 } wfRsvpSenderInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interval between refresh messages as ad- vertised by the Previous Hop. UNITS milliseconds" ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 16 } wfRsvpSenderRSVPHop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { true(1), false(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If TRUE, the node believes that the previous IP hop is an RSVP hop. If FALSE, the node be- lieves that the previous IP hop may not be an RSVP hop." ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 17 } wfRsvpSenderLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time of the last change in this PATH mes- sage; This is either the first time it was re- ceived or the time of the most recent change in parameters." ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 18 } wfRsvpSenderPSBTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The remaining lifetime of this sender's PSB." ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 19 } wfRsvpSenderPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(4..65536)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The contents of the policy object, displayed as an uninterpreted string of octets, including the object header. In the absence of such an object, this should be of zero length." ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 20 } wfRsvpSenderAdspecBreak OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { true(1), false(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The global break bit general characterization parameter from the ADSPEC. If TRUE, at least one non-IS hop was detected in the path. If FALSE, no non-IS hops were detected." ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 21 } wfRsvpSenderAdspecHopCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hop count general characterization parame- ter from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the following con- ditions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present" ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 22 } wfRsvpSenderAdspecPathBw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The path bandwidth estimate general character- ization parameter from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the fol- lowing conditions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present UNITS, bits per second" ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 23 } wfRsvpSenderAdspecMinLatency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum path latency general characteriza- tion parameter from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the fol- lowing conditions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present UNITS, microseconds" ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 24 } wfRsvpSenderAdspecMtu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The composed Maximum Transmission Unit general characterization parameter from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the following conditions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present UNITS, bytes" ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 25 } wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { true(1), false(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If TRUE, the ADSPEC contains a Guaranteed Ser- vice fragment. If FALSE or noValue, the ADSPEC does not contain a Guaranteed Service fragment." ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 26 } wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSBreak OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { true(1), flase(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If TRUE, the Guaranteed Service fragment has its 'break' bit set, indicating that one or more nodes along the path do not support the guaranteed service. If FALSE, and rsvpSen- derAdspecGSSvc is TRUE, the 'break' bit is not set. If wfRsvpSenderAdspecGuaranteedSvc is FALSE, this returns FALSE or noSuchValue." ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 27 } wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSCtot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is TRUE, this is the end-to-end composed value for the guaranteed service 'C' parameter. A return of zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the fol- lowing conditions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present If wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is FALSE, this returns zero or noSuchValue. UNITS, bytes" ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 28 } wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSDtot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is TRUE, this is the end-to-end composed value for the guaranteed service 'D' parameter. A return of zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the fol- lowing conditions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present If wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is FALSE, this returns zero or noSuchValue. UNITS, microseconds" ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 29 } wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSCsum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is TRUE, this is the composed value for the guaranteed ser- vice 'C' parameter since the last reshaping point. A return of zero or noSuchValue indi- cates one of the following conditions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present If wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is FALSE, this returns zero or noSuchValue. UNITS, bytes" ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 30 } wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSDsum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is TRUE, this is the composed value for the guaranteed ser- vice 'D' parameter since the last reshaping point. A return of zero or noSuchValue indi- cates one of the following conditions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present If wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is FALSE, this returns zero or noSuchValue. UNITS, microseconds" ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 31 } wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSHopCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is TRUE, this is the service-specific override of the hop count general characterization parameter from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the following conditions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present If wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is FALSE, this returns zero or noSuchValue." ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 32 } wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSPathBw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is TRUE, this is the service-specific override of the path bandwidth estimate general characterization parameter from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the following con- ditions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present If wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is FALSE, this returns zero or noSuchValue. UNITS, bits per second" ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 33 } wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSMinLatency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is TRUE, this is the service-specific override of the minimum path latency general characterization parameter from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or noSuch- Value indicates one of the following condi- tions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present If wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is FALSE, this returns zero or noSuchValue. UNITS, microseconds" ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 34 } wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSMtu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is TRUE, this is the service-specific override of the com- posed Maximum Transmission Unit general charac- terization parameter from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the following conditions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present If wfRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is FALSE, this returns zero or noSuchValue. UNITS, bytes" ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 35 } wfRsvpSenderAdspecCLSvc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { true(1), false(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If TRUE, the ADSPEC contains a Controlled Load Service fragment. If FALSE, the ADSPEC does not contain a Controlled Load Service frag- ment." ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 36 } wfRsvpSenderAdspecCLBreak OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { true(1), false(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If TRUE, the Controlled Load Service fragment has its 'break' bit set, indicating that one or more nodes along the path do not support the controlled load service. If FALSE, and wfRsvpSenderAdspecCLSvc is TRUE, the 'break' bit is not set. If wfRsvpSenderAdspecCLSvc is FALSE, this returns FALSE or noSuchValue." ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 37 } wfRsvpSenderAdspecCLHopCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If wfRsvpSenderAdspecCLSvc is TRUE, this is the service-specific override of the hop count general characterization parameter from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the following conditions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present If wfRsvpSenderAdspecCLSvc is FALSE, this returns zero or noSuchValue." ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 38 } wfRsvpSenderAdspecCLPathBw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If wfRsvpSenderAdspecCLSvc is TRUE, this is the service-specific override of the path bandwidth estimate general characterization parameter from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the following con- ditions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present If wfRsvpSenderAdspecCLSvc is FALSE, this returns zero or noSuchValue. UNITS, bits per second" ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 39 } wfRsvpSenderAdspecCLMinLatency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If wfRsvpSenderAdspecCLSvc is TRUE, this is the service-specific override of the minimum path latency general characterization parameter from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or noSuch- Value indicates one of the following condi- tions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present If wfRsvpSenderAdspecCLSvc is FALSE, this returns zero or noSuchValue. UNITS, microseconds" ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 40 } wfRsvpSenderAdspecCLMtu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If wfRsvpSenderAdspecCLSvc is TRUE, this is the service-specific override of the com- posed Maximum Transmission Unit general charac- terization parameter from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the following conditions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present If wfRsvpSenderAdspecCLSvc is FALSE, this returns zero or noSuchValue. UNITS, bytes" ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 41 } wfRsvpSenderStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ valid(1), invalid(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "'valid' for all active PATH messages." ::= { wfRsvpSenderEntry 42 } -- The RSVP Reservation Requests Received Table contains the -- information displayed by receivers regarding their needs with -- respect to sessions and senders. It is in essence a list of the -- valid RESV messages that the RSVP Router or Host is receiving. wfRsvpResvTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WfRsvpResvEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Information describing the state information displayed by receivers in RESV messages." ::= { wfRsvpGroup 4 } wfRsvpResvEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WfRsvpResvEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Information describing the state information displayed by a single receiver's RESV message concerning a single sender." INDEX { wfRsvpResvDestAddr, wfRsvpResvProtocol, wfRsvpResvDestPort, wfRsvpResvSenderAddr, wfRsvpResvPort, wfRsvpResvInterface, wfRsvpResvHopAddr} ::= { wfRsvpResvTable 1 } WfRsvpResvEntry ::= SEQUENCE { wfRsvpResvDestAddr IpAddress, wfRsvpResvSenderAddr IpAddress, wfRsvpResvDestAddrLength INTEGER, wfRsvpResvSenderAddrLength INTEGER, wfRsvpResvProtocol INTEGER, wfRsvpResvDestPort INTEGER, wfRsvpResvPort INTEGER, wfRsvpResvHopAddr IpAddress, wfRsvpResvHopLih INTEGER, wfRsvpResvInterface INTEGER, wfRsvpResvService INTEGER, wfRsvpResvTSpecRate INTEGER, wfRsvpResvTSpecPeakRate INTEGER, wfRsvpResvTSpecBurst INTEGER, wfRsvpResvTSpecMinTU INTEGER, wfRsvpResvTSpecMaxTU INTEGER, wfRsvpResvTSpecLevel INTEGER, wfRsvpResvRSpecRate INTEGER, wfRsvpResvRSpecSlack INTEGER, wfRsvpResvInterval INTEGER, wfRsvpResvScope OCTET STRING, wfRsvpResvShared INTEGER, wfRsvpResvExplicit INTEGER, wfRsvpResvRSVPHop INTEGER, wfRsvpResvLastChange INTEGER, wfRsvpResvRSBTimeout INTEGER, wfRsvpResvPolicy OCTET STRING, wfRsvpResvStatus INTEGER } wfRsvpResvDestAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The destination address used by all senders in this session. This object may not be changed when the value of the RowStatus object is 'valid'." ::= { wfRsvpResvEntry 1 } wfRsvpResvSenderAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The source address of the sender selected by this reservation. The value of all zeroes in- dicates 'all senders'. This object may not be changed when the value of the RowStatus object is 'valid'." ::= { wfRsvpResvEntry 2 } wfRsvpResvDestAddrLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..128) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The length of the destination address in bits. This is the CIDR Prefix Length, which for IP4 hosts and multicast addresses is 32 bits. This object may not be changed when the value of the RowStatus object is 'valid'." ::= { wfRsvpResvEntry 3 } wfRsvpResvSenderAddrLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..128) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The length of the sender's address in bits. This is the CIDR Prefix Length, which for IP4 hosts and multicast addresses is 32 bits. This object may not be changed when the value of the RowStatus object is 'valid'." ::= { wfRsvpResvEntry 4 } wfRsvpResvProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The IP Protocol used by this session. This object may not be changed when the value of the RowStatus object is 'valid'." ::= { wfRsvpResvEntry 5 } wfRsvpResvDestPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UDP or TCP port number used as a destina- tion port for all senders in this session. If the IP protocol in use, specified by wfRsvpResvProtocol, is 50 (ESP) or 51 (AH), this represents a virtual destination port number. A value of zero indicates that the IP protocol in use does not have ports. This object may not be changed when the value of the RowStatus object is 'valid'." ::= { wfRsvpResvEntry 6 } wfRsvpResvPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UDP or TCP port number used as a source port for this sender in this session. If the IP protocol in use, specified by wfRsvpResvProto- col is 50 (ESP) or 51 (AH), this represents a generalized port identifier (GPI). A value of zero indicates that the IP protocol in use does not have ports. This object may not be changed when the value of the RowStatus object is 'valid'." ::= { wfRsvpResvEntry 7 } wfRsvpResvHopAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The address used by the next RSVP hop (which may be the ultimate receiver)." ::= { wfRsvpResvEntry 8 } wfRsvpResvHopLih OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Logical Interface Handle received from the previous RSVP hop (which may be the ultimate receiver)." ::= { wfRsvpResvEntry 9 } wfRsvpResvInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value of the interface on which this RESV message was most recently received." ::= { wfRsvpResvEntry 10 } wfRsvpResvService OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { controlledDelay(1), guaranteedDelay (2), -- Guaranteed Delay predictive(3), controlledLoad (5) -- Controlled Load } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The QoS Service classification requested by the receiver." ::= { wfRsvpResvEntry 11 } wfRsvpResvTSpecRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Average Bit Rate of the sender's data stream. Within a transmission burst, the ar- rival rate may be as fast as wfRsvpResvTSpec- PeakRate (if supported by the service model); however, averaged across two or more burst in- tervals, the rate should not exceed wfRsvpResvTSpecRate. Note that this is a prediction, often based on the general capability of a type of codec or particular encoding; the measured average rate may be significantly lower. UNITS, bits per second" ::= { wfRsvpResvEntry 12 } wfRsvpResvTSpecPeakRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Peak Bit Rate of the sender's data stream. Traffic arrival is not expected to exceed this rate at any time, apart from the effects of jitter in the network. If not specified in the TSpec, this returns zero or noSuchValue. UNITS, bits per second" ::= { wfRsvpResvEntry 13 } wfRsvpResvTSpecBurst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The size of the largest burst expected from the sender at a time. If this is less than the sender's advertised burst size, the receiver is asking the network to provide flow pacing beyond what would be provided under normal circumstances. Such pac- ing is at the network's option. UNITS, bytes" ::= { wfRsvpResvEntry 14 } wfRsvpResvTSpecMinTU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum message size for this flow. The policing algorithm will treat smaller messages as though they are this size." ::= { wfRsvpResvEntry 15 } wfRsvpResvTSpecMaxTU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum message size for this flow. The admission algorithm will reject TSpecs whose Maximum Transmission Unit, plus the interface headers, exceed the interface MTU." ::= { wfRsvpResvEntry 16 } wfRsvpResvTSpecLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..3) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If the service is predictive or controlled- delay, this is the service level that is being requested. Otherwise, it is zero, or the agent may return noSuchValue." ::= { wfRsvpResvEntry 17 } wfRsvpResvRSpecRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If the requested service is Guaranteed, as specified by wfRsvpResvService, this is the clearing rate that is being requested. Other- wise, it is zero, or the agent may return noSuchValue. UNITS, bits per second" ::= { wfRsvpResvEntry 18 } wfRsvpResvRSpecSlack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If the requested service is Guaranteed, as specified by wfRsvpResvService, this is the delay slack. Otherwise, it is zero, or the agent may return noSuchValue.UNITS, microseconds" ::= { wfRsvpResvEntry 19 } wfRsvpResvInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interval between refresh messages as ad- vertised by the Next Hop. UNITS milliseconds" ::= { wfRsvpResvEntry 20 } wfRsvpResvScope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..65536)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The contents of the scope object, displayed as an uninterpreted string of octets, including the object header. In the absence of such an object, this should be of zero length. If the length is non-zero, this contains a series of IP4 or IP6 addresses." ::= { wfRsvpResvEntry 21 } wfRsvpResvShared OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { true(1), false(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If TRUE, a reservation shared among senders is requested. If FALSE, a reservation specific to this sender is requested." ::= { wfRsvpResvEntry 22 } wfRsvpResvExplicit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { true(1), false(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If TRUE, individual senders are listed using Filter Specifications. If FALSE, all senders are implicitly selected. The Scope Object will contain a list of senders that need to receive this reservation request for the purpose of routing the RESV message." ::= { wfRsvpResvEntry 23 } wfRsvpResvRSVPHop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { true(1), false(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If TRUE, the node believes that the previous IP hop is an RSVP hop. If FALSE, the node be- lieves that the previous IP hop may not be an RSVP hop." ::= { wfRsvpResvEntry 24 } wfRsvpResvLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time of the last change in this reserva- tion request; This is either the first time it was received or the time of the most recent change in parameters." ::= { wfRsvpResvEntry 25 } wfRsvpResvRSBTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The remaining lifetime of this reservation's RSB." ::= { wfRsvpResvEntry 26 } wfRsvpResvPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..65536)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The contents of the policy object, displayed as an uninterpreted string of octets, including the object header. In the absence of such an object, this should be of zero length." ::= { wfRsvpResvEntry 27 } wfRsvpResvStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { valid(1), invalid(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "'valid' for all active RESV messages." ::= { wfRsvpResvEntry 28 } -- The RSVP Reservation Requests Forwarded Table contains the -- information displayed by receivers regarding their needs with -- respect to sessions and senders. It is in essence a list of the -- valid RESV messages that the RSVP Router or Host is sending -- to its upstream neighbors. wfRsvpResvFwdTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WfRsvpResvFwdEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Information describing the state information displayed upstream in RESV messages." ::= { wfRsvpGroup 5 } wfRsvpResvFwdEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WfRsvpResvFwdEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Information describing the state information displayed upstream in an RESV message concern- ing a single sender." INDEX { wfRsvpResvFwdDestAddr, wfRsvpResvFwdProtocol, wfRsvpResvFwdDestPort, wfRsvpResvFwdSenderAddr, wfRsvpResvFwdPort, wfRsvpResvFwdInterface, wfRsvpResvFwdHopAddr} ::= { wfRsvpResvFwdTable 1 } WfRsvpResvFwdEntry ::= SEQUENCE { wfRsvpResvFwdDestAddr IpAddress, wfRsvpResvFwdSenderAddr IpAddress, wfRsvpResvFwdDestAddrLength INTEGER, wfRsvpResvFwdSenderAddrLength INTEGER, wfRsvpResvFwdProtocol INTEGER, wfRsvpResvFwdDestPort INTEGER, wfRsvpResvFwdPort INTEGER, wfRsvpResvFwdHopAddr IpAddress, wfRsvpResvFwdHopLih INTEGER, wfRsvpResvFwdInterface INTEGER, wfRsvpResvFwdService INTEGER, wfRsvpResvFwdTSpecRate INTEGER, wfRsvpResvFwdTSpecPeakRate INTEGER, wfRsvpResvFwdTSpecBurst INTEGER, wfRsvpResvFwdTSpecMinTU INTEGER, wfRsvpResvFwdTSpecMaxTU INTEGER, wfRsvpResvFwdTSpecLevel INTEGER, wfRsvpResvFwdRSpecRate INTEGER, wfRsvpResvFwdRSpecSlack INTEGER, wfRsvpResvFwdInterval INTEGER, wfRsvpResvFwdScope OCTET STRING, wfRsvpResvFwdShared INTEGER, wfRsvpResvFwdExplicit INTEGER, wfRsvpResvFwdRSVPHop INTEGER, wfRsvpResvFwdLastChange INTEGER, wfRsvpResvFwdPolicy OCTET STRING, wfRsvpResvFwdStatus INTEGER } wfRsvpResvFwdDestAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The destination address used by all senders in this session. This object may not be changed when the value of the RowStatus object is 'valid'." ::= { wfRsvpResvFwdEntry 1 } wfRsvpResvFwdSenderAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The source address of the sender selected by this reservation. The value of all zeroes in- dicates 'all senders'. This object may not be changed when the value of the RowStatus object is 'valid'." ::= { wfRsvpResvFwdEntry 2 } wfRsvpResvFwdDestAddrLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..128) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The length of the destination address in bits. This is the CIDR Prefix Length, which for IP4 hosts and multicast addresses is 32 bits. This object may not be changed when the value of the RowStatus object is 'valid'." ::= { wfRsvpResvFwdEntry 3 } wfRsvpResvFwdSenderAddrLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..128) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The length of the sender's address in bits. This is the CIDR Prefix Length, which for IP4 hosts and multicast addresses is 32 bits. This object may not be changed when the value of the RowStatus object is 'valid'." ::= { wfRsvpResvFwdEntry 4 } wfRsvpResvFwdProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The IP Protocol used by this session. This object may not be changed when the value of the RowStatus object is 'valid'." ::= { wfRsvpResvFwdEntry 5 } wfRsvpResvFwdDestPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UDP or TCP port number used as a destina- tion port for all senders in this session. If the IP protocol in use, specified by wfRsvpResvFwdProtocol, is 50 (ESP) or 51 (AH), this represents a virtual destination port number. A value of zero indicates that the IP protocol in use does not have ports. This object may not be changed when the value of the RowStatus object is 'valid'." ::= { wfRsvpResvFwdEntry 6 } wfRsvpResvFwdPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UDP or TCP port number used as a source port for this sender in this session. If the IP protocol in use, specified by wfRsvpResvFwdProto- col is 50 (ESP) or 51 (AH), this represents a generalized port identifier (GPI). A value of zero indicates that the IP protocol in use does not have ports. This object may not be changed when the value of the RowStatus object is 'valid'." ::= { wfRsvpResvFwdEntry 7 } wfRsvpResvFwdHopAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The address used by the next RSVP hop (which may be the ultimate receiver)." ::= { wfRsvpResvFwdEntry 8 } wfRsvpResvFwdHopLih OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Logical Interface Handle received from the previous RSVP hop (which may be the ultimate receiver)." ::= { wfRsvpResvFwdEntry 9 } wfRsvpResvFwdInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value of the interface on which this RESV message was most recently received." ::= { wfRsvpResvFwdEntry 10 } wfRsvpResvFwdService OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { controlledDelay(1), guaranteedDelay (2), -- Guaranteed Delay predictive(3), controlledLoad (5) -- Controlled Load } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The QoS Service classification requested by the receiver." ::= { wfRsvpResvFwdEntry 11 } wfRsvpResvFwdTSpecRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Average Bit Rate of the sender's data stream. Within a transmission burst, the ar- rival rate may be as fast as wfRsvpResvFwdTSpec- PeakRate (if supported by the service model); however, averaged across two or more burst in- tervals, the rate should not exceed wfRsvpResvFwdTSpecRate. Note that this is a prediction, often based on the general capability of a type of codec or particular encoding; the measured average rate may be significantly lower. UNITS, bits per second" ::= { wfRsvpResvFwdEntry 12 } wfRsvpResvFwdTSpecPeakRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Peak Bit Rate of the sender's data stream. Traffic arrival is not expected to exceed this rate at any time, apart from the effects of jitter in the network. If not specified in the TSpec, this returns zero or noSuchValue. UNITS, bits per second" ::= { wfRsvpResvFwdEntry 13 } wfRsvpResvFwdTSpecBurst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The size of the largest burst expected from the sender at a time. If this is less than the sender's advertised burst size, the receiver is asking the network to provide flow pacing beyond what would be provided under normal circumstances. Such pac- ing is at the network's option. UNITS, bytes" ::= { wfRsvpResvFwdEntry 14 } wfRsvpResvFwdTSpecMinTU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum message size for this flow. The policing algorithm will treat smaller messages as though they are this size." ::= { wfRsvpResvFwdEntry 15 } wfRsvpResvFwdTSpecMaxTU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum message size for this flow. The admission algorithm will reject TSpecs whose Maximum Transmission Unit, plus the interface headers, exceed the interface MTU." ::= { wfRsvpResvFwdEntry 16 } wfRsvpResvFwdTSpecLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..3) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If the service is predictive or controlled- delay, this is the service level that is being requested. Otherwise, it is zero, or the agent may return noSuchValue." ::= { wfRsvpResvFwdEntry 17 } wfRsvpResvFwdRSpecRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If the requested service is Guaranteed, as specified by wfRsvpResvFwdService, this is the clearing rate that is being requested. Other- wise, it is zero, or the agent may return noSuchValue. UNITS, bits per second" ::= { wfRsvpResvFwdEntry 18 } wfRsvpResvFwdRSpecSlack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If the requested service is Guaranteed, as specified by wfRsvpResvFwdService, this is the delay slack. Otherwise, it is zero, or the agent may return noSuchValue.UNITS, microseconds" ::= { wfRsvpResvFwdEntry 19 } wfRsvpResvFwdInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interval between refresh messages as ad- vertised by the Next Hop." ::= { wfRsvpResvFwdEntry 20 } wfRsvpResvFwdScope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..65536)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The contents of the scope object, displayed as an uninterpreted string of octets, including the object header. In the absence of such an object, this should be of zero length. If the length is non-zero, this contains a series of IP4 or IP6 addresses." ::= { wfRsvpResvFwdEntry 21 } wfRsvpResvFwdShared OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { true(1), false(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If TRUE, a reservation shared among senders is requested. If FALSE, a reservation specific to this sender is requested." ::= { wfRsvpResvFwdEntry 22 } wfRsvpResvFwdExplicit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { true(1), false(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If TRUE, individual senders are listed using Filter Specifications. If FALSE, all senders are implicitly selected. The Scope Object will contain a list of senders that need to receive this reservation request for the purpose of routing the RESV message." ::= { wfRsvpResvFwdEntry 23 } wfRsvpResvFwdRSVPHop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { true(1), false(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If TRUE, the node believes that the previous IP hop is an RSVP hop. If FALSE, the node be- lieves that the previous IP hop may not be an RSVP hop." ::= { wfRsvpResvFwdEntry 24 } wfRsvpResvFwdLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time of the last change in this reserva- tion request; This is either the first time it was received or the time of the most recent change in parameters." ::= { wfRsvpResvFwdEntry 25 } wfRsvpResvFwdPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..65536)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The contents of the policy object, displayed as an uninterpreted string of octets, including the object header. In the absence of such an object, this should be of zero length." ::= { wfRsvpResvFwdEntry 26 } wfRsvpResvFwdStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { valid(1), invalid(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "'valid' for all active RESV messages. This object may be used to install static RESV in- formation or delete RESV information." ::= { wfRsvpResvFwdEntry 27 } -- The RSVP Interface Attributes Database contains the -- RSVP-specific information for an interface. Information -- that is shared with other reservation procedures such -- as ST-II is in the Integrated Interface Attributes -- Database. wfRsvpIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WfRsvpIfEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "List of configured RSVP interface." ::= { wfRsvpGroup 6 } wfRsvpIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WfRsvpIfEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A description of an RSVP interface" INDEX { wfRsvpIfCct } ::= { wfRsvpIfTable 1 } WfRsvpIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { wfRsvpIfDelete INTEGER, wfRsvpIfEnable INTEGER, wfRsvpIfState INTEGER, wfRsvpIfCct INTEGER, wfRsvpIfUdpNbrs Gauge, wfRsvpIfIpNbrs Gauge, wfRsvpIfNbrs Gauge, wfRsvpIfRefreshBlockadeMultiple INTEGER, wfRsvpIfRefreshMultiple INTEGER, wfRsvpIfTTL INTEGER, wfRsvpIfRefreshInterval INTEGER, wfRsvpIfRouteDelay INTEGER, wfRsvpIfUdpRequired INTEGER } wfRsvpIfDelete OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { created(1), deleted(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether this RSVP If record is to be deleted or created" DEFVAL { created } ::= { wfRsvpIfEntry 1 } wfRsvpIfEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether this RSVP intf record is to be enabled or disabled" DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { wfRsvpIfEntry 2 } wfRsvpIfState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2), init(3), notpres(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current state of the RSVP interface. Invalid indicates an error in processing the cfg record" DEFVAL { notpres } ::= { wfRsvpIfEntry 3 } wfRsvpIfCct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The circuit number of this RSVP interface" ::= { wfRsvpIfEntry 4 } wfRsvpIfUdpNbrs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge(0..4294967295) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of neighbors perceived to be using only the RSVP UDP Encapsulation." ::= { wfRsvpIfEntry 5 } wfRsvpIfIpNbrs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge(0..4294967295) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of neighbors perceived to be using only the RSVP IP Encapsulation." ::= { wfRsvpIfEntry 6 } wfRsvpIfNbrs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge(0..4294967295) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of neighbors currently perceived; this will exceed wfRsvpIfIpNbrs + wfRsvpIfUdpNbrs by the number of neighbors using both encapsulations." ::= { wfRsvpIfEntry 7 } wfRsvpIfRefreshBlockadeMultiple OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65536) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of the RSVP value 'Kb', Which is the minimum number of refresh intervals that blockade state will last once entered." DEFVAL { 4 } ::= { wfRsvpIfEntry 8 } wfRsvpIfRefreshMultiple OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65536) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of the RSVP value 'K', which is the number of refresh intervals which must elapse (minimum) before a PATH or RESV message which is not being refreshed will be aged out." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { wfRsvpIfEntry 9 } wfRsvpIfTTL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of SEND_TTL used on this interface for messages this node originates. If set to zero, the node determines the TTL via other means." DEFVAL { 0 } -- which is to say, no override ::= { wfRsvpIfEntry 10 } wfRsvpIfRefreshInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (2000..2147483647) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of the RSVP value 'R', which is the minimum period between refresh transmissions of a given PATH or RESV message on an interface. UNITS milliseconds" DEFVAL { 30000 } ::= { wfRsvpIfEntry 11 } wfRsvpIfRouteDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The approximate period from the time a route is changed to the time a resulting message ap- pears on the interface. UNITS hundredths of a second" DEFVAL { 200 } -- 2 seconds ::= { wfRsvpIfEntry 12 } wfRsvpIfUdpRequired OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { true(1), false(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If TRUE, manual configuration forcees the use of UDP ncapsulation on the interface. If FALSE, UDP encapsulation is only used if wfrsvpIfUdpNbrs is not zero." DEFVAL { false } ::= { wfRsvpIfEntry 13 } -- -- wfRsvpIfFlowTable moved to int_serv mib -- -- -- The RSVP Neighbor Database lists the neighbors the RSVP -- process currently is receiving messages from. wfRsvpNbrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WfRsvpNbrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Information describing the Neighbors of an RSVP system." ::= { wfRsvpGroup 7 } wfRsvpNbrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WfRsvpNbrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Information describing a single RSVP Neigh- bor." INDEX { wfRsvpNbrCct, wfRsvpNbrAddress } ::= { wfRsvpNbrTable 1 } WfRsvpNbrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { wfRsvpNbrAddress IpAddress, wfRsvpNbrProtocol INTEGER, wfRsvpNbrCct INTEGER, wfRsvpNbrStatus INTEGER } wfRsvpNbrAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The IP4 or IP6 Address used by this neighbor. This object may not be changed when the value of the RowStatus object is 'valid'." ::= { wfRsvpNbrEntry 1 } wfRsvpNbrProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ip(1), udp(2), both(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The encapsulation being used by this neigh- bor." ::= { wfRsvpNbrEntry 2 } wfRsvpNbrCct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The circuit number of the interface where the neighbor is learned" ::= { wfRsvpNbrEntry 3 } wfRsvpNbrStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { valid(1), invalid(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "'valid' for all neighbors. This object may be used to configure neighbors. In the presence of configured neighbors, the implementation may (but is not required to) limit the set of valid neighbors to those configured." ::= { wfRsvpNbrEntry 4 } -- -- Static RSVP mib -- wfSRsvp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wfRsvpGroup 8 } wfSRsvpDelete OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { created(1), deleted(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Create/Delete parameter. Default is created. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to create/delete Static Rsvp." DEFVAL { created } ::= { wfSRsvp 1 } wfSRsvpDisable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable parameter. Default is enabled. Users perform a set operation on this object in order to enable/disable Static Rsvp." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { wfSRsvp 2 } wfSRsvpState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2), init(3), notpres(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current state of Static Rsvp." DEFVAL { notpres } ::= { wfSRsvp 3 } wfSRsvpSoloistSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..14) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Slot for which slot Static RSVP Soloist is eligible to run on. Slots can be 1-14." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { wfSRsvp 4 } wfSRsvpInfoLogFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Turn Static RSVP log ON or OFF for informational and warning messages. There is only RSVP_LOG_RIF_PROCESSING 0x0001 - RIF processing. RSVP_LOG_SOLO_PROCESSING 0x0002 - SOLO processing. RSVP_LOG_ROUTE_INTF_PROCESSING 0x0004 - ROUTE interface processing. RSVP_LOG_MERGE_PROCESSING 0x0008 - MERGE processing. RSVP_LOG_DB_PROCESSING 0x0010 - database access processing. RSVP_LOG_INTSERV_INTF_PROCESSING 0x0020 - INTSERV interface processing. RSVP_LOG_CRM_INTF_PROCESSING 0x0040 - CRM interface processing. RSVP_LOG_STATIC_RSVP 0x0080 - STATIC RSVP processing. RSVP_LOG_CONTROL_PROCESSING 0x0100 - CONTROL processing. RSVP_LOG_MAP_VEC_PROCESSING 0x0200 - MAP VECTOR processing. RSVP_LOG_PROXY_PROCESSING 0x0400 - RSVP MIB PROXY processing. RSVP_LOG_REFRESH_PROCESSING 0x0800 - Path/Resv Refresh processing." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wfSRsvp 5 } wfSRsvpDebugLogFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Turn Static RSVP log ON or OFF for debugging messages. The bit position is used to represent a RSVP module: RSVP_LOG_RIF_PROCESSING 0x0001 - RIF processing. RSVP_LOG_SOLO_PROCESSING 0x0002 - SOLO processing. RSVP_LOG_ROUTE_INTF_PROCESSING 0x0004 - ROUTE interface processing. RSVP_LOG_MERGE_PROCESSING 0x0008 - MERGE processing. RSVP_LOG_DB_PROCESSING 0x0010 - database access processing. RSVP_LOG_INTSERV_INTF_PROCESSING 0x0020 - INTSERV interface processing. RSVP_LOG_CRM_INTF_PROCESSING 0x0040 - CRM interface processing. RSVP_LOG_STATIC_RSVP 0x0080 - STATIC RSVP processing. RSVP_LOG_CONTROL_PROCESSING 0x0100 - CONTROL processing. RSVP_LOG_MAP_VEC_PROCESSING 0x0200 - MAP VECTOR processing. RSVP_LOG_PROXY_PROCESSING 0x0400 - RSVP MIB PROXY processing. RSVP_LOG_REFRESH_PROCESSING 0x0800 - Path/Resv Refresh processing." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wfSRsvp 6 } wfSRsvpTraceLogFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Turn RSVP log ON or OFF for RSVP trace messages. The bit position is used to represent a RSVP module: RSVP_LOG_RIF_PROCESSING 0x0001 - RIF processing. RSVP_LOG_SOLO_PROCESSING 0x0002 - SOLO processing. RSVP_LOG_ROUTE_INTF_PROCESSING 0x0004 - ROUTE interface processing. RSVP_LOG_MERGE_PROCESSING 0x0008 - MERGE processing. RSVP_LOG_DB_PROCESSING 0x0010 - database access processing. RSVP_LOG_INTSERV_INTF_PROCESSING 0x0020 - INTSERV interface processing. RSVP_LOG_CRM_INTF_PROCESSING 0x0040 - CRM interface processing. RSVP_LOG_STATIC_RSVP 0x0080 - STATIC RSVP processing. RSVP_LOG_CONTROL_PROCESSING 0x0100 - CONTROL processing. RSVP_LOG_MAP_VEC_PROCESSING 0x0200 - MAP VECTOR processing. RSVP_LOG_PROXY_PROCESSING 0x0400 - RSVP MIB PROXY processing. RSVP_LOG_REFRESH_PROCESSING 0x0800 - Path/Resv Refresh processing." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wfSRsvp 7 } wfSRsvpRefreshInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (2000..2147483647) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of the RSVP value 'R', which is the minimum period between refresh transmissions of a given STATIC PATH or STATIC RESV message. UNITS milliseconds" DEFVAL { 30000 } ::= { wfSRsvp 8 } wfSRsvpTotalSenders OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge(0..4294967295) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of Static Sender (PATH) states in the router." ::= { wfSRsvp 9 } wfSRsvpTotalReservations OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge(0..4294967295) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of Static Reservation (RESV) states in the router." ::= { wfSRsvp 10 } -- -- Static Sender Table -- wfSRsvpSenderTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WfSRsvpSenderEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Information describing the state information displayed by senders statically configured." ::= { wfRsvpGroup 9 } wfSRsvpSenderEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WfSRsvpSenderEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Information describing the state information used to create a sender thru configuration." INDEX { wfSRsvpSenderNumber } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderTable 1 } WfSRsvpSenderEntry ::= SEQUENCE { wfSRsvpSenderCreate INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderEnable INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderStatus INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderNumber INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderDestReplicate INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderReplicate INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderIntegrity OCTET STRING, wfSRsvpSenderDestAddr IpAddress, wfSRsvpSenderAddr IpAddress, wfSRsvpSenderDestAddrLength INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderAddrLength INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderProtocol INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderDestPort INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderPort INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderHopAddr IpAddress, wfSRsvpSenderHopLih INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderInterface INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderTimeValue INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderTSpecRate INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderTSpecPeakRate INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderTSpecBurst INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderTSpecMinTU INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderTSpecMaxTU INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderPolicy OCTET STRING, wfSRsvpSenderAdspec INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderAdspecBreak INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderAdspecHopCount INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderAdspecPathBw INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderAdspecMinLatency INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderAdspecMtu INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSBreak INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSCtot INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSDtot INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSCsum INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSDsum INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSOverrides INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSHopCount INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSPathBw INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSMinLatency INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSMtu INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderAdspecCLSvc INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderAdspecCLBreak INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderAdspecCLOverrides INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderAdspecCLHopCount INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderAdspecCLPathBw INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderAdspecCLMinLatency INTEGER, wfSRsvpSenderAdspecCLMtu INTEGER } wfSRsvpSenderCreate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { create(1), delete(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Whether to Delete this sender PSB" DEFVAL { create } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 1 } wfSRsvpSenderEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Whether to Disable this Sender PSB" DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 2 } wfSRsvpSenderStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { valid(1), invalid(2), notpres(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Whether this Static PSB is valid or not" DEFVAL { notpres } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 3 } wfSRsvpSenderNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of this static sender. This is for SNMP Indexing purposes only and has no relation to any protocol value." ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 4 } wfSRsvpSenderDestReplicate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of sessions for which this static path state should be replicated. For each replication, wfSRsvpSenderDestAddr will be incremented by one." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 5 } wfSRsvpSenderReplicate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of senders for which this static path state should be replicated. For each replication, wfSRsvpSenderAddr will be incremented by one." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 6 } wfSRsvpSenderIntegrity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..65536)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The contents of the integrity object, displayed as an uninterpreted string of octets, including the object header. In the absence of such an object, this should be of zero length." ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 7 } wfSRsvpSenderDestAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The destination IP address used by all senders in this session. This object may not be changed when the value of the Status object is 'valid'." ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 8 } wfSRsvpSenderAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The source address used by this sender in this session. This object may not be changed when the value of the Status object is 'valid'." ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 9 } wfSRsvpSenderDestAddrLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..128) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The length of the destination address in bits. This is the CIDR Prefix Length, which for IP4 hosts and multicast addresses is 32 bits. This object may not be changed when the value of the Status object is 'valid'." DEFVAL { 32 } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 10 } wfSRsvpSenderAddrLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..128) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The length of the sender's address in bits. This is the CIDR Prefix Length, which for IP4 hosts and multicast addresses is 32 bits. This object may not be changed when the value of the Status object is 'valid'." DEFVAL { 32 } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 11 } wfSRsvpSenderProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..255) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The IP Protocol used by this session. This object may not be changed when the value of the Status object is 'valid'." DEFVAL { 17 } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 12 } wfSRsvpSenderDestPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65536) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UDP or TCP port number used as a destina- tion port for all senders in this session. If the IP protocol in use, specified by rsvpSen- derProtocol, is 50 (ESP) or 51 (AH), this represents a virtual destination port number. A value of zero indicates that the IP protocol in use does not have ports. This object may not be changed when the value of the Status object is 'valid'." ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 13 } wfSRsvpSenderPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65536) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UDP or TCP port number used as a source port for this sender in this session. If the IP protocol in use, specified by RsvpStaticSenderPro- tocol is 50 (ESP) or 51 (AH), this represents a generalized port identifier (GPI). A value of zero indicates that the IP protocol in use does not have ports. This object may not be changed when the value of the Status object is 'valid'." ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 14 } wfSRsvpSenderHopAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The address used by the previous RSVP hop (which may be the original sender)." ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 15 } wfSRsvpSenderHopLih OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Logical Interface Handle used by the pre- vious RSVP hop (which may be the original sender)." ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 16 } wfSRsvpSenderInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value of the interface on which this PATH message was most recently received." ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 17 } wfSRsvpSenderTimeValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of the RSVP value 'R', which is the minimum period between refresh transmissions of a given PATH or RESV message on an interface. UNITS milliseconds" DEFVAL { 30000 } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 18 } wfSRsvpSenderTSpecRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Average Bit Rate of the sender's data stream. Within a transmission burst, the ar- rival rate may be as fast as RsvpStaticSenderTSpec- PeakRate (if supported by the service model); however, averaged across two or more burst in- tervals, the rate should not exceed rsvpSen- derTSpecRate. Note that this is a prediction, often based on the general capability of a type of codec or particular encoding; the measured average rate may be significantly lower. UNITS, bits per second" ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 19 } wfSRsvpSenderTSpecPeakRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Peak Bit Rate of the sender's data stream. Traffic arrival is not expected to exceed this rate at any time, apart from the effects of jitter in the network. If not specified in the TSpec, this returns zero or noSuchValue. UNITS, bits per second" ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 20 } wfSRsvpSenderTSpecBurst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The size of the largest burst expected from the sender at a time. UNITS, bytes" ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 21 } wfSRsvpSenderTSpecMinTU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum message size for this flow. The policing algorithm will treat smaller messages as though they are this size." ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 22 } wfSRsvpSenderTSpecMaxTU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum message size for this flow. The admission algorithm will reject TSpecs whose Maximum Transmission Unit, plus the interface headers, exceed the interface MTU." ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 23 } wfSRsvpSenderPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..65536)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The contents of the policy object, displayed as an uninterpreted string of octets, including the object header. In the absence of such an object, this should be of zero length." ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 24 } wfSRsvpSenderAdspec OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { true(1), false(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If TRUE, an adspec is sent, if FALSE, no adspec is sent." DEFVAL { true } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 25 } wfSRsvpSenderAdspecBreak OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { true(1), false(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The global break bit general characterization parameter from the ADSPEC. If TRUE, at least one non-IS hop was detected in the path. If FALSE, no non-IS hops were detected." DEFVAL { false } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 26 } wfSRsvpSenderAdspecHopCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hop count general characterization parame- ter from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the following con- ditions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present" ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 27 } wfSRsvpSenderAdspecPathBw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The path bandwidth estimate general character- ization parameter from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the fol- lowing conditions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present UNITS, bits per second" ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 28 } wfSRsvpSenderAdspecMinLatency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum path latency general characteriza- tion parameter from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the fol- lowing conditions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present UNITS, microseconds" ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 29 } wfSRsvpSenderAdspecMtu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The composed Maximum Transmission Unit general characterization parameter from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the following conditions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present UNITS, bytes" ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 30 } wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { true(1), false(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If TRUE, the ADSPEC contains a Guaranteed Ser- vice fragment. If FALSE, the ADSPEC does not contain a Guaranteed Service fragment." DEFVAL { false } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 31 } wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSBreak OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { true(1), false(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If TRUE, the Guaranteed Service fragment has its 'break' bit set, indicating that one or more nodes along the path do not support the guaranteed service. If FALSE, and wfSRrsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is TRUE, the 'break' bit is not set. If wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is FALSE, this returns FALSE or noSuchValue." DEFVAL { true } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 32 } wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSCtot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is TRUE, this is the end-to-end composed value for the guaranteed service 'C' parameter. A return of zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the fol- lowing conditions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present If wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is FALSE, this returns zero or noSuchValue. UNITS, bytes" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 33 } wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSDtot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is TRUE, this is the end-to-end composed value for the guaranteed service 'D' parameter. A return of zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the fol- lowing conditions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present If wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is FALSE, this returns zero or noSuchValue. UNITS, microseconds" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 34 } wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSCsum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is TRUE, this is the composed value for the guaranteed ser- vice 'C' parameter since the last reshaping point. A return of zero or noSuchValue indi- cates one of the following conditions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present If wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is FALSE, this returns zero or noSuchValue. UNITS, bytes" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 35 } wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSDsum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is TRUE, this is the composed value for the guaranteed ser- vice 'D' parameter since the last reshaping point. A return of zero or noSuchValue indi- cates one of the following conditions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present If wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is FALSE, this returns zero or noSuchValue. UNITS, microseconds" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 36 } wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSOverrides OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { true(1), false(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If TRUE, the ADSPEC contains general parameter overrides for guaranteed service. If FALSE, the ADSPEC does not contains guaranteed service overrides. Note, if TRUE, ALL override parameters will be included and must be specified." DEFVAL { false } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 37 } wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSHopCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is TRUE, this is the service-specific override of the hop count general characterization parameter from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the following conditions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present If wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is FALSE, this returns zero or noSuchValue." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 38 } wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSPathBw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is TRUE, this is the service-specific override of the path bandwidth estimate general characterization parameter from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the following con- ditions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present If wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is FALSE, this returns zero or noSuchValue. UNITS, bits per second" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 39 } wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSMinLatency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is TRUE, this is the service-specific override of the minimum path latency general characterization parameter from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or noSuch- Value indicates one of the following condi- tions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present If wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is FALSE, this returns zero or noSuchValue. UNITS, microseconds" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 40 } wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSMtu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is TRUE, this is the service-specific override of the com- posed Maximum Transmission Unit general charac- terization parameter from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the following conditions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present If wfSRsvpSenderAdspecGSSvc is FALSE, this returns zero or noSuchValue. UNITS, bytes" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 41 } wfSRsvpSenderAdspecCLSvc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { true(1), false(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If TRUE, the ADSPEC contains a Controlled Load Service fragment. If FALSE, the ADSPEC does not contain a Controlled Load Service frag- ment." DEFVAL { true } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 42 } wfSRsvpSenderAdspecCLBreak OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { true(1), false(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If TRUE, the Controlled Load Service fragment has its 'break' bit set, indicating that one or more nodes along the path do not support the controlled load service. If FALSE, and wfSRsvpSenderAdspecCLSvc is TRUE, the 'break' bit is not set. If wfSRsvpSenderAdspecCLSvc is FALSE, this returns FALSE or noSuchValue." DEFVAL { false } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 43 } wfSRsvpSenderAdspecCLOverrides OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { true(1), false(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If TRUE, the ADSPEC contains general parameter overrides for controlled load service. If FALSE, teh ADSPEC does not contains controlled load service overrides. Note, if TRUE, ALL override parameters will be included and must be specified." DEFVAL { false } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 44 } wfSRsvpSenderAdspecCLHopCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If wfSRsvpSenderAdspecCLSvc is TRUE, this is the service-specific override of the hop count general characterization parameter from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the following conditions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present If wfSRsvpSenderAdspecCLSvc is FALSE, this returns zero or noSuchValue." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 45 } wfSRsvpSenderAdspecCLPathBw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If wfSRsvpSenderAdspecCLSvc is TRUE, this is the service-specific override of the path bandwidth estimate general characterization parameter from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the following con- ditions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present If wfSRsvpSenderAdspecCLSvc is FALSE, this returns zero or noSuchValue. UNITS, bits per second" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 46 } wfSRsvpSenderAdspecCLMinLatency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If wfSRsvpSenderAdspecCLSvc is TRUE, this is the service-specific override of the minimum path latency general characterization parameter from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or noSuch- Value indicates one of the following condi- tions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present If wfSRsvpSenderAdspecCLSvc is FALSE, this returns zero or noSuchValue. UNITS, microseconds" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 47 } wfSRsvpSenderAdspecCLMtu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If wfSRsvpSenderAdspecCLSvc is TRUE, this is the service-specific override of the com- posed Maximum Transmission Unit general charac- terization parameter from the ADSPEC. A return of zero or noSuchValue indicates one of the following conditions: the invalid bit was set the parameter was not present If wfSRsvpSenderAdspecCLSvc is FALSE, this returns zero or noSuchValue. UNITS, bytes" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wfSRsvpSenderEntry 48 } -- -- Static Resv Table -- wfSRsvpResvTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WfSRsvpResvEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Information describing the state information displayed by statically configured reservation." ::= { wfRsvpGroup 10 } wfSRsvpResvEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WfSRsvpResvEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Information describing the state information used to statically configure a reservation." INDEX { wfSRsvpResvNumber } ::= { wfSRsvpResvTable 1 } WfSRsvpResvEntry ::= SEQUENCE { wfSRsvpResvCreate INTEGER, wfSRsvpResvEnable INTEGER, wfSRsvpResvStatus INTEGER, wfSRsvpResvNumber INTEGER, wfSRsvpResvDestReplicate INTEGER, wfSRsvpResvReplicate INTEGER, wfSRsvpResvIntegrity OCTET STRING, wfSRsvpResvDestAddr IpAddress, wfSRsvpResvSenderAddr IpAddress, wfSRsvpResvDestAddrLength INTEGER, wfSRsvpResvSenderAddrLength INTEGER, wfSRsvpResvProtocol INTEGER, wfSRsvpResvDestPort INTEGER, wfSRsvpResvPort INTEGER, wfSRsvpResvFilterSpecNum INTEGER, wfSRsvpResvHopAddr IpAddress, wfSRsvpResvHopLih INTEGER, wfSRsvpResvInterface INTEGER, wfSRsvpResvTimeValue INTEGER, wfSRsvpResvService INTEGER, wfSRsvpResvTSpecRate INTEGER, wfSRsvpResvTSpecPeakRate INTEGER, wfSRsvpResvTSpecBurst INTEGER, wfSRsvpResvTSpecMinTU INTEGER, wfSRsvpResvTSpecMaxTU INTEGER, wfSRsvpResvTSpecLevel INTEGER, wfSRsvpResvRSpecRate INTEGER, wfSRsvpResvRSpecSlack INTEGER, wfSRsvpResvScopeNum INTEGER, wfSRsvpResvScope OCTET STRING, wfSRsvpResvShared INTEGER, wfSRsvpResvExplicit INTEGER, wfSRsvpResvPolicy OCTET STRING } wfSRsvpResvCreate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { create(1), delete(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Whether to Delete this RESV RSB" DEFVAL { create } ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 1 } wfSRsvpResvEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Whether to Disable this RESV RSB" DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 2 } wfSRsvpResvStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { valid(1), invalid(2), notpres(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "'valid' for all active RESV messages. This object may be used to install static RESV in- formation or delete RESV information." DEFVAL { valid } ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 3 } wfSRsvpResvNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of this static resv. This is for SNMP Indexing purposes only and has no relation to any protocol value." ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 4 } wfSRsvpResvDestReplicate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of sessions for which this static path state should be replicated. For each replication, wfSRsvpResvDestAddr will be incremented by one." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 5 } wfSRsvpResvReplicate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of senders for which this static path state should be replicated. For each replication, wfSRsvpResvAddr will be incremented by one." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 6 } wfSRsvpResvIntegrity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..65536)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The contents of the integrity object, displayed as an uninterpreted string of octets, including the object header. In the absence of such an object, this should be of zero length." ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 7 } wfSRsvpResvDestAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The destination address used by all senders in this session. This object may not be changed when the value of the Status object is 'valid'." ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 8 } wfSRsvpResvSenderAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The source address of the sender selected by this reservation. The value of all zeroes in- dicates 'all senders'. This object may not be changed when the value of the Status object is 'valid'." ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 9 } wfSRsvpResvDestAddrLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..128) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The length of the destination address in bits. This is the CIDR Prefix Length, which for IP4 hosts and multicast addresses is 32 bits. This object may not be changed when the value of the Status object is 'valid'." DEFVAL { 32 } ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 10 } wfSRsvpResvSenderAddrLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..128) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The length of the sender's address in bits. This is the CIDR Prefix Length, which for IP4 hosts and multicast addresses is 32 bits. This object may not be changed when the value of the Status object is 'valid'." DEFVAL { 32 } ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 11 } wfSRsvpResvProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..255) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The IP Protocol used by this session. This object may not be changed when the value of the Status object is 'valid'." DEFVAL { 17 } ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 12 } wfSRsvpResvDestPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65536) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UDP or TCP port number used as a destina- tion port for all senders in this session. If the IP protocol in use, specified by wfSRsvpResvProtocol, is 50 (ESP) or 51 (AH), this represents a virtual destination port number. A value of zero indicates that the IP protocol in use does not have ports. This object may not be changed when the value of the Status object is 'valid'." ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 13 } wfSRsvpResvPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65536) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The UDP or TCP port number used as a source port for this sender in this session. If the IP protocol in use, specified by wfSRsvpResvProto- col is 50 (ESP) or 51 (AH), this represents a generalized port identifier (GPI). A value of zero indicates that the IP protocol in use does not have ports. This object may not be changed when the value of the Status object is 'valid'." ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 14 } wfSRsvpResvFilterSpecNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "For SE reservation style, this is the number of filter specs. For WF and FF styles, this is ignored. If SE style, there must be wfSRsvpResvFilterSpecNum SenderAddr and SenderPort entries where SenderPort 'j' is used by SenderAddr 'j'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 15 } wfSRsvpResvHopAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The address used by the next RSVP hop (which may be the ultimate receiver)." ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 16 } wfSRsvpResvHopLih OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Logical Interface Handle received from the previous RSVP hop (which may be the ultimate receiver)." ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 17 } wfSRsvpResvInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value of the interface on which this RESV message was most recently received." ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 18 } wfSRsvpResvTimeValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of the RSVP value 'R', which is the minimum period between refresh transmissions of a given PATH or RESV message on an interface. UNITS milliseconds" DEFVAL { 30000 } ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 19 } wfSRsvpResvService OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { controlledDelay(1), guaranteedDelay (2), -- Guaranteed Delay predictive(3), controlledLoad (5) -- Controlled Load } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The QoS Service classification requested by the receiver." DEFVAL { controlledLoad } ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 20 } wfSRsvpResvTSpecRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Average Bit Rate of the sender's data stream. Within a transmission burst, the ar- rival rate may be as fast as wfSRsvpResvTSpec- PeakRate (if supported by the service model); however, averaged across two or more burst in- tervals, the rate should not exceed wfSRsvpResvTSpecRate. Note that this is a prediction, often based on the general capability of a type of codec or particular encoding; the measured average rate may be significantly lower. UNITS, bits per second" ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 21 } wfSRsvpResvTSpecPeakRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Peak Bit Rate of the sender's data stream. Traffic arrival is not expected to exceed this rate at any time, apart from the effects of jitter in the network. If not specified in the TSpec, this returns zero or noSuchValue. UNITS, bits per second" ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 22 } wfSRsvpResvTSpecBurst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The size of the largest burst expected from the sender at a time. If this is less than the sender's advertised burst size, the receiver is asking the network to provide flow pacing beyond what would be provided under normal circumstances. Such pac- ing is at the network's option. UNITS, bytes" ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 23 } wfSRsvpResvTSpecMinTU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum message size for this flow. The policing algorithm will treat smaller messages as though they are this size." ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 24 } wfSRsvpResvTSpecMaxTU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum message size for this flow. The admission algorithm will reject TSpecs whose Maximum Transmission Unit, plus the interface headers, exceed the interface MTU." ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 25 } wfSRsvpResvTSpecLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..3) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If the service is predictive or controlled- delay, this is the service level that is being requested. Otherwise, it is zero, or the agent may return noSuchValue." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 26 } wfSRsvpResvRSpecRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..'7FFFFFFF'h) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If the requested service is Guaranteed, as specified by wfSRsvpResvService, this is the clearing rate that is being requested. Other- wise, it is zero, or the agent may return noSuchValue. UNITS, bits per second" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 27 } wfSRsvpResvRSpecSlack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If the requested service is Guaranteed, as specified by wfSRsvpResvService, this is the delay slack. Otherwise, it is zero, or the agent may return noSuchValue.UNITS, microseconds" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 28 } wfSRsvpResvScopeNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of addresses in wfSRsvpResvScope. In the absence of the scope object, this should be zero" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 29 } wfSRsvpResvScope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..65536)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The contents of the scope object, displayed as an uninterpreted string of octets. In the absence of such an object, this should be of zero length. If the length is non-zero, this contains a series of IP4 or IP6 addresses." ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 30 } wfSRsvpResvShared OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { true(1), false(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If TRUE, a reservation shared among senders is requested. If FALSE, a reservation specific to this sender is requested." DEFVAL { false } ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 31 } wfSRsvpResvExplicit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { true(1), false(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If TRUE, individual senders are listed using Filter Specifications. If FALSE, all senders are implicitly selected. The Scope Object will contain a list of senders that need to receive this reservation request for the purpose of routing the RESV message." DEFVAL { true } ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 32 } wfSRsvpResvPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..65536)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The contents of the policy object, displayed as an uninterpreted string of octets, including the object header. In the absence of such an object, this should be of zero length." ::= { wfSRsvpResvEntry 33 } END -- Wellfleet-RSVP-MIB