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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » cisco » CISCO-ATM-CONN-INFO-MIB » Objects

CISCO-ATM-CONN-INFO-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-ATM-CONN-INFO-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.



Scalar Object
caciP2pTotalConfConns .
This object specifies the total point to point connections that are configured on this ATM switch.
caciP2pMaxPossibleConns .
This object specifies the upper limit of the point to point and point to multipoint connections that are allowed to be configured on this ATM switch.
caciMaxPossibleEndpoints .
This object specifies the upper limit of all the possible endpoints that are allowed to be configured on this ATM switch.
caciGenericEndpointEntry .
An entry in the table specifying the number of connections for the corresponding CaciATMEndpointCategory.
caciConnInfoEntry .
An entry in the caciConnInfoTable. Each entry in ifTable with ifType values: atm(37), atmLogical(80) or atmVirtual(149) has an associated entry in this table.
caciP2pConnEntry .
An entry in the table specifying the number of connections for the corresponding CaciP2pConnCategory.
caciP2pEndpointEntry .
An entry in the table specifying the number of endpoints for the corresponding CaciP2pEndpointCategory.
caciP2pIntEndpointEntry .
An entry in the table specifying the number of endpoints for the corresponding CaciP2pIntEndpointCategory.
caciP2mpConnEntry .
An entry in the table specifying the number of connections for the corresponding CaciP2mpConnCategory.
Tabular Object
caciATMEndpointCategory .
Endpoint category corresponding to CaciATMEndpointCategory.
caciTotalEndpoints .
The total number of endpoints of caciATMEndpointCategory configured on this ATM switch.
caciGeneralConnEPCategory .
The general connection or endpoint category on this ATM switch.
caciNumUsedConns .
This object specifies the total number of used connections of type caciGeneralConnEPCategory on this interface.
caciP2pConnectionCategory .
The connection category.
caciP2pTotalConns .
The total number of P2p connections of type CaciP2pConnCategory configured on this ATM switch.
caciP2pEndptCategory .
The point to point endpoint category.
caciP2pTotalConfEndpoints .
The number of total P2p enpoints of type CaciP2pEndpointCategory configured on this ATM switch.
caciP2pIntEndptCategory .
The point to point intermediate endpoint category.
caciP2pTotalIntEndpoints .
The total number of P2p intermediate enpoints of type CaciP2pIntEndpointCategory present on this ATM switch.
caciP2mpConnectionCategory .
The point to multi point connection category.
caciP2mpTotalConfConns .
The total number of P2mp connections of type CaciP2mpConnCategory configured on this ATM switch.
caciGenericEndpointTable .
The table contains number of connection per CaciATMEndpointCategory.
caciConnInfoTable .
The Connection Statistics table. This table has the number of connections per interface.
caciP2pConnTable .
The table contains number of connection per CaciP2pConnCategory.
caciP2pEndpointTable .
The table contains number of endpoints per CaciP2pEndpointCategory.
caciP2pIntEndpointTable .
The table contains number of endpoints per CaciP2pIntEndpointCategory.
caciP2mpConnTable .
The table contains number of connection per CaciP2mpConnCategory.
Object Identifier
ciscoAtmConnInfoMIB .
The MIB module for providing the parameters configured on an ATM interface. Terminologies used: SVC : Switched Virtual Channel SPVC : Soft Permanent Virtual Circuit SPVP : Soft Permanent Virtual Path SVPC : Switched Virtual Path Connection DAX : Connection with endpoints on the same ATM switch P2p : Point-to-point connection P2mp : Point-to-multi-point connection Root : The root of point-to-multipoint connection, which is associated with a VPI/VCI Leaf : Usually one point-to-multipoint connection consists of one root and one or more leaves. Leaf is the branch point for point to multipoint connection that is associated with a VPI/VCI Party: One or more party is associated with each leaf, all parties are associated with the same VPI/VCI that its leaf belongs to Source Via Node Destination ------- ------- ------- A| |B C| |D E| |F --+-----+----------+-----+------------+-----+-- | | | | | | ------- ------- ------- Each active connection has two terminating endpoints. In the above diagram, Endpoints A and F are terminating. Of these the master endpoint of the connection initiates the routing of the call and is considered the calling party. The slave endpoint is the called party which receives calls and is the destination of a call. Any endpoints that are created either on Via nodes or on the node with the terminating endpoint in order to have a complete connections between endpoints A and F are said to be intermediate endpoints. In the above diagram, endpoints B, C, D and E are intermediate endpoints.
caciMIBNotifications .
caciMIBObjects .
caciAtmConnInfo .
caciIfInfo .
caciP2pConns .
caciP2pEndpoints .
caciP2pIntEndpoints .
caciP2mpConns .
caciGeneric .
ciscoAtmConnInfoMIBConformance .
ciscoAtmConnInfoMIBCompliances .
ciscoAtmConnInfoMIBGroups .
ciscoConnInfoConfMIBGroup .
Objects used for representing connection statistical details about an interface.
ciscoTotalConnsMIBGroup .
Objects used for representing the total connections on the ATM switch.
ciscoTotalEndpointsMIBGroup .
Objects used for representing the total endpoints on the ATM switch.
ciscoP2pConnsMIBGroup .
Objects used for representing the point to point connections of a particular CaP2pConnCategory.
ciscoP2pEndpointsMIBGroup .
Objects used for representing the point to point endpoints of a particular CaP2pEndpointCategory.
ciscoP2pIntEndpointsMIBGroup .
Objects used for representing the point to point intermediate endpoints of a particular CaP2pIntEndpointCategory.
ciscoP2mpConnsMIBGroup .
Objects used for representing the point to multi point connections of a particular CaP2mpConnCategory.