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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » cisco » CISCO-ATM-QOS-MIB » Objects

CISCO-ATM-QOS-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-ATM-QOS-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.

CISCO-ATM-QOS-MIB file content

Object view of CISCO-ATM-QOS-MIB:

Scalar Object
caqVccParamsEntry .
This list contains the ATM QoS parameters provided by ciscoAtmQosVccEntry.
caqVpcParamsEntry .
This list contains the ATM QoS parameters provided by ciscoAtmQosVpcEntry.
caqQueuingParamsEntry .
This is defined as an entry in caqQueuingParamsTable.
caqQueuingParamsClassEntry .
This is defined as an entry in ciscoAtmQosVcQueuingClassTable to provide queuing information of a specific class.
Tabular Object
caqVccParamsType .
The service category of this virtual circuit connection.
caqVccParamsPcrIn0 .
Input Peak Cell Rate (PCR) in kbps with Cell Loss Priority bit set to 0 (clp0).
caqVccParamsPcrIn01 .
Number of OAM F5 end to end loopback cells sent through the VCC.
caqVccParamsPcrOut0 .
Output Peak Cell Rate (PCR) in kbps with Cell Loss Priority bit set to 0 (clp0).
caqVccParamsPcrOut01 .
Output Peak Cell Rate (PCR) in kbps with Cell Loss Priority bit set to 1 (clp01).
caqVccParamsScrIn0 .
Input Sustained Cell Rate (SCR) in kbps for connection with VBR type of QoS and Cell Loss Priority bit set to 0 (clp0).
caqVccParamsScrIn01 .
Input Sustained Cell Rate (SCR) in kbps for connection with VBR type of QoS and Cell Loss Priority bit set to 1 (clp01).
caqVccParamsScrOut0 .
Output Sustained Cell Rate (SCR) in kbps for connection with VBR type of QoS and Cell Loss Priority bit set to 0 (clp0).
caqVccParamsScrOut01 .
Output Sustained Cell Rate (SCR) in kbps for connection with VBR type of QoS and Cell Loss Priority bit set to 1 (clp01).
caqVccParamsBcsIn0 .
Input Burst Cell Size (BCS) for connection with VBR type of QoS and Cell Loss Priority bit set to 0 (clp0).
caqVccParamsBcsIn01 .
Input Burst Cell Size (BCS) for connection with VBR type of QoS and Cell Loss Priority bit set to 1 (clp01).
caqVccParamsBcsOut0 .
Output Burst Cell Size (BCS) for connection with VBR type of QoS and Cell Loss Priority bit set to 0 (clp0).
caqVccParamsBcsOut01 .
Output Burst Cell Size (BCS) for connection with VBR type of QoS and Cell Loss Priority bit set to 1 (clp01).
caqVccParamsInheritLevel .
The source of configuration for peak cell rate.
caqVccParamsMcrIn .
Input Minimum Cell Rate (MCR) in kbps for connection with VBR-nrt or ABR type of QoS.
caqVccParamsMcrOut .
Output Minimum Cell Rate (MCR) in kbps for connection with VBR-nrt or ABR type of QoS.
caqVccParamsInvRdf .
Inverse of rate decrease factor.
caqVccParamsInvRif .
Inverse of rate increase factor.
caqVccParamsRfl .
The source of configuration for rate factor.
caqVccParamsCdv .
Cell delay variation.
caqVccParamsCdvt .
Cell delay variation tolerance.
caqVccParamsIcr .
Initial cell rate.
caqVccParamsTbe .
Transient buffer exposure.
caqVccParamsFrtt .
Fixed round-trip time.
caqVccParamsNrm .
Maximum number of tx cells for each forward rm cell.
caqVccParamsInvTrm .
Maximum time between forward rm cells.
caqVccParamsInvCdf .
Inverse of cutoff decrease factor.
caqVccParamsAdtf .
Allowed cell rate decrease time factor.
caqVpcParamsVpState .
VP state of the current permanent virtual path.
caqVpcParamsPeakRate .
Maximum rate in kbps at which the associated permanent virtual path can transmit data.
caqVpcParamsCesRate .
Maximum rate in kbps at which CES VCs can transmit data with the associated permanent virtual path.
caqVpcParamsDataVcCount .
Number of data VCs currently associated with the permanent virtual path.
caqVpcParamsCesVcCount .
Number of CES VCs currently associated with the permanent virtual path.
caqVpcParamsVcdF4Seg .
Vcd for F4 OAM segment processing.
caqVpcParamsVcdF4Ete .
Vcd for F4 OAM end to end processing.
caqVpcParamsScr .
Sustained cell rate associated with the PVP.
caqVpcParamsMbs .
Maximum burst size associated with the PVP.
caqVpcParamsAvailBw .
Bandwidth in Kbps currently currently available on this PVP.
caqQueuingParamsMeanQDepth .
Mean Queue Depth associated with the vc. This value is calculated based on the actual queue depth on the interface and the exponential weighting constant.
caqQueuingParamsClassIndex .
A class index, which associates with an IP precedence (0 to 8), is defined to reference individual caqQueuingParamsClassEntry.
caqQueuingParamsClassRandDrp .
Number of packets dropped when Mean Queue Length is between Minimum Threshold and Maximum Threshold range.
caqQueuingParamsClassTailDrp .
Number of packets dropped because the Mean Queue Depth exceeds the Maximum Threshold value.
caqQueuingParamsClassMinThre .
Minimum Threshold value in kbps.
caqQueuingParamsClassMaxThre .
Maximum Threshold value in kbps.
caqQueuingParamsClassMrkProb .
Mark probability denominator. This is the value used in the calculation of a packet being dropped when the average queue size is between the minimum threshold and the maximum threshold.
caqVccParamsTable .
This table is defined to provide QoS information for each active ATM VC existing on the interface.
caqVpcParamsTable .
This table is defined to provide QoS information for each active ATM VP existing on the interface.
caqQueuingParamsTable .
This table provides queuing related information for a VC existing on an ATM interface.
caqQueuingParamsClassTable .
This table provides queuing information for all queuing classes associating with a VC.
Object Identifier
ciscoAtmQosMIB .
The MIB is created to provide ATM QoS information in these areas: 1. Traffic shaping on a per-VC basis 2. Traffic shaping on a per-VP basis 3. Per-VC queuing/buffering Although the initial requirements of the MIB are driven to support the GSR TAZ line card, CISCO-ATM-QOS-MIB is designed as a generic MIB to support ATM interfaces across all platforms. Here are the tables defined in this MIB: ciscoAtmQosVccTable - to provide information on traffic shaping on a per-VC basis. ciscoAtmQosVpcTable - to provide information on traffic shaping on a per-VP basis. ciscoAtmQosVcQueuingTable ciscoAtmQosVcQueuingClassTable - to provide information on per-VC queuing/buffering.
ciscoAtmQosMIBNotifs .
ciscoAtmQosMIBObjects .
ciscoAtmQosMIBConform .
caqVccParams .
caqVpcParams .
caqQueuingParams .
ciscoAtmQosMIBCompliances .
ciscoAtmQosMIBGroups .
ciscoAtmQosVccGroup .
A collection of objects providing per-VC ATM QoS related info.
ciscoAtmQosVpcGroup .
A collection of objects providing per-VP ATM QoS related info.
ciscoAtmQosVcQueuingGroup .
A collection of objects providing per-VC queuing/buffering related info.
ciscoAtmQosVccAddon1Group .
Add-on objects providing per-VC ATM QoS related info.
ciscoAtmQosVpcAddon1Group .
Add-on objects providing per-VP ATM QoS related info.