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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » cisco » CISCO-IPMCAST-MIB » Objects

CISCO-IPMCAST-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-IPMCAST-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.

CISCO-IPMCAST-MIB file content

Object view of CISCO-IPMCAST-MIB:

Scalar Object
pimRpAccessListEntry .
An entry (conceptual row) in the pimRpAccessListTable.
igmpAccessListEntry .
An entry (conceptual row) in the igmpAccessListTable.
mrbranchState .
The state of the SNMP-invoked mrbranch facility. Only one such mrbranch may be in progress at a time. When this object has the value 'inactive', setting it to 'active' causes an mrbranch to be invoked using the values of mrbranchGroup, mrbranchBranch and mrbranchTimeout which were set either concurrently or most recently. The value stays 'active' until the mrbranch completes/times-out at which time it becomes 'inactive'. Setting this value to 'active' when it is already 'active' it is an error. Setting it to 'inactive' either cancels the active mrbranch or is a no-op.
mrbranchGroup .
The IP multicast group address to be used by the next SNMP-invoked mrbranch command.
mrbranchBranch .
The branch address, i.e., the IP unicast address of the responding router, to be used by the next SNMP-invoked mrbranch command.
mrbranchTimeout .
The maximum number of seconds to be taken by the next SNMP-invoked mrbranch command.
mrbranchRequestor .
An indication of the identity of invoker the last/current/next SNMP-invoked mrbranch command.
mrbranchResponseEntry .
An entry in the mrbranchResponseTable, representing one mrbranch response.
mrbranchInterfaceListEntry .
An entry in the mrbranchInterfaceListTable containing a particular outgoing interface listed in the response to a mrbranch received from the responder indicated by mrbranchResponseResponder.
igmpConditionalFilteringEnable .
An indication of whether IGMP Conditional Filtering is enabled.
igmpMemberReportTimeout .
The number of seconds for which the receipt of the most recent IGMP Membership Report for a particular IP multicast group on a particular interface indicates that there is currently a member of that group on that interface.
igmpCondFilterIfEntry .
An entry in the igmpCondFilterIfTable containing information on a particular interface.
igmpCondFilterMcastEntry .
An entry in the igmpCondFilterMcastTable containing information on a particular IP multicast group on a particular interface. An entry is created by the agent when it receives on the interface either an IP multicast datagram destined to the multicast group, or an IGMP Membership Report for the group. An entry can also be created by network management to indicate that datagrams for the multicast group are to be forwarded to the interface irrespective of the receipt/non-receipt of IGMP Membership Reports.
Tabular Object
pimRpAccessListRP .
The address of the Rendezvous Point for which this entry contains access-list information.
pimRpAccessListNumber .
The number of the access-list which specifies the range of group addresses which have this Rendezvous Point. A value of zero is equivalent to no access-list.
pimRpAccessListStatus .
The status of this row.
igmpAccessListNumber .
The number of the access-list which specifies the IP multicast groups for which joins are allowed on this interface. A value of zero is equivalent to no access- list.
mrbranchResponseResponder .
The IP address of the responder to the mrbranch request for which this entry contains information.
mrbranchResponseRtt .
The time taken for the request to be sent and the response to come back for this responder to the mrbranch request.
mrbranchResponseRPF .
The IP address of the RPF neighbor of the responder to the mrbranch request.
mrbranchInterfaceListAddress .
The IP address of the outgoing interface.
mrbranchInterfaceListNetMask .
The network mask of the IP address of the outgoing interface.
igmpCondFilterIfIndex .
The ifIndex value of the interface.
igmpCondFilterIfStatus .
An indication of whether the presense of an IP multicast router on this interface is to be determined statically or dynamically. The values routerPresent(1) and noRouter(2) indicate that the presence of a router is statically determined to be present or not-present, respectively. The value dynamic(3) indicates the presence is to be determined dynamically.
igmpCondFilterIfRouter .
An indication of whether an IP multicast router is present on this interface.
igmpCondFilterMcastIfIndex .
The ifIndex value of the interface.
igmpCondFilterMcastAddress .
The IP multicast group.
igmpCondFilterMcastMember .
An indication of whether there is currently a member of the IP multicast group on this interface.
igmpCondFilterMcastInPkts .
The number of IP multicast datagrams destined for this multicast address which have been received on this interface.
igmpCondFilterMcastOutPkts .
The number of IP multicast datagrams destined for this multicast address which have been forwarded to this interface.
igmpCondFilterMcastStatus .
The status of this row. If a row is created for a IP multicast group on a particular interface with the instance of igmpCondFilterMcastMember set to true(1), then datagrams destined to the multicast group are to be forwarded to the interface independent of whether IGMP Membership Reports are received.
pimRpAccessListTable .
The (conceptual) table containing the access-lists of IP Multicast groups configured for specific Rendezvous- Points. An RP for which there is no entry in this table is configured for all groups.
igmpAccessListTable .
The (conceptual) table containing the configured access- lists of IP Multicast groups for which join requests received from hosts (i.e., directly attached group members) via specific interfaces are allowed. If no access-list is defined for an interface, any group can be joined via that interace.
mrbranchResponseTable .
The table containing mrbranch responses. Additional information from mrbranch responses is contained in the mrbranchInterfaceListTable.
mrbranchInterfaceListTable .
The table containing information on outgoing interfaces as reported in a response to a mrbranch. Each entry is one of a list of outgoing interface from a particular responder.
igmpCondFilterIfTable .
The table containing information on interfaces for use with IGMP Conditional Filtering.
igmpCondFilterMcastTable .
The table containing information on IP multicast groups for use with IGMP Conditional Filtering.
Object Identifier
ciscoMcastMIB .
The MIB module for Cisco-specific management of IP Multicast in Cisco devices.
ciscoMcastMIBObjects .
mcastAccess .
mcastTrace .
mcastFilter .
mcastTraceRequest .
mcastTraceResponse .
ciscoMcastMIBConformance .
ciscoMcastMIBCompliances .
ciscoMcastMIBGroups .
ciscoMcastAccessMIBGroup .
A collection of objects providing management of Access- Lists for IP Multicast in Cisco routers.
ciscoMrbranchMIBGroup .
A collection of objects providing for the invocation of mrbranch commands in Cisco routers.
ciscoMcastFilterMIBGroup .
A collection of objects for management of bridges/switches which implement IGMP Conditional Filtering.