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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » Wellfleet » Wellfleet-SNMPEXT-MIB » Objects

Wellfleet-SNMPEXT-MIB.mib object view, vendor Wellfleet


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file Wellfleet-SNMPEXT-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.

Wellfleet-SNMPEXT-MIB file content

Object view of Wellfleet-SNMPEXT-MIB:

Scalar Object
wfSnmpDisable .
Enables or disables the SNMP subsystem
wfSnmpUseLock .
Flag to indicate whether set locking mechanism is enabled or disabled. Set locking permits only one manager to perform SNMP sets to the system at any given time. A genErr will be returned to managers that are locked out.
wfSnmpLockAddress .
Address of remote manager that is enforcing the lock. This value is set by the SNMP agent. Remote managers are only allowed to clear it.
wfSnmpLockTimeOut .
The maximum time (in minutes) a lock can be idle before it is cleared. An idle period is a time interval with no sets from the locking manager.
wfSnmpAuth .
The type of authentication used by the agent (set through console interface).
wfSnmpInPkts .
Total number of PDUs received by SNMP from transport entity
wfSnmpOutPkts .
Total number of PDUs sent by SNMP to transport entity
wfSnmpInBadVersions .
Total number of PDUs requesting unsupported versions
wfSnmpInBadCommunityNames .
Total number of PDUs which had an invalid community string
wfSnmpInBadCommunityUses .
Total number of PDUs requesting an operation unsupported by the community
wfSnmpInASNParseErrs .
Total number of ASN.1 parsing errors during decoding
wfSnmpInBadTypes .
Total number of PDUs having an unknown PDU type
wfSnmpInTooBigs .
Total number of PDUs delivered with ErrorStatus='tooBig
wfSnmpInNoSuchNames .
Total number of PDUs delivered with ErrorStatus='noSuchName
wfSnmpInBadValues .
Total number of PDUs delivered with ErrorStatus='badValue
wfSnmpInReadOnlys .
Total number of PDUs delivered with ErrorStatus='readOnly
wfSnmpInGenErrs .
Total number of PDUs delivered with ErrorStatus='genErr
wfSnmpInTotalReqVars .
Total number of MIB objects retrieved successfully by the agent
wfSnmpInTotalSetVars .
Total number of MIB objects which have been SET successfully
wfSnmpInGetRequests .
Total number of Get-Request PDUS accepted and processed
wfSnmpInGetNexts .
Total number of GetNext-Request PDUS accepted and processed
wfSnmpInSetRequests .
Total number of Set-Request PDUS accepted and processed
wfSnmpInGetResponses .
Total number of GetResponse PDUs accepted and processed
wfSnmpInTraps .
Total number of Trap PDUs accepted and processed
wfSnmpOutTooBigs .
Total number of PDUs generated by the agent with ErrorStatus= 'tooBig
wfSnmpOutNoSuchNames .
Total number of PDUs generated by the agent with ErrorStatus= 'noSuchName
wfSnmpOutBadValues .
Total number of PDUs generated by the agent with ErrorStatus= 'badValue
wfSnmpOutReadOnlys .
Total number of PDUs generated by the agent with ErrorStatus= 'readOnly
wfSnmpOutGenErrs .
Total number of PDUs generated by the agent with ErrorStatus= 'genErr
wfSnmpOutGetRequests .
Total number of Get-Request PDUs generated by the agent
wfSnmpOutGetNexts .
Total number of Get-Next-Request PDUs generated by the agent
wfSnmpOutSetRequests .
Total number of Set-Request PDUs generated by the agent
wfSnmpOutGetResponses .
Total number of Get-Response PDUs generated by the agent
wfSnmpOutTraps .
Total number of Trap PDUs generated by the agent
wfSnmpEnableAuthTraps .
Idicates whether agent can generate Authentication Failure Traps
wfSnmpTrapDebug .
This attribute controls the specific trap filter for debug messages
wfSnmpTrapTrace .
This attribute controls the specific trap filter for trace messages
wfSnmpTrapInfo .
This attribute controls the specific trap filter for informational messages
wfSnmpTrapWarn .
This attribute controls the specific trap filter for warning messages
wfSnmpTrapFault .
This attribute controls the specific trap filter for fault messages
wfSnmpIpTos .
The Type Of Service value set in the IP datagram specifies to the Internet transport layer how the datagram should be handled. For SNMP high reliability Type Of Service is important.
wfSnmpPropEncryption .
The encryption algorithm to use in proprietary security
wfSnmpPDUThreads .
The number of EMANATE Master Agent PDU thread gates
wfSnmpBusyPDUThreads .
The current number of busy EMANATE Master Agent PDU thread gates
wfSnmpLogLevel .
The log level enabled for EMANATE log messages
wfSnmpDelete .
Create/Delete parameter. Default is created.
wfSnmpScopeDelimiter .
The character used to separate the naming scope from a scoped community name in the community configuration table. Note that any attempt to configure a community containing this delimiter will be rejected. further, any attempt to change the value of this object to a value which is already used in an existing community string will be rejected.
wfSnmpCommEntry .
Information about a particular community
wfSnmpMgrEntry .
Information about a manager of a community
wfSnmpTrapEntityEntry .
An Entity Trap Switch Entry
wfSnmpTrapEventEntry .
An Event Trap Switch Entry
wfSnmpViewEntry .
Information on a particular family of view subtrees included in or excluded from the view of an external management entity
Tabular Object
wfSnmpCommIndex .
A unique numeric value that has a one to one correspondence with the community name
wfSnmpCommDelete .
A flag to indicate community instance deletion
wfSnmpCommName .
Community name
wfSnmpCommAccess .
Community access mode
wfSnmpCommScopeType .
The type of logical entity with which this community is associated. The naming scope for this type of logical entity is accessed by appending a '@' character followed by the ascii name of the naming scope to the community string, wfsnmpCommName, of this entity. If the scope is unspecified {0 0}, then this community is assumed to be affiliated with the main naming scope.
wfSnmpCommViewIndex .
Index of the view that is associated to this community.
wfSnmpMgrCommIndex .
Associates this manager with a community in the community table
wfSnmpMgrAddress .
IP Address of this manager
wfSnmpMgrDelete .
A flag to indicate manager instance deletion
wfSnmpMgrName .
A name for this manager
wfSnmpMgrTrapPort .
The UDP Port on which this manager is listening for traps
wfSnmpMgrTraps .
Allowable trap types to be sent to Manager
wfSnmpMgrEncrSeed1 .
The encrypted value of the seed counter for application 1 of this manager
wfSnmpMgrEncrSeed2 .
The encrypted value of the seed counter for application 2 of this manager
wfSnmpMgrEncrSeed3 .
The encrypted value of the seed counter for application 3 of this manager
wfSnmpMgrEncrSeed4 .
The encrypted value of the seed counter for application 4 of this manager
wfSnmpMgrEncrSeed5 .
The encrypted value of the seed counter for application 5 of this manager
wfSnmpTrapEntityNumber .
Entity number
wfSnmpTrapEntitySlot .
Slot number
wfSnmpTrapEntityDelete .
A flag to indicate entity instance deletion
wfSnmpTrapEntityDisable .
Enable/Disable an entity's traps.
wfSnmpTrapEntityName .
Entity Name
wfSnmpTrapEntityFault .
This attribute controls the entity's fault messages. A trap will be generated when this is turned ON.
wfSnmpTrapEntityWarn .
This attribute controls the entity's warning messages. A trap will be generated when this is turned ON.
wfSnmpTrapEntityInfo .
This attribute controls the entity's info messages. A trap will be generated when this is turned ON.
wfSnmpTrapEntityTrace .
This attribute controls the entity's info messages. A trap will be generated when this is turned ON.
wfSnmpTrapEntityDebug .
This attribute controls the entity's debug messages. A trap will be generated when this is turned ON.
wfSnmpTrapEventEntity .
Entity number
wfSnmpTrapEventNumber .
Event number
wfSnmpTrapEventDelete .
Create/Delete a trap event switch.
wfSnmpTrapEventDisable .
Enable/Disable trap.
wfSnmpTrapEventName .
Entity name of event
wfSnmpViewIndex .
A unique value for each MIB view. The value for each MIB view must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the entity's network management system to the next re-initialization.
wfSnmpViewSubtree .
A sequencial numeric value that makes each snmp view entry and its subtree view unique.
wfSnmpViewDelete .
Create/Delete parameter for the view.
wfSnmpViewName .
Ascii name of the view
wfSnmpViewTree .
The ascii representation of the view tree. The object portion of the view tree may be represented by its character name or its numerical representation. The attribute and instance portions of the tree must be indentified by their numerical representation.
wfSnmpViewType .
The status of a particular family of view subtrees. The value `included(1)' indicates that the corresponding instances of the configured mib subtree define a family of view subtrees included in the MIB view. The value `excluded(2)' indicates that the corresponding instances of the configured mib subtree and wfSnmpViewMask define a family of view subtrees excluded from the MIB view.
wfSnmpCommTable .
A table containing valid management communities
wfSnmpMgrTable .
A table containing managers and their respective communities
wfSnmpTrapEntityTable .
A table of Entity Trap switches ; indexed by entity number and slot
wfSnmpTrapEventTable .
A table of Event Trap switches ; indexed by entity and event number
wfSnmpViewTable .
Locally held information about the MIB views known to this snmp agent.
Object Identifier
wfSnmp .