CISCO-ATM-PVC-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco
Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers).
This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-ATM-PVC-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.
CISCO-ATM-PVC-MIB file content
Object view of CISCO-ATM-PVC-MIB:
Scalar Object |
capvcEntry |
. |
An entry in the PVC table containing information
about a single PVC that has been configured. To
create a PVC at an ATM interface and bind it to a
VLAN, either of the following procedures are used :
Multi step process
(1) The management application creates a
PVC entry in the capvcTable by setting
the capvcRowStatus to createAndWait(5).
This may fail for the following reasons:
- The selected vpi/vci is already being used.
- The selected port is not available.
Otherwise, the agent creates a row and
reserves the vpi/vci on that port.
(2) The manager then sets the values for
the capvcVlanId, capvcType and optionally,
the capvcPCR, capvcOAM and capvcFrequency.
(3) The manager activates the PVC by setting
the capvcRowStatus to active(1).
One-Shot PVC establishment
(1) A PVC may also be established in one
step by a set-request with all necessary
PVC parameter values and the capvcRowStatus
set to createAndGo(4).
In contrast to the multi step process which
allows for detailed error checking (i.e.,
set errors are explicitly linked to
particular resource acquisition failures),
the one-shot PVC establishment performs the
setup on one operation but does not have the
advantage of step-wise error checking.
PVC Retirement
A PVC is released by setting the capvcRowStatus
to destroy(6), and the agent may release all
associated resources.
Tabular Object |
capvcPort |
. |
The port number in the ATM module on
which this PVC is being configured.
capvcVPI |
. |
The Virtual Path Identifier for the PVC.
capvcVCI |
. |
The Virtual Channel Identifier for the PVC.
capvcVCD |
. |
This is the Virtual Channel Descriptor,
a value which uniquely identifies the PVC.
This is a read-only variable and is not
set by the user. When the PVC is created
successfully, it is assigned a unique
VCD number by the system.
capvcType |
. |
The type of traffic that will flow
through the PVC. The user can configure
the PVC as:
(1) aal5snap PVC which carries network
interconnect traffic over ATM
AAL5 (RFC1483).
(2) ilmi PVC which carries Interim Link
Management Interface protocol traffic.
(3) qsaal PVC which carries ATM UNI 3.x
signalling traffic.
capvcPCR |
. |
The Peak Cell Rate for the PVC. This
value denotes the bandwidth allocated
for this PVC. The default value for
this field is the maximum speed of the
interface. This is 155000 Kbps for an
OC3 Module and 45000 Kbps for a DS3
capvcOAM |
. |
A boolean that indicates if a F5 OAM
loopback cell will be sent on this
PVC or not. The default value for
this field is false.
capvcFrequency |
. |
Indicates how often will a F5 OAM
loopback cell be transmitted. If the
value of capvcOAM is true, then the
default value for this variable is
10 seconds. If the value of capvcOAM
is false, then this variable is ignored.
capvcVlanId |
. |
The VLAN number of the VLAN that the
PVC is bound to.
Binding a PVC say with VCD number x,
to a VLAN with a VlanId y, causes the
traffic on VLAN y to pass through PVC x.
Also a PVC that is bound to a VLAN can
be unbound by the user. After the unbind
operation the VLAN traffic stops flowing
through the PVC. If the user changes the
value of this variable then the PVC is
unbound from the original VLAN and bound
to the new VLAN.
capvcRowStatus |
. |
This object is used to create, delete
or modify a row in this table. To
create a new PVC, this object is
initially set to 'createAndWait' or
'createAndGo'. This object must not
be set to 'active' unless the following
columnar objects exist in this row:
capvcType and capvcVlanId.
To delete a row, this object is set
to 'destroy'(6).
Table |
capvcTable |
. |
A table of all the PVCs configured on an ATM uplink card.
Object Identifier |
ciscoAtmPvcMIB |
. |
PVC's (Permanent Virtual Channel)
can carry bridged PDUs (BPDUs)
using the encapsulation method
detailed in RFC1483. This is an
alternative to using LAN Emulation
to transfer BPDUs.
This MIB allows users to configure
a PVC on an ATM uplink card of a
Catalyst 5000 device, and then bind
that PVC to a Virtual LAN (VLAN).
ciscoAtmPvcMIBObjects |
. |
ciscoAtmPvcCreateBindGroup |
. |
ciscoAtmPvcMIBConformance |
. |
ciscoAtmPvcMIBCompliances |
. |
ciscoAtmPvcMIBGroups |
. |
Group |
ciscoAtmPvcMIBGroup |
. |
A collection of objects providing ATM
PVC configuration and VLAN binding.