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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » Cisco » CISCO-OAM-MIB

CISCO-OAM-MIB device MIB details by Cisco

CISCO-OAM-MIB file content

The SNMP protocol is used to for conveying information and commands between agents and managing entities. SNMP uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) as the transport protocol for passing data between managers and agents. The reasons for using UDP for SNMP are, firstly it has low overheads in comparison to TCP, which uses a 3-way hand shake for connection. Secondly, in congested networks, SNMP over TCP is a bad idea because TCP in order to maintain reliability will flood the network with retransmissions.

Management information (MIB) is represented as a collection of managed objects. These objects together form a virtual information base called MIB. An agent may implement many MIBs, but all agents must implement a particular MIB called MIB-II [16]. This standard defines variables for things such as interface statistics (interface speeds, MTU, octets sent, octets received, etc.) as well as various other things pertaining to the system itself (system location, system contact, etc.). The main goal of MIB-II is to provide general TCP/IP management information.

Use ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 to import vendor-specific MIB files, inclusing CISCO-OAM-MIB.

Vendor: Cisco
Mib: CISCO-OAM-MIB  [download]  [view objects]
Tool: ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 [download]    (ships with advanced SNMP/MIB tools)
-- OAM MIB Definition File
-- Dec 1995, rbhide
-- Copyright (c) 1996, 2003 by cisco Systems, Inc.
-- All rights reserved.


    Counter32, Integer32             FROM SNMPv2-SMI
    TruthValue, RowStatus            FROM SNMPv2-TC
    ifIndex                          FROM IF-MIB
    ciscoExperiment                  FROM CISCO-SMI

     LAST-UPDATED	"200306270000Z"
     ORGANIZATION	"Cisco Systems, Inc."
		"       Cisco Systems
			Customer Service

		Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive
			San Jose, CA  95134

		   Tel: +1 800 553-NETS

            "A MIB module for invoking OAM loopback Ping on ATM

    REVISION        "200306270000Z"
            "Add object to oamLoopbackPingTable: 
              - oamLoopbackPingMinRttuSec,   
              - oamLoopbackPingAvgRttuSec,
              - oamLoopbackPingMaxRttuSec." 

    REVISION        "200304040000Z"
            "Add objects to oamLoopbackPingTable: 
              - oamLoopbackPingExecTime, 
              - oamLoopbackPingDir, 
              - oamLoopbackPingOperStatus 

             Add new table oamLoopbackSegEndPointTable for OAM segment
             endpoint provisioning.

             Usage of oamLoopbackSegEndPointTable:
               If the loopback ping test type (oamLoopbackPingType) is
               'segment', the test requires the endpoint under test
               and the remote ping endpoint are both OAM segment
               loopback endpoints.
               The table oamLoopbackSegEndPointTable is used to
               provision an ATM connection endpoint to be an OAM
               segment endpoint.
               If the endpoints are already OAM segment endpoints, the
               provisioning of the table is not required."  

    REVISION        "9605010000Z"
    DESCRIPTION     "Initial version of the MIB."

    ::= { ciscoExperiment 15 }    -- assigned by

ciscoOamPingMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoOamPingMIB 1 }

-- OwnerString has the same semantics as used in RFC 1271

    DISPLAY-HINT "255a"
    STATUS       current 
            "This data type is used to model an administratively
            assigned name of the owner of a resource.  This information
            is taken from the NVT ASCII character set.  It is suggested
            that this name contain one or more of the following: ASCII
            form of the manager station's transport address, management
            station name (e.g., domain name), network management
            personnel's name, location, or phone number.  In some cases
            the agent itself will be the owner of an entry.  In these
            cases, this string shall be set to a string starting with
    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))

--  The OAM Loopback Group

    STATUS  current
        "Direction in which the OAM segment cells are sent: 
         forward     : send OAM loopback cells in the
                       direction form the originator towards the
                       destination of the connection.
         backward    : send OAM loopback cells in the direction 
                       towards the originator of the connection."

    STATUS  current
        "Defines possible test status.
           success(1)     - The test has completed. 

           timeOut(2)     - The test has been failed because 
                            the test does not receive loopback
                            cell response from remote endpoint
                            and it times out.

           resourceNotAvailable(3) - The resources required by the
                            test is not available, such as other
                            application is testing on the same

           aborted(4)     - The test is aborted due to the removal 
                            of connection endpoint or failed to

           inProgress(5)  - The endpoint is still in progress of
                            testing and waiting for the response.

           noResponseData(6) - If the test receives response from
                            the remote end but without any data.

           failToStart(7) - The test fails to kickoff (internal
                            messaging timeout)."

oamLoopbackPingTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF OamLoopbackPingEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "A table of OAM loopback request entries.  (This table
        is similar to the CISCO-PING-MIB.)"
    ::= { ciscoOamPingMIBObjects 1 }

oamLoopbackPingEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     OamLoopbackPingEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "A OAM loopback request entry.

        A management station wishing to create an entry should
        first generate a pseudo-random serial number to be used
        as the index to this sparse table.  The NMS should
        then create the associated instance of the row status
        and row owner objects.  It must also, either in the same
        or in successive PDUs, create the associated instances
        specifying the VPI and VCI values.  It should also modify
        the default values for the other configuration objects
        if the defaults are not appropriate.

        Once the appropriate instance of all the configuration
        objects have been created, either by an explicit SNMP
        set request or by default, the row status should be set
        to active to initiate the request.  Note that this entire
        procedure may be initiated via a single set request which
        specifies a row status of createAndGo as well as specifies
        valid values for the non-defaulted configuration objects.

        Once the OAM sequence has been activated, it cannot be
        stopped -- it will run until the configured number of
        cells have been sent.

        Once the sequence completes, the management station should
        retrieve the values of the status objects of interest, and
        should then delete the entry.  In order to prevent old
        entries from clogging the table, entries will be aged out,
        but an entry will never be deleted within 5 minutes of
    INDEX { oamLoopbackPingSerialNumber }
    ::= { oamLoopbackPingTable 1 }

OamLoopbackPingEntry ::=
        -- index
        oamLoopbackPingSerialNumber        INTEGER,
        -- configuration items
        oamLoopbackPingInterface           Integer32,
        oamLoopbackPingVpi                 INTEGER,
        oamLoopbackPingVci                 INTEGER,
        oamLoopbackPingType                INTEGER,
        oamLoopbackPingLocation            OCTET STRING,
        oamLoopbackPingLocationFlag        INTEGER,
        oamLoopbackPingCount               INTEGER,
        oamLoopbackPingTimeout             INTEGER,
        oamLoopbackPingDelay               INTEGER,
        oamLoopbackPingTrapOnCompletion    TruthValue,
        -- status items
        oamLoopbackPingSentCells           Counter32,
        oamLoopbackPingReceivedCells       Counter32,
        oamLoopbackPingMinRtt              Integer32,
        oamLoopbackPingAvgRtt              Integer32,
        oamLoopbackPingMaxRtt              Integer32,
        oamLoopbackPingCompleted           TruthValue,
        oamLoopbackPingEntryOwner          OwnerString,
        oamLoopbackPingEntryStatus         RowStatus,
        oamLoopbackPingDir                 CiscoOAMPingDir,
        oamLoopbackPingOperStatus          CiscoOAMPingStatus,
        oamLoopbackPingExecTime            TimeStamp,
        oamLoopbackPingMinRttuSec          Integer32,
        oamLoopbackPingAvgRttuSec          Integer32,
        oamLoopbackPingMaxRttuSec          Integer32 

oamLoopbackPingSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     INTEGER (1..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "Object which identifies a unique entry in the
        oamLoopbackPingTable.  A management station wishing
        to initiate a OAM-loopback operation should use a
        pseudo-random value for this object when creating
        or modifying an instance of an oamLoopbackPingEntry.
        The RowStatus semantics of the oamLoopbackPingEntryStatus
        object will prevent access conflicts."
    ::= { oamLoopbackPingEntry 1 }

oamLoopbackPingInterface OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     current
        "The interface of the connection on which OAM loopbacks are
        to be sent.  Once an instance of this object is created, its
        value can not be changed. The value specified for this object 
        must equate to a value of ifIndex in the ifTable."
    ::= { oamLoopbackPingEntry 2 }

oamLoopbackPingVpi OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..4095)
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     current
        "The VPI of the connection on which OAM loopbacks are
        to be sent.
        Once an instance of this object is created, its
        value can not be changed."
    ::= { oamLoopbackPingEntry 3 }

oamLoopbackPingVci OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     INTEGER (-1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     current
        "Either -1 or the VCI of the connection on which F5 OAM
        loopback cells are to be sent.
        If the value of this object is -1, then an F4 OAM loopback
        cells will be sent on the VPC indicated by oamLoopbackPingVpi.
        An instance of this object cannot be created until the
        associated instance of oamLoopbackPingVpi is created.
        Once an instance of this object is created, its
        value can not be changed."
    ::= { oamLoopbackPingEntry 4 }

oamLoopbackPingType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     INTEGER { segment(1), end2end(2) }
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     current
        "The type of OAM loopback to be performed."
    DEFVAL { end2end }
    ::= { oamLoopbackPingEntry 5 }

oamLoopbackPingLocation OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..16))
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     current
        "The value to be placed in the 'Loopback Location ID' field
        of the OAM loopback cell.  If this value is less than 16 
        octets in length, then it will be appended with zero-valued
        octets to form the required 96-bit value.  One possibility
        is to set this value to the IP-address of the node at which
        the OAM loopback is to occur.

        An instance of this object cannot be created until the
        associated instance of oamLoopbackPingVpi is created.
        Once an instance of this object is created, its
        value can not be changed."
    DEFVAL { 'FF'H }
    ::= { oamLoopbackPingEntry 6 }

oamLoopbackPingLocationFlag OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     INTEGER { ipAddress(1), nsapPrefix(2), 
                         fixed16byteValue(3) }
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     current
        "Specifies what kind of information is embedded into the 
         oamLoopbackPingLocation string. This flag is ignored when 
         oamLoopbackPingType is set to segment."
    DEFVAL { ipAddress }
    ::= { oamLoopbackPingEntry 7 }

oamLoopbackPingCount OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     current
        "Specifies the number of OAM loopback cells to send to the
         target in this sequence."
    DEFVAL { 5 }
    ::= { oamLoopbackPingEntry 8 }

oamLoopbackPingTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..3600000)
    UNITS      "milliseconds"
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     current
        "Specifies the amount of time to wait for a response to a
        transmitted OAM loopback cells before declaring the OAM
        loopback cells as 'dropped.'"
    DEFVAL { 1000 }
    ::= { oamLoopbackPingEntry 9 }

oamLoopbackPingDelay OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     INTEGER (0..3600000)
    UNITS      "milliseconds"
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     current
        "Specifies the minimum amount of time to wait before sending
        the next OAM loopback cell in a sequence after receiving a
        response or declaring a timeout for a previous OAM cell.  The
        actual delay may be greater due to internal task scheduling."
    DEFVAL { 0 }
    ::= { oamLoopbackPingEntry 10 }

oamLoopbackPingTrapOnCompletion OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     TruthValue
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     current
        "Specifies whether or not a oamLoopbackPingCompletion trap
         should be issued on completion of the sequence of OAM loopback
         cells. If such a trap is desired, it is the responsibility of
         the management entity to ensure that the SNMP administrative
         model is configured in such a way as to allow the trap to be
    DEFVAL { false }
    ::= { oamLoopbackPingEntry 11 }

oamLoopbackPingSentCells OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of OAM loopback cells that have been sent to the
        target in this sequence."
    ::= { oamLoopbackPingEntry 12 }

oamLoopbackPingReceivedCells OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of OAM loopback cells that have been received
         from the target in this sequence."
    ::= { oamLoopbackPingEntry 13 }

oamLoopbackPingMinRtt OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
    UNITS       "milliseconds"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The minimum round trip time of all the OAM loopback cells
        that have been sent in this sequence.

        This object will not be created until the first OAM loopback
        response in a sequence is received."
    ::= { oamLoopbackPingEntry 14 }

oamLoopbackPingAvgRtt OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
    UNITS       "milliseconds"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The average round trip time of all the OAM loopback cells
        that have been sent in this sequence.

        This object will not be created until the first OAM loopback
        response in a sequence is received."
    ::= { oamLoopbackPingEntry 15 }

oamLoopbackPingMaxRtt OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
    UNITS       "milliseconds"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The maximum round trip time of all the OAM loopback cells
        that have been sent in this sequence.

        This object will not be created until the first OAM loopback
        response in a sequence is received."
    ::= { oamLoopbackPingEntry 16 }

oamLoopbackPingCompleted OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     TruthValue
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "Set to true when all the OAM loopback cells in this sequence
        have been either responded to or timed out."
    ::= { oamLoopbackPingEntry 17 }

oamLoopbackPingEntryOwner OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     OwnerString
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     current
        "The entity that configured this entry."
    ::= { oamLoopbackPingEntry 18 }

oamLoopbackPingEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     RowStatus
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     current
        "The status of this table entry.  Once the entry status is
        set to active, the associate entry cannot be modified until
        the sequence completes (oamLoopbackPingCompleted is true)."
    ::= { oamLoopbackPingEntry 19 }

oamLoopbackPingDir OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      CiscoOAMPingDir 
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
    STATUS      current
        "This object set the traveling direction of the OAM
          segment loopback cells which are injected to the
          connection endpoint."
    ::= { oamLoopbackPingEntry 20 }

oamLoopbackPingOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      CiscoOAMPingStatus
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "This object indicates the ping test status."
    ::= { oamLoopbackPingEntry 21 }

oamLoopbackPingExecTime OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      TimeStamp
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "The value of sysUpTime when the MIB object
         is created which triggers the loppback ping test."
    ::= { oamLoopbackPingEntry 22 }

oamLoopbackPingMinRttuSec OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
    UNITS       "microseconds"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The minimum round trip time of all the OAM loopback cells
        that have been sent in this sequence.

        This object will not be created until the first OAM loopback
        response in a sequence is received. 

        Notes: this object is the same as oamLoopbackPingMinRtt but
        the unit is in microseconds instead of milliseconds."
    ::= { oamLoopbackPingEntry 23 }

oamLoopbackPingAvgRttuSec OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
    UNITS      "microseconds"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The average round trip time of all the OAM loopback cells
        that have been sent in this sequence.

        This object will not be created until the first OAM loopback
        response in a sequence is received.
        Notes: this object is the same as oamLoopbackPingAvgRtt but
        the unit is in microseconds instead of milliseconds."
    ::= { oamLoopbackPingEntry 24 }

oamLoopbackPingMaxRttuSec OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
    UNITS       "microseconds"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The maximum round trip time of all the OAM loopback cells
        that have been sent in this sequence.

        This object will not be created until the first OAM loopback
        response in a sequence is received. 

        Notes: this object is the same as oamLoopbackPingMaxRtt but
        the unit is in microseconds instead of milliseconds."
    ::= { oamLoopbackPingEntry 25 }

oamLoopbackSegEndPointTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OamLoopbackSegEndPointEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
        "This table contains a list of OAM loopback segment

         When the endpoint is an OAM segment endpoint, it is able to
         send ATM segment loop back cells or loop back the cells to
         the originator which initiates the OAM loop back ping test.

         The provisioning of this table is required if the loopback
         ping test type (oamLoopbackPingType) in oamLoopbackPingTable
         is 'segment', and the endpoint under test or the remote ping
         endpoint is not OAM segment loopback endpoints."
    ::= { ciscoOamPingMIBObjects 2 }

oamLoopbackSegEndPointEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OamLoopbackSegEndPointEntry 
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
        "An entry in the segment endpoint table."
    INDEX { ifIndex, oamLoopSegVpi, oamLoopSegVci }
    ::= { oamLoopbackSegEndPointTable 1 }

OamLoopbackSegEndPointEntry ::=
        oamLoopSegVpi         Unsigned32,
        oamLoopSegVci         Unsigned32,
        oamLoopSegRowStatus   RowStatus 

oamLoopSegVpi           OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (0..4095)
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
        "The VPI value of a VP or VC connection."
    ::= { oamLoopbackSegEndPointEntry 1 }

oamLoopSegVci           OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (0..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
        "The VCI value of VC connection. For a VPC connection,
         the VCI value is 0."
    ::= { oamLoopbackSegEndPointEntry 2 }

oamLoopSegRowStatus     OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX           RowStatus 
    MAX-ACCESS       read-create 
    STATUS           current
        "To create, delete an OAM segment entry. Only
         the value 'active', 'createAndGo', and 'destroy' are

         If the connection endpoint does not exist, the entry could
         not be created.

         If the associated ATM connection is de-routed or deleted, the
         connection endpoint is gone. The associated row entry will be
         removed automatically."
    ::= { oamLoopbackSegEndPointEntry 3 }

oamLoopbackPingMIBTrapPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= 
    { ciscoOamPingMIB 2 }
oamLoopbackPingMIBTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= 
    { oamLoopbackPingMIBTrapPrefix 0 }

oamLoopbackPingCompletionTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE
    OBJECTS      { oamLoopbackPingCompleted
    STATUS       current
        "A oamLoopbackPingCompleted trap is sent at the completion
        of a sequence of OAM loopback cells if such a trap was
        requested when the sequence was initiated."
    ::= { oamLoopbackPingMIBTraps 1 }

-- conformance information

              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoOamPingMIB 3 }
              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoOamPingMIBConformance 1 }
              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoOamPingMIBConformance 2 }

-- compliance statements

    STATUS  deprecated -- replace by ciscoOamPingMIBCompliance2
            "The compliance statement for the Cisco OAM MIB."
    MODULE  -- this module
            MANDATORY-GROUPS { ciscoOamPingMIBGroup }
    ::= { ciscoOamPingMIBCompliances 1 }

ciscoOamPingMIBCompliance2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
    STATUS  deprecated -- replace by ciscoOamPingMIBCompliance3
        "The compliance statement for the Cisco OAM MIB."
    MODULE  -- this module
            MANDATORY-GROUPS { ciscoOamPing2MIBGroup, 
                               oamLoopbackNotificationsGroup }

    GROUP   ciscoOamPingSegEndPointGroup 
        "Implementation of this group is optional for the
         systems where OAM connection segment endpoint is 
         not configuration." 
    ::= { ciscoOamPingMIBCompliances 2 }

ciscoOamPingMIBCompliance3 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
    STATUS  current 
        "The compliance statement for the Cisco OAM MIB."
    MODULE  -- this module
            MANDATORY-GROUPS { ciscoOamPingMIBGroupRev3, 
                               oamLoopbackNotificationsGroup }

    GROUP   ciscoOamPingSegEndPointGroup 
        "Implementation of this group is optional for the
         systems where OAM connection segment endpoint is 
         not configuration." 
    ::= { ciscoOamPingMIBCompliances 3 }

-- units of conformance

    OBJECTS { oamLoopbackPingInterface,oamLoopbackPingVpi, 
              oamLoopbackPingVci, oamLoopbackPingCount,
              oamLoopbackPingType, oamLoopbackPingLocation,
              oamLoopbackPingTimeout, oamLoopbackPingDelay,
              oamLoopbackPingReceivedCells, oamLoopbackPingMinRtt,
              oamLoopbackPingAvgRtt, oamLoopbackPingMaxRtt,
              oamLoopbackPingCompleted, oamLoopbackPingEntryOwner,
    STATUS    deprecated -- replaced by  ciscoOamPing2MIBGroup
        "A collection of objects providing the ability to invoke
        the sending of OAM loopback cells."
    ::= { ciscoOamPingMIBGroups 1 }

ciscoOamPing2MIBGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { oamLoopbackPingInterface,oamLoopbackPingVpi, 
              oamLoopbackPingVci, oamLoopbackPingCount,
              oamLoopbackPingType, oamLoopbackPingLocation,
              oamLoopbackPingTimeout, oamLoopbackPingDelay,
              oamLoopbackPingReceivedCells, oamLoopbackPingMinRtt,
              oamLoopbackPingAvgRtt, oamLoopbackPingMaxRtt,
              oamLoopbackPingCompleted, oamLoopbackPingEntryOwner,
              oamLoopbackPingDir, oamLoopbackPingOperStatus,
    STATUS    deprecated -- replaced by ciscoOamPingMIBGroupRev3
        "A collection of objects providing the ability to invoke
        the sending of OAM loopback cells."
    ::= { ciscoOamPingMIBGroups 2 }

ciscoOamPingSegEndPointGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { oamLoopSegRowStatus }
    STATUS    current
        "A collection of objects providing the ability to provision 
        ATM connection endpoints to be OAM segment loopback endpoint."
    ::= { ciscoOamPingMIBGroups 3 }

-- current notification group
oamLoopbackNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
     STATUS current
         "A collection of notifications for OAM loopback ping test."
     ::= { ciscoOamPingMIBGroups 4 }

ciscoOamPingMIBGroupRev3 OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { oamLoopbackPingInterface,oamLoopbackPingVpi, 
              oamLoopbackPingVci, oamLoopbackPingCount,
              oamLoopbackPingType, oamLoopbackPingLocation,
              oamLoopbackPingTimeout, oamLoopbackPingDelay,
              oamLoopbackPingReceivedCells, oamLoopbackPingMinRtt,
              oamLoopbackPingAvgRtt, oamLoopbackPingMaxRtt,
              oamLoopbackPingCompleted, oamLoopbackPingEntryOwner,
              oamLoopbackPingDir, oamLoopbackPingOperStatus,
              oamLoopbackPingExecTime, oamLoopbackPingAvgRttuSec,
              oamLoopbackPingMinRttuSec, oamLoopbackPingMaxRttuSec 
    STATUS    current
        "A collection of objects providing the ability to invoke
        the sending of OAM loopback cells."
    ::= { ciscoOamPingMIBGroups 5 }