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CISCO-GGSN-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-GGSN-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.

CISCO-GGSN-MIB file content

Object view of CISCO-GGSN-MIB:

Scalar Object
cGgsnSentSigMessages .
The number of GTP signalling messages sent. Trigger Condition: This counter is updated whenever a GTP signalling messages is sent out, including retries.
cGgsnReceivedSigMessages .
The number of GTP signalling messages received. Trigger Condition: This counter is updated whenever a GTP signalling message is received.
cGgsnUnexpectedSigMessages .
The number of unexpected GTP signalling messages received. Trigger Condition: This counter is updated whenever an unexpected Signalling message is received. Condition includes, a) A Response message for which there is no corresponding outstanding Request. b) A GTP control plane message a GSN is not expected to handle (such as a PDU Notification Request received by a GGSN). c) Charging messages in GTP path and vice-versa. d) LFN bit not being set when CG path uses short-header and vice-versa.
cGgsnSentGPDUs .
The number of G-PDU messages sent. Trigger Condition: This counter is updated whenever a G-PDU is sent out by the GGSN.
cGgsnReceivedGPDUs .
The number of G-PDU messages received. Trigger Condition: This counter is incremented for each G-PDU received.
cGgsnSentGPDUOctets .
The number of total bytes sent in G-PDU messages. Trigger Condition: This counter is updated whenever a G-PDU is sent out by the GGSN.
cGgsnReceivedGPDUOctets .
The number of total bytes received in G-PDU messages. Trigger Condition: This counter is incremented for each G-PDU received.
cGgsnUnexpectedGPDUs .
The number of unexpected G-PDU messages, for example, non existent PDP contexts and ACL denial. Trigger Condition: This counter is updated whenever an unexpected G-PDU message is received. Conditions include, a) G-PDU for a non existent PDP. b) ACL denial.
cGgsnActivationRejectedPdps .
The number of PDP contexts that the activation request was rejected. Trigger Condition: This counter is updated when a PDP activation request is rejected. The cause for rejection can be a) Resource limitations like max PDP limit is reached, Out of memory. b) Config restrictions like trying to create NIPDP on an APN on which the same is disabled, c) Creating secondary contexts on PPP/PPP-Regen PDPs.
cGgsnOutOfResourcePdps .
The number of PDP contexts that the activation request rejected due to the GGSN running out of resources for transmitting GTP packets. Examples: - Out of memory; - The number of PDPs on GGSN reached limit; - all dynamic PDP address are occupied; Trigger Condition: a) Out of memory. b) Number of PDPs on GGSN reached limit. c) Number of of PPP-regen PDPs reaches max limit. d) All dynamic PDP address are occupied. e) Incorrect configs for create pdp req. f) Qos negotiation fails. g) Create PDP req received for non-transparent APN but no radius server is present for authorization. h) Attempt to create a PDP with IP address that is already in use. i) Attempt to create a PPP-Regen PDP but the vtemplate for PPP-regen is not properly configured or VPDN configs are not proper. j) Number of pending signalling messages that needs to be processed by the GGSN is beyond the max limit(100).
cGgsnParserErrorMessages .
The number of GTP messages received with wrong value. It includes the following cases: - mandatory and optional information element in the GTP packet is duplicated, missing, unknown, incorrect or out of order. - the GTP message is too short to hold the GTP header for the supported version. - the GTP messages running an unsupported version of GTP. - Unknown GTP message type. Trigger Condition: This counter is triggered when a signalling message is received with parsing related errors such as missing/unknown/invalid/unexpected/duplicate mandatory/optional IE's in the messages.
cGgsnTotalCreatedPdps .
This object represents the total number of PDP contexts created. Trigger Condition: This counter is updated whenever a PDP context is created. This includes static, dynamic, IP, PPP, network init PDPs.
cGgsnTotalDeletedPdps .
This object represents the total number of PDP contexts deleted. Trigger Condition: This counter is updated whenever a PDP context is deleted. This includes static, dynamic, IP, PPP, network init PDPs.
cGgsnTotalNetworkInitPdps .
This object represents the total number of PDP contexts activated by the GGSN that were initiated by the PDN. Trigger Condition: This counter will be updated on successful creation of network initiated PDP.
cGgsnTotalPppPdpsCreated .
This object represents the total number of PPP PDP contexts created. Trigger Condition: This counter is updated whenever a PPP PDP context is created.
cGgsnTotalPppPdpsDeleted .
This object represents the total number of PPP PDP contexts deleted. Trigger Condition: This counter is updated whenever a PPP PDP context is deleted.
cGgsnOutOfResourcePppRegenPdps .
This object represents the total number of create PDP context and delete PDP context requests rejected due to unavailable resource on the GGSN for PPP regeneration. Trigger Condition: a) Out of memory. b) Number of PPP-regen PDPs reaches max limit. c) All dynamic PDP address are occupied. d) Attempt to create a PPP-Regen PDP but the vtemplate for PPP-regen is not properly configured or VPDN configs are not proper.
cGgsnDroppedPppRegenPdps .
This object represents the total number of create PDP context and delete PDP context requests that were dropped due to the threshold limit being reached for maximum number of PPP regeneration sessions allowed on the GGSN. Trigger Condition: This counter is updated when a new PPP regen PDP activation request is received by GGSN and max allowed PPP Regen session is reached.
cGgsnTftSemanticErrorPdps .
This object represents the total number of received PDP context messages that had TFTs with semantic errors. Trigger Condition: This counter is triggered by the create, update PDP context request message.
cGgsnTftSyntacticErrorPdps .
This object represents the total number of received PDP context messages that had TFTs with syntactic errors. Trigger Condition: This counter is triggered by the create, update PDP context request message.
cGgsnPktFilterSemanticErrorPdps .
This object represents the total number of received PDP context messages that had packet filters with semantic errors. Trigger Condition: This counter is triggered by the create, update PDP context request message.
cGgsnPktFilterSyntacticErrorPdps .
This object represents the total number of received PDP context messages that had packet filters with syntactic errors. Trigger Condition: This counter is triggered by the create, update PDP context request message.
cGgsnHCSentGPDUOctets .
The number of total bytes sent in G-PDU messages. Trigger Condition: This counter is updated whenever a G-PDU is sent out by the GGSN.
cGgsnHCReceivedGPDUOctets .
The number of total bytes received in G-PDU messages. Trigger Condition: This counter is incremented for each G-PDU received.
cGgsnVersionNotSupportedRejPdps .
The number of PDP contexts that were rejected due to the cause of Version Not Supported. Trigger Condition: This counter is triggered by create/update PDP / PPP PDP context request message.
cGgsnUnkownMessageRejPdps .
The number of PDP contexts that were rejected due to the cause of Unknown Message. Trigger Condition: This counter is triggered by create/update PDP / PPP PDP context request message.
cGgsnMsgTooShortRejPdps .
The number of PDP contexts that were rejected due to the cause of Message Too Short. Trigger Condition: This counter is triggered by create/update PDP / PPP PDP context request message.
cGgsnMandIeMissingRejPdps .
The number of PDP contexts that were rejected due to the cause of Mandatory IE Missing. Trigger Condition: This counter is triggered by create/update PDP / PPP PDP context request message.
cGgsnMandIeIncorrectRejPdps .
The number of PDP contexts that were rejected due to the cause of Mandatory IE Incorrect. Trigger Condition: This counter is triggered by create/update PDP / PPP PDP context request message.
cGgsnOptIeInvalidRejPdps .
The number of PDP contexts that rejected due to the cause of Optional IE Invalid. Trigger Condition: This counter is triggered by create/update PDP / PPP PDP context request message.
cGgsnIeUnknownRejPdps .
The number of PDP contexts that rejected due to the cause of IE Unknown. Trigger Condition: This counter is triggered by create/update PDP / PPP PDP context request message.
cGgsnIeOutOfOrderRejPdps .
The number of PDP contexts that rejected due to the cause of IE Out of Order. Trigger Condition: This counter is triggered by create/update PDP / PPP PDP context request message.
cGgsnIeUnexpectedRejPdps .
The number of PDP contexts that rejected due to the cause of IE Unexpected. Trigger Condition: This counter is triggered by create/update PDP / PPP PDP context request message.
cGgsnIeDuplicatedRejPdps .
The number of PDP contexts that rejected due to the cause of IE Duplicated. Trigger Condition: This counter is triggered by create/update PDP / PPP PDP context request message.
cGgsnOptIeIncorrectRejPdps .
The number of PDP contexts that rejected due to the cause of Optional IE Incorrect. Trigger Condition: This counter is triggered by create/update PDP / PPP PDP context request message.
cGgsnPdpWithoutTftExistsRejPdps .
The number of PDP contexts that are rejected due to the cause of PDP context without TFT already exists. Trigger Condition: This counter is triggered by create/update PDP / PPP PDP context request message.
cGgsnSgsnStatEntry .
An entry in this table.
cGgsnNotifEnabled .
Indicates whether cGgsnNotification notification will be sent when a notification is generated by the device. - 'true', it will enable the device to send a notification, as well as logging the notification to the cGgsnHistNotifTable. - 'false', it will prevent the device from sending out a notification, but it will still log the notification into cGgsnHistNotifTable.
cGgsnNotifLeastSeverLevel .
Indicates the least severity level of the cGgsnNotification notifications to be generated by the device. Thus, notifications are not generated for alarms with a severity level less urgent than the value of this object. This object cannot be set to cleared(1) or indeterminate(2).
cGgsnGeneratedNotifs .
The number of cGgsnNotification notifications that have been generated since sysUpTime.
cGgsnIgnoredAlarms .
The number of alarms which are less severe than cGgsnNotifLeastSeverLevel since sysUpTime, and thus, for which no notification was generated.
cGgsnHistNotifMaxLength .
The maximum number of entries to be retained in the cGgsnHistNotifTable. When the table is full, the oldest entries are removed to make space for new entries.
cGgsnHistNotifLatestIndex .
The value of cGgsnHistNotifIndex for the most recently created entry in cGgsnHistNotifTable.
cGgsnHistNotifEntry .
Detailed information concerning a particular notification that previously generated from this device.
cGgsnDefaultIpAllocationMethod .
Specifies the default method by which the GGSN obtains address leases for mobile user sessions. - 'disable', which indicates that dynamic address allocation is disabled. - 'dhcp', which indicates that the DHCP server will be used. - 'radius', which indicates that the radius server will be used.
cGgsnIdlePdpPurgeTimer .
This object specifies the time that the GGSN waits before purging idle PDP contexts. A value '0' will disable the purge timer.
cGgsnIpDupProtectEntry .
Entry containing the start and end IP address in the address range. An Entry with start IP > end IP is not allowed. No new entry will be accepted if that would cause any IP address(es) to be represented by more than one row in this table.
cGgsnDefaultAggregEntry .
An Entry contains the IP network prefix which is used to combine the routes of PDP requests for the same network as a single route on the GGSN.
cGgsnDefaultAaaAuthServerGroup .
This object specifies the AAA radius server group that is used for authentication by all APN's on this GGSN.
cGgsnDefaultAaaAccServerGroup .
This object specifies the AAA radius server group that is used for accounting by all APN's on this GGSN.
cGgsnPppVirtualTemplate .
This object represents the virtual template interface used by PPP Type PDP's.
cGgsnPppRegenVirtualTemplate .
This object represents the virtual template interface used for PPP Regeneration by the APN's on which PPP Regeneration is configured. The value zero indicates that no interface is specified.
cGgsnPlmnIpAddrRangeEntry .
Entry containing the first and last IP address in the address range. An Entry with first-IP > last-IP is not allowed. No new entry will be accepted if that would cause any IP address(es) to be represented by more than one row in this table.
cGgsnPdfEntry .
Entry containing the PDF servers details (name and IP address) and also how the GGSN should communicate with PDF, like timeout when there is no response, number of retries.
cGgsnPcscfEntry .
An entry is created when the user configures the group name and an IP address is set.
cGgsnMemoryThreshold .
GGSN memory overload protection is a mechanism to prevent GGSN from completely running out of memory when GGSN is running near its capacity or in some failure scenarios like CG down. A protection mechanism was put into place where charging triggers would be ignored, PDP create would be rejected, PDP update request will delete PDP, once the available memory on the GGSN drops below a configured threshold. Charging triggers occurs due to certain criteria's like volume limit, time limit. When one of the conditions is met , the CDR's are closed and will be updated to the charging gateway.
cGgsnServiceMode .
GGSN supports this GPRS service mode for maintenance purposes. Two modes are supported in GGSN, operational and maintenance mode. 'inService' mode represents nominal operation, and there will be no change in the way the GGSN operates. 'maintenance' mode imposes restrictions, such as some of the configurations allowed by the GGSN, and no new PDPs will be accepted. 'maintenance' mode can be useful to make some changes to the configuration of the GGSN without affecting the existing PDPs. 'maintenance' mode gloablly applies to the GGSN, which means the whole box will be put in maintenance mode. There also exists APN level maintenance mode, which is defined in CISCO-GPRS_ACC-PT-MIB, and charging maintenance mode which is defined in CISCO-GPRS-CHARGING-MIB, which is out of scope of this MIB. Internally GGSN maintains three states (inService, maintenance and outOfService ), which can be viewed with cGgsnServiceModeStatus. The SNMP entity generates notification when switching modes. It uses the cGgsnInServiceNotif and cGgsnMaintenanceNotif for this purpose.
cGgsnPlmnEntry .
Entry containing list of home PLMN Ids and the Trusted PLMN Ids.
cGgsnSessionTimeout .
This object specifies the PDP context timeout value. The PDP context will be terminated after this timer expiry. The value present in this will have meaning when the object cGgsnRadAttrSessTimeout is set to 'true' and if the attribute#27 not received from the AAA.
cGgsnThruputIntervalOne .
This object and cGgsnThruputIntervalTwo specifies the interval at which the data throughput needs to be collected per APN/SGSN. Once this object is set to some valid value, the data throughput collections gets started for per configured APN and per PATH created. The data throughput collection is updated periodically (each expiry of configured throughput interval) to the corresponding objects (cGgsnSgsnStatTable for per SGSN and cgprsAccPtThruputStatsTable for per APN). When this object is set to '0', the collection for this interval get stopped and the data related to this interval is deleted from the tables (cGgsnSgsnStatTable and cgprsAccPtThruputStatsTable). INCONSISTENT value SNMP error will happen when trying to set cGgsnThruputIntervalOne and cGgsnThruputIntervalTwo with same value expect '0'. Setting the same value to the same object will reset the value / collection status for that interval.
cGgsnThruputIntervalTwo .
This object specifies the time interval TWO for collecting the throughput per APN/SGSN. This object is same as cGgsnThruputIntervalOne. It's just an option for a second throughput collection for a different throughput interval time. The value 0 means the timer TWO will be disabled. INCONSISTENT value SNMP error will happen when trying to set cGgsnThruputIntervalOne and cGgsnThruputIntervalTwo with same value expect '0'. Setting the same value to the same object will reset the value / collection status for that interval.
cGgsnCompliance3GppGgsn .
This object specifies the compliance level for the particular GGSN version present in cGgsnVersion. This object can be used to set back the compliance level to the previous GGSN version. When set to 'default', the compliance level for that GGSN version indicated by the object cGgsnVersion will be considered. Currently, when the cGgsnVersion is holding a value of 'release50', the compliance level can be set back to 'release40'.
cGgsnCreateReqV1UpdExistPdp .
This object is used for backward compatibility due to to implementation of CR 311 (Release 5). CR 311: The SGSN shall not send a Create PDP Context Request for an already active context. If a new Create PDP Context Request is incoming on TEID 0 for an already active PDP context, this Create PDP Context Request must be considered related to a new session. The existing PDP context shall be torn down locally, and the associated PDP contexts deleted locally, before the new session is created. If a new Create PDP Context Request is incoming on a TEID which is different from 0 and this TEID is already allocated to one or more activated PDP contexts, and the NSAPI IE value in this message matches the NSAPI value of an active PDP context, the GGSN shall send back a Create PDP Context Response with a rejection cause code. It is implementation dependent deciding whether to teardown or keep the existing PDP context. 'false' - The changes due to CR 311 will be applicable. 'true' - The changes due to CR 311 will not be taken into account. This object has no meaning when the object cGgsnCompliance3GppGgsn holds a value of 'release40'.
cGgsnRadAttrSessTimeout .
This object is used for enabling the session timeout feature on the global (router) level set using cGgsnSessionTimeout, APN level (cgprsAccPtAbsoluteSessionTimer, which is defined in CISCO-GPRS-ACC-PT-MIB and is outside the scope of this MIB) and also parse the RADIUS attribute #27 present in the access-accept request. 'true' - Session timeout is enabled. 'false' - Session timeout is disabled.
cGgsnDownlinkVerifyMsDisable .
This object enables the feature which will allow the GGSN to route IP packets beyond MS. This works only if a static route is added in GGSN to the node beyond the MS. On enabling this feature, GGSN will route the packets in both process switch path and cef switch path. This is supported only for IP PDP type. This feature has some limitations: - This is not scalable, since the operator has to add static route to all the node beyond the MS. - Only works for MS having static address. - In case of GTPv1 the MS has to select TFT's so as to allow traffic flow in the downlink direction. - IP address assignment/Radius for the devices behind the MS needs to be done within the scope of that network; the GGSN will not provide this facility in anyway for the hosts behind the MS. - In case for MWAM and Cat6500/7600 environment, the static route should be added only on that particular GGSN on the MWAM from where the MS is reachable. 'true' - Routing beyond MS is enabled. 'false' - Routing beyond MS is disabled.
cGgsnVersion .
This object specifies the which release of GPRS image is currently running on the GGSN.
cGgsnActiveNetworkInitPdps .
This object represents the number of network initiated PDP contexts that are currently active. Trigger Condition: This counter is incremented / decremented by the create/delete PDP context request message respectively.
cGgsnActivePppPdps .
This object represents the number of PPP PDP contexts that are currently active. Trigger Condition: This counter is incremented / decremented by the create/delete PPP PDP context request message respectively.
cGgsnActivePppRegenPdps .
This object represents the number of PPP-Regen PDP contexts that are currently active. Trigger Condition: This counter is incremented / decremented by the create/delete PPP Regeneration PDP context request message respectively.
cGgsnPendingPppRegenPdps .
This object represents the current number of pending PPP regeneration sessions. Trigger Condition: This counter is triggered by the create PPP Regeneration PDP context request message.
cGgsnActiveGtpVersion0Pdps .
This object represents the current number of active GTP v0 PDP contexts. Trigger Condition: This counter is incremented / decremented by the create/delete PDP context request message respectively.
cGgsnActiveGtpVersion1Pdps .
This object represents the current number of active GTP v1 PDP contexts. Trigger Condition: This counter is incremented / decremented by the create/delete PDP context request message respectively.
cGgsnGtpEncapInterface .
This object represents the ifIndex of the interface on which which gtp encapsulation is configured. Only one interface can be configured with gtp encapsulation on the GGSN. A zero value indicates that no interface is configured with gtp encapsulation.
cGgsnServiceModeStatus .
This object represents the internal service mode which GGSN maintains. The service switching is done with object cGgsnServiceMode.
cGgsnPdfServerAddrType .
This object specifies the type of IP address of the PDF server.
cGgsnPdfServerAddr .
This object specifies the IP address of the PDF server. The type of this address is specified by the object cGgsnPdfServerAddrType.
Tabular Object
cGgsnSgsnThruPutInterval .
This object should be one of the values set in the objects cGgsnThruputIntervalOne or cGgsnThruputIntervalTwo except for value '0', which means the throughput collection is disabled.
cGgsnSgsnThruPutLastCollected .
This object represents the delta value between the time when this data is collected and the time it is been retrieved.
cGgsnSgsnUpStreamPktCnt .
This object represents the total number of upstream packets sent on this SGSN data path. Data flow from MS to PDN is considered to be upstream traffic. When the throughput intervals (cGgsnThruputIntervalOne or cGgsnThruputIntervalTwo) is set to some valid value this object is set to '0' (meaning, a fresh throughput collection is started). Until the first expiry of the throughput interval , this object will be '0'. On further periodic expiry, the throughput upstream packet count per SGSN is collected and updated to this object
cGgsnSgsnUpStreamByteCnt .
This object represents the total number of upstream bytes sent on this SGSN data path. Data flow from MS to PDN is considered to be upstream traffic. When the throughput intervals (cGgsnThruputIntervalOne or cGgsnThruputIntervalTwo) is set to some valid value this object is set to '0' (meaning, a fresh throughput collection is started). Until the first expiry of the throughput interval , this object will be '0'. On further periodic expiry, the throughput upstream byte count per SGSN is collected and updated to this object
cGgsnSgsnDownStreamPktCnt .
This object represents the total number of downstream packets sent on this SGSN data path. Data flow from PDN to MS is considered to be downstream traffic. When the throughput intervals (cGgsnThruputIntervalOne or cGgsnThruputIntervalTwo) is set to some valid value this object is set to '0' (meaning, a fresh throughput collection is started). Until the first expiry of the throughput interval , this object will be '0'. On further periodic expiry, the throughput downstream packet count per SGSN is collected and updated to this object
cGgsnSgsnDownStreamByteCnt .
This object represents the total number of downstream bytes sent on this SGSN data path. Data flow from PDN to MS is considered to be downstream traffic. When the throughput intervals (cGgsnThruputIntervalOne or cGgsnThruputIntervalTwo) is set to some valid value this object is set to '0' (meaning, a fresh throughput collection is started). Until the first expiry of the throughput interval , this object will be '0'. On further periodic expiry, the throughput downstream byte count per SGSN is collected and updated to this object
cGgsnHistNotifIndex .
A monotonically increasing integer for the sole purpose of indexing notifications. When it reaches the maximum value, it wraps the value back to 1.
cGgsnHistNotifType .
This object indicates the type of notification.
cGgsnHistNotifSeverity .
This object indicates the severity level of the notification. This object cannot be set to cleared(1) or indeterminate(2).
cGgsnHistNotifTimestamp .
This object indicates the value of sysUpTime when this notification was generated.
cGgsnHistNotifGgsnIpAddrType .
This object indicates the type of Internet address by which cGgsnHistNotifGgsnIpAddr is reachable.
cGgsnHistNotifGgsnIpAddr .
The object indicates the IP address that uniquely identifies the device which generated the notification.
cGgsnHistNotifInfo .
A textual description of cGgsnHistNotifType, which potentially contains additional information (more than just the type of alarm). If the text of the message exceeds 64 bytes, the message will be truncated to 63 bytes and a '*' character will be appended to indicate the message has been truncated.
cGgsnMsExcludeRangeStartIpType .
The type of Internet address by which cGgsnMsExcludeRangeStartIp is reachable. The value of this object should be same as cGgsnMsExcludeRangeEndIpType. Only ipv4(1) addresses are supported.
cGgsnMsExcludeRangeStartIp .
Starting IP address in the address range.
cGgsnMsExcludeRangeEndIpType .
The type of Internet address by which cGgsnMsExcludeRangeEndIp is reachable. The value of this object should be same as cGgsnMsExcludeRangeStartIpType. Only ipv4(1) addresses are supported.
cGgsnMsExcludeRangeEndIp .
Ending IP address in the address range.
cGgsnIpDupProtectRowStatus .
This object is used to create a new row or delete an existing row in this table. To create a row, set this object to 'createAndGo'. To delete a row, set this object to 'destroy'.
cGgsnDefaultAggregIpAddrType .
This object specifies the type of Internet address denoted by cGgsnDefaultAggregIpAddr. Only ipv4(1) addresses are supported.
cGgsnDefaultAggregIpAddr .
This object specifies the IP address whose network prefix is going to be defined by cGgsnDefaultAggregIpMask.
cGgsnDefaultAggregIpMask .
This object specifies the net-mask pertaining to cGgsnDefaultAggregIpAddr.
cGgsnDefaultAggregRowStatus .
This object is used to create a new row or delete an existing row in this table. To create a row, set this object to 'createAndGo'. To delete a row, set this object to 'destroy'. The values 'createAndWait' and 'notInService' are not supported.
cGgsnPlmnAddrRangeIpAddrType .
The address type for cGgsnPlmnAddrRangeFirstIp and cGgsnPlmnAddrRangeLastIp addresses. Only ipv4(1) addresses are supported.
cGgsnPlmnAddrRangeFirstIp .
First IP address in the address range.
cGgsnPlmnAddrRangeLastIp .
Last IP address in the address range.
cGgsnPlmnAddrRangeRowStatus .
This object is used to create a new row or delete an existing row in this table. To create a row, set this object to 'createAndGo'. To delete a row, set this object to 'destroy'. To modify a row, the row needs to be deleted and created fresh with new values.
cGgsnPlmnAddrRangeUsage .
This object specifies how the address range will be used by the GGSN. When set to 'security', the address range is used for GGSN security feature i.e. any TPDU with destination address that falls in this address range will be discarded. When set to 'sgsn', the address range denotes the sgsn address range in the local PLMN which can be used to check roaming MS.
cGgsnPdfGroupName .
This object specifies the PDF group name. Currently this group name is just an identity to this group.
cGgsnPdfDomainName .
This is a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), which has to be configured along with the IP address of the PDF. There will be no name resolving for the FQDN, it will be used as it is.
cGgsnPdfIpAddressType .
This object specifies the type of IP address of the PDF server.
cGgsnPdfIpAddress .
This object specifies the IP address of the PDF server. The type of the address is specified by the object cGgsnPdfIpAddressType.
cGgsnPdfRowStatus .
This object is used to create a new row or delete an existing row in this table. To create a row, set this object to 'createAndGo(4)'. To delete a row, set this object to 'destroy(6)'.
cGgsnPdfReconnectTimeOut .
Whenever a connection outage is detected (by keepalive mechanism etc.) by GGSN to the PDF server. The GGSN waits for the interval configured in this object. Once this timer is expired, another attempt is made for connection establishment.
cGgsnPdfReconnectRetries .
This is the number of attempts for connection establishment after the timeout value set in cGgsnPdfReconnectTimeOut. After the configured number of retries, all the COPS sessions (and associated PDP contexts) are cleared. The value '65535' which is default, will be infinite retries.
cGgsnPdfReconExpPdpDelete .
This objects defines the handling of the PDP context in the connection loss scenario. When this object is set to true, then on connection loss, the PDP delete will be initiated.
cGgsnPdfReqRetryTimeOut .
For each COPS REQ sent to PDF, GGSN will start a request retry timer with this value. If DEC is not received within the timeout, the REQ is resent for cGgsnPdfReqRetries times.
cGgsnPdfReqRetries .
This is the number of retries which has to be sent for the COPS REQ being sent. If DEC is not received even after sending the COPS REQ for configured number of retries, the PDP context activation/modification (which had triggered this REQ) is rejected.
cGgsnPcscfGroupName .
This group name is the identifier for the P-CSCF addresses configured.
cGgsnPcscfIpAddressType .
This object specifies the type of the P-CSCF IP address.
cGgsnPcscfIpAddress .
This object specifies the IP address of the P-CSCF. The type of this address is specified by the object cGgsnPcscfIpAddressType.
cGgsnPcscfRowStatus .
This object is used to create a new row or delete an existing row in this table. To create a row, set this object to 'createAndGo(4)'. To delete a row, set this object to 'destroy(6)'.
cGgsnPlmnMcc .
The Mobile Country Code (MCC) is part of the PLMN Id.
cGgsnPlmnMnc .
The Mobile Network Code (MNC) is part of the PLMN Id.
cGgsnPlmnRowStatus .
This object is used to create a new row or delete an existing row in this table. To create a row, set this object to 'createAndGo'. To delete a row, set this object to 'destroy'. To modify a row, the row needs to be deleted and created fresh with new values.
cGgsnPlmnScope .
This object specifies whether the PLMN is home or trusted. Only one PLMN entry can be home
cGgsnSgsnStatTable .
This table has the statistics of the interface (Gi, Gn, Gp) upstream and downstream traffic per SGSN for a configurable duration set in cGgsnThruputIntervalOne and cGgsnThruputIntervalTwo. Creation of row(s) will happen when there is a valid value set to cGgsnThruputIntervalOne or cGgsnThruputIntervalTwo and when a PATH is established. Deletion of row(s) will happen when either the PATH gets removed or the throughput intervals(cGgsnThruputIntervalOne, cGgsnThruputIntervalTwo) is unset.
cGgsnHistNotifTable .
A history table of the most recent cGgsnNotification notifications generated by this device. If a new cGgsnNotification notification is generated when the number of entries is equal to cGgsnHistNotifMaxLength, then the oldest entry is deleted and replaced with an entry for the latest notification.
cGgsnIpDupProtectTable .
This table contains the range of IP address used in the GPRS PLMN. These IP addresses are used to avoid IP address duplication in GPRS network. IP address duplication occurs when a MS uses an IP address which is already used in the PLMN. The IP addresses configured inside GPRS network should be in these ranges and MS IP address should not be in this range.
cGgsnDefaultAggregTable .
This table contains the list of default aggregate routes configured on the GGSN. GGSN uses a static host route to forward user data packets for each PDP context received from Gi interface to Gn interface. Using the aggregate route (address range), the total number of static routes implemented in the GGSN for PDP requests can be greatly reduced.
cGgsnPlmnIpAddrRangeTable .
This table contains the range of IP addresses that belong to the PLMN nodes in a GPRS network. This range does not include address of various entities like RADIUS, DHCP, DNS servers, etc., which are not part of PLMN.
cGgsnPdfTable .
This table contains the details of PDF server that the GGSN supports. The table elements describes their properties. PDF's are the server's to which the client GGSN makes the TCP connection using the COPS protocol over the Go interface. GGSN can have connections with multiple PDF's.
cGgsnPcscfTable .
This table contains the entries of P-CSCF groups with the addresses configured. One or more IP address can be configured per group name. This group in turn will be mapped to the APN. P-CSCF is a network element providing session management services. When the UE request the GGSN for P-CSCF address through activate PDP Request, these addresses will be returned to the UE in the order which they are configured.
cGgsnPlmnTable .
Mobile Country Code (MCC) and Mobile Network Code (MNC) together identify a GPRS PLMN of an operator. PLMN Ids other than home PLMNs are considered as foreign. There will be some situations where some foreign PLMNs has to be treated as trusted PLMNs. This table contains the list of PLMNs, there can be one home PLMN entry and multiple trusted PLMN entry.
cGgsnNotification .
This notification indicates the occurrence of a GGSN related alarm. If and when additional useful information is available for specific types of alarms, then that information may be appended to the end of the notification in additional varbinds.
cGgsnInServiceNotif .
A notification of this type is generated when GGSN is placed in inService mode which is specified by cGgsnServiceModeStatus.
cGgsnMaintenanceNotif .
A notification of this type is generated when GGSN is placed in maintenance mode which is specified by cGgsnServiceModeStatus.
cGgsnMemThresholdReachedNotif .
A notification of this type is generated when GGSN reaches the memory threshold value specified by cGgsnMemoryThreshold.
cGgsnMemThresholdClearedNotif .
A notification of this type is generated when GGSN retains the memory and falls below threshold value speficied by cGgsnMemoryThreshold.
cGgsnPdfStateUpNotif .
A notification of this type is generated when PDF connection comes UP.
cGgsnPdfStateDownNotif .
A notification of this type is generated when PDF connection goes DOWN.
Object Identifier
cGgsnMIB .
This MIB module manages the Gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSN) devices. A GGSN device provides interworking with external packet-data network of a particular GPRS service provider. It provides a combination of IP routing and GPRS specific functionality to support mobile users. GTP version1 is introduced in UMTS release 99 and Cisco GGSN will support both GTP version 1 (GTP v1) and version zero (GTP v0) simultaneously. GTP v1 supports multiple PDP contexts sharing one IP address. TFTs are introduced to achieve this. Each TFT is associated with a PDP context and there may exist one PDP context without TFT amongst all PDP contexts sharing the same IP address. Each TFT has one to eight packet filters each assigned with a precedence index. These packet filters are evaluated one at a time against the packet header information in sequence of their precedence index. A match is claimed if all the filters are matched and the PDP context that the TFT belongs to will be selected, else the checks are performed against the filters of another PDP context. If the packet header doesn't contain any TFT packet filter information, then the PDP context without the TFT is selected for further processing. Note on notifications: When an alarm occurs on the device, if the alarm's severity is higher than the severity filter threshold, a notification is generated by the device; and if cGgsnNotifEnabled is 'true', then the device's SNMP-engine configuration will be searched to determine where to send the notification. Acronyms and terms: APN Access Point Name ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute GGSN Gateway GPRS Support Node GPRS General Packet Radio Service GSM Global System for Mobile communication GTP GPRS Tunneling Protocol G-PDU GTP PDU MS Mobile Station PDP Packet Data Protocol PDU Protocol Data Unit PLMN Public Land Mobile Network SGSN Serving GPRS support Node TFT Traffic Flow Template T-PDU the payload of G-PDU UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System IMS IP Multimedia Subsystem COPS Common Open Policy Service protocol PEP Policy Enforcement Point PDF Policy Decision Function P-CSCF Proxy Call Session Control Function PLMN Public Land Mobile Network UE User Equipment REFERENCE [1] GSM 03.60: Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); Service description; Stage 2. V7.1.0 [2] GSM 09.60: Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); GPRS Tunnelling Protocol (GTP) across Gn and Gp Interface. V7.3.0 [3] 3GPP; Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects; QoS Concept and Architecture. 3G TS 23.107 v3.2.0. [4] 3GPP; Technical Specification Group Core Network; General Packet Radio Service(GPRS); GPRS Tunnelling Protocol (GTP) across Gn and Gp Interface (Release 1999). 3G TS 29.060 v3.5.0. [5] 3GPP: Technical Specification Group Core Network; Policy control over Go interface (Release 5). 3GPP TS 29.207 V5.2.0
cGgsnMIBObjects .
cGgsnStatistics .
cGgsnNotifMgmt .
cGgsnConfigurations .
cGgsnStatus .
cGgsnNotifInfo .
cGgsnPdpsRejStatistics .
cGgsnImsConfigurations .
cGgsnNotifPrefix .
cGgsnNotifications .
cGgsnMIBConformances .
cGgsnMIBCompliances .
cGgsnMIBGroups .
cGgsnStatisticsGroup .
A collection of statistics on GGSN.
cGgsnNotifMgmtGroup .
A collection of objects related with notification management on GGSN.
cGgsnConfigurationsGroup .
A collection of objects related with configurations on GGSN. This is deprecated by cGgsnConfigurationsGroupRev1.
cGgsnNotifGroup .
A collection of notifications.
cGgsnStatusGroup .
A collection of objects representing status on GGSN.
cGgsnConfigurationsGroupRev1 .
A collection of objects related with configurations on GGSN.
cGgsnUmtsGroup .
A collection of objects pertaining to GTP v1.
cGgsnStatisticsGroupRev1 .
A collection of statistics on GGSN.
cGgsnConfigurationsGroupRev2 .
A collection of objects related with configurations on GGSN.
cGgsnNotifGroupRev1 .
A collection of notifications.
cGgsnStatusGroupRev1 .
A collection of objects representing status on GGSN.
cGgsnNotifInfoGroup .
A collection of objects representing Notif Info on GGSN.