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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » cisco » CISCO-IETF-ISNS-MGMT-MIB » Objects

CISCO-IETF-ISNS-MGMT-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-IETF-ISNS-MGMT-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.



Scalar Object
cIsnsSrvrInstEntry .
This is a row in the iSNS Server instance table. The number of rows is dependent on the number of iSNS Server instances that are being managed through same SNMP context.
cIsnsNumObjEntry .
Entry of an iSNS Server instance.
cIsnsNextIdxEntry .
Entry of an iSNS Server instance.
cIsnsCntlNodeIscsiEntry .
This is an iSCSI Control Node entry for a specific iSNS server instance.
cIsnsCntlNodeFcPortEntry .
FC Port control node entry.
cIsnsDdsEntry .
Information on one Discovery Domain Set (DDS) registered in the iSNS Server instance. The cIsnsNextIdxDds managed object is used to determine an available cIsnsDdsId that should be used for row creation. During creation of a row, if a symbolic name is not provided in cIsnsDdsSymbolicName, then a unique symbolic name will be provided by the iSNS Server. If a DDS is deleted, then each entry associating the DDS with a DD in the table cIsnsDdsMemberTable is removed. The creation and deletion of DDS's should be carefully handled so as to not disrupt a DDS created by a storage entity through the iSNS protocol directly.
cIsnsDdsMemberEntry .
The mapping of one Discovery Domain (DD) to a Discovery Domain Set (DDS). This indicates the DD is a member of the DDS. To create a row, cIsnsDdsId contains the DDS ID of the DDS, and cIsnsDdId contains the DD ID of the DD which will be a member of the DDS. If a DDS is deleted, then each entry associating the DDS with a DD is removed. The addition/deletion of DD's in a DDS should be carefully handled so as to not disrupt a DDS created by a storage entity through the iSNS protocol directly.
cIsnsDdEntry .
Information on a Discovery Domain (DD) registered in the iSNS Server instance. The cIsnsNextIdxDd managed object is used to determine an available cIsnsDdId value that can be used for row creation. During creation of a row, if a symbolic name is not provided in cIsnsDdSymbolicName, then a unique symbolic name will be provided by the iSNS Server. If a DD is deleted, then all entries associating the DD with nodes and portals in the tables cIsnsDdIscsiMemberTable, cIsnsDdPortalMemberTable, and cIsnsDdFcPortMemberTable are removed. The creation and deletion of DD's should be carefully handled so as to not disrupt a DD created by a storage entity through the iSNS protocol directly.
cIsnsDdIscsiMemberEntry .
The mapping of one iSCSI Node to a Discovery Domain to indicate membership in the DD. The indexes of the table are the iSNS server instance, the DD ID of the Discovery Domain, and the iSCSI Node Index of the iSCSI Node. For iSCSI nodes already registered in the server, the cIsnsDdMemberIscsiIdx for a specific cIsnsDdIscsiNodeName is obtained from the cIsnsRegIscsiNodeTable. For unregistered iSCSI nodes, if they are already a member of other Discovery Domains, then the same cIsnsDdMemberIscsiIdx value MUST be used in this DD. If the unregistered iSCSI node is not already a member of another Discovery Domain, then the managed object cIsnsNextIdxUnregIscsiNodeInDd is used to obtain a valid cIsnsDdMemberIscsiIdx value. If a DD is removed from the iSNS, then all entries associating nodes with the DD are removed.
cIsnsDdPortalMemberEntry .
Each entry indicates an explicit addition of a portal to a discovery domain. The explicit addition of an entity portal to a discovery domain indicates the portal is preferred for access to nodes of the entity for this discovery domain. Registered Portal Group objects are used in iSCSI to indicate mapping of portals to nodes across all discovery domains. Portals that have been explicitly mapped a discovery domain will be returned as part of a query that is scoped to that discovery domain. If no portal of an entity has been explicitly mapped to a discovery domain, then all portals of the entity that provide access to a storage node are returned as part of a query. The table indexes are the server instance, the DD ID of the Discovery Domain, and the Portal Index of the portal. For registered portals, the cIsnsDdMemberPortalIdx for a specific cIsnsDdMemberPortalAddr and cIsnsDdMemberPortalPort pair is obtained from the cIsnsRegPortalTable table. For unregistered portals, if they are already a member of other Discovery Domains, the same cIsnsDdMemberPortalIdx MUST be used. For unregistered portals, if they are not already a member of other Discovery Domains, then the managed object cIsnsNextIdxUnregPortalInDd is used to obtain a valid cIsnsDdMemberPortalIdx. If a DD is removed from the iSNS, then all entries associating portals with the DD are removed.
cIsnsDdFcPortMemberEntry .
The association of one FC Port with a Discovery Domain. Membership of an FC Port in a Discovery Domain is indicated by creating a row for the appropriate DD ID and FC Port WWN. If a DD is removed from the iSNS, then entries associating nodes with the DD are removed.
cIsnsRegEntityEntry .
Information on one registered Entity object in an iSNS server instance.
cIsnsRegEntityNumObjEntry .
Information on the number of registered objects associated with a registered Entity object in an iSNS Server instance.
cIsnsRegPortalEntry .
Information on one registered Entity Portal in the iSNS. The Entity Index is part of the table index to quickly find Portals that support a specific Entity.
cIsnsRegPgEntry .
Information on one registered Portal Group in the iSNS server instance. The Entity Index is part of the table index to quickly find Portal Groups that support Portals and iSCSI Storage Nodes in a specific Entity.
cIsnsRegIscsiNodeEntry .
Information on one iSCSI node that has been registered in the iSNS Server instance. The RowStatus managed object provides a method to delete registered nodes that were not properly deregistered / removed through iSNSP. New rows cannot be added using SNMP.
cIsnsRegFcPortEntry .
Information on one FC Port that has been registered in iSNS.
cIsnsRegFcNodeEntry .
Information on one registered FC node that has been registered in the iSNS.
cIsnsRegFcNodeInfoEntry .
Information on one FC Node that has been registered in the iSNS.
cIsnsRegFcNodeFcPortEntry .
Information on one mapping from an FC Port and Entity to an FC node registered in the iSNS.
cIsnsClntInstEntry .
An entry in the iSNS Client table. The number or rows in the table is dependent on the number of iSNS Client instances managed through the same SNMP context.
cIsnsClntCfgSrvrEntry .
An entry in the the configured server table. Entries can be added by specifying a configuration address, address type, and row status.
cIsnsClntDscvrdSrvrEntry .
An entry in the cIsnsClntDscvrdSrvrTable table providing information on a discovered iSNS server for a specified client.
cIsnsClntRegEntityEntry .
This represents an Entity supported by an iSNS Client instance managed by this SNMP agent. The number of rows in the table is dependent on the number of Entities supported by managed iSNS Client instances.
cIsnsInstInfo .
Textual information about the iSNS server or client notification. An example is: iSNS client started, or iSNS server started. This is information that would be included in the appropriate notification.
cIsnsAddrTypeNotifctn .
The type of Internet address in cIsnsSrvrAddrNotifctn.
cIsnsAddrNotifctn .
Identifies the address of the iSNS server.
cIsnsTcpPortNotifctn .
Indicates the TCP port the iSNS server is using, or 0 if TCP based registrations are not supported.
cIsnsUdpPortNotifctn .
Indicates the UDP port the iSNS server is using, or 0 if UDP based registrations are not supported.
Tabular Object
cIsnsSrvrInstIndex .
This managed object uniquely identifies the iSNS Server being managed by the SNMP context, and is the key for this table. This is an instance index for each iSNS Server being managed. The value of this managed object is used elsewhere in the MIB to reference specific iSNS Servers.
cIsnsSrvrInstName .
A name that can be assigned to the iSNS Server instance. If not configured, the value is an empty string.
cIsnsSrvrInstIsnsVersion .
The iSNS version value as contained in messages received from the current primary server. The header of each iSNSP message contains the iSNS version of the sender. If unknown the reported value is 0.
cIsnsSrvrInstDescription .
This provides a description and detail information about this server. If this server instance is utilizing the product of a particular 'vendor' or 'open source', then this managed object contains that vendor's name and version, or open source name and version. Otherwise, it contains the empty string. The format of the string is as follows: 'Vendor/Open Source Name, Vendor/Open Source Version, Vendor/Open Source Defined Information'. Field Description --------- ---------------- Vendor/OS Name The name of the vendor or open source (if one exists) Vendor/OS Version The version of the vendor or open source product Vendor/OS Defined This follows the second comma in the string, if one exists, and is vendor or open source developer defined
cIsnsSrvrInstAddressType .
The type of Internet address in cIsnsSrvrInstAddress. If not set, then the value is unknown(0).
cIsnsSrvrInstAddress .
The address that this iSNS server instance is receiving iSNSP registrations and queries on. If currently not configured, then the value is an empty string.
cIsnsSrvrInstTcpPort .
Indicates the TCP port this iSNS instance is accepting iSNSP messages on, generally the iSNS well known port. The well known TCP port for iSNSP is 3205. If TCP is not supported by this server instance, then the value is 0.
cIsnsSrvrInstUdpPort .
Indicates the UDP port this iSNS instance is accepting iSNSP messages on, generally the iSNS well known port. The well known UDP port for iSNSP is 3205. If UDP is not supported by this server instance, then the value is 0.
cIsnsSrvrInstUptime .
The time that this iSNS Server instance has been active. In other words, the time since last reinitialization.
cIsnsSrvrInstRole .
Indicates the current operational role of this iSNS Server instance. If an iSNS implementation has the ability to have a server instance take on different roles, then this managed object indicates the current role. Value Description --------- ---------------- notSet The iSNS Server role is not configured. server The iSNS Server instance is operating as a primary iSNS Server. serverNotPrimary The iSNS Server instance can be a primary iSNS Server, but is not currently acting as a primary.
cIsnsSrvrInstDiscMthdsEnbld .
Indicates the discovery methods currently supported and enabled on this iSNS Server instance. This bitmap can be used by a client to determine what discovery methods should be used for this iSNS Server. Additional methods of discovery may also be supported.
cIsnsSrvrInstDiscMcGrpType .
The type of Internet address in cIsnsSrvrInstDiscMcGrp. If not set, then the value is unknown(0).
cIsnsSrvrInstDiscMcGrp .
The multicast group that iSNS Heartbeat messages are sent to if multicast based discovery has been enabled for this server instance. If not configured, then the value is an empty string.
cIsnsSrvrInstEsiNonRespThrshld .
ESI Non-Response Threshold - determines the number of ESI messages that will be sent without receiving a response before an entity is deregistered from the iSNS database. If set to 0 then Entities will never be deregistered due to non-receipt of ESI messages.
cIsnsSrvrInstCntrlNodeAuth .
Control Nodes can be configured to receive management SCNs indicating network updates, including information on modification to DDs and DDSs. This managed object indicates if SNMP has access to control node information and, if it does, which type of storage nodes can register with the server instance as a control node. Possible values for this managed object are: Value Description --------- ---------------- anyNode Any storage node MAY register as a control node viewNodes Specified nodes MAY register as control nodes, SNMP view only modifyNodes Specified nodes MAY register as control nodes, SNMP CAN modify list of nodes noSnmpAccess Control node information is not accessible via SNMP If only specified nodes are allowed to register as control nodes, and SNMP is allowed to modify the list of control nodes, then they SHALL be listed in the cIsnsCntlNodeIscsiTable and cIsnsCntlNodeFcPortTable. If SNMP is not allowed to view or modify the list of control nodes, then this managed object SHALL be set to noSnmpAccess.
cIsnsSrvrInstEnblCntrlNdeMgtScn .
Enable Management SCN for Control Node - enable the option for a control node to register for and receive Management SCNs sent by this server.
cIsnsSrvrInstDfltDdDdsStatus .
Default DD/DDS Status - This indicates the Discovery Domain (DD) and Discovery Domain Set (DDS) membership status for a new device when registered in the iSNS Server instance. Either the new device will not be in a DD/DDS, or will be placed into a default DD and default DDS. The default setting is inNoDomain.
cIsnsSrvrInstUpdateDdDdsSpprtd .
The methods that this iSNS Server instance supports to modify Discovery Domains and Discovery Domain Sets. Bit Field Flag Description --------- ------------------------------------ 0 SNMP protocol is allowed to modify DD's/DDS's 1 Control Nodes are allowed 2 Target iSCSI Nodes are allowed 3 Initiator iSCSI Nodes are allowed 4 Target iFCP Ports are allowed 5 Initiator iFCP Ports are allowed If a bit is true (1) then the flag is enabled. If no method to change a DD is supported, then the bitmap is set to 0. Two methods generally supported are SNMP and Control Nodes.
cIsnsSrvrInstUpdateDdDdsEnbld .
This indicates the methods this server instance allows for modifying Discovery Domains and Discovery Domain Sets. Bit Field Flag Description --------- ------------------------------------ 0 SNMP protocol is allowed to modify DD's/DDS's 1 Control Nodes are allowed 2 Target iSCSI Nodes are allowed 3 Initiator iSCSI Nodes are allowed 4 Target iFCP Ports are allowed 5 Initiator iFCP Ports are allowed If a bit is true (1) then the mode is enabled. If no methods to change a DD are enabled, then the bitmap is set to 0.
cIsnsNumDds .
The current total number of Discovery Domain Sets in this iSNS instance. This is the number of rows in the cIsnsSrvrDdsTable.
cIsnsNumDd .
The current total number of Discovery Domains in this iSNS instance. This is the number of rows in the cIsnsSrvrDdTable.
cIsnsNumEntities .
The current number of Entities registered in this iSNS Server instance. This is the number of rows in the cIsnsRegEntityTable for this instance.
cIsnsNumPortals .
The current total number of Portals registered in iSNS. This is the number of rows in cIsnsRegPortalTable.
cIsnsNumPortalGroups .
The current total number of Portal Groups registered in iSNS. This is the number of rows in cIsnsRegPortalGroupTable.
cIsnsNumIscsiNodes .
The current total number of iSCSI node entries registered in the iSNS. This is the number rows in cIsnsRegIscsiNodeTable.
cIsnsNumFcPorts .
The current total number of FC Port entries registered in the iSNS. This is the number of rows in cIsnsRegFcPortTable.
cIsnsNumFcNodes .
The current total number of FC node entries registered in the iSNS. This is the number of rows in cIsnsRegFcNodeTable.
cIsnsNextIdxDds .
This managed object returns the next available DDS ID that MAY be used for DDS creation for this iSNS Server instance. The user should read and use the value of cIsnsNextIdxDds before performing a cIsnsDdsTable row creation. The cIsnsNextIdxDds value returned MAY be used as the index value when creating a new row in the cIsnsDdsTable. Use of this managed object reduces the chance for an index conflict.
cIsnsNextIdxDd .
This managed object returns the next available DD ID that MAY be used for DD creation for this iSNS Server instance. The user should read and use the value of cIsnsNextIdxDd before performing a cIsnsDdTable row creation. The cIsnsNextIdxDd value returned MAY be used as the index value when creating a new row in the cIsnsDdTable. Use of this managed object reduces the chance for an index conflict.
cIsnsNextIdxUnregIscsiNodeInDd .
The next available iSCSI node index for adding an unregistered iSCSI node to a Discovery Domain or as a control node. The iSCSI node index is associated to a specific iSCSI node name. The association is persistent across server reinitializations when the iSCSI node is a member of a Discovery Domain (DD) or is a control node. This managed object is used when an unregistered iSCSI node is to be added to a Discovery Domain or as a control node prior to it being registered in the server using the iSNS protocol. Registered iSCSI nodes have an entry in the cIsnsRegIscsiNodeTable. If an iSCSI node is already registered in the server or is already a member of a Discovery Domain, then it already has an associated iSCSI node index. The associated index MUST be used for any additional DD membership or control node registrations. If iSCSI is not supported by this iSNS Server instance, and this managed object is implemented, then this managed object SHALL return zero.
cIsnsNextIdxUnregPortalInDd .
The next available portal index for adding an unregistered portal to a discovery domain. The portal index used for a specific portal is persistent across server reinitializations only when the portal is an explicit member of a Discovery Domain (DD). This managed object is used when an unregistered portal is to be explicitly added to a Discovery Domain prior to it being registered in the server using the iSNS protocol. Registered portals have an entry in the cIsnsRegPortalTable. If a portal is already registered in the server, or is already a member of a Discovery Domain, then it will already have a portal index, and the use of this managed object is not required. The same portal index MUST be used for any additional DD membership registrations for the same portal.
cIsnsCntlNodeIscsiNodeIdx .
The iSCSI Index for the storage node authorized to act as a control node. This managed object is part of the key to this table. This index provides a 1 to 1 mapping to the node name in cIsnsCntlNodeIscsiNodeName. The iSCSI node name is too long to be used for an index directly. The iSCSI node index used for a specific iSCSI node name MUST be identical in all DDs and control node registrations. The mapping is persistent across server reinitializations when the iSCSI node is a member of a Discovery Domain (DD) or is a control node. The managed object cIsnsNextIdxUnregIscsiNodeInDd is used to determine an available index when an unregistered iSCSI node is to be registered as a control node prior to it being registered in the server using the iSNS protocol.
cIsnsCntlNodeIscsiNodeName .
The iSCSI Name of the initiator or target associated with the storage node. The iSCSI Name can not be longer then 223 bytes. The iSNS Server internal maximum size is 224 bytes to provide NULL termination. This is the iSCSI Node Name for the storage node authorized to act as a control node.
cIsnsCntlNodeIscsiRowStatus .
This indicates the status of this entry in the table.
cIsnsCntlNodeFcPortName .
The FC Port WWN that can be a control node for the specified iSNS Server. Zero is not a valid value for this managed object. This managed object, combined with the cIsnsSrvrInstIndex, is the key for this table.
cIsnsCntlNodeFcPortRowStatus .
This indicates the status of this entry in the table.
cIsnsDdsId .
The ID that refers to this Discovery Domain Set and index to the table.
cIsnsDdsSymbolicName .
The Discovery Domain Set Symbolic Name field contains a unique variable-length description (up to 255 bytes) that is associated with the DDS. If a Symbolic Name is not provided, then one will be generated by the iSNS server.
cIsnsDdsStatus .
The bitmap indicating the status of a Discovery Domain Set (DDS) registered in the iSNS. Bit Status --------- --------- 0 enabled If bit(0) is set to true then the DDS is Enabled. If set to false then the DDS is disabled.
cIsnsDdsRowStatus .
This managed object indicates the status of this Discovery Domain Set row. The normal state for a DDS is active.
cIsnsDdId .
The ID that refers to this Discovery Domain, and the index to the table.
cIsnsDdsMemberRowStatus .
This managed object indicates the status of this entry.
cIsnsDdSymbolicName .
The Discovery Domain Symbolic Name field contains a unique variable-length description (up to 255 bytes) that is associated with the DD.
cIsnsDdFeatures .
The Discovery Domain Features field contains a bitmap indicating the features of this DD. Bit DD Feature --------- --------- 0 Boot List Boot List: this feature indicates that the targets in this DD provide boot capabilities for the member initiators. Setting the bit to true (1) indicates the feature is enabled. By default no DD features are enabled.
cIsnsDdRowStatus .
This managed object indicates the status of this entry.
cIsnsDdMemberIscsiIdx .
The iSCSI node index for this member node entry. This index is used to uniquely indicate this table entry, and provides a 1 to 1 mapping to the node name in cIsnsDdMemberIscsiName. The iSCSI node name is too long to be used for an index directly. The iSCSI node index used for a specific iSCSI node name MUST be identical in all DDs and control node registrations, and is persistent across server reinitializations when the iSCSI node is a member of a Discovery Domain (DD) or is registered as a control node. The managed object cIsnsNextIdxUnregIscsiNodeInDd is used to determine an available index when an unregistered iSCSI node is to be added to a Discovery Domain prior to it being registered in the server using the iSNS protocol.
cIsnsDdMemberIscsiName .
The iSCSI Name associated with the storage node. The iSCSI Name can not be longer then 223 bytes. The iSNS server internal maximum size is 224 bytes to provide NULL termination. This is the iSCSI Name for the storage node that is a member of the DD. This value maps 1 to 1 to the cIsnsDdMemberIscsiIdx node index. The iSCSI Name field is too long to be easily used for an index directly. The node index used for a specific node name is only persistent across iSNS Server reinitializations for nodes that are in a Discovery Domain (DD) or are registered control nodes. This value is only required during row creation if the storage node is not yet registered in the iSNS Server instance. If the storage node is not yet registered, then the iSCSI Name MUST be provided with the iSCSI node index during row creation in order to create the 1 to 1 mapping.
cIsnsDdMemberIsRegistered .
This indicates whether this member of the DD is currently registered in the iSNS Server instance. iSCSI Storage Node members do not need to be currently registered in order for their iSCSI Name and Index to be added to a DD.
cIsnsDdMemberRowStatus .
This managed object indicates the status of this entry.
cIsnsDdMemberPortalIdx .
The index for a portal explicitly contained in the discovery domain. The Portal Index used for a specific portal IP-address and port number pair is only persistent across reboots for portals that have been explicitly added to a Discovery Domain (DD). If a portal is not explicitly registered in any DD, then the index used for a portal can change after a server reinitialization.
cIsnsDdMemberPortalAddrType .
The type of Internet address in cIsnsDdMemberPortalAddr.
cIsnsDdMemberPortalAddr .
The Internet Address for the portal as defined in the iSNS Specification [iSNS].
cIsnsDdMemberPortalPortType .
The port type for the portal, either UDP or TCP, as defined in the iSNS Specification [iSNS].
cIsnsDdMemberPortalPort .
The port number for the portal as defined in the iSNS Specification [iSNS]. Whether the portal type is TCP or UDP is indicated by cIsnsDdMemberPortalPortType.
cIsnsDdMemberPortalIsRegistered .
This indicates whether this member of the DD is currently registered in the iSNS Server instance. Portals that are DD members do not need to be currently registered in order for them to be added to a DD.
cIsnsDdMemberPortalRowStatus .
This managed object indicates the status of this entry.
cIsnsDdMemberFcPortName .
The Port WWN the FC Port that is a member of the DD. The value MUST be a valid FC WWN, as per the FC-GS standard. This managed object, combined with the cIsnsSrvrInstIndex and cIsnsDdId are the key for this table. Zero is not a valid value for this managed object.
cIsnsDdMemberFcIsRegistered .
This indicates whether this member of the DD is currently registered in the iSNS Server instance. FC Ports that are DD members do not need to be currently registered in order for them to be added to a DD.
cIsnsDdMemberFcRowStatus .
This managed object indicates the status of this entry.
cIsnsRegEntityIdx .
The Entity Index for this entity. This integer based index is assigned by the iSNS Server when an Entity is initially registered. The Entity Index can be used to represent a registered Entity object in situations where the Entity EID would be too long/unwieldy.
cIsnsRegEntityEID .
The EID is a unique registered Entity object identifier, as specified in the iSNS Specification. This is the iSNS Entity Identifier for the registered Entity object.
cIsnsRegEntityProtocol .
The iSNS Entity Protocol is an enumerated value which indicates the type of nodes that are contained within it. Type Value Entity Type ---------- ----------- 1 No Protocol 2 iSCSI 3 iFCP All Others As in the iSNS Specification The No Protocol value is used to indicate that the Network Entity does not support an IP block storage protocol.
cIsnsRegEntityMgtAddrType .
The type of Internet address in cIsnsRegEntityMgtAddr.
cIsnsRegEntityMgtAddr .
The iSNS Management IP Address for the registered Entity object.
cIsnsRegEntityTimestamp .
The iSNS Entity Registration Timestamp for the registered Entity object. This is the most recent date and time that the registered Entity object, and associated registered objects contained in the Entity, were registered or updated.
cIsnsRegEntityVersionMin .
The iSNS Entity Protocol Version Range minimum value. A value of x'FF' is a wildcard value indicating no minimum to the protocol versions supported by this Entity. Entity registrations with cIsnsRegEntityProtocol set to No Protocol always have a minimum version of 0.
cIsnsRegEntityVersionMax .
The iSNS Entity Protocol Version Range maximum value. A value of x'FF' is a wildcard value indicating no maximum to the protocol versions supported by this Entity. Entity registrations with cIsnsRegEntityProtocol set to No Protocol always have a maximum version of 0.
cIsnsRegEntityRegPeriod .
The iSNS Entity Status Inquiry (ESI) registration period which indicates the maximum time, in seconds, that the registration will be maintained without receipt of an iSNSP message from the entity. If the Registration Period is set to 0, then the Entity SHALL NOT be deregistered due to no contact with the entity.
cIsnsRegEntityInfoNumPortals .
The number of Portals associated with this Entity.
cIsnsRegEntityInfoNumPortalGroup .
The number of Portal Groups associated with this Entity.
cIsnsRegEntityInfoNumIscsiNodes .
The number of iSCSI Storage Nodes associated with this Entity.
cIsnsRegEntityInfoNumFcPorts .
The number of FC Ports associated with this Entity.
cIsnsRegEntityInfoNumFcNodes .
The number of FC Nodes associated with this Entity.
cIsnsRegPortalPrtlIdx .
The Portal Index for this node. The index is created by the iSNS Server for mapping between registered objects. The Portal Index used for a specific portal IP-address and port number pair is only persistent across reboots for portals that have been explicitly added to a Discovery Domain (DD). If a portal is not explicitly registered in any DD, then the index used for a portal can change after a server reinitialization.
cIsnsRegPortalAddrType .
The type of Internet address in cIsnsRegPortalAddr.
cIsnsRegPortalAddr .
The Internet Address for this Portal as defined in the iSNS Specification [iSNS].
cIsnsRegPortalPortType .
The port type for this Portal, either UDP or TCP, as defined in the iSNS Specification [iSNS].
cIsnsRegPortalPort .
The port number for this Portal as defined in the iSNS Specification [iSNS]. Whether the Portal type is TCP or UDP is indicated by cIsnsRegPortalPortType.
cIsnsRegPortalSymName .
The optional Symbolic Name for this Portal as defined in the iSNS Specification [iSNS]. If not provided then the string SHALL be zero length.
cIsnsRegPortalEsiInterval .
The Entity Status Inquiry (ESI) Interval for this Portal as defined in the iSNS Specification [iSNS].
cIsnsRegPortalEsiPortType .
The port type for the ESI Port, either UDP or TCP, as defined in the iSNS Specification [iSNS].
cIsnsRegPortalEsiPort .
The TCP or UDP port number used for ESI monitoring. Whether the port type is TCP or UDP is indicated by cIsnsRegPortalEsiPortType.
cIsnsRegPortalScnPortType .
The port type for the SCN Port, either UDP or TCP, as defined in the iSNS Specification [iSNS].
cIsnsRegPortalScnPort .
The TCP or UDP port used to receive SCN messages from the iSNS Server. Whether the port type is TCP or UDP is indicated by cIsnsRegPortalScnPortType.
cIsnsRegPortalSecurityInfo .
Indicates security attribute settings for the Portal as registered in the Portal Security Bitmap attribute. The bit for bitmapVALID must be set in order for this attribute to contain valid information. Setting a bit to true (1) indicates the feature is enabled.
cIsnsRegPgIdx .
The PG Index for this node. The index is created by the iSNS Server instance for uniquely identifying registered objects. The PG object is registered at the same time a Portal or Storage Node is registered using the iSNS protocol.
cIsnsRegPgIscsiNodeIdx .
The iSCSI Node Index for the node associated with this PG. This index can be used to reference the cIsnsRegIscsiNodeTable.
cIsnsRegPgIscsiName .
The iSCSI Name of the initiator or target associated with the storage node. The iSCSI Name can not be longer then 223 bytes. The iSNS Server internal maximum size is 224 bytes to provide NULL termination. This is the PG iSCSI Name that uniquely identifies the iSCSI Storage Node that is associated with this PG.
cIsnsRegPgPortalPrtlIdx .
The Portal Index for the Portal associated with this PG. This index can be used to reference the cIsnsRegPortalTable.
cIsnsRegPgPortalAddrType .
The type of Internet address in cIsnsRegPgPortalAddr.
cIsnsRegPgPortalAddr .
The Internet Address for the Portal that is associated with the PG.
cIsnsRegPgPortalPortType .
The port type, either UDP or TCP, for the Portal that is associated with this registered PG object.
cIsnsRegPgPortalPort .
The port number for the Portal that is associated with this registered PG object. Whether the Portal type is TCP or UDP is indicated by cIsnsRegPgPortalPortType.
cIsnsRegPgPGT .
The Portal Group Tag (PGT) for the registered iSCSI Portal Group object in an iSNS Server instance. This indicates the tag value that the Portal uses for access to the iSCSI Storage Node. The PGT is used for coordinated access between multiple Portals, as described in the iSCSI Specification [iSCSI]. The value of zero indicates a NULL value, or no association.
cIsnsRegIscsiNodeIdx .
The Node Index for this node. The index is created by the iSNS Server for mapping between registered objects. The index used for a specific node name is only persistent across reboots for nodes that have been registered in a Discovery Domain (DD) or as a control node. If a node is not registered in any DD or as a control node, then the index used for a node can change after a server reinitialization.
cIsnsRegIscsiNodeName .
The iSCSI Name of the initiator or target associated with the storage node. The iSCSI Name can not be longer then 223 bytes. The iSNS Server internal maximum size is 224 bytes to provide NULL termination. This is the iSCSI Name that uniquely identifies the initiator, initiator/target, target, or control node in the network.
cIsnsRegIscsiNodeType .
The Node Type bit-map defining the functions of this iSCSI node. Bit Node Type --------- --------- All Others RESERVED 29 Control 30 Initiator 31 Target
cIsnsRegIscsiNodeAlias .
The Alias name of the iSCSI node. This is a variable-length text-based description of up to 255 bytes.
cIsnsRegIscsiNodeScnBitmap .
cIsnsRegIscsiNodeWwnToken .
This contains an optional globally unique 64-bit integer value that can be used to represent the World Wide Node Name of the iSCSI device in a Fibre Channel fabric. This identifier is used during the device registration process, and MUST conform to the requirements in [FC-FS]. The value of zero for this managed object indicates that a Node WWN token has not been assigned.
cIsnsRegIscsiNodeAuthMethod .
This attribute contains a null-terminated string containing UTF-8 text listing the iSCSI authentication methods enabled for this iSCSI Node, in order of preference. The text values used to identify iSCSI authentication methods are embedded in this string attribute and delineated by a comma. The text values are identical to those found in the main iSCSI draft; additional vendor-specific text values are also possible.
cIsnsRegFcPortWwpn .
The FC Port's World Wide Port Name as defined in the iSNS Specification [iSNS]. The value of zero is not valid for this managed object.
cIsnsRegFcPortID .
The FC Port's Port ID as defined in the iSNS Specification [iSNS].
cIsnsRegFcPortType .
The FC Port Port Type as defined in the iSNS Specification [iSNS] and the Fibre Channel Generic Services [FC-GS] Specification. Current values are as shown below: unknown (0), nPort (1), nlPort (2), fNlPort (3), fPort (129), -- x'81' flPort (130), -- x'82' ePort (132), -- x'84' bPort (133), -- x'85' mFcpPort (65297), -- x'FF11' iFcpPort (65298), -- x'FF12' unknownEnd (65535) .
cIsnsRegFcPortSymName .
The optional FC Port Port Symbolic Name as defined in the iSNS Specification [iSNS]. If not provided then the string SHALL be zero length.
cIsnsRegFcPortFabricPortWwn .
The Fabric Port WWN for this entry as defined in the iSNS Specification [iSNS]. The value of zero for this managed object indicates that the Fabric Port WWN is not known, or has not yet been registered with the iSNS Server.
cIsnsRegFcPortHA .
The FC Port Hard Address as defined in the iSNS Specification [iSNS].
cIsnsRegFcPortAddrType .
The type of Internet address in the cIsnsRegFcPortAddr.
cIsnsRegFcPortAddr .
The FC Port Internet Address as defined in the iSNS Specification [iSNS].
cIsnsRegFcPortFcCos .
The FC Port Class of Service as defined in the iSNS Specification [iSNS].
cIsnsRegFcPortFc4Types .
The FC Port FC-4 Types as defined in the iSNS Specification [iSNS].
cIsnsRegFcPortFc4Descr .
The FC Port FC-4 Descriptors as defined in the iSNS Specification [iSNS].
cIsnsRegFcPortFc4Features .
The FC Port FC-4 Features as defined in the iSNS Specification [iSNS].
cIsnsRegFcPortScnBitmap .
cIsnsRegFcPortRole .
The Node Type bit-map defining the functions of this FC Port. Bit Node Type --------- --------- All Others RESERVED 29 Control 30 Initiator 31 Target
cIsnsRegFcPortFcNodeWwn .
The FC Node WWN of the FC Node that has been associated with this FC Port as defined in the iSNS Specification [iSNS]. This managed object may contain the value of zero prior to a device registering this value with the iSNS Server.
cIsnsRegFcPortPpnWwn .
The Permanent Port Name attribute is the FC Port Name WWPN of the first Storage Node registered in the iSNS Database that is associated with a particular FC Device (FC Node). The PPN of all subsequent Storage Node registrations that are associated with that FC Device (FC Node) SHALL be set to the FC Port Name WWPN of the first Storage Node, as defined in the iSNS Specification [iSNS]. This managed object may contain the value of zero prior to a device registering this value with the iSNS Server
cIsnsRegFcNodeWwn .
The FC Node World Wide Node Name as defined in the iSNS Specification [iSNS]. The value of zero is not valid for this managed object.
cIsnsRegFcNodeSymName .
The optional FC Node Symbolic Name of the node as defined in the iSNS Specification [iSNS]. This is a variable-length text-based description. If not provided then the string SHALL be zero length.
cIsnsRegFcNodeAddrType .
The type of Internet address in cIsnsRegFcNodeAddr.
cIsnsRegFcNodeAddr .
The FC Node Internet address of the node as defined in the iSNS Specification [iSNS].
cIsnsRegFcNodeIPA .
This managed object identifies the FC Initial Process Associator of the node as defined in the iSNS Specification [iSNS].
cIsnsRegFcNodeProxyIscsiName .
The iSCSI Name used to represent the FC Node in the IP network. It is used as a pointer to the matching iSCSI Name entry in the iSNS Server. Its value is usually registered by an FC-iSCSI gateway connecting the IP network to the fabric containing the FC device.
cIsnsRegFcNodeInfoNumFcPorts .
The number of FC Ports associated with this FC Node.
cIsnsRegFcNodeFcPortEntityEIdx .
The Entity Index for the registered Entity object associated with the FC Port and FC Node.
cIsnsClntInstIndex .
The instance of this iSNS Client being managed. Each managed client is uniquely identified by the instance index in the MIB.
cIsnsClntInstName .
A name that can be assigned to the iSNS client instance. If not configured, the value is an empty string.
cIsnsClntInstIsnspVersion .
The iSNSP version that this client will support. If all versions of iSNSP are supported, then the returned value can be 0.
cIsnsClntInstDescription .
This provides a description and detail information about this client. If this client instance is utilizing the product of a particular 'vendor' or 'open source', then this managed object contains that vendor's name and version, or open source name and version. Otherwise, it contains the empty string. The format of the string is as follows: 'Vendor/Open Source Name, Vendor/Open Source Version, Vendor/Open Source Defined Information'. Field Description --------- ---------------- Vendor/OS Name The name of the vendor or open source (if one exists) Vendor/OS Version The version of the vendor or open source product Vendor/OS Defined This follows the second comma in the string, if one exists, and is vendor or open source developer defined
cIsnsClntInstAddressType .
The type of Internet address in cIsnsClntInstAddress. If not set, then the value is unknown(0).
cIsnsClntInstAddress .
Indicates the address this iSNS client is accepting iSNSP messages on. If not set, then the value is an empty string.
cIsnsClntInstTcpPort .
Indicates the TCP port this iSNS client is accepting iSNSP messages on, generally the iSNS well known port. Other TCP ports may be used by the iSNS client as well. The well known TCP port for iSNSP is 3205. If this client cannot currently receive iSNSP messages, then the value is 0.
cIsnsClntInstUdpPort .
Indicates the UDP port this iSNS instance is accepting iSNSP messages on, generally the iSNS well known port. Other UDP ports may be used by the iSNS client as well. The well known UDP port for iSNSP is 3205. If this client cannot currently receive iSNSP messages, or UDP is not supported by this client, then the value is 0.
cIsnsClntInstUptime .
The time that this iSNS client instance has been active. In other words, the time since last reinitialization.
cIsnsClntInstAvailDiscMthd .
Indicates the available discovery methods for this client These are the discovery methods that can be configured in cIsnsClntInstPrmryDiscMthd and cIsnsClntInstScndryDiscMthd.
cIsnsClntInstPrmryDiscMthd .
Indicates the primary discovery process currently enabled on this iSNS Client instance. This allows the discovery process used by a client to be configured. Only one discovery method in the bitmap is allowed to be designated as the primary discovery method at any given time. If the primary discovery process is successful, then secondary discovery methods are not used.
cIsnsClntInstScndryDiscMthd .
Indicates the secondary discovery methods enabled on this iSNS Client instance. This allows secondary discovery methods, which are used by a client only if the primary method does not locate an iSNS Server, to be configured. For example, DHCP may be the primary discovery method, and configured-server-list may be a secondary discovery method. Multiple discovery methods in the bitmap may be designated as secondary discovery methods. If this is the case, then the order they are used is determined by the client. The primary discovery method should not be listed as a secondary discovery method. If no secondary discovery methods have been configured, then no bits are enabled. All secondary server methods will be attempted.
cIsnsClntInstDiscMcGrpType .
The type of Internet address in cIsnsClntInstDiscMcGrp. If not set, then the value is unknown(0).
cIsnsClntInstDiscMcGrp .
The multicast group that iSNS Heartbeat messages are listened for, if multicast based discovery has been enabled for this client instance. If not configured, then the value is an empty string.
cIsnsClntCfgSrvrIndex .
This managed object identifies an iSNS server that has been configured for possible use by an iSNS client in the network. When the option for configured address server discovery is being used, each iSNS server for the configured network is placed in this table. The number of configured servers is limited to a maximum of 255. This managed object is not directly related to the managed object cIsnsSrvrInstIndex, which is the index for the table cIsnsSrvrInstTable.
cIsnsClntCfgSrvrAddrType .
The type of Internet address in cIsnsClntCfgSrvrAddr.
cIsnsClntCfgSrvrAddr .
Identifies the IP address of the configured iSNS server.
cIsnsClntCfgSrvrTcpPort .
Indicates the TCP port the configured iSNS server uses. The well known TCP port for iSNSP is 3205. If the value is 0 then TCP is not supported by the server.
cIsnsClntCfgSrvrUdpPort .
Indicates the UDP port the configured iSNS server uses. The well known UDP port for iSNSP is 3205. If the value is 0 then UDP is not supported by the server.
cIsnsClntCfgSrvrPriority .
The priority of this entry in the table. The client should attempt to locate/register the highest priority entry first.
cIsnsClntCfgSrvrTimeout .
The timeout value, in seconds, for attempting to register with this entry in the table. After a timeout, another retry is attempted until the number of retries as listed in the managed object cIsnsClntCfgSrvrRetries have been attempted.
cIsnsClntCfgSrvrRetries .
The number of retries that should be used for attempting to register with this entry in the table.
cIsnsClntCfgSrvrRowStatus .
This indicates the status of this entry in the table. This item can be used to determine if the entry is a valid value.
cIsnsClntDscvrdSrvrIndex .
This managed object, in conjunction with cIsnsClntInstIndex, is the key that uniquely identifies each entry in this table.
cIsnsClntDscvrdSrvrAddrType .
The type of Internet address in cIsnsClntDscvrdSrvrAddr.
cIsnsClntDscvrdSrvrAddr .
The address of the discovered iSNS server.
cIsnsClntDscvrdSrvrTcpPort .
The TCP port of the discovered iSNS server. The well known TCP port for iSNSP is 3205.
cIsnsClntDscvrdSrvrUdpPort .
The UDP port of the discovered iSNS server. The well known UDP port for iSNSP is 3205.
cIsnsClntDscvrdSrvrIsnsVersion .
The iSNS version of the discovered version.
cIsnsClntDscvrdSrvrDiscMthd .
The discovery method used to find this iSNS server.
cIsnsClntRegEntityIdx .
This is a unique identifier to represent an Entity registered in an iSNS server. This is part of the index for the table.
cIsnsClntRegEntityEID .
The EID is a unique registered Entity object identifier, as specified in the iSNS Specification. This is the iSNS Entity Identifier for the Entity.
cIsnsClntRegEntityProtocol .
The type of protocol that is supported by the Entity.
cIsnsSrvrInstTable .
This table provides a list of the iSNS Server instances that are managed through the same SNMP context.
cIsnsNumObjTable .
Table providing the number of registered objects of each type in the iSNS Server instance. This table is optional to implement. The number of entries is dependent upon the number of iSNS Server instances being managed.
cIsnsNextIdxTable .
The next available Discovery Domain Set Identifier, Discovery Domain Identifier, iSCSI Index, Portal Group Index, and Portal Index for the specified iSNS Server instance. This is used for registered object creation through SNMP for the respective registered object types that support this. Indexes are used for registered objects that have unique names that are too long or unwieldy for use as an SNMP index. The number of entries is dependent upon the number of iSNS Server instances being managed.
cIsnsCntlNodeIscsiTable .
Specified iSCSI Nodes that can register as control nodes. The number of rows is dependent on the number of possible iSCSI Control Nodes, and if SNMP is enabled to view control node information, as indicated by cIsnsSrvrInstCntrlNodeAuth. This table is accessible and usable to view and/or modify the set of control nodes if cIsnsSrvrInstCntrlNodeAuth is set to the viewNodes or modifyNodes value.
cIsnsCntlNodeFcPortTable .
Specified FC Ports that can register as control nodes. The number of rows is dependent on the number of possible FC Port Control Nodes, and if SNMP is enabled to view control node information, as indicated by cIsnsSrvrInstCntrlNodeAuth. This table is accessible and usable to view and/or modify the set of control nodes if cIsnsSrvrInstCntrlNodeAuth is set to the viewNodes or modifyNodes value.
cIsnsDdsTable .
A table containing configuration information for each Discovery Domain Set (DDS) registered in the iSNS Server instance. The number of rows in the table is dependent on the number of DDSs registered in the specified iSNS server instance. A DDS can be created in the iSNS Server by creating a row in this table. The index value should be determined by using cIsnsNextIdxDds managed object to determine the next available index.
cIsnsDdsMemberTable .
A table containing Discovery Domains (DDs) that have been assigned to specific Discovery Domain Sets (DDSs). The number of rows in the table is dependent on the number of DD to DDS relationships in the iSNS instance.
cIsnsDdTable .
A table containing configuration information for each Discovery Domain (DD) registered in the iSNS. The number of rows in the table is dependent on the number of DDs registered in the iSNS instance. A DD can be created in the iSNS Server by creating a row in this table. The index value should be determined by using cIsnsNextIdxDd managed object to determine the next available index.
cIsnsDdIscsiMemberTable .
A table containing iSCSI node indexes that have been assigned to specific DDs in this iSNS Server instance. The number of rows in the table is dependent on the number of relationships between iSCSI Nodes and DDs registered in the iSNS instance.
cIsnsDdPortalMemberTable .
A table containing currently registered and unregistered portal objects that have been explicitly assigned to specific DDs. Explicit assignment of a portal to a DD is only done when a specific set of portals are preferred for use within a DD. Otherwise, for iSCSI, the Portal Group Object should be used for identifying which portals provide access to which storage nodes. The number of rows in the table is dependent on the number of explicit relationships between portals and DDs registered in the iSNS.
cIsnsDdFcPortMemberTable .
A table containing FC Port World Wide Names (WWN) that have been assigned to specific DDs. The number of rows in the table is dependent on the number of relationships between FC Ports and DDs registered in the iSNS.
cIsnsRegEntityTable .
A table containing registered Entity objects in each iSNS server instance. The number of entries in the table is dependent on the number of Entity objects registered in the iSNS Server instances. All Entity objects are registered in the iSNS using the iSNS protocol.
cIsnsRegEntityNumObjTable .
A table containing information on the number of registered objects associated with a registered Entity in the iSNS server instance. This table is optional to implement. The number of entries in the table is dependent on the number of registered Entity objects in the iSNS.
cIsnsRegPortalTable .
A table containing the registered Portals in the iSNS. The number of entries is dependent on the number of Portals registered in the iSNS.
cIsnsRegPgTable .
A table containing the registered Portal Groups (PGs) in the iSNS Server instance. The number of entries is dependent on the number of Portal Groups registered in the iSNS.
cIsnsRegIscsiNodeTable .
A table containing the registered iSCSI Nodes in the iSNS server instance. Storage devices register using the iSNS protocol. While a device cannot be registered in an iSNS server using SNMP, an entry can be deleted in order to remove 'stale' entries. The number of entries is related to the number of iSCSI nodes registered in the iSNS.
cIsnsRegFcPortTable .
Information on registered FC Ports in the iSNS.
cIsnsRegFcNodeTable .
A table containing the registered FC Nodes in the iSNS.
cIsnsRegFcNodeInfoTable .
A table containing basic information on registered FC Nodes in the iSNS. The number of entries in the table is dependent on the number of FC Nodes registered in the iSNS.
cIsnsRegFcNodeFcPortTable .
A table containing the mapping of registered FC Nodes to associated registered iFCP/FC Ports and registered Entity objects in the iSNS Server instance.
cIsnsClntInstTable .
This table lists the iSNS Client instances managed through the same SNMP context.
cIsnsClntCfgSrvrTable .
iSNS Address table for direct user configuration. If configured address server discovery is being used, defined as cIsnsClntInstPrmryDiscMthd or cIsnsClntInstScndryDiscMthd being set to 'cfgdServerList', this table provides the list of addresses to check for an iSNS Server. The number of rows is dependent on the number of addresses that the user configures.
cIsnsClntDscvrdSrvrTable .
This table lists the iSNS servers which have been discovered for a client instance. The discovery methods used for a client are specified using cIsnsClntInstPrmryDiscMthd and cIsnsClntInstScndryDiscMthd. If the primary discovery method is successful, then the secondary methods are not used. The discovery method used to find a specific entry is indicated in the cIsnsClntDscvrdSrvrDiscMthd managed object. Normally an iSNS Client will register storage nodes in one discovered iSNS server. However, it may sometimes be desired to register storage nodes in multiple iSNS servers. This table is read-only. The number of rows is dependent on the number of iSNS servers that are discovered for the managed iSNS clients. The entries in this table are updated after a discovery process is completed.
cIsnsClntRegEntityTable .
This table contains an entry for each Entity that has been registered by an iSNS Client instance managed by this SNMP agent. This provides a method to map between the iSNS Client and iSNS Server registration information.
cIsnsServerStart .
This notification is sent when an iSNS Server begins operation. The notification provides the following: cIsnsInstInfo : iSNS Server textual information cIsnsAddrTypeNotifctn : iSNS Server address type cIsnsAddrNotifctn : iSNS Server address cIsnsTcpPortNotifctn : iSNS Server TCP Port cIsnsUdpPortNotifctn : iSNS Server UDP Port
cIsnsServerShutdown .
This notification is sent when an iSNS Server is shutdown. The notification provides the following: cIsnsInstInfo : iSNS Server textual information cIsnsAddrTypeNotifctn : iSNS Server address type cIsnsAddrNotifctn : iSNS Server address cIsnsTcpPortNotifctn : iSNS Server TCP Port cIsnsUdpPortNotifctn : iSNS Server UDP Port
cIsnsClientStart .
This notification is sent when an iSNS Client begins operation. The notification provides the following: cIsnsInstInfo : iSNS Client textual information cIsnsAddrTypeNotifctn : iSNS Client address type cIsnsAddrNotifctn : iSNS Client address cIsnsTcpPortNotifctn : iSNS Client TCP Port cIsnsUdpPortNotifctn : iSNS Client UDP Port
cIsnsClientInitalRegistration .
This notification is sent when an iSNS Client initially registers with a server. The notification provides the following: cIsnsInstInfo : iSNS Client textual information cIsnsAddrTypeNotifctn : iSNS Server address type cIsnsAddrNotifctn : iSNS Server address cIsnsTcpPortNotifctn : iSNS Server TCP Port (if used) cIsnsUdpPortNotifctn : iSNS Server UDP Port (if used)
cIsnsClientLostConnection .
This notification is sent when an iSNS Client loses connection with an iSNS Server. The notification provides the following: cIsnsInstInfo : iSNS Client textual information cIsnsAddrTypeNotifctn : iSNS Server address type cIsnsAddrNotifctn : iSNS Server address cIsnsTcpPortNotifctn : iSNS Server TCP Port (if used) cIsnsUdpPortNotifctn : iSNS Server UDP Port (if used)
cIsnsClientNoServerDiscovered .
This notification is sent when a server discovery process completes and no iSNS servers were found. The notification provides the following: cIsnsInstInfo : iSNS Client textual information
Object Identifier
ciscoIetfIsnsMgmtMIB .
The Cisco version of the ISNS Management MIB draft draft-ietf-ips-isns-mib-06.txt from the IETF.
cIsnsObj .
cIsnsConformance .
cIsnsSrvrInfo .
cIsnsCntlNodeInfo .
cIsnsDdsInfo .
cIsnsDdInfo .
cIsnsReg .
cIsnsRegEntityInfo .
cIsnsRegPortalInfo .
cIsnsRegPortalGroupInfo .
cIsnsRegIscsiNodeInfo .
cIsnsRegFcPortInfo .
cIsnsRegFcNodeInfo .
cIsnsClntInfo .
cIsnsNotification .
cIsnsNotificationInfo .
cIsnsNotificationPrefix .
cIsnsGroups .
cIsnsCompliances .
cIsnsServerAttributesGroup .
iSNS Server attributes.
cIsnsServerNumObjGroup .
Managed objects indicating the number of registered objects in an iSNS Server or the number of registered objects associated with a registered Entity. These managed objects are optional to implement.
cIsnsServerNextIdxGroup .
Managed objects indicating the next available index for object types using indexes in iSNS Server instances.
cIsnsServerIscsiCntlNodeGroup .
iSNS Server iSCSI control node managed objects.
cIsnsServerIfcpCntlNodeGroup .
iSNS Server iFCP control node managed objects.
cIsnsServerIscsiDdsDdObjGroup .
iSNS Server DDS and DD managed objects for iSCSI.
cIsnsServerIfcpDdsDdObjGroup .
iSNS Server DDS and DD managed objects for iFCP.
cIsnsServerRegIscsiObjGroup .
iSNS Server registered iSCSI managed objects.
cIsnsServerRegIfcpObjGroup .
iSNS Server registered iFCP managed objects.
cIsnsClientAttributesGroup .
iSNS Client attributes.
cIsnsNotificationObjGroup .
iSNS Notification managed objects.
cIsnsServerNotificationGroup .
iSNS Server Notification managed objects.
cIsnsClientNotificationGroup .
iSNS Client Notification managed objects.