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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » cisco » CISCO-ISDNU-IF-MIB » Objects

CISCO-ISDNU-IF-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-ISDNU-IF-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.

CISCO-ISDNU-IF-MIB file content

Object view of CISCO-ISDNU-IF-MIB:

Scalar Object
ciuIfStaticConfigEntry .
An entry in the static configuration table for each ISDN BRI integrated U interface.
ciuIfStatusEntry .
An entry in the status table for each ISDN BRI integrated U interface.
ciuIfExternalSTPortStatusEntry .
An entry in the status table for each external ISDN S/T port.
ciuIfEnableULoopStatusNotification .
Indicates whether or not an ISDN BRI integrated U interface Loop status notification (ciuIfLoopStatusNotification) will be generated by this router.
Tabular Object
ciuIfType .
Specifies the type of ISDN BRI integrated U interface. other - none of the following. addOnU - An add-On card with ISDN BRI integrated U interface. onBoardU - An on board ISDN BRI integrated U interface onBoardIntegUandSTPort - An on board BRI integrated U interface with external S/T ports. addOnIntegUandSTPort - An add-on card with ISDN BRI integrated U interface and S/T port.
ciuIfStatus .
This object contains the operation status of the ISDN BRI integrated U interface. activated - The ISDN U interface is activated. The interface is active and data can be transmitted and received through the interface. activationPending - The ISDN U interface is in activation pending state. Either the CO or the router has initiated activation of U interface, but activation has not yet completed. Data cannot be transmitted or received. deactivated - The ISDN U interface is deactivated. The ISDN line to the CO is deactivated. Data cannot be transmitted or received on the ISDN U interface.
ciuIfEocCommand .
The last EOC command sent by Central Office; the ECO command supports operations communications needs between the network and ISDN U interface.
ciuIfOverHeadBits .
This object describes 5 attributes of Overhead bits. The Overhead bits contains the ISDN U interface transceiver operations and maintenance functions that are handled by M4, M5 and M6 bits in the superframe. These bits are described as follows: act - start-up bit; this bit is set to binary ONE by the network as a part of the start-up sequence to communicate readiness for layer-2 communication. dea - turn-off bit; this bit is set to binary ZERO by the network to communicate to the NT its intention to turn off. febe - Far End Block Error bit; this bit is set to binary ONE if there are no error in the superframe and binary ZERO if the superframe contains an error. uoa - U interface only activation bit; This bit is set to binary ONE if the S/T interface should be activated. Otherwise, this bit should be set to binary ZERO. aib - Alarm indication bit; this bit is set to binary ONE if the transmission path for D, B1, and B2 channels has been established all the way to the local exchange. Otherwise, this bit is set to binary ZERO.
ciuIfFebeErrors .
Number of Far End Block Errors (FEBE) detected since last boot. Whenever the CO (Central Office) receives a block of data from the router with a CRC error, the FEBE count is incremented by one.
ciuIfNebeErrors .
Number of Near End Block Errors (NEBE) detected since last boot. Whenever the U transceiver receives a block of data with a CRC error, the NEBE count is incremented by one.
ciuIfLoopStatus .
Current ISDN BRI integrated U interface Loop status and NT maintenance mode. The definition of maintenance modes are as follows: none - The U interface is not in either Loopback or maintenance mode. type2Loopback - Type 2 (CO to U interface) Loopback mode; this mode is set to perform the loopback between CO and the ISDN BRI integrated U interface. type3Loopback - Type 3 (processor to U interface) Loopback mode; this mode is set by router to perform the loopback between the router processor and the ISDN BRI integrated U interface. ntQuietMode - NT quiet mode; this mode is set by CO for metallic loop tests. In the NT quiet mode, the ISDN U interface will not attempt a start-up or will not initiate transmission during metallic loop tests conducted by the network. ilmtMode - Insertion loss measurement test (ILMT); this mode is set by CO for the Insertion loss measurement test. The insertion loss measurement test will cause a known test signal to be generated by the NT. This test will be used in network measurements of DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) transmission characteristics.
ciuIfExternalSTPortNumber .
The external ISDN S/T port number.
ciuIfExternalSTPortStatus .
This object contains the operation status of the external ISDN S/T port. activated - The external ISDN S/T port is activated. The port is active and data can be transmitted and received on the port. activationPending - The external ISDN S/T port is in activation pending state. Either the CO or the router has initiated activation of the port, but activation has not yet completed. Data cannot be transmitted or received. deactivated - The external ISDN S/T port is deactivated. Either no ISDN device is attached to the external S/T port or the ISDN line to the CO is deactivated. Data cannot be transmitted or received on the S/T port.
ciuIfStaticConfigTable .
The ISDN BRI integrated U interface Static Configuration Table. It contains items that are statically configured by reading configuration from hardware and can not be changed by end user without physically changing the U Interface.
ciuIfStatusTable .
The ISDN BRI integrated U interface Status Table. Contains information about the status of the ISDN U interface, including the error statistics and current active EOC (Embedded operations channel) commands from CO (Central office).
ciuIfExternalSTPortStatusTable .
The external S/T port status table. It contains the operation status of the external ISDN S/T ports.
ciuIfLoopStatusNotification .
A ciuIfLoopStatusNotification is sent when there is a change in ciscoIsdnuIfLoopStatus object. The status change occurs when the ISDN BRI integrated U interface enters into or exits from Loopback or Maintenance modes.
Object Identifier
ciscoIsdnuIfMIB .
ISDN BRI integrated U Interface MIB module. This MIB manages the ISDN BRI integrated U Interface in the router.
ciuIfObjects .
ciuInterface .
ciuIfExternalSTPort .
ciuIfMIBNotificationEnables .
ciuIfMIBNotificationPrefix .
ciuIfMIBNotifications .
ciuIfMIBConformance .
ciuIfMIBCompliances .
ciuIfMIBGroups .
ciuIfMIBGroup .
The collection of objects providing information about the Cisco ISDN BRI integrated U interface.