wfUserAccessDelete |
. |
Indication to create or delete User Access record.
wfUserAccessConfig |
. |
Indicates local password (configuration file ) information is
to be used
wfUserAccessRadius |
. |
Indicates radius authentication server is to be used
wfUserAccessMaxLogin |
. |
This the maximum allowed login name, in the range 1 to 16
wfUserAccessMinLogin |
. |
This the minimum allowed login name, in the range 1 to 16
wfUserAccessMaxGroup |
. |
This the maximum allowed Group name, in the range 1 to 16
wfUserAccessMinGroup |
. |
This the minimum allowed Group name, in the range 1 to 16
wfUserAccessMaxPassword |
. |
This the maximum allowed Password , in the range 1 to 16
wfUserAccessMinPassword |
. |
This the minimum allowed Password, in the range 0 to 16
wfUserAccessNameEntry |
. |
The attributes for individual User account
wfUserAccessActiveEntry |
. |
records indicating active users
wfUserAccessGroupEntry |
. |
Group Names
wfUserAuditDelete |
. |
Indication to create or delete Audit record.
wfUserAuditDisable |
. |
Indication to enable/disable Audit subsystem.
wfUserAuditlevel |
. |
A bit field priveledge levels to audit log. This field
is global, groups may override this system default
0 No audit
Bit 1 Manager
Bit 2 User
Bit 3 Operator
All bits Anything user typed
All others RFU
wfUserBccLockDelete |
. |
Indication to create or delete BCC lock record.
wfUserBccLockId |
. |
Indicates which BCC/TI user has a configuration mode lock
wfUserBccLockTimer |
. |
Indicated last time config changed
wfUserBccLockAddress |
. |
IP address of the User holding the lock, used to
wfUserAccessActiveTable see below
wfUserBccLockPort |
. |
IP port of the User holding the lock, used to
wfUserBccConfigDelete |
. |
Indication to create or delete BCC configuration record.
wfUserBccConfigDefaultShell |
. |
Should BCC be started as the default shell, if resources
are avaliable. if disabled, TI is the default shell
wfUserAccessNameId |
. |
Login name of the user
wfUserAccessNameDelete |
. |
Indication to create or delete a user record
wfUserAccessNameDisable |
. |
enable/disable this user login
wfUserAccessNameName |
. |
True name of the user
wfUserAccessNamePasswd |
. |
Encripted user password
wfUserAccessNameGroups |
. |
Bit Field of the groups the user belongs to
wfUserAccessNameAudit |
. |
Audit level for this user
0 No Audit
Bit 1 Manager
Bit 2 User
Bit 3 Operator
All Bits Anything user typed
All others RFU
wfUserAccessNameScript |
. |
User specified BCC startup script
wfUserAccessActiveLoginAddress |
. |
Indicated the IP address this user is logged in from.
zero indidates the console. This is undefined when
the users state is logout
wfUserAccessActivePort |
. |
Port number this user is logged in on ( identifies
multiple logins from the same ip address
wfUserAccessActiveDelete |
. |
Indication ot create/delete a active user record
wfUserAccessActiveDisable |
. |
Enable/disable this record
wfUserAccessActiveId |
. |
Login name of the login
wfUserAccessActiveState |
. |
Current State ofthis login
wfUserAccessActiveCmd |
. |
Last Command Issued by the user
wfUserAccessActiveLastCmdTime |
. |
Time last command issued
wfUserAccessActiveLoginTime |
. |
Time user logged in
wfUserAccessGroupNumber |
. |
Number of this group
wfUserAccessGroupDelete |
. |
Indication of create/delete a group record
wfUserAccessGroupDisable |
. |
Enable/disable this group
wfUserAccessGroupName |
. |
Name of this group
wfUserAccessGroupPriv |
. |
Bit field of priveledge classes for this group
Bit 1 Manager
Bit 2 User
Bit 3 Operator
All others RFU
wfUserAccessGroupAudit |
. |
Bit field matching the group priveledge levels indicating
what should or should not be logged
0 No audit
Bit 1 Manager
Bit 2 User
Bit 3 Operator
All bits Anything user typed
All others RFU