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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » cisco » CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB » Objects

CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.



Scalar Object
entSensorValueEntry .
An entSensorValueTable entry describes the present reading of a sensor, the measurement units and scale, and sensor operational status.
entSensorThresholdEntry .
An entSensorThresholdTable entry describes the thresholds for a sensor: the threshold severity, the threshold value, the relation, and the evaluation of the threshold. Only entities of type sensor(8) are listed in this table. Only pre-configured thresholds are listed in this table. Users can create sensor-value monitoring instruments in different ways, such as RMON alarms, Expression-MIB, etc. Entries are created by the agent at system startup and FRU insertion. Entries are deleted by the agent at FRU removal.
Tabular Object
entSensorType .
This variable indicates the type of data reported by the entSensorValue. This variable is set by the agent at start-up and the value does not change during operation.
entSensorScale .
This variable indicates the exponent to apply to sensor values reported by entSensorValue. This variable is set by the agent at start-up and the value does not change during operation.
entSensorPrecision .
This variable indicates the number of decimal places of precision in fixed-point sensor values reported by entSensorValue. This variable is set to 0 when entSensorType is not a fixed-point type: voltsAC(1), voltsDC(2), amperes(3), watts(4), hertz(5), celsius(6), or cmm(9). This variable is set by the agent at start-up and the value does not change during operation.
entSensorValue .
This variable reports the most recent measurement seen by the sensor. To correctly display or interpret this variable's value, you must also know entSensorType, entSensorScale, and entSensorPrecision. However, you can compare entSensorValue with the threshold values given in entSensorThresholdTable without any semantic knowledge.
entSensorStatus .
This variable indicates the present operational status of the sensor.
entSensorValueTimeStamp .
This variable indicates the age of the value reported by entSensorValue
entSensorValueUpdateRate .
This variable indicates the rate that the agent updates entSensorValue.
entSensorThresholdIndex .
An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the entSensorThreshold table. This index permits the same sensor to have several different thresholds.
entSensorThresholdSeverity .
This variable indicates the severity of this threshold.
entSensorThresholdRelation .
This variable indicates the relation between sensor value (entSensorValue) and threshold value (entSensorThresholdValue), required to trigger the alarm. when evaluating the relation, entSensorValue is on the left of entSensorThresholdRelation, entSensorThresholdValue is on the right. in pseudo-code, the evaluation-alarm mechanism is: ... if (entSensorStatus == ok) then if (evaluate(entSensorValue, entSensorThresholdRelation, entSensorThresholdValue)) then if (entSensorThresholdNotificationEnable == true)) then raise_alarm(entSensorThresholdAlarmOID); endif endif endif ...
entSensorThresholdValue .
This variable indicates the value of the threshold. To correctly display or interpret this variable's value, you must also know entSensorType, entSensorScale, and entSensorPrecision. However, you can directly compare entSensorValue with the threshold values given in entSensorThresholdTable without any semantic knowledge.
entSensorThresholdEvaluation .
This variable indicates the result of the most recent evaluation of the threshold. If the threshold condition is true, entSensorThresholdEvaluation is true(1). If the threshold condition is false, entSensorThresholdEvaluation is false(2). Thresholds are evaluated at the rate indicated by entSensorValueUpdateRate.
entSensorThresholdNotificationEnable .
This variable controls generation of entSensorThresholdNotification for this threshold. When this variable is true(1), generation of entSensorThresholdNotification is enabled. When this variable is false(2), generation of entSensorThresholdNotification is disabled. This variable only controls generation of entSensorThresholdNotification.
entSensorValueTable .
This table lists the type, scale, and present value of a sensor listed in the Entity-MIB entPhysicalTable.
entSensorThresholdTable .
This table lists the threshold severity, relation, and comparison value, for a sensor listed in the Entity-MIB entPhysicalTable.
entSensorThresholdNotification .
The sensor value crossed the threshold listed in entSensorThresholdTable. This notification is generated once each time the sensor value crosses the threshold. The agent implementation guarantees prompt, timely evaluation of threshold and generation of this notification.
Object Identifier
entitySensorMIB .
The CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB is used to monitor the values of sensors in the Entity-MIB (RFC 2037) entPhysicalTable.
entitySensorMIBObjects .
entitySensorMIBNotificationPrefix .
entitySensorMIBConformance .
entSensorValues .
entSensorThresholds .
entitySensorMIBNotifications .
entitySensorMIBCompliances .
entitySensorMIBGroups .
entitySensorValueGroup .
The collection of objects which are used to describe and monitor values of Entity-MIB entPhysicalTable entries of sensors.
entitySensorThresholdGroup .
The collection of objects which are used to describe and monitor thresholds for sensors.
entitySensorThresholdNotificationGroup .
the collection of notifications used for monitoring sensor threshold activity.