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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » cisco » CISCO-IGMP-SNOOPING-MIB » Objects

CISCO-IGMP-SNOOPING-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-IGMP-SNOOPING-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.



Scalar Object
cisIgmpSnoopingEnabled .
This object indicates whether IGMP Snooping has been enabled for the system.
cisV3ProcessEnabledAdminStatus .
This object indicates the administrative status of IGMP v3 processing in the system. With the condition that IGMP protocol has been enabled, a system will process IGMPv3 messages if this object is set to 'true', or it will process only IGMPv1/v2 messages if this object is set to 'false'.
cisV3ProcessEnabledOperStatus .
This object indicates the current operational status of IGMP v3 processing in the system. This object is enabled if the system is operating with IGMPv3 protocol. Value of this object will be set to 'true' if the system is operating in IGMP v3, and 'false' if it is operating in IGMPv1/v2.
cisFastLeaveEnabled .
This object indicates whether Fast-Leave mechanism has been configured to be enabled in the system. If Fast-Leave is enabled in the switch, IGMP Snooping will prune the port on which an IGMP leave message has been received without waiting for the Group Specific Query to timeout to determine whether there are any more hosts on that port for that group. If the value of cisV3ProcessEnabledOperStatus is 'false', this object will not have any effect.
cisFastBlockEnabled .
The object indicates whether Fast-Block mechanism has been enabled for the system. This object only has effect if the value of cisV3ProcessEnabledOperStatus is 'true'.
cisAdminMode .
The object indicates the administrative snooping mode of IGMP Snooping feature, depends on whether only IGMP devices, or also CGMP devices are existing in the network.
cisOperMode .
The object indicates the operational snooping mode of the device. The object should return igmpOnly(2) or igmpCgmp(3) only. Value of this object is meaningful only if the value of cisIgmpSnoopingEnabled is 'true'.
cisLeaveQueryType .
The object indicates the type of IGMP-leave query that the device will send on the interface the IGMP-leave message was received. generalQuery(1) : A General Query will be sent to all hosts connecting to that interface. macGenQuery(2) : A MAC-Based General Query will be sent to all hosts in multicast groups that are associated with the MAC-level address. MAC-Based General Query is not a standard, it is a part of CGMP (Cisco Group Management Protocol). auto(3) : A Group-Specific query will be sent if there are no IGMPv1 hosts detected in the network. Otherwise a MAC-Based General Query will be sent.
cisAddressAliasingMode .
The object indicates the current IGMP Address Aliasing Mode of the device. normal(1) : IGMP is working in normal mode without detecting address aliasing. fallback(2): address aliasing is detected. The device stops listening to the multicast control traffic and stays in the fallback mode for an expiry time before getting back to the normal mode.
cisFallbackTime .
The object indicates the time the IGMP address aliasing mode is fallback(2).
cisReportSuppressionEnabled .
When this object is set to 'true', IGMP Snooping will suppress duplicate IGMP Reports. When this object is set to 'false', all IGMP Reports are forwarded to all multicast routers in the VLAN.
cisTopoChangeFloodQueryCount .
This object specifies the flooding period for multicast traffic upon receiving Topology Change Notifications (TCN). IGMP Snooping will flood multicast traffic until cisTopoChangeFloodQueryCount number of IGMP General Queries are received by IGMP Snooping.
cisTopoChangeQuerySolicitEnabled .
This object specifies whether the device running IGMP Snooping will solicit IGMP General Queries from the Querier upon receiving a Topology Change Notification (TCN). The root device will always solicit IGMP General Queries on TCN irrespective of the value of cisTopoChangeQuerySolicitEnabled.
cisSourceOnlyLearningEnabled .
This object specifies whether Source Only multicast entries are learned by IGMP Snooping or not.
cisSourceOnlyEntryAgeTime .
This object specifies the aging time for Source Only multicast entries when cisSourceOnlyLearningEnabled is set to 'true'. When cisSourceOnlyEntryAgeTime is set to 0, aging is disabled.
cisV3SnoopingSupport .
This object indicates IGMP Snooping support for IGMPv3 as described below: basic(1): Basic support for IGMPv3. IGMPv3 packets are processed similar to IGMPv2 packets. In other words Source list information is not used. Although this does not break multicast traffic to IGMPv3 hosts, it does not provide any other benefits such as Fast Leave for IGMPv3 hosts, Explicit Host Tracking and Source based filtering. full(2): Full support for IGMPv3. Provides full IGMPv3 Snooping support. This includes processing of IGMPv3 source list information along with group information. Provides support for features such as Fast Leave, Explicit Host Tracking and Proxy Reporting and a potential to do Source based filtering. The value of this object is valid only when cisV3ProcessEnabledAdminStatus is set to 'true'.
cisInterfaceStatsEntry .
An entry contains statistics information for a specific IGMP Snooping capable interface. It provides information about IGMP messages and reports that have been transmitted and received at the interface.
cisGeneralQueryRateLimit .
Rate limit for General-Query packets per 30 seconds from a control plane address. If the packets exceed the rate, snooping will be stalled for a period of 30 seconds.
cisDvmrpRateLimit .
Rate limit for DVMRP packets per 30 seconds from a control plane address. If the packets exceed the rate, snooping will be stalled for a period of 30 second.
cisMospf1RateLimit .
Rate limit for MOSPF1 packets per 30 seconds from a control plane address. If the packets exceed the rate, snooping will be stalled for a period of 30 second.
cisMospf2RateLimit .
Rate limit for MOSPF2 packets per 30 seconds from a control plane address. If the packets exceed the rate, snooping will be stalled for a period of 30 second.
cisPimV2RateLimit .
Rate limit for PIMv2 packets per 30 seconds from a control plane address. If the packets exceed the rate, snooping will be stalled for a period of 30 second.
cisVlanConfigEntry .
An entry is created for each active VLAN in the device and deleted when the VLAN becomes inactive.
cisIgmpQuerierEntry .
An entry is created for each active VLAN in the device and contains IGMP Querier configuration information related to IGMP Snooping for that VLAN. An entry is deleted when the VLAN becomes inactive.
cisIfConfigEntry .
An entry is created for each interface layer two interface.
cisMcastRouterCfgEntry .
An entry is created for each interface in the VLAN that is either learned or configured as multicast router port. A multicast router port is learned using the method specified by cisVlanIgmpSnoopingLearningMode.
cisMcastGroupEntry .
An entry is created by IGMP Snooping for each group learned in the VLAN.
Tabular Object
cisTxGeneralQueries .
Total IGMP General Queries that have been transmitted through an interface.
cisTxGroupSpecificQueries .
Total IGMP Group-Specific Queries that have been transmitted through an interface.
cisTxReports .
Total IGMP Membership Reports that have been transmitted through an interface.
cisTxLeaves .
Total IGMP Leave messages that have been transmitted through an interface.
cisRxGeneralQueries .
Total IGMP General Queries that have been received at an interface.
cisRxGroupSpecificQueries .
Total IGMP Group-Specific Queries that have been received at an interface.
cisRxReports .
Total IGMP Membership Reports that have been received at an interface.
cisRxLeaves .
Total IGMP Leave messages that have been received at an interface.
cisRxValidPackets .
Total valid IGMP packets have been received at an interface.
cisRxInvalidPackets .
Total packets those are not valid IGMP messages received at an interface.
cisRxOtherPackets .
Total non IGMP messages messages that have been received at an interface, comprising cgmp join, pim hello, dvmrp and mospf messages.
cisRxMACGeneralQueries .
Total MAC-based General Queries that have been received at an interface.
cisRxTopoNotifications .
Total Topology Change Notifications that have been received at an interface.
cisV3Allows .
Number of Source-List-Change records with the record type ALLOW_NEW_SOURCES that have been sent from hosts connected to an interface. This record type indicates that the Source Address fields in this Group Record contain a list of additional sources that the system wishes to hear from, for packets sent to the specified multicast address.
cisV3Blocks .
Number of Source-List-Change records with the record type BLOCK_OLD_SOURCE that have been sent from hosts connected to an interface. This record type indicates that the Source Address fields in this Group Record contain a list of the sources that the system no longer wishes to hear from, for packets sent to the specified multicast address.
cisV3IsIncluded .
Number of Current-State records with the state MODE_IS_INCLUDE that have been sent from hosts in response to a Query received at an interface. This state indicates that the interface has a filter mode of INCLUDE for the specified multicast address.
cisV3IsExcluded .
Number of Current-State records with the state MODE_IS_EXCLUDE that have been sent from hosts in response to a Query received at an interfaces. This state indicates that the interface has a filter mode of EXCLUDE for the specified multicast address.
cisV3ToIncluded .
Number of Filter-Mode-Change records with the record type CHANGE_TO_INCLUDE_MODE that have been sent through an interface. This type of record indicates that the filter mode has been changed to INCLUDE mode for the specified multicast address, and the Source Address fields in this Group Record will contain the new source list for the specified multicast address, if it is not empty.
cisV3ToExcluded .
Number of Filter-Mode-Change records with the record type CHANGE_TO_EXCLUDE_MODE that have been sent through an interface. This type of record indicates that the filter mode has been changed to EXCLUDE mode for the specified multicast address, and the Source Address fields in this Group Record will contain the new source list for the specified multicast address, if it is not empty.
cisVlanIndex .
This object indicates the VLAN in which IGMP Snooping is configured.
cisVlanIgmpSnoopingEnabled .
When this object is set to 'true' IGMP Snooping is enabled on this VLAN else disabled.
cisVlanFastLeaveEnabled .
This object specifies whether Fast-Leave mechanism (also known as Immediate-Leave) is to be performed by IGMP Snooping or not. When enabled, IGMP Snooping will remove the interface from the group mentioned in the IGMP Leave message received on that interface without waiting for the IGMP Group-Specific Query to timeout to determine whether there are any more hosts on that interface for that group.
cisVlanIgmpSnoopingOperMode .
The object indicates the operational mode of IGMP Snooping. The object should return igmpOnly(2) or igmpCgmp(3) only.
cisVlanIgmpSnoopingLearningMode .
This object specifies the multicast router port learning method for IGMP Snooping as described below: pimDvmrp(1) : Protocol Independent Multicast / Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol. cgmp(2) : Cisco Group Management Protocol.
cisIgmpQuerierVlanIndex .
The object indicates the VLAN that the Querier will send IGMP queries on.
cisIgmpQuerierEnabled .
The object indicates whether the device will participate in the IGMP Querier election in a VLAN. If the object is set to 'true', the device will participate to an election process to be a Querier. If the object is set to 'false' while the device is acting as the Querier in a VLAN, a new election will be activated to choose a different Querier.
cisIgmpQuerierState .
The object indicates the current state of the device as an IGMP Querier in a VLAN. disabled(1) : Querier function is disabled for this device in this VLAN. electing(2) : The device is in the election process of the Querier. querier(3) : The device is the current Querier in this VLAN. nonQuerier(4): The device has lost the election process of the Querier. inactive(5) : VLAN is inactive or not an Ethernet VLAN.
cisIgmpQuerierVersion .
The object indicates IGMP version of the Querier for the VLAN. IGMP version of the Querier is determined by the type of IGMP General Query received by the device.
cisIgmpQuerierAddressType .
The object indicates IP address type of the IGMP Querier for the VLAN.
cisIgmpQuerierAddress .
The object indicates IP address of the IGMP Querier for the VLAN.
cisIgmpQuerierInterface .
The object indicates the interface on which IGMP Querier is detected for the VLAN. The value of this object is zero if the device itself is acting as IGMP Querier for the VLAN.
cisIfTopoChangeFloodEnabled .
When this object is set to 'true' multicast traffic will be flooded on the port for cisTopoChangeFloodQueryCount of Igmp General Queries upon receiving a Topology Change Notification (TCN) for the VLAN to which the port belongs.
cisMcastRouterVlanIndex .
This object indicates the VLAN to which the multicast router port belongs.
cisMcastRouterType .
This object indicates if the multicast router port is a configured (static) or learned (dynamic) port.
cisMcastRouterRowStatus .
This object is a conceptual row entry that allows to add or delete entries to or from the cisMcastRouterCfgTable. When creating an entry in this table 'createAndGo' method is used and the value of this object is set to 'active'. Deactivation of an 'active' entry is not allowed. When deleting an entry in this table 'destroy' method is used.
cisMcastGroupVlanIndex .
This object indicates the VLAN in which the group is learned.
cisMcastGroupAddressType .
This object indicates IP multicast address type learned by IGMP Snooping.
cisMcastGroupAddress .
This object indicates IP multicast address learned by IGMP Snooping.
cisMcastGroupFilterMode .
This object indicates a the IGMP filter mode for the group. include(1) : reception of multicast packets sent to the group specified by cisMcastGroupAddress is requested only from the specified IPv4 source addresses listed in the IGMPv3 Membership Reports. exclude(2) : reception of multicast packets sent to the group specified by cisMcastGroupAddress is requested from all except from the list of IPv4 source addresses specified in the IGMPv3 Membership Reports. The filter mode is determined by the type of Group Record received in the IGMP Membership Report received by the device. Groups for which IGMPv1/v2 Membership Reports are received are considered to have a cisMcastGroupFilterMode of 'exclude'.
cisMcastGroupIgmpVersion .
This object indicates the IGMP version for the group. This is determined by the type of IGMP Membership Report received by the device.
cisMcastGroupIncludeHostCount .
This object indicates the number of hosts that are in INCLUDE mode for the group.
cisMcastGroupExcludeHostCount .
This object indicates the number of hosts that are in EXCLUDE mode for the group.
cisMcastGroupPortList .
This object indicates the set of ports on which IGMP Membership Reports are received for the group indicating interest to receive traffic sent to the group.
cisInterfaceStatsTable .
Table contains statistics information for IGMP snooping. An entry appears in this table for each IGMP Snooping capable interface in the device.
cisVlanConfigTable .
Table contains VLAN based configuration information for IGMP Snooping.
cisIgmpQuerierTable .
Table containing information regarding the IGMP Querier in the VLAN. The device can be configured to be the IGMP Querier for the VLAN. An IGMP Querier for the VLAN is selected by using a Querier Election process.
cisIfConfigTable .
Table containing configuration information for IGMP Snooping on a layer two interface.
cisMcastRouterCfgTable .
Table containing multicast router configuration information for IGMP Snooping.
cisMcastGroupTable .
Table containing multicast group address information for IGMP Snooping.
Object Identifier
ciscoIgmpSnoopingMIB .
The MIB module for IGMP Snooping feature. Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) is the protocol used by IPv4 end hosts to indicate their interest in receiving multicast traffic for certain multicast groups to neighboring multicast routers. Version 3 of IGMP adds support for source based filtering; which means the end hosts can specifically indicate to receive or not-receive multicast packets from specific source addresses. This information is used by the multicast routers to restrict forwarding of multicast traffic for the host. IGMP Snooping is a switch protocol. A switch that implements IGMP Snooping listens to the IGMP messages exchanged between the hosts and router, then provides selective transmission of multicast traffic based on multicast mac destination address or multicast group address. With IGMPv3 support, IGMP Snooping can potentially provide selective transmission of multicast data based on (source address, group address) onto the ports that are interested. In addition to this, IGMP Snooping can also provide proxy reporting, report suppression and fast leave capabilities.
ciscoIgmpSnoopingNotification .
ciscoIgmpSnoopingMIBObject .
cisSystemInfo .
cisStatisticsInfo .
cisRateLimitInfo .
cisVlanConfigInfo .
cisIfConfigInfo .
cisMulticastRouterInfo .
cisMulticastGroupInfo .
cisMIBConformance .
cisMIBCompliances .
cisMIBGroups .
cisSystemGroup .
A collection of objects providing global system information about, and control over, IGMP Snooping protocol operation on device.
cisSystemV2Group .
A collection of additional objects providing global system information about, and control over, IGMPv2 Snooping protocol operation on the device.
cisStatsGroup .
A collection of objects providing statistics information of IGMP Snooping version 1 and 2.
cisSystemV3Group .
A collection of additional objects providing global system information about, and control over, IGMPv3 Snooping protocol operation on the device.
cisV3StatsGroup .
A collection of objects providing additional statistics information of IGMPv3 Snooping.
cisBaseConfigGroup .
A basic collection of objects providing IGMP Snooping global configuration.
cisGlobalTcnGroup .
A collection of global Topology Change Notification (TCN) related configuration objects.
cisGlobalSourceOnlyLearnGroup .
A collection of global Source Only entry learning objects.
cisGlobalIgmpV3ConfigGroup .
A collection of global IGMPv3 Snooping related objects.
cisGlobalIgmpV3InfoGroup .
A collection of global IGMPv3 snooping related objects.
cisExtConfig1Group .
A miscellaneous collection of objects for the device that supports global IGMP Snooping configuration.
cisExtConfig2Group .
An extended collection of miscellaneous global configuration IGMP Snooping objects.
cisRateLimitGroup .
A collection of objects providing rate-limit information of protocol packets handling in IGMP Snooping.
cisVlanConfigGroup .
A collectin of objects for VLAN configuration of IGMP Snooping.
cisIgmpQuerierConfigGroup .
A collection of objects for IGMP Querier configuration of IGMP Snooping.
cisIgmpQuerierInfoGroup .
A collection of objects for IGMP Querier information.
cisMcastRouterConfigGroup .
A collection of objects providing multicast router port information.
cisMcastGroupInfoGroup .
A collection of objects providing multicast group information.
cisIfConfigGroup .
A collection of objects providing IGMP Snoop configuration on an interface.