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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » cisco » CISCO-FIREWALL-MIB » Objects

CISCO-FIREWALL-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-FIREWALL-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.


Object view of CISCO-FIREWALL-MIB:

Scalar Object
cfwBasicEventsTableLastRow .
The index value of the most recently created row in the cfwBasicEventsTable. This number starts at 1 and increase by one with each new log entry. When this number wraps, all events are deleted.
cfwBasicEventsEntry .
An entry in the table, containing general information about an event. This table will always be sparse, i.e., each row will instanciate only a subet of the columnar objects.
cfwNetEventsTableLastRow .
The index value of the last row in the cfwNetEventsTable. This number starts at 1 and increase by one with each new log entry. When this number wraps, all events are deleted.
cfwNetEventsEntry .
An entry in the table, containing detailed information about an event. Note that this table may be sparse. If Network Address Translation is not enabled cfwNetEventInsideSrcIpAddress and cfwNetEventInsideDstIpAddress will not be instantiated in the row. If Port Address Translation is not enabled cfwNetEventInsideSrcIpPort and cfwNetEventInsideDstIpPort will not be instantiated in the row. Entries are added to this table at the same time that events are added to the cfwBasicEventsTable. These two tables may be configured to be different sizes so there may not be a one-to-one correspondence between rows in the two tables.
cfwHardwareStatusEntry .
An entry in the table, containing status information about a resource.
cfwBufferStatsEntry .
An entry in the table, containing status information about a particular statistic for the set of buffers of a particular size.
cfwConnectionStatEntry .
An entry in the table, containing information about a firewall statistic.
Tabular Object
cfwBasicEventIndex .
An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the log table. These indices are assigned beginning with 1 and increase by one with each new event logged.
cfwBasicEventTime .
The time that the event occurred.
cfwBasicSecurityEventType .
The type of security-related event that this row contains. If the event is not security-related this object will not be instantiated.
cfwBasicContentInspEventType .
The type of content inspection-related event that this row contains. If the event is not content inspection-related this object will not be instantiated.
cfwBasicConnectionEventType .
The type of connection-related event that this row contains. If the event is not connection-related this object will not be instantiated.
cfwBasicAccessEventType .
The type of access-related event that this row contains. If the event is not access-related this object will not be instantiated.
cfwBasicAuthenticationEventType .
The type of authentication-related event that this row contains. If the event is not authentication-related this object will not be instantiated.
cfwBasicGenericEventType .
The type of generic event that this row contains. If the event does not fall into one of the other categories this object will be populated. Otherwise, this object will not be instantiated.
cfwBasicEventDescription .
A description of the event. The value of the object may be a zero-length string.
cfwBasicEventDetailsTableRow .
A pointer to a row in the table containing details about this event. Generally, the table will be the cfwNetEventsTable but a Cisco-defined table may also appear here. If there there is no more detailed information for this event the value of this object will have the value {0 0}.
cfwNetEventIndex .
An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the log table. These indices are assigned beginning with one and increase by one with each new log entry. When this number wraps, all events are deleted in order to allow the NMS to differentiate between old and new events.
cfwNetEventInterface .
The interface most closely associated with this event. For example, for an event that relates to the receipt of a packet, this object identifies the interface on which the packet was received. If there are multiple interfaces associated with an event, the interface most closely associated with the cause of the event will be used. For example, for an event for the setup of a TCP connection, the interface on the initiator's side of the connection would be preferred. If there is no associated interface, then this object has the value zero.
cfwNetEventSrcIpAddress .
Source IP address in the IP packet that caused the event. If there is no packet associated with the event this object has the value of zero. If the event is the result of multiple packets with different source addresses, this value may be zero or an address taken from an arbitrarily chosen packet in the sequence of packets causing the event.
cfwNetEventInsideSrcIpAddress .
Source IP address after Network Address Translation has been applied. If NAT has not been applied to the source address in this packet this object will not be instantiated, resulting in a sparse table. If the event is the result of multiple packets with different source addresses, this value may be zero or an address taken from an arbitrarily chosen packet in the sequence of packets causing the event.
cfwNetEventDstIpAddress .
Destination IP address in the IP packet that caused the event. If there is no packet associated with the event this object has the value of zero. If the event is the result of multiple packets with different destination addresses, this value may be zero or an address taken from an arbitrarily chosen packet in the sequence of packets causing the event.
cfwNetEventInsideDstIpAddress .
Destination IP address after Network Address Translation has been applied. If NAT has not been applied to the destination address in this packet this object will not be instantiated, resulting in a sparse table. If the event is the result of multiple packets with different destination addresses, this value may be zero or an address taken from an arbitrarily chosen packet in the sequence of packets causing the event.
cfwNetEventSrcIpPort .
Source UDP/TCP port in the IP packet that caused the event. If there is no packet associated with the event this object has the value of zero. If the event is the result of multiple packets with different source ports, this value may be zero or a port taken from an arbitrarily chosen packet in the sequence of packets causing the event.
cfwNetEventInsideSrcIpPort .
Source UDP/TCP port after Port Address Translation has been applied. If PAT has not been applied to the source port in this packet this object will not be instantiated, resulting in a sparse table. If the event is the result of multiple packets with different source ports, this value may be zero or a port taken from an arbitrarily chosen packet in the sequence of packets causing the event.
cfwNetEventDstIpPort .
Destination UDP/TCP port in the IP packet that caused the event. If there is no packet associated with the event this object has the value of zero. If the event is the result of multiple packets with different destination ports, this value may be zero or a port taken from an arbitrarily chosen packet in the sequence of packets causing the event.
cfwNetEventInsideDstIpPort .
Destination UDP/TCP port after Port Address Translation has been applied. If PAT has not been applied to the Destination port in this packet this object will not be instantiated, resulting in a sparse table. If the event is the result of multiple packets with different destination ports, this value may be zero or a port taken from an arbitrarily chosen packet in the sequence of packets causing the event.
cfwNetEventService .
The identification of the type of service involved with this event.
cfwNetEventServiceInformation .
Specific service information. This can be used to describe the particular service indentified by cfwNetEventService and can reflect whether the service is a local service or a gateway service. For example, if the value for cfwNetEventService is loginTelnet then the string provided might be 'local telnet'.
cfwNetEventIdentity .
This object will contain a description of the entity that caused the event. The entity could be a userid, username, processid or other identifier for the entity using the service. If there is no such information then this object will contain a zero-length string.
cfwNetEventDescription .
A detailed description of the event.
cfwHardwareType .
The hardware type for which this row provides status information.
cfwHardwareInformation .
A detailed textual description of the resource identified by cfwHardwareType.
cfwHardwareStatusValue .
This object contains the current status of the resource.
cfwHardwareStatusDetail .
A detailed textual description of the current status of the resource which may provide a more specific description than cfwHardwareStatusValue.
cfwBufferStatSize .
This object contains the size of the set of buffers for which this row contains the statistics given by cfwBufferStatType.
cfwBufferStatType .
This object identifies the type of statistic given by this row for the particular set of buffers identified by cfwBufferStatSize.
cfwBufferStatInformation .
A detailed textual description of the statistic identified by cfwBufferStatType.
cfwBufferStatValue .
The value of the buffer statistic.
cfwConnectionStatService .
The identification of the type of connection providing statistics.
cfwConnectionStatType .
The state of the connections that this row contains statistics for.
cfwConnectionStatDescription .
A detailed textual description of this statistic.
cfwConnectionStatCount .
This is an integer that contains the value of the resource statistic. If a type of 'gauge' is more appropriate this object will be omitted resulting in a sparse table.
cfwConnectionStatValue .
This is an integer that contains the value of the resource statistic. If a type of 'counter' is more appropriate this object will be omitted resulting in a sparse table.
cfwBasicEventsTable .
Table of basic data for firewall events. The agent may choose to delete the instances of cfwBasicEventsEntry as required because of lack of memory. The oldest Events will be selected first for deletion.
cfwNetEventsTable .
Table of detailed data for network events. The agent may choose to delete the instances of cfwBasicEventsEntry as required because of lack of memory. It is an implementation-specific matter as to when this deletion may occur. It is recommended that the oldest log instances are deleted first.
cfwHardwareStatusTable .
Table of firewall cfwHardwareStatusEntry entries.
cfwBufferStatsTable .
A table conatining status information about a firewall's buffers.
cfwConnectionStatTable .
Table of firewall statistic instances.
cfwSecurityNotification .
This notification is used for events involving security events. The included objects provide more detailed information about the event.
cfwContentInspectNotification .
This notification is used to notify the NMS of content inspection events. The included objects provide more detailed information about the event.
cfwConnNotification .
This notification is used to notify the NMS of connection-oriented events. The included objects provide more detailed information about the event.
cfwAccessNotification .
This notification is used to notify the NMS of access events. The included objects provide more detailed information about the event.
cfwAuthNotification .
This notification is used to notify the NMS of authentication events. The included objects provide more detailed information about the event.
cfwGenericNotification .
This notification is used to notify the NMS of events that do not fall into the other categories. The included objects provide more detailed information about the event.
Object Identifier
ciscoFirewallMIB .
MIB module for monitoring Cisco Firewalls.
ciscoFirewallMIBObjects .
cfwEvents .
cfwBasicEvents .
cfwNetEvents .
cfwSystem .
cfwStatus .
cfwStatistics .
ciscoFirewallMIBNotificationPrefix .
ciscoFirewallMIBNotifications .
ciscoFirewallMIBConformance .
ciscoFirewallMIBCompliances .
ciscoFirewallMIBGroups .
ciscoFirewallMIBStatisticsGroup .
Firewall statistics
ciscoFirewallMIBEventsGroup .
Firewall events
ciscoFirewallMIBNotificationGroup .
Firewall Notifications