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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » cisco » CISCO-CALLHOME-MIB » Objects

CISCO-CALLHOME-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-CALLHOME-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.


Object view of CISCO-CALLHOME-MIB:

Scalar Object
callHomeEnable .
This object enables/disables the CallHome infrastructure on the local device.
sysContactPhoneNumber .
The phone number of the contact person for this managed node. The phone number must start with '+' and contains only numeric characters except for space and '-'. Some valid phone numbers are +44 20 8332 9091 +45 44886556 +81-46-215-4678 +1-650-327-2600 A set operation on this object with a invalid format will result in an error.
sysContactEmailAddress .
The email address of the contact person for this managed node. The format of this object is an an e-mail address which conforms to RFC822 and RFC1123 'addr-spec' syntax. Some valid Email Addresses are,, A set operation on this object with a invalid format will result in an error.
sysStreetAddress .
The mailing address of this managed node.
callHomeCustomerId .
A string, in whatever format is appropriate, to identify the customer.
callHomeContractId .
A string, in whatever format is appropriate, to identify the support contract between the customer and support partner.
callHomeSiteId .
A location identifier of this device.
callHomeDeviceServicePriority .
The service priority of the device. This determines how fast the device has to be serviced.
callHomeAlertAction .
This object acts as a trigger by which the generation of a particular type of alert can be verified. Specifically, setting this object to a type of alert triggers the sending of a callhome message for the specified type so that the call home backend is activated. No action is taken if this object is set to 'noOp'. The value of the object when read is always 'noOp'.
callHomeAlertActionStatus .
This object provides the status of the last callhome action invocation. unknown (1) - unknown successful (2) - successful inprogress (3) - action in progress failed (4) - failed If the value of this object is 'failed', then the callHomeAlertActionFailureCause provides the cause for the failure. Management stations could read value of this object after a successful set to the callHomeAlertAction object to find out the result of the test.
callHomeAlertActionFailureCause .
This object provides the failure cause for the last callhome test invocation. Note that this object is valid only if value of callHomeAlertActionStatus is 'failed'.
callHomeDestProfileEntry .
An entry containing information about a CallHome destination.
callHomeEmailAddrTblMaxEntries .
The maximum number of entries that the agent supports in the callHomeDestEmailAddressTable.
callHomeDestEmailAddressEntry .
An entry containing information about a CallHome destination email address. An entry cannot made 'active' until corresponding instance of 'callHomeDestEmailAddress' is created. Also, 'callHomeDestEmailAddress' cannot be modified when 'callHomeDestEmailAddressStatus' is 'active'. To modify 'callHomeDestEmailAddress', the entry must be deleted and re-created with the new value of it.
callHomeEmailFrom .
The email address that is to be used in the 'From' field when sending the email using SMTP. The format of this object is an e-mail address which conforms to RFC822 and RFC1123 'addr-spec' syntax. Some examples are,, A set operation on this object with a invalid format will result in an error.
callHomeEmailReplyTo .
The email address that is to be used in the 'Reply-To' field when sending the email using SMTP. The format of this object is an e-mail address which conforms to RFC822 and RFC1123 'addr-spec' syntax. Some examples are,, A set operation on this object with a invalid format will result in an error.
callHomeEmailMsgDispNotification .
The email address to which the Message Disposition Notification (also called 'Return Receipt') sent when the email sent from this device is read by the receiver. The format of this object is an an e-mail address which conforms to RFC822 and RFC1123 'addr-spec' syntax. Some examples are,, A set operation on this object with a invalid format will result in an error.
callHomeSmtpServerAddrType .
Address Type of the SMTP server.
callHomeSmtpServerAddr .
Address of the SMTP server.
callHomeSmtpServerPort .
Port of the SMTP server.
ccmSmtpServersTblMaxEntries .
Indicates the maximum number of SMTP servers supported by this device. A value of zero indicates no limitation on the number of SMTP servers.
ccmSmtpServersEntry .
An entry containing information about a SMTP server. An entry cannot made 'active' until corresponding instance of all objects in the same conceptual row are created. Any object in the entry can not be modified if the value of ccmSmtpServersStatus is 'active'.
callHomeLastAlertSent .
The value of sysUpTime when the last CallHome alert was sent.
callHomeAlerts .
The number of CallHome alerts sent.
ccmSysLogSeverity .
Different devices implementing this mib may use different criteria for issuing call home alerts. For the devices that issue call home alerts based on severity level of the syslog messages generated on the device, this object determines syslog severity levels beyond which a call home alert message will be issued. Any syslog message with a severity value greater than the value set for this object will be ignored by the agent. Note: severity numeric values increase as their severity decreases, e.g. error(4) is more severe than debug(8). For the devices that do not issue call home alerts based on syslog severity levels this object has no effect.
ccmEnableSmtpServerNotif .
This variable indicates whether the system produces the ccmSmtpServerFailNotif. A false value for this object will prevent ccmSmtpServerFailNotif notification being generated by the device.
callHomeAlertGroupTypeEntry .
An entry containing information about a particular callHome alert group type in the system.
callHomeSwInventoryEntry .
An entry containing information about the name value pair for a particular software service enabled in the system.
ccmPeriodicSwInventoryMsgEnable .
This object enables/disables the sending of periodic software inventory callhome message on the system.
ccmPeriodicSwInventoryTimeFrame .
This object represents the time frame for sending the periodic software inventory callhome message, if the periodic software inventory is enabled on the system ie., the value of 'ccmPeriodicSwInventoryMsgEnable' object is set to 'true'.
ccmMsgThrottlingEnable .
This object enables/disables the message throttling mechanism implemented on the system. The message throttling mechanism limits the number of callhome messages for a alert type, sent with in a time frame. The maximum number of callhome alert messages that can be sent out for a particular alert type is '30' in a time frame of 2 hours. That means, if the number of message sent exceeds the maximum limit (30), with in the given time frame (2 hours) then any further messages for that alert type will be discarded within that time frame. Only 30 messages for each alert type will be sent until 2 hours from the time the first message was sent. In case 2 hours has already elapsed since the first such message was sent, then time frame and the count for the number of messages will be reset to '0'.
Tabular Object
callHomeDestProfileName .
Name of the destination profile.
callHomeDestProfileMsgFormat .
The CallHome format used with profile while sending the message.
callHomeDestProfileMaxMsgSize .
Maximum message size that can be sent to destination pointed to by this destination profile. If the 'callHomeDestProfileMsgFormat' is set to 'xml' or 'full_txt' then the default value for this object is '500,000'. If the ''callHomeDestProfileMsgFormat' is 'short_txt' then the default value for this object is '4000'. A value of 0 for this object indicates no limitation on maximum message size that can be sent to destination pointed to by this destination profile.
callHomeDestProfileTrnsprtMthd .
CallHome transport method used to deliver the alert messages.
callHomeDestProfileStatus .
Status of this row.
callHomeDestProfileMsgLevel .
This object contains the threshold level, used for filtering alert messages sent to a destination. Callhome alert message with severity level lower than the configured threshold level would not be sent. The default threshold level is debug (1), which means all the alert messages will be sent.
callHomeDestProfileAlertGroups .
This object represent the list of configured alert groups for this destination profile. User can modify the configured alert groups, by Setting/Resetting the appropriate bits in this object. Resetting all the bits to '0' means no alert group is configured, hence no alert would be sent to the destination profile. If the existing value of this object has all bits 'set' , corresponding to all the 'callhomeAlertGroupTypeIndex' in the 'callHomeAlertGroupTypeTable', then the user can either 'reset all' or 'set all' of the above configured bits. User can't choose to modify only few bits in this case. However if the existing value of this object, has not have 'all bits set' corresponding to the all 'callHomeAlertGroupTypeIndex' in the 'callHomeAlertGroupTypeTable', then user can choose to modify only few or all the bits.
callHomeDestEmailAddressIndex .
An arbitrary integer value, greater than zero, and less than and equal to callHomeEmailAddrTblMaxEntries, which identifies an Email address. These integer values should be non-volatile.
callHomeDestEmailAddress .
The email address associated this destination profile. The format of this object is an an e-mail address which conforms to RFC822 and RFC1123 'addr-spec' syntax. Some examples are,, A set operation on this object with a invalid format will result in an error.
callHomeDestEmailAddressStatus .
Status of this row.
ccmSmtpServersAddrType .
Address Type of the SMTP server.
ccmSmtpServersAddr .
Address of the SMTP server.
ccmSmtpServersPort .
Port of the SMTP server.
ccmSmtpServersStatus .
The status object used to manage the rows in this table.
callHomeAlertGroupTypeIndex .
This object represent the index corresponds to the particular alert group type configured in the system.
callHomeAlertGroupName .
This object represents the name of alert group configured in the system.
callHomeSwServiceName .
This object represents the name of software service enabled in the system.
callHomeInventoryNVPairIndex .
This object represents the index corresponds to the name value pair for a particular software service enabled in the system. The name value pair is a 'tuple' of (inventory info-name, and inventory info-value) and this object uniquely identifies a value of the tuple, for a particular software service enabled in the system.
callHomeInventoryInfoName .
This object represents the name of a feature , for a particular software service enabled in the system. For example, the value of this object could be 'number of VSAN' for the software service 'vsan_manager'.
callHomeInventoryInfoValue .
This object represents the value for the feature name specified in the corresponding instance of 'callHomeInventroyInfoName' object. For example, the value of this object could be '10' for the corresponding instance of 'callHomeInventroyInfoName' object with value 'number of VSAN'.
callHomeDestProfileTable .
This table contains destination profiles. The CallHome feature requires the destination profiles to be setup to be able to send the CallHome messages to destinations configured. By default there will be 3 entries in this table with callHomeDestProfileName 'xml', 'full_txt' and 'short_txt'. User can't delete these 3 entries, but can modify the values of callHomeDestProfileMaxMsgSize and callHomeDestProfileMsgLevel in these entries. However, the user can create/delete/modify entries with other callHome profile names.
callHomeDestEmailAddressTable .
This table contains email addresses for the destination profiles. Each destination profile could contain one or more email addresses associated with it.
ccmSmtpServersTable .
This table contains entries that identify lists of SMTP servers that may be used by system to send out e-mail notification to addresses configured in callHomeDestEmailAddressTable. The maximum number of entries that can be created for for this table is limited by the scalar object ccmSmtpServersTblMaxEntries. The device sequentially tries all the entries in this table until it successfully sends out an email notification.
callHomeAlertGroupTypeTable .
This table contains information about all the alert groups types supported in the system. Whenever the system opts not to support a particular alert group type, the corresponding entry in this table will be removed, and a 'ccmAlertGroupTypeDeletedNotif' will be sent. Whenever the system opts to support a new alert group type, a new entry into this table will be added, and a 'ccmAlertGroupTypeAddedNotif' will be sent.
callHomeSwInventoryTable .
This table contains inventory information about all the software services currently enabled in the system. When a software service is disabled from the system, all the entries corresponds to that software service will be deleted automatically from the table.
ccmSmtpServerFailNotif .
A ccmSmtpServerFailNotif is sent if the device fails on sending an e-mail notification to SMTP server in ccmSmtpServersTable.
ccmAlertGroupTypeAddedNotif .
A ccmAlertGroupTypeAddedNotif is sent, when a new entry corresponds to the 'callHomealertGroupName' object in this notification is added into the callHomeAlertGroupTypeTable.
ccmAlertGroupTypeDeletedNotif .
A ccmAlertGroupTypeAddedNotif is sent, when an entry corresponds to 'callHomeAlertGroupName' object in this notification is deleted from the callHomeAlertGroupTypeTable.
Object Identifier
ciscoCallHomeMIB .
The MIB module for the management of Call Home feature within the frame work of Cisco's Call Home architecture. Customers deploying solutions to run mission critical applications such as storage solutions demand very high availability and Serviceability from their products and/or support partners. To meet these requirements, a feature called 'CallHome' is provided which allows the system experiencing Hardware/Software problems to automatically send the relevant failure information back to the Support Center at the Support Partners for troubleshooting or to get replacement hardware dispatched. This feature also provides advanced features that allow storage systems to send performance, accounting and system health information in addition to just the fault information.
ccmCallHomeNotifications .
ciscoCallHomeMIBObjects .
chMIBConformance .
ccmCallHomeConfiguration .
ccmCallHomeStats .
chMIBCompliances .
chMIBGroups .
chConfigurationGroup .
A collection of objects for displaying and configuring CallHome parameters.
chStatisticsGroup .
A collection of objects for displaying CallHome statistics.
chSystemInformationGroup .
A collection of objects for displaying and configuring system information pertaining to CallHome.
chEmailMsgDispGroup .
A collection of object(s) for displaying and configuring e-mail address to which the e-mail disposition notification should be sent.
chSingleSmtpServerGroup .
A collection of objects for displaying and configuring CallHome SMTP server on the devices which support only one SMTP server.
chMultipleSmtpServersGroup .
A collection of objects for displaying and configuring CallHome SMTP server on the devices which support on one SMTP server.
ccmSysLogSeverityGroup .
A collection of object(s) for displaying and configuring CallHome syslog severity based on which call home alerts may be issued.
ccmMIBNotificationsConfigGroup .
A collection of objects for displaying and configuring CallHome notifications.
ccmMIBNotificationsGroup .
A collection of notifications.
chConfigurationGroup1 .
A collection of objects for displaying and configuring CallHome parameters.
ccmMIBNotificationsGroup1 .
A collection of notifications.
chConfigurationGroup2 .
A collection of objects for displaying and configuring CallHome parameters.
chSwInventoryInfoGroup .
A collection of objects for displaying and configuring software inventory information.
chSwInventoryInfoGroup1 .
A collection of objects for displaying software inventory information.
chPeriodicSwInventoryInfoGroup .
A collection of objects for configuring periodic software inventory information.