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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » cisco » CISCO-CABLE-QOS-MONITOR-MIB » Objects

CISCO-CABLE-QOS-MONITOR-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-CABLE-QOS-MONITOR-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.



Scalar Object
ccqmCmtsEnforceRuleEntry .
A set of attributes of a enforce rule on the CMTS. One entry exists for each QoS enforce rule. It is indexed by ccqmCmtsEnfRuleName as each enforce rule is associated with a unique name.
ccqmEnfRuleViolateEntry .
A set of attributes of a subscriber who violated his enforce rule in the monitoring period. An entry in this table exists for each subscriber who over-consumed resources based on his configured QoS parameters. However those subscribers who have an enforced QoS associated with their enforce rule, will be removed from this table once their penalty time expires. An entry in this table can exist for ifEntry with an ifType of docsCableMaclayer(127).
ccqmEnfRuleViolateNotifEnable .
An indication of whether the ccqmEnfRuleViolateNotification is enabled or disabled.
Tabular Object
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleName .
The name of the enforce rule.
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleRegQoS .
This object represents a pointer to the object describing the quality of service attributes associated with the registered service of the subscriber. For DOCSIS1.0 subscribers it is the index in the docsIfQosProfileTable. If no associated entry in docsIfQosProfileTable exists, this object returns a value of zero. Similarly this object can be set to 0 to indicate no entry in the docsIfQosProfileTable associated with this QoS profile. This object cannot be changed when the rule is active or ccqmCmtsEnfRuleRowStatus is active(1).
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleEnfQos .
This object represents a pointer to the object describing the quality of service attributes associated with the registered service of the subscriber. For DOCSIS1.0 subscribers it is the index in the docsIfQosProfileTable. If no associated entry in docsIfQosProfileTable exists, this object returns a value of zero. Similarly this object can be set to 0 to indicate no entry in the docsIfQosProfileTable associated with this QoS profile. This object cannot be changed when the rule is active or ccqmCmtsEnfRuleRowStatus is active(1).
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleMonDuration .
This object represents the duration for which subscribers would be monitored to determine if they were over consuming resources. This object cannot be changed when the rule is active or ccqmCmtsEnfRuleRowStatus is active(1).
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleSampleRate .
This object represents the interval at which a decision would be made to check if the subscriber over consumed his resources based on the subscriber usage in the past duration as defined by ccqmCmtsEnfRuleMonDuration. This object cannot be changed when the rule is active or ccqmCmtsEnfRuleRowStatus is active(1).
ccqmCmtsEnfRulePenaltyPeriod .
This object represents the period in which the enforced QoS will be in effect from the time of detection. When the time as defined by this object expires, the registered QoS would be restored. This object cannot be changed when the rule is active or ccqmCmtsEnfRuleRowStatus is active(1).
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleByteCount .
The number of kbytes that the subscriber can transmit in the monitoring duration as indicated by ccqmCmtsEnfRuleMonDuration before being flagged as over consuming. This object cannot be changed when the rule is active or ccqmCmtsEnfRuleRowStatus is active(1).
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleDirection .
Specifies if the byte-count as specified by ccqmCmtsEnfRuleByteCount is for the upstream/downstream direction or bidirectional. This object cannot be changed when the rule is active or ccqmCmtsEnfRuleRowStatus is active(1).
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleAutoEnforce .
If the ccqmCmtsEnfRuleAutoEnforce is TRUE, the enforced QoS profile as specified by ccqmCmtsEnfRuleEnfQos will be automatically enforced when an over consuming subscriber is detected. Otherwise the change should be done manually. This object cannot be changed when the rule is active or ccqmCmtsEnfRuleRowStatus is active(1).
ccqmCmtsEnfRuleRowStatus .
The object controls and reflects the status of rows in this table. All row status values are supported. The status of the row needs to be changed from active(1) to notInService(2) in cases when any of the enforce rule objects need to be changed. If there is any monitoring associated with this enforce rule ongoing at this time, it will be aborted. All statistics collected over the sample rate and monitoring duration will be cleared. The monitoring will start again only when the row status is changed to active(1).
ccqmEnfRuleViolateID .
An index assigned to the service flow by the CMTS. In case of DOCSIS1.0 this represents an internal service flow ID.
ccqmEnfRuleViolateMacAddr .
MAC address of this subscriber. If the subscriber has multiple MAC addresses, this is the MAC address associated with the Cable interface.
ccqmEnfRuleViolateRuleName .
A pointer to the enforce rule associated with this subscriber. It provides for referencing the enforce rule to determine the QoS monitoring parameters.
ccqmEnfRuleViolateByteCount .
The total kbytes consumed by the subscriber in the monitoring duration as specified in the corresponding enforce rule object ccqmCmtsEnfRuleMonDuration. If the monitoring is restarted due to change in enforce rule or any other circumstance this count will be reset.
ccqmEnfRuleViolateLastDetectTime .
The time at which the subscriber was found to have violated his enforce rule and the time from which the enforced QoS, if any, was in effect.
ccqmEnfRuleViolatePenaltyExpTime .
The time when the original QoS parameters will be restored for this violating subscriber. If there was no enforced QoS configured for this subscriber this object returns 0.
ccqmCmtsEnforceRuleTable .
This table contains the attributes of the QoS enforce rules present on the CMTS. These enforce rules define the criteria for identifying subscribers who over consume resources. This could be as simple as bytes transmitted over the last monitoring duration and checked at a rate equal to the sample rate. In the sliding window concept used, the monitoring duration is the size of the window. This window slides by an amount that is equal to the sample rate. At every sample rate the bytes transmitted in the time equal to a monitoring duration is checked. If this is found to be larger than the defined byte count limit per monitoring duration, the subscriber is flagged as over consuming. Else the monitoring will continue. For example let the monitoring duration be 360 minutes and sample rate be 30 minutes. If the byte count is 100,000 bytes then every 30 minutes we check if the bytes transmitted in the last 360 minutes exceeded 100,000 bytes. If so, the subscriber is over consuming. The enforce rule has a one to one mapping to QoS profiles in case of DOCSIS1.0. It defines the registered QoS and an enforced QoS to be applied if found to be violating the registered QoS. The enforce rule also defines a penalty period for which the enforced Qos will be applied. The registered QoS will be restored when the penalty period expires.
ccqmEnfRuleViolateTable .
This table contains information of the subscribers who violated their enforce rule over the monitoring duration. In the sliding window concept used, the monitoring duration is the size of the window. This window slides by an amount that is equal to the sample rate. At every sample rate the bytes transmitted in the time equal to a monitoring duration is checked. If this is found to be larger than the defined byte count limit per monitoring duration, the subscriber is flagged as over consuming or to have violated his enforce rule. This table has entries for each of these violating subscribers. In case the violating subscriber has a enforced QoS, the QoS parameters for such subscribers will be changed to the enforced QoS for the penalty time. When the penalty time expires, the subscriber gets his registered QoS restored and will no longer appear in this table but will be monitored.
ccqmEnfRuleViolateNotification .
A notification that is sent when the subscriber if found to have violated his enforce rule. This indicates that this subscriber was found to be over consuming resources. If the enforce rule associated with this subscriber has a enforced QoS configured, the trap also indicates that the QoS parameters of this subscriber are changed to the enforced QoS.
Object Identifier
ciscoCableQosMonitorMIB .
This is the MIB module for subscriber QoS monitoring for DOCSIS-compliant Cable Modem Termination Systems (CMTS). Several subscriber behaviour can be monitored: 1. When the subscriber requests for more resources than as defined by its QoS parameters. In this case, though requested for more rate-limiting happens in the CMTS, hence, the subscriber will get only as much resources as defined by its registered QoS. 2. When the subscriber continuously utilizes the resources to the upper limit or very near to the upper limit as defined by its QoS parameter. 3. When the subscriber sometimes or never utilizes the resources as defined by the upper limit of the QoS parameters. In the first two cases, we need to monitor the subscribers as upstream/downstream is a shared medium, and if all subscribers start consuming resources as per their peak rate, or a percentage of it, CMTS will be hard pressed for resources. So, even though such subscribers are using resources within the limits as defined by their QoS parameters, from the CMTS point of view, they are over consuming. Through out this MIB, we refer to this behavior of subscribers as over consumption of resources and such subscribers will be the violating subscribers. The subscriber QoS Monitoring is a software feature provided on the CMTS so that the CMTS may identify such subscribers who over consume resources based on their QoS parameters, report them to a management entity, and automatically mitigate the problem where possible. This is done by penalizing the violating subscribers by changing their QoS parameters to enforced QoS parameters. The MIB allows to create enforce rules which are used to determine the over consumption of resources. The enforce rule contains monitoring and enforced QoS parameters. The subscribers who over consume their bandwidth are flagged and NMS notified of all such violations. The MIB also provides a unified view of all over-consuming subscribers.
ciscoCableQosMonitorMIBObjects .
ccqmEnforceRuleObjects .
ccqmRuleViolateObjects .
ccqmMIBNotificationsPrefix .
ccqmMIBNotifications .
ccqmMIBConformance .
ccqmMIBCompliances .
ccqmMIBGroups .
ccqmEnfRuleGroup .
Group of objects implemented in CMTS providing enforce rule and QoS monitoring information.
ccqmEnfRuleViolateGroup .
Group of objects implemented in CMTS providing information of enforce rule violations.
ccqmEnfRuleViolateNotifGroup .
The notification which a CISCO-CABLE-QOS-MONITOR-MIB is required to implement.