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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » cisco » CISCO-MODEM-MGMT-MIB » Objects

CISCO-MODEM-MGMT-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-MODEM-MGMT-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.


Object view of CISCO-MODEM-MGMT-MIB:

Scalar Object
cmSystemInstalledModem .
The actual number of modems that are currently installed within this system.
cmSystemConfiguredGroup .
The actual number of modem groups that are currently configured within this system. Maximum value for this object is cmSystemInstalledModem.
cmSystemWatchdogTime .
A passive software watchdog timer value will be used to recover a modem which enters into an unexpected state and hangs. When this watch dog timer times out, the modem associated Call Processing state will be set back to IDLE, all related TDM paths will be restored to default configurations, and all of call processing related actions will stop for the modem.
cmSystemStatusPollTime .
The ideal time interval between modem status polling via the out of band management port.
cmSystemMaxRetries .
A reply event is expected to be received for every message sent to the modem through the out of band management port. If an expected reply event is not received, the message will be sent to the modem again. This object specifies the maximum number of retries that should be executed.
cmSystemModemsInUse .
The number of modems in the system that are in the following states: connected, offHook, loopback, or downloadFirmware.
cmSystemModemsAvailable .
The number of modems in the system that are onHook. That is, they are ready to accept a call.
cmSystemModemsUnavailable .
The number of modems in the system that cannot accept calls. They are in a state other than onHook.
cmSystemModemsOffline .
The number of modems in the system, which have been held administratively offline
cmSystemModemsDead .
The number of modems in the system with the state bad or downloadFirmwareFailed.
cmGroupEntry .
An entry in the table, containing information about a single group of modems.
cmGroupMemberEntry .
An entry in the table, containing information about modem members in a group. The modem groups are currently created when an associated Async interface groups are configured via CLI command 'interface group-async' and not via SNMP.
cmLineStatusEntry .
An entry in the table, containing status information about a single modem.
cmLineConfigEntry .
An entry in the table, containing configuration information about a single modem.
cmLineStatisticsEntry .
An entry in the table, containing status information about a single modem.
cmLineSpeedStatisticsEntry .
An entry in the table, containing initial speed and connection information about a single modem.
Tabular Object
cmGroupIndex .
This object identifies the group containing the modems for which this entry contains information.
cmGroupTotalDevices .
The total number of modem devices which are configured in the group.
cmSlotIndex .
The modem feature card slot number in the group.
cmPortIndex .
The modem port number of a modem feature card in the group.
cmInterface .
The interface that this modem is connected.
cmGroup .
The modem group number that the modem may be in.
cmManufacturerID .
A textual description to identify the modem, including the manufacturer's name and type of modem.
cmProductDetails .
A textual description of the modem, including hardware revision number, firmware revision number, feature set and optionally, its serial number.
cmManageable .
The Manageable modem allows to be accessed through the out of band management port in which the modem statistic data can be retrieved, and the Direct Connect session can be used to provide the test and debugging ability. This object specifies whether this modem is a Manageable modem.
cmState .
Indicates the current state of modem. The meaning of each state code is explained below: unknown: the current state of the modem is unknown. onHook: the condition similar to hanging up a telephone receiver. The call cannot enter a connected state when the modem is onHook. offHook: The condition similar to picking up a telephone receiver to dial or answer a call. connected: The modem is in a state when it can transmit or receive data over the communications line. busiedOut: The modem is busied out (i.e. taken out of service) and cannot make outgoing calls or receive incoming calls. disabled: The modem is in a reset state and non-functional. This state can be set and clear via cmHoldReset. bad: The modem is suspected or proven to be bad. The operator can take the modem out of service and mark the modem as 'bad' via cmBad. loopback: The modem is in a state where it is currently running back-to-back loopback testing. downloadFirmware: The modem is in a state where it is currently downloading the firmware. downloadFirmwareFailed: The modem is not operational because the downloading of firmware to it has failed.
cmCallDirection .
The modem can be used either as an incoming call or outgoing call. This object specifies the direction of the current or previous call.
cmDisconnectReason .
Indicates the reason that the last connection or call attempt disconnected. The meaning of each reason code is explained below: unknown: the failure reason is unknown or there has been no previous call. lostCarrier: the call was disconnected because the loss of carrier. noCarrier: the dial out attempt has failed because the modem detects no carrier. noDialTone: the dial out attempt has failed because the modem failed to detect a dial tone. busy: the call attempt failed because the modem detected a busy signal. modemWatchdogTimeout: the modem internal watchdog timer has expired. dtrDrop: DTR has been turned off while the modem is to disconnect on DTR drop. userHangup: normal disconnect where the user hangs up call. compressionProblem: the call is disconnected due to a problem detected during compression in the modem. retrainFailure: the modem did not successfully train and reach data mode on the previous connections. remoteLinkDisconnect: the remote link disconnected the connection. abort: the call was aborted. inactivityTimeout: the modem automatically hangs up because data is not sent or received within the inactivity time out. dialStringError: the dialed phone number is invalid. linkFailure: the modem detects a link failure. modulationError: the modem detects a modulation error. dialTimeout: the modem times out while attempting to dial. remoteHangup: the remote side hangs up the connection. mnp10ProtocolError: MNP10 Protocol Error. lapmProtocolError: LAPM Protocol Error. faxClass2Error: Fax Class 2 Error. trainupFailure: failure to trainup with a remote peer. fallbackTerminate: User has EC fallback set to disconnect. excessiveEC: Link loss due to excessive EC retransmissions. EC packet transmit limit exceeded. hostDrop: Host initiated link drop. terminate: Lost Carrier Microcom HDMS product relating to password security issues. autoLogonError: An autologon sequence did not complete successfully. ccpNotSeen: The Credit Card Prompt was not detected. callbackFailed: Applies to leased line connection. If after a switched line dialback due to a leased line connection failure, the switched line connection also fails and a connection can still not be made on the leased line, a disconnect occurs with this reason set. blacklist: In coutries that support blacklisting, an attempt was made to go off hook with a null dial string (ATD). lapmTimeout: Timed out waiting for a reply from remote. reliableLinkTxTimeout: Have not received the link acknowledgement in the first 30 seconds of the connection. dspAccessFailure: Timed out trying to access the DSP chip. cdOffTimeout: Timed out waiting for carrier to return after a retrain or rate renegotiation. codewordSizeMismatch: The codeword size are mismatched. dspDownloadFailure: Error during the DSP code download. The time taken to recover and repeat the download would take too long to complete the handshake.
cmCallDuration .
This object specifies the call duration of the current or previous call.
cmCallPhoneNumber .
The dialed outgoing telephone number of the current or previous call.
cmCallerID .
The incoming caller identification of the current or previous call.
cmModulationSchemeUsed .
The modem modulation scheme used in the current or previous call. This object exists only for modems which have cmManageable to be true.
cmProtocolUsed .
The modem protocol used in the current or previous call. This object exists only for modems which have cmManageable to be true.
cmTXRate .
The speed of modem transmit rate of the current or previous call in bits per second. This object exists only for modems which have cmManageable to be true.
cmRXRate .
The speed of modem receive rate of the current or previous call in bits per second. This object exists only for modems which have cmManageable to be true.
cmTXAnalogSignalLevel .
The modem transmit analog signal level in the current or previous call. The unit used is in dBm. This object exists only for modems which have cmManageable to be true.
cmRXAnalogSignalLevel .
The modem receive analog signal level in the current or previous call. The unit used is in dBm. This object exists only for modems which have cmManageable to be true.
cmATModePermit .
Direct Connect session is used for test and debugging purpose by using the modem AT commands through the out of band management port when cmManageable is true. This object specifies whether the Direct Connect session is permitted to be used at this modem. If cmManageable is true(1), Direct Connect session via the out of band port is allowed and false(2) indicates that it isn't allowed for the modem.
cmStatusPolling .
Modem status and events can be polled through the out of band management port when the cmManageable is true. This object specifies whether this status polling feature is enabled at this modem. If cmManageable is true(1), status polling will occur for the modem and false(2) indicates that no status polling will occur.
cmBusyOutRequest .
This object is used to put modem out of service, i.e. modem cannot make calls or answer calls. If the modem to be busyout is handling a call, the busyout action will be taken after the current call is disconnected. After modem is busyout, the following commands can be applied to those modems - reset, bad modem, download modem firmware, etc. This is called nice or graceful busyout. The value of true(1) indicates the busyOut request has been issued to the modem, but the busyout could be pending. The management entity needs to query the cmState to see if the modem is successfully busied out. The value of false(2) indicates the modem is not given the busyOut command.
cmShutdown .
This object is used to put modem out of service, i.e. modem cannot make calls or answer calls. This is a hard busyout command to bring the modem out of service immediately without waiting for the call to be ended normally. After modem is shutdown, the following commands can be applied to those modems - reset, bad modem, download modem firmware, etc. The value of true(1) indicates the hard busyout has been issued to the modem. The value of false(2) indicates the modem has not been hard busyout.
cmHoldReset .
A command hold-reset will put the state of modem into reset mode until an inverse command to bring modem out of RESET mode. During the period of reset mode, this modem can not be used and is non-functional. This object is only valid when cmState is onHook, busiedOut, or disabled. The value of true(1) attempts to put the modem in reset mode, and the value of false(2) takes the modem out of reset. This object is not applicable for Mica modems.
cmBad .
This object can hold modem out of service and marks the modem as suspected or proven to be bad. During the router start-up initialization sequence, modem back-to-back tests will test modems and mark those modems failing tests as bad modems. The management entity also can use this command to lock out the suspicious modem or unlock the modem to do further debugging or test. This command will be used accompanied with cmholdReset command to put modem out of service. This command doesn't do the reset. For a normally good modem, it can start handling calls after it exits from modem reset mode. For a bad modem, it cannot start handling calls after it exits from modem reset mode. The manager needs to take modem out of bad modem mode in order to handle calls. This object is only valid when cmState is onHook or busiedOut. The value of true(1) indicates the modem is suspected to be bad and its state is set to bad. The value of false(2) indicates the modem has not been suspected to be bad or has been re-marked as good.
cmRingNoAnswers .
A counter to count the calls that ringing was detected but the call was not answered at this modem.
cmIncomingConnectionFailures .
A counter to count the number of incoming connection requests that this modem answered in which it could not train with the other DCE. This object exists only for modems which have cmManageable to be true.
cmIncomingConnectionCompletions .
A counter to count the number of incoming connection requests that this modem answered and successfully trained with the other DCE. This object exists only for modems which have cmManageable to be true.
cmOutgoingConnectionFailures .
A counter to count the number of outgoing calls from this modem which successfully went off hook and dialed, in which it could not train with the other DCE. This object exists only for modems which have cmManageable to be true.
cmOutgoingConnectionCompletions .
A counter to count the number of outgoing calls from this modem which resulted in successfully training with the other DCE. This object exists only for modems which have cmManageable to be true.
cmFailedDialAttempts .
A counter to count the number of call attempts that failed because the modem didn't go off hook, or there was no dial tone.
cmNoDialTones .
A counter to count the number of times the dial tone expected but not received. This object exists only for modems which have cmManageable to be true.
cmDialTimeouts .
A counter to count the number of times the dial time-out occurred. This object exists only for modems which have cmManageable to be true.
cmWatchdogTimeouts .
The number of times the Call Processing watchdog timer has expired.
cm2400OrLessConnections .
The number of connections initially established at a modulation speed of 2400 bits per second or less. This object exists only for modems which have cmManageable to be true.
cm2400To14400Connections .
The number of connections initially established at a modulation speed of greater than 2400 bits per second and less than 14400 bits per second. This object exists only for modems which have cmManageable to be true.
cmGreaterThan14400Connections .
The number of connections initially established at a modulation speed of greater than 14400 bits per second. This object exists only for modems which have cmManageable to be true.
cmNoCarriers .
A counter to count the number of times that the disconnect reason is no carrier. This object exists only for modems which have cmManageable to be true.
cmLinkFailures .
A counter to count the number of times that the disconnect reason is link failure. This object exists only for modems which have cmManageable to be true.
cmProtocolErrors .
A counter to count the number of times that the out of band protocol error occurred. This object exists only for modems which have cmManageable to be true.
cmPollingTimeouts .
A counter to count the number of times that the out of band protocol time-out error occurred. This object exists only for modems which have cmManageable to be true.
cmTotalCallDuration .
A counter to count total call duration on the modem. This includes the duration of all previous calls.
cmInitialLineSpeed .
A discrete initial speed at which the given line may operate
cmInitialLineConnections .
The number of connections initially established at a given modulation speed. An instance of this object will be only present for those speeds where one or more connections have occurred
cmInitialTxLineConnections .
The number of Transmit connections initially established at a given modulation speed. An instance of this object will be only present for those speeds where one or more connections have occurred
cmInitialRxLineConnections .
The number of Receive connections initially established at a given modulation speed. An instance of this object will be only present for those speeds where one or more connections have occurred
cmGroupTable .
Table of descriptive and status information about the groups of modems.
cmGroupMemberTable .
Table of information about the modem members in modem groups.
cmLineStatusTable .
A collection of objects that describe the status of the modem.
cmLineConfigTable .
A collection of objects that describe some of the configuration info of the modem.
cmLineStatisticsTable .
A collection of objects that describe the status of the modem.
cmLineSpeedStatisticsTable .
A collection of objects that describe the intial modem line speeds and connections
Object Identifier
ciscoModemMgmtMIB .
ciscoModemMgmtMIBObjects .
cmSystemInfo .
cmGroupInfo .
cmLineInfo .
ciscoModemMgmtMIBConformance .
ciscoModemMgmtMIBCompliances .
ciscoModemMgmtMIBGroups .
cmSystemInfoGroup .
A collection of objects providing system configuration and status information.
cmLineInfoGroup .
A collection of objects providing modem configuration and statistics information for individual modem.
cmGroupInfoGroup .
A collection of objects providing modem configuration and statistics information for modem groups.
cmManagedLineInfoGroup .
A collection of objects providing modem configuration and statistics information for individual managed modems.
cmLineSpeedInfoGroup .
A collection of objects providing modem configuration and statistics information for individual managed modems.
cmSystemInfoGroupRev1 .
A collection of objects providing system configuration and status information.
cmLineSpeedInfoGroupRev1 .
A collection of objects providing modem configuration and statistics information for individual managed modems.
cmManagedLineInfoGroupRev1 .
A collection of objects providing modem configuration and statistics information for individual managed modems.