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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » cisco » CISCO-CALL-HISTORY-MIB » Objects

CISCO-CALL-HISTORY-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-CALL-HISTORY-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.



Scalar Object
ciscoCallHistoryTableMaxLength .
The upper limit on the number of entries that the ciscoCallHistoryTable may contain. A value of 0 will prevent any history from being retained. When this table is full, the oldest entry will be deleted and the new one will be created.
ciscoCallHistoryRetainTimer .
The minimum amount of time that an ciscoCallHistoryEntry will be maintained before being deleted. A value of 0 will prevent any history from being retained, but will not prevent callCompletion traps being genarated.
ciscoCallHistoryEntry .
The information regarding a single Connection.
Tabular Object
ciscoCallHistoryStartTime .
The value of sysUpTime when this call history entry was created. This will be useful for an NMS to retrieve all calls after a specific time.
ciscoCallHistoryIndex .
Index variable to access the CallHistoryEntry objects of the ciscoCallHistoryTable.
ciscoCallHistoryCallingNumber .
The calling number for this call. If the number is not available, then it will have a length of zero. The variable is instantiated if this is an incoming call.
ciscoCallHistoryCalledNumber .
The number this call is connected to. This variable is instantiated if this is an outgoing call.
ciscoCallHistoryInterfaceNumber .
This is the ifIndex value of the highest number of interface through which the call was made.
ciscoCallHistoryDestinationAddress .
The address of the host this call is connected to, if it is available. Most devices/routers connected to an interface have an address and this object will store that. The variable is not instantiated if it is not available.
ciscoCallHistoryDestinationHostName .
The name of the host this call is connected to. Most devices/routers connected to an interface have a name and this object will store that name.
ciscoCallHistoryCallDisconnectCause .
The reason for the call termination.
ciscoCallHistoryCallConnectionTime .
The value of sysUpTime when the call was connected.
ciscoCallHistoryCallDisconnectTime .
The value of sysUpTime when the call got disconnected last.
ciscoCallHistoryDialReason .
The reason for initiating this call. This may include the destination address of the interesting packet that forced us to dial. This variable is instantiated for an outgoing call.
ciscoCallHistoryConnectTimeOfDay .
The time of day at the time of call connect.
ciscoCallHistoryDisconnectTimeOfDay .
The time of day when the call disconnected.
ciscoCallHistoryTransmitPackets .
Number of packets transmitted when this call was up.
ciscoCallHistoryTransmitBytes .
Number of Bytes transmitted when this call was up.
ciscoCallHistoryReceivePackets .
Number of packets received when this call was up.
ciscoCallHistoryReceiveBytes .
Number of Bytes received when this call was up.
ciscoCallHistoryRecordedUnits .
Advice of Charge recorded units when this call was up.
ciscoCallHistoryCurrency .
Advice of Charge currency type.
ciscoCallHistoryCurrencyAmount .
Advice of Charge currency amount when this call was up.
ciscoCallHistoryMultiplier .
Advice of Charge multiplier for currency amount
ciscoCallHistoryTable .
A table containing information about specific calls to a specific destination.
Object Identifier
ciscoCallHistoryMib .
The MIB module to describe and store the call information of the routers for accounting purposes.
ciscoCallHistoryMibObjects .
ciscoCallHistory .
ciscoCallHistoryMibConformance .
ciscoCallHistoryMibCompliances .
ciscoCallHistoryMibGroups .
ciscoCallHistoryMibGroup .
A collection of objects providing the call History MIB capability.
ciscoCallHistoryMibGroupRev1 .
A collection of objects providing the call History MIB capability.
ciscoCallHistoryMibGlobalsGroup .
A collection of objects providing control over the retention of call History.
ciscoCallHistoryMibGroupRev2 .
A collection of objects providing the call History MIB capability.