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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » cisco » CISCO-LINK-ERROR-MONITOR-MIB » Objects

CISCO-LINK-ERROR-MONITOR-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-LINK-ERROR-MONITOR-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.



Scalar Object
clemEnabled .
Specifies whether the Link Error Monitor Feature is enabled on the device or not.
clemSamplingInterval .
Specifies the sampling interval to sample the interfaces' monitored link error counters.
clemSamplingTimes .
Specifies the consecutive number of times with error counter increase over thresholds between two consecutive samplings before corresponding notifications can be sent and actions can be taken on an interface.
clemAction .
Specifies the action to be taken on an interface when the increase in an error counter on that interface between two consecutive sampling exceeds the corresponding clemThresholdHigh for consecutive number of times as specified by clemSamplingTimes. errdisable -- the interface is disabled by forcing its link down. failover -- when the interface is a member of a channel and it is the only operational member in the channel, then no operation will be taken. Otherwise, disable the interface by forcing its link down, i.e., errdisable the interface.
clemThresholdEntry .
An entry containing threshold configuration for each type of link error counter that can be monitored by this feature on the device.
clemNotifEnable .
Indicates whether the generation of a specified notification is enabled or not. If a bit corresponding to a notification is set to 1, then that notification can be generated. lowThresholdExcd -- the clemLowThresholdExceeded notification. highThresholdExcd -- the clemHighThresholdExceeded notification.
clemIfCounterEntry .
An entry containing link error monitoring information on each capable interface for each error counter type monitored by the feature.
Tabular Object
clemThresholdCounterType .
Indicates the type of link error counter to be monitored.
clemThresholdLow .
Specifies the low threshold for an error counter type. When the increase in this error counter type on an interface between two consecutive sampling exceeds the instance value of clemThresholdLow for this error counter type consecutively for clemSamplingTimes number of times, a clemLowThresholdExceeded notification on that interface will be sent.
clemThresholdHigh .
Specifies the high threshold for an error counter type. When the increase in this error counter type on an interface between two consecutive sampling exceeds the instance value of clemThresholdHigh for this error counter type consecutively for clemSamplingTimes number of times, a clemHighThresholdExceeded notification on that interface will be sent. And, the action specified by clemAction will be taken on that interface. The instance value of this clemThresholdHigh must be greater than the instance value of the clemThresholdLow of the same row.
clemIfCounterType .
Indicates the type of link error counter to be monitored on an interface.
clemIfCounterEnable .
Specifies whether the sampling on the corresponding error counter type is enabled on an interface or not.
clemThresholdTable .
A table containing threshold configuration for the monitored link error counters.
clemIfCounterTable .
A table containing interface-specific link error monitoring information for each error counter type monitored by the feature.
clemLowThresholdExceeded .
This notification will be sent when the increase in an error counter type on an interface between two consecutive sampling exceeds the error counter's clemThresholdLow consecutively for clemSamplingTimes number of times.
clemHighThresholdExceeded .
This notification will be sent when the increase in an error counter type on an interface between two consecutive sampling exceeds the error counter's clemThresholdHigh consecutively for clemSamplingTimes number of times.
Object Identifier
ciscoLinkErrorMonitorMIB .
The MIB module for managing Link Error Monitoring Feature on devices. Link Error Monitoring Feature provides a mechanism to monitor a certain set of link error counters on an interface and take certain actions when the increase in the error counters between two consecutive samplings exceeds the configurable thresholds consecutively for a certain number of times.
ciscoLinkErrMonMIBNotifs .
ciscoLinkErrMonMIBObjects .
ciscoLinkErrMonMIBConform .
clemGlobalObjects .
clemInterfaceObjects .
ciscoLinkErrMonMIBCompliances .
ciscoLinkErrMonMIBGroups .
clemGlobalGroup .
A collection of objects to configure link error monitoring functionality globally for all interfaces on the device.
clemThresholdGroup .
A collection of objects to configure the threshold for the monitored error counters by this feature.
clemIfCounterGroup .
A collection of objects to configure link error monitoring functionality at interface level on each error counter type.
clemNotificationGroup .
A collection of notifications for link error monitoring feature.
clemNotificationControlGroup .
A collection of objects to control the notification generation for link error monitoring feature.