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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » cisco » CISCO-CALL-TRACKER-TCP-MIB » Objects

CISCO-CALL-TRACKER-TCP-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-CALL-TRACKER-TCP-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.



Scalar Object
ccttActiveEntry .
The information related to TCP connection for a single call. Entries are created if the call requests TCP connection based service. Entries are deleted when the call terminates.
ccttHistoryEntry .
The information regarding a single terminated call with TCP connections. Entries are created and deleted in sync with the entries in cctHistoryTable, when there is a TCP connection service requested for the call.
Tabular Object
ccttActiveLocalIpAddress .
The IP address for local endpoint of the call's TCP connection. This object has the same value as tcpConnLocalAddress from TCP-MIB.
ccttActiveLocalTcpPort .
TCP port number for local endpoint of the call's TCP connection. This object has the same value as tcpConnLocalPort from TCP-MIB.
ccttActiveRemoteIpAddress .
The IP address for remote endpoint of the call's TCP connection. This object has the same value as tcpConnRemAddress from TCP-MIB.
ccttActiveRemoteTcpPort .
TCP port number for remote endpoint of the call's TCP connection. This object has the same value as tcpConnRemPort from TCP-MIB.
ccttActiveDestinationFailures .
The number of requests from the call processing software to the Telnet/TCP to setup a connection for which Telnet/TCP was unable to establish the requested connection.
ccttHistoryLocalIpAddress .
The IP address for local endpoint of the call's TCP connection.
ccttHistoryLocalTcpPort .
TCP port number for local endpoint of the call's TCP connection.
ccttHistoryRemoteIpAddress .
The IP address for remote endpoint of the call's TCP connection. If no TCP connection was established, this object reports the first destination attempted.
ccttHistoryRemoteTcpPort .
TCP port number for remote endpoint of the call's TCP connection. If no TCP connection was established, this object reports the TCP port of the first destination attempted.
ccttHistoryDestinationFailures .
The number of requests from the call processing software to the Telnet/TCP to setup a connection for which Telnet/TCP was unable to establish the requested connection.
ccttActiveTable .
This table contains entries for active calls in the system which utilize TCP connections, as reported by cctActiveServiceType. This table extends the cctActiveTable, using the same index, cctActiveCallId.
ccttHistoryTable .
This table provides information on terminated calls with associated TCP connections, as reported by cctHistoryServiceType. This table extends the cctHistoryTable, using the same index, cctHistoryIndex.
Object Identifier
ciscoCallTrackerTCPMIB .
This MIB module provides TCP service connection related data for tracking the progress and status of a call. This module extends tables defined in the MIB module ciscoCallTrackerMIB in CISCO-CALL-TRACKER-MIB.
ccttMIBObjects .
ccttActive .
ccttHistory .
ccttMIBNotificationPrefix .
ccttMIBNotifications .
ccttMIBConformance .
ccttMIBCompliances .
ccttMIBGroups .
ccttActiveGroup .
A collection of objects providing the active call information.
ccttHistoryGroup .
A collection of objects providing the historical call information.