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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » cisco » CISCO-ADSL-DMT-LINE-MIB » Objects

CISCO-ADSL-DMT-LINE-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-ADSL-DMT-LINE-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.



Scalar Object
cAdslDmtLineEntry .
A set of enterprise-specific common attributes describing both ends of an ADSL line supported by the system. There exists an entry for each ifEntry with an ifType of adsl(94).
cAdslAtucDmtPhysEntry .
A set of enterprise-specific physical-layer parameters for an ATU-C class device supported by the system. There exists an entry for each ifEntry with an ifType of adsl(94).
cAdslAtucDmtChanEntry .
A set of enterprise-specific physical-layer parameters for an ATU-C channel supported by the system. There exists an entry for each ifEntry with an ifType of adslInterleave(124) or adslFast(125).
cAdslAturDmtChanEntry .
A set of enterprise-specific physical-layer parameters for an ATU-R channel supported by the system. There exists an entry for each ifEntry with an ifType of adslInterleave(124) or adslFast(125).
cAdslDmtLineConfProfileEntry .
A configuration profile containing enterprise-specific ADSL DMT line configuration information.
cAdslDmtLineAlarmConfProfileEntry .
A configuration profile containing enterprise-specific ADSL line configuration information pertaining to alarms
cAdslDmtBinIfNumber .
The cAdslDmtBinIfNumber is used to set the ifIndex for for which DMT bin information will be collected in cAdslAtucDmtBinTable and cAdslAturDmtBinTable. The request will be processed when cAdslDmtIfRqstStatus is set to pollNow (1). Setting this object will fail if the value of cAdslDmtIfRqstStatus is currently rqstInProgress (3). In addition, the interface must have an ifEntry with an ifType of adsl(94) and an adslLineCoding of dmt(2).
cAdslDmtBinIfRqstStatus .
This object initiates the polling and stores the status of the last DMT Bin request. This object can have the following values : reset (-1) : write this value to reset the the finite state machine (FSM) that controls the reading of bin information on a DMT interface. pollNow (1) : write this value to begin bin polling on an interface specified in cAdslDmtBinIfNumber. noIfConfigured(2) : status read when no valid interface is set in cAdslDmtBinIfNumber ifConfigured(3) : status read when a valid interface is set in cAdslDmtBinIfNumber rqstInProgress(4) : status returned until the data collection is complete on an interface. lcDownForIf (5) : status returned if the line card is down for the interface. ifUntrained (6) : status returned if the interface on the DSLAM is untrained. failure (7) : status returned when the request cannot be completed due to error. success (8) : status returned when bin data collection has been properly completed. Data collected on a status of success (8) will be available in cAdslAtucDmtBinTable and cAdslAturDmtBinTable. A read of this object can return any value between 2 and 8, while a write can only be set to the value of 1 or -1.
cAdslDmtBinIfLstRqstUpldTime .
cAdslDmtBinIfLstRqstUpldTime stores the time and date when the last successful upload request was done. This field is used to determine the age of DMT Bin data in the cAdslAtucDmtBinTable and cAdslAturDmtBinTable.
cAdslAtucDmtBinEntry .
A set of enterprise-specific parameters for a DMT DSL interface. After bin data has been collected successfully there will be at least 1 row entry for the interface indicated by cAdslAtucDmtBinIfIndex.
cAdslAturDmtBinEntry .
A set of enterprise-specific parameters for a DMT DSL interface. After bin data has been collected successfully there will be at least 1 row entry for the interface indicated by cAdslAtucDmtBinIfIndex.
Tabular Object
cAdslDmtLineOverheadFraming .
This object represents the negotiated overhead framing structure being used by the ATU-C and ATU-R.
cAdslAtucDmtState .
The value of this object specifies the enterprise-specific specific status of the ATU-C. If the value of adslAtucDMTState is not 'other', then the value of this object is 'standard'. If the value of adslAtucDMTState is 'other', and the ATU-C is in an unrecognized state, then the value of this object is 'unknown'. If the value of adslAtucDMTState is 'other', and the ATU-C is not in an unrecognized state, then the value of this object specifies the enterprise-specific state of the ATU-C.
cAdslAtucDmtChanFecSize .
This object specifies the number of FEC redundancy bytes the ATU-C appends to downstream on the corresponding channel. The ATU-C can fallback from the initial value specified for the corresponding channel (i.e., cAdslAtucDmtConfFastFecSize or cAdslAtucInterleaveFecSize) based on the aggregate data rate rate achieved during training.
cAdslAtucDmtChanCodewordSize .
This object specifies the actual number of symbols per codeword being used by the ATU-C for downstream messages. The ATU-C and ATU-R negotiate this value during the training sequence. A value of 0 indicates the automatic mode.
cAdslAturDmtChanFecSize .
This object specifies the number of FEC redundancy bytes the ATU-R appends to upstream on the corresponding channel. The ATU-C can fallback from the initial value specified for the corresponding channel (i.e., cAdslAturDmtConfFastFecSize or cAdslAturInterleaveFecSize) based on the aggregate data rate achieved during training.
cAdslAturDmtChanCodewordSize .
This object specifies the actual number of symbols per codeword being used by the ATU-R for upstream messages. The ATU-C and ATU-R negotiate this value during the training sequence.
cAdslLineDmtConfOperatingMode .
This object specifies the line operating mode being employed by the ADSL line. An ADSL line uses of one of two operating modes: - Automatic An ATU-C that employs this operating mode automatically detects the capabilities of the ATU-R and utilizes either a startup sequence specified by G.992.1, G.992.2, or T1.413-1998. This line operating mode is the default for an ADSL line. - Splitterless This operating mode should no longer be used. It is equivalent to the G.992.2 selection. Selecting this mode will automatically map to the G992.2 mode. It is appropriate in this case that both the ATU-C and ATU-R support 'heavy' capability but the ATU-C side wishes to force 'lite' operation. Selecting this mode will automatically convert to the G992.2 mode. - G992.1 This operating mode forces the used of the G994.1 startup sequence and compliance to G992.1 operation. - G992.2 This operating mode forces the use of the G994.1 startup sequence and compliance to G992.2 operation. It is appropriate in this case that both the ATU-C and ATU-R support 'heavy' capability but the ATU-C side wishes to force 'lite' operation. - T1.413 This operating mode forces the ATU-R to use the T1.413-1998 startup sequence.
cAdslLineDmtConfTrainingMode .
This object specifies the mode employed by the ATU-C and ATU-R when training against each other. One of two training modes can be employed: - Standard An ATU-C initiates a training sequence using the method defined by G.992.1, G.992.2, or T1.413-1998. This training mode is the default for ADSL modems. - Fast An ATU-C initiates a vendor-specific training sequence that can possibly provide a shorter training sequence.
cAdslAtucDmtConfFastFecSize .
This object specifies the initial number of FEC redundancy bytes the ATU-C appends to downstream frames transmitted over the fast channel during the training sequence. The ATU-C can fallback from this value depending on the aggregate data rate achieved during training. It is desirable to choose a large FEC size, thereby increasing the chance of being able to correct errors in the data delivered by a frame. However, additional FEC redundancy bytes increases frame overhead, and thus frame latency.
cAdslAtucDmtConfInterleaveFecSize .
This object specifies the initial number of FEC redundancy bytes the ATU-C appends to downstream frames transmitted over the interleaved channel during the training sequence. The ATU-C can fallback from this value depending on the aggregate data rate achieved during training. It is desirable to choose a large FEC size, thereby increasing the chance of being able to correct errors in the data delivered by a frame. However, additional FEC redundancy bytes increases frame overhead, and thus frame latency. The value of this object must be a integral multiple of the value of cAdslAtucDmtConfCodewordSize.
cAdslAtucDmtConfCodewordSize .
This object specifies the number of symbols per codeword being used by the ATU-C for downstream messages on an interleaved channel during the training sequence. The ATU-C can fallback from this value based on the aggregate data rate achieved during training. It is desirable to choose a large codeword size to minimize overhead. However, increasing the codeword size increases the possibility of not being able to correct errors in the data delivered by a frame.
cAdslAtucDmtConfOverheadFraming .
This object specifies the overhead framing structure which the ATU-C will request when establishing a link with the ATU-R. The value of 'structure0' is not valid.
cAdslAtucDmtConfBitSwapEnabled .
This object specifies whether the ATU-C performs bitswapping. Bitswapping attempts to maintain an acceptable margin for each bin; equalizing the margin across all bins through bit reallocation, thereby maximizing error performance. The ATU-C performs bitswapping by monitoring the margin measured for each bin by the transmitter: 1) If a bin's margin falls below 'target' and the difference, between the margin and 'target' exceeds 'thresh(f)', then the ATU-C marks the bin as a 'from' bin. 2) If a bin's margin exceeds 'target' and the difference between the margin and 'target' exceeds 'thresh(t)', then the ATU-C marks the bin as a 'to' bin. Where: 'target' = adslAtucConfTargetSnrMgn 'thresh(f)' = cAdslAtucDmtConfBitSwapFrom 'thresh(t)' = cAdslAtucDmtConfBitSwapTo The ATU-C attempts to equalize the margin across the bins by swapping bits out of bins marked 'from' into bins marked 'to'. When the ATU-C swaps a bit out of bin, it decreases its b(i). Thus, the bins constellation is smaller, which increases its margin. When the ATU-C swaps a bit into a bin, it increases its b(i). Thus, the bins constellation is larger, which decreases its margin. In addition, the ATU-R may optionally implement its own monitoring capability. The ATU-R uses this information to request the ATU-C to perform bitswapping. When this object is 'true', the ATU-C must be prepared to accept and properly handle bitswap requests from the ATU-R. While bitswapping has its obvious advantages, bitswapping can have undesirable side effects. It can introduce errors on lines prone to impulse noise. In this case, it may be desirable to disable bitswapping.
cAdslAtucDmtConfBitSwapFrom .
Bitswapping attempts to maintain an acceptable margin for each bin; equalizing the margin across all bins through bit reallocation, thereby maximizing error performance. The ATU-C performs bitswapping by monitoring the margin measured for each bin by the transmitter. If a bin's margin falls below adslAtucConfTargetSnrMgn and the difference between the margin and adslAtucConfTargetSnrMgn exceeds the value of this object, then the ATU-C marks a bin as a 'from' bin. The ATU-C attempts to equalize the margin across the bins by swapping bits out of bins marked 'from' into bins marked 'to'. When the ATU-C swaps a bit out of bin, it decreases its b(i). Thus, the bins constellation is smaller. which increases its margin. When the ATU-C swaps a bit into a bin, it increases its b(i). Thus, the bins constellation is larger, which decreases its margin. If this value is too small, then the ATU-C may frequently toggle the bit allocation on bins, and if impulse noise is present, this can cause errors. If this value is too large, then the ATU-C may not identify an adequate number of bins that it can swap bits 'from', thereby decreasing the chances for the ATU-C to equalize the margin across all the bins. Unequalized margin across all the bins translates into poor error performance.
cAdslAtucDmtConfBitSwapTo .
Bitswapping attempts to maintain an acceptable margin for each bin; equalizing the margin across all bins through bit reallocation, thereby maximizing error performance. The ATU-C performs bitswapping by monitoring the margin measured for each bin by the transmitter. If a bin's margin exceeds adslAtucConfTargetSnrMgn and the difference between the margin and adslAtucConfTargetSnrMgn exceeds the value of this object, then the ATU-C marks a bin as a 'to' bin. The ATU-C attempts to equalize the margin across the bins by swapping bits out of bins marked 'from' into bins marked 'to'. When the ATU-C swaps a bit out of bin, it decreases its b(i). Thus, the bins constellation is smaller. which increases its margin. When the ATU-C swaps a bit into a bin, it increases its b(i). Thus, the bins constellation is larger, which decreases its margin. If this value is too small, then the ATU-C may frequently toggle the bit allocation on bins, and if impulse noise is present, this can cause errors. If this value is too large, then the ATU-C may not identify an adequate number of bins that it can swap bits 'to', thereby decreasing the chances for the ATU-C to equalize the margin across all the bins. Unequalized margin across all the bins translates into poor error performance.
cAdslAturDmtConfFastFecSize .
This object specifies the initial number of FEC redundancy bytes the ATU-R appends to upstream frames transmitted over the fast channel during the training sequence. The ATU-C can force the ATU-R to fallback from this value depending on the aggregate data rate achieved during training. It is desirable to choose a large FEC size, thereby increasing the chance of being able to correct errors in the data delivered by a frame. However, additional FEC redundancy bytes increases frame overhead, and thus frame latency.
cAdslAturDmtConfInterleaveFecSize .
This object specifies the initial number of FEC redundancy bytes the ATU-R appends to upstream frames transmitted over the interleaved channel during the training sequence. The ATU-C can force the ATU-R to fallback from this value depending on the aggregate data rate achieved during training. It is desirable to choose a large FEC size, thereby increasing the chance of being able to correct errors in the data delivered by a frame. However, additional FEC redundancy bytes increases frame overhead, and thus frame latency. The value of this object must be a integral multiple of the value of cAdslAturDmtConfCodewordSize.
cAdslAturDmtConfCodewordSize .
This object specifies the number of symbols per codeword being used by the ATU-R for upstream messages on an interleaved channel during the training sequence. The ATU-C can force the ATU-R to fallback from this value based on the aggregate data rate achieved during training. It is desirable to choose a large codeword size to minimize overhead. However, increasing the codeword size increases the possibility of not being able to correct errors in the data delivered by a frame.
cAdslAtucDmtConfMinrateBlock .
This object is used to implement min-rate blocking on DMT interfaces that support this option.
cAdslAtucDmtDualBitmapEnabled .
This object is used to implement dual bitmap tables for Annex C compliant DMT interfaces. The bin data for the DSL interface will appear in cAdslAturDmtBinTable and cAdslAtucDmtBinTable.
cAdslAtucDmtThreshRateFallback .
This object specifies a bit rate threshold. When the following condition is met, the agent generates an adslAtucRateChangeTrap: ( I + F ) < cAdslAtucDmtThreshRateFallback where I = adslAtucChanCurrTxRate for ATU-C's interleave channel F = adslAtucChanCurrTxRate for ATU-C's fast channel Setting this value to '0' prevents the agent from generating an adslAtucRateChangeTrap due to rate fallback.
cAdslAturDmtThreshRateFallback .
This object specifies a bit rate threshold. When the following condition is met, the agent generate an adslAturRateChangeTrap: ( I + F ) < cAdslAturDmtThreshRatefallback where I = adslAturChanCurrTxRate for ATU-R's interleave channel F = adslAturChanCurrTxRate for ATU-R's fast channel Setting this value to '0' prevents the agent from generating an adslAtucRateChangeTrap due to rate fallback.
cAdslAtucDmtBitmapIndex .
This index is used to step through all of the bin tables on a DSL interface.
cAdslAtucDmtBinIndex .
A unique value, greater than zero, for each dmt bin on the interface specified in cAdslDmtBinIfNumber It is recommended that values be assigned contiguously starting from 1.
cAdslAtucDmtBinBitAlloc .
This stores the number of bits allotted per Hertz in this bin. For example, a value of 15 would indicate that this slot is tranmitting at a physical rate of 64kbits/sec.
cAdslAtucDmtBinTxGain .
This field has the transmitter gain for this bin and is stored in 0.01 dB increments.
cAdslAtucDmtBinNumber .
This field indicates the 4.3125 kHz band of downstream DSL line spectrum occupied by a bin. For example, a value of 3 would indicate the band from 12.9375 to 17.25 kHz of the spectrum.
cAdslAturDmtBitmapIndex .
This index is used to step through all of the bin tables on a DSL interface.
cAdslAturDmtBinIndex .
A unique value, greater than zero, for each dmt bin on the interface specified in cAdslDmtBinIfNumber It is recommended that values be assigned contiguously starting from 1.
cAdslAturDmtBinBitAlloc .
This stores the number of bits allotted per Hertz in this bin. For example, a value of 15 indicates that this slot is transmitting at a physical rate of 64 Kbits.
cAdslAturDmtBinTxGain .
This field has the transmitter gain for this bin and is stored in 0.01 dB increments.
cAdslAturDmtBinNumber .
This field indicates the 4.3125 kHz band of upstream DSL line spectrum occupied by a bin. For example, a value of 3 would indicate the band from 12.9375 to 17.25 kHz of the spectrum.
cAdslDmtLineTable .
This table extends the adslLineTable and contains enterprise- specific common attributes describing both ends of ADSL lines supported by the system.
cAdslAtucDmtPhysTable .
This table extends the adslAtucPhysTable and contains enterprise-specific physical layer parameters for ATU-C class devices supported by the system.
cAdslAtucDmtChanTable .
This table extends the adslAtucChanTable and contains enterprise-specific physical layer parameters for the ATU-C channels supported by the system.
cAdslAturDmtChanTable .
This table extends the adslAturChanTable and contains enterprise-specific physical layer parameters for the ATU-R channels supported by the system.
cAdslDmtLineConfProfileTable .
This table extends the adslLineConfProfileTable and contains enterprise-specific ADSL DMT line configuration information.
cAdslDmtLineAlarmConfProfileTable .
This table extends the adslLineAlarmConfProfileTable and contains enterprise-specific ADSL line configuration information pertaining to alarms.
cAdslAtucDmtBinTable .
This table contains information on the 256 DMT bins in the downstream direction. Bins correspond to 4 kHz slots on a trained DSL line modem. The information stored in each bin includes bit counts per hertz of bandwidth and the transmitter gain in 0.01 dB increments.
cAdslAturDmtBinTable .
This table contains information for the 32 DMT bins in the upstream direction. A bin corresponds to a 4 kHz slots on a trained DSL line modem. The information stored in each bin includes bit counts per hertz and the transmitter gain in 0.01 dB increments.
Object Identifier
ciscoAdslDmtLineMIB .
This MIB module serves as an enterprise-specific extension of the ADSL-LINE-MIB. The structure of this MIB module shadows the structure of the ADSL-LINE-MIB, table for table. The tables defined by this MIB module contain managed objects that meet the following criteria: 1) A managed object represents an attribute or characteristic specific to DMT (Digital Multi-Tone) modems. 2) The ADSL-DMT-LINE-MIB does not already contain a managed object representing the same information as a managed object. Observe that entries contained by the tables in this MIB module do not augment the corresponding entries in the ADSL-LINE-MIB, as every modem represented by the ADSL-LINE-MIB is not necessarily a DMT modem. Also observe that entries contained by the tables in this MIB module do not augment the corresponding entries in the ADSL-DMT-LINE-MIB, as this assumes that the ADSL-DMT-LINE-MIB defines tables that correspond to every table defined by the ADSL-LINE-MIB. At this time, this assumption does not hold true. *** DEFINITIONS *** AGGREGATE DATA RATE Data rate transmitted by an ADSL system in any one direction. This includes both net data rates and overhead used by the system, including: - EOC - AOC (ADSL Overhead Control channel) - CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) check bytes - fixed indicator bits for OAM (Operatings, Administration, and Maintenance) - synchronization control bytes - capacity for bearer channel synchronization control BEARER CHANNEL A user data stream of a specific data rate that is transported transparently by an ADSL system over one of the simplex channels (i.e., AS0, AS1, AS2, or AS3) or one of the duplex channels (i.e., LS0, LS1, or LS2). BIN DMT line coding divides the frequency spectrum above the voice band of a line (i.e., 0-4 kHz) into 255 sub-carriers, each supporting 4.3125 kHz of bandwidth. A 'bin' refers to a single sub-carrier. DATA SYMBOL RATE The average symbol rate (after allowing for the overhead of the sync symbol) at which symbols carrying data are transmitted; that is, 4000 symbols/second. DOWNSTREAM The flow of data in the direction from the ATU-C to ATU-R. LINE RATE The total data rate supported by a line; that is, (sum of b(i) for all i) * 4 kbps. MARGIN (also referred to as 'SNR margin') The difference between the SNR of the received signal and the SNR required to provide a BER of 10E-7. NET DATA RATE The data rate that is available for user data in any one direction; for the downstream direction this is the sum of the simplex and duplex bearer channel rates. SPLITTER Filters that separate the high frequency signals (ADSL) from the voice band signals; (frequently called POTS splitters even though the voice band signals may comprise more than just POTS). SYMBOL The number of bits the transmitter is capable of multiplexing and modulating over all the bins in a single signalling interval. SYMBOL RATE The rate at which all symbols, including the sync symbol, are transmitted; that is, (69/68) * 4000 symbols/sec; contrasted with the data symbol rate. TOTAL DATA RATE The aggregate data rate (q.v.) plus Reed-Solomon FEC overhead. UPSTREAM The flow of data in the direction from the ATU-R to ATU-C. *** ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, AND SYMBOLS *** ADSL - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. ATM - Asynchronous Transfer Mode. ATU-C - ADSL Transceiver Unit, Central Office end. ATU-R - ADSL Transceiver Unit, Remote terminal end. b(i) - the number of bits (i.e., constellation size) modulated on bin i. BER - Bit Error Ratio. DMT - Discrete MultiTone. DSL - Digital Subscriber Line. EOC - Embedded Operations Channel. FEC - Forward Error Correction. SNR - Signal-to-Noise Ratio. STM - Synchronous Transfer Mode.
ciscoAdslDmtLineMIBObjects .
ciscoAdslDmtLineMIBNotificationsPrefix .
ciscoAdslDmtLineMIBNotifications .
ciscoAdslDmtLineMIBConformance .
ciscoAdslDmtLineMIBCompliances .
ciscoAdslDmtLineMIBGroups .
cAdslDmtLineGroup .
A collection of managed objects defining the enterprise-specific attributes of an ADSL line supporting modems using the DMT line code.
cAdslAtucDmtPhysGroup .
A collection of managed objects defining the enterprise-specific physical-layer parameters of an ATU-C using the DMT line code.
cAdslAtucDmtChanGroup .
A collection of managed objects defining the enterprise-specific channel parameters of an ATU-C using the DMT line code.
cAdslAturDmtChanGroup .
A collection of managed objects defining the enterprise-specific channel parameters of an ATU-R using the DMT line code.
cAdslDmtLineConfProfileGroup .
A collection of managed objects defining the enterprise-specific line configuration information associated with one or more ADSL ATU class devices implementing the DMT line code. Replaced by cAdslDmtLineConfProfileGroupRev1.
cAdslDmtLineAlarmConfProfileGroup .
A collection of managed objects defining the enterprise-specific line alarm configuration information associated with one or more ATU class devices implementing the DMT line code.
cAdslDmtLineConfProfileGroupRev1 .
A collection of managed objects defining the enterprise-specific line configuration information associated with one or more ADSL ATU class devices implementing the DMT line code.
cAdslDmtBinIfGroup .
A collection of managed objects defining the enterprise-specific line interface information used to collect bin data from DMT interfaces.
cAdslAtucDmtBinDataGroup .
A collection of managed objects defining the enterprise-specific line BIN information associated with one or more ATUC class devices implementing the DMT line code.
cAdslAturDmtBinDataGroup .
A collection of managed objects defining the enterprise-specific line BIN information associated with a ATUR class device implementing the DMT line code.