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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » cisco » CISCO-5800-HEALTH-MON-MIB » Objects

CISCO-5800-HEALTH-MON-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-5800-HEALTH-MON-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.

CISCO-5800-HEALTH-MON-MIB file content

Object view of CISCO-5800-HEALTH-MON-MIB:

Scalar Object
ciscoHealthMonNumShelves .
The total number of shelves monitored by the health monitor.
ciscoHealthMonNumT1E1LinesUp .
This is the total number of active T1/E1 lines across all the monitored shelves.
ciscoHealthMonNumT1E1LinesDown .
This is the total number of inactive T1/E1 lines across all the monitored shelves.
ciscoHealthMonNumActiveDS0 .
The total number of DS0's in use across all the monitored shelves.
ciscoHealthMonNumTotalDS0 .
The total number of DS0's from all the monitored shelves.
ciscoHealthMonNumTotalModems .
This is the total number of ciscoHealthMonTotalModems from all the monitored shelves.
ciscoHealthMonNumModemsInUse .
This is the total number of ciscoHealthMonModemsInUse from all the monitored shelves .
ciscoHealthMonNumUnavailableModems .
This is the total number of ciscoHealthMonUnavailableModems from all the monitored shelves.
ciscoHealthMonStatusEntry .
An entry in the status table, containing the information about the status of the health monitoring setup commands. Depending on the configured monitoring type these commands are setup on the shelf or on the system controller. Monitoring iomem is done on the shelf where as monitoring modem and trunk is done on system controller. ciscoHealthMonShelfId, ciscoHealthMonAddress doesn't exist for the modem and trunk monitoring types since they are done on the system controller.
ciscoHealthMonCountEntry .
An entry in the count table represents the polled data of ceratin mib variables for a router shelf. System controller will do the polling of the mib variables only if system controller can talk to that particular router shelf.
ciscoHealthMonEnableNotification .
This variable indicates whether the system produces the ciscoHealthNotification. A false value will prevent notifications from being generated by this system.
Tabular Object
ciscoHealthMonStatusIndex .
Unique index for indexing the ciscoHealthMonStatusTable. This index is for SNMP purposes only, and has no intrinsic meaning.
ciscoHealthMonStatusType .
Monitoring type modemUtil(1), trunkUtil(2), iomemUtil(3)
ciscoHealthMonShelfId .
This is the shelf-id of the monitored shelf.
ciscoHealthMonAddress .
This is the IP address of the monitored shelf.
ciscoHealthMonDescr .
Textual description of the utilization type being monitored on a shelf. This description is a short textual label, suitable as a human-sensible identification for the rest of the information in the entry.
ciscoHealthMonValue .
The current value for the monitoring type on a monitored shelf.
ciscoHealthMonThreshold .
This is the monitoring threshold value configured through the command line. If the configured monitoring type is io-mem, rmon alarm on the shelf will use this value as the threshold for generating the event. Shelf will be asked to send this generated event trap to the system controller. Once the system controller receives this trap, trap will converted to the health monitor mib format and sent to the management station. If the configured monitoring types are trunk and/or modem, ciscoHealthMonValue is compared with this value and if ciscoHealthMonValue exceeds this value, a notification is sent to the configured management station. Also, a notification will be sent to the management station if the current monitoring value is less than the configured threshold and the previous monitored value is greater than the configured threshold value.
ciscoHealthMonThresholdExceedCount .
Number of times monitoring value exceeded the configured threshold value.
ciscoHealthMonCountIndex .
Unique index for indexing the ciscoHealthMonCountTable. This unique index represents the shelf-id of the monitored shelf.
ciscoHealthMonT1E1LinesUp .
The number of active T1 and E1 lines on a shelf. A line is considered as an active line if it is operationally up.
ciscoHealthMonT1E1LinesDown .
The number of inactive T1 and E1 lines on a shelf. This is the special case where a line is counted as down if it is operationally down and administratively up.
ciscoHealthMonActiveDS0 .
The number of DS0's that are currently in use.
ciscoHealthMonTotalDS0 .
The total number of DS0's on a shelf. This is based on the number of T1 and E1 lines present on the router shelf. Total DS0 = (# of T1 lines - 1 * 24) + 23 + (# of E1 lines*30).
ciscoHealthMonTotalModems .
The total number of modems installed on a shelf. This is the polled value for cmSystemInstalledModem from the router shelf.
ciscoHealthMonModemsInUse .
The number of modems on a shelf that are in the following states: connected, offHook, loopback, or downloadFirmware. This the polled value for cmSystemModemsInUse from the router shelf.
ciscoHealthMonUnavailableModems .
The number of modems on a shelf that cannot accept the calls. They are in the following states: unknown, onHook, busiedOut, disabled, bad, or downloadFirmwareFailed. This is the polled value for cmSystemModemsUnavailable from the router shelf.
ciscoHealthMonIOMemUsed .
The number of bytes of IO memory that are currently in use by the applications on the shelf. This is the polled value for ciscoMemoryPoolUsed of io-mem type on the router shelf.
ciscoHealthMonIOMemFree .
The number of bytes of IO memory that are currently available to use on the shelf.This is the polled value for ciscoMemoryPoolFree of io-mem type on the router shelf.
ciscoHealthMonCPUavgBusy5 .
5 minute exponentially-decayed moving average of the CPU busy percentage. This is the polled value for avgBusy5 from the router shelf.
ciscoHealthMonUtilEgressInOctet .
This is the percentage utilization of total number of octets received on all the active egress interface, including framing characters. A port is considered as an egress port if it's ifSpeed > 1544000 % Utilization of ifInOctets = (diff_total_ifInoctets*100)/ (time in seconds * total_speed) .
ciscoHealthMonUtilEgressOutOctet .
This is the percentage utilization of the total number of octets transmitted out on all the active egress interface, including framing characters. A port is considered as an egress port if it's ifSpeed > 1544000 % Utilization of ifOutOctets = (diff_total_ifOutoctets*100)/ (time in seconds * total_speed) .
ciscoHealthMonShelfLastUpdate .
This is the last time at which the system-controller has polled the mib entries from a shelf. However, if system-controller can not talk to that shelf, this entry will have the same time as the last update and a string Lost Contact. All the mib entries corresponding to this shelf will remain as it is until system-controller can talk to this shelf again.
ciscoHealthMonStatusTable .
The table of status maintained by the health monitor.
ciscoHealthMonCountTable .
The table of mib entries maintained by the health monitor.
ciscoHealthMonNotification .
A ciscoHealthMonNotification is sent if the measured utilization has crossed the threshold value. It will be generated when the value rises above the threshold. ciscoHealthMonShelfId and ciscoHealthMonAddress are optional entries. This entry is valid only if the notification generated for the monitoring types set on the router shelf. This entry will not have anything if notification is generated for the monitoring types set on the system controller.
Object Identifier
cisco5800HealthMonMIB .
This MIB provides a means to monitor the status of a system's health.
cisco5800HealthMonObjects .
ciscoHealthMonMIBNotificationEnables .
ciscoHealthMonMIBNotificationPrefix .
ciscoHealthMonMIBNotifications .
cisco5800HealthMonMIBConformance .
cisco5800HealthMonMIBCompliances .
cisco5800HealthMonMIBGroups .
cisco5800HealthMonMIBGroup .
A collection of objects providing health monitoring capability to a cisco chassis.