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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » cisco » CISCO-PROP-ATM-IF-MIB » Objects

CISCO-PROP-ATM-IF-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-PROP-ATM-IF-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.

CISCO-PROP-ATM-IF-MIB file content

Object view of CISCO-PROP-ATM-IF-MIB:

Scalar Object
cpAtmIfConfigEntry .
An entry in the cpAtmIfConfigTable table for each propAtm port interface. .
cpAtmIfStatsEgressEntry .
An entry in the cpAtmIfStatsEgressTable table for each propAtm port interface. CLP-0 means Cell Loss Priority = 0, CLP-1 means Cell Loss Priority = 1.
cpAtmIfEgressIntervalEntry .
An entry in the cpAtmIfEgressIntervalTable table for each propAtm port interface. CLP-0 means Cell Loss Priority = 0, CLP-1 means Cell Loss Priority = 1.
cpAtmIfStatsIngressEntry .
An entry in the cpAtmIfStatsIngressTable table for each propAtm port interface. CLP-0 means Cell Loss Priority = 0, CLP-1 means Cell Loss Priority = 1.
Tabular Object
cpAtmIfMaxBandwidth .
The propATM interface's maximum cell rate.
cpAtmIfEgrRcvClp0Cells .
The number of CLP-0 cells received from switch at the traffic management and policing device.
cpAtmIfEgrRcvClp1Cells .
The number of CLP-1 cells received from switch at the traffic management and policing device.
cpAtmIfEgrClp0DiscCells .
The number of CLP-0 cells discarded due to policing.
cpAtmIfEgrClp1DiscCells .
The number of CLP-1 cells discarded due to policing.
cpAtmIfEgrRcvOAMCells .
The number of OAM cells received from the switch at the traffic management and policing device.
cpAtmIfEgrRcvEFCICells .
The number of EFCI cells received from the switch at traffic management and policing device.
cpAtmIfHCEgrRcvClp0Cells .
The number of CLP-0 cells received from switch at the traffic management and policing device. This object is a 64-bit version of cpAtmIfEgrRcvClp0Cells.
cpAtmIfHCEgrRcvClp1Cells .
The number of CLP-1 cells received from switch at the traffic management and policing device. This object is a 64-bit version of cpAtmIfEgrRcvClp1Cells.
cpAtmIfHCEgrClp0DiscCells .
The number of CLP-0 cells discarded due to policing. This object is a 64-bit version of cpAtmIfEgrClp0DiscCells.
cpAtmIfHCEgrClp1DiscCells .
The number of CLP-1 cells discarded due to policing. This object is a 64-bit version of cpAtmIfEgrClp1DiscCells.
cpAtmIfHCEgrRcvOAMCells .
The number of OAM cells received from the switch at the traffic management and policing device. This object is a 64-bit version of cpAtmIfEgrRcvOAMCells.
cpAtmIfHCEgrRcvEFCICells .
The number of EFCI cells received from the switch at traffic management and policing device. This object is a 64-bit version of cpAtmIfEgrRcvEFCICells.
cpAtmIfEgressIntervalNumber .
Index of the table which represents the interval number. An interval number between 1 and 96, where 1 is the most recently completed 15 minute interval and 96 is the 15 minutes interval completed 23 hours an 45 minutes prior to interval 1.
cpAtmIfIntEgrRcvClp0Cells .
The number of CLP-0 cells received from switch at the traffic management and policing device during a 15 minute interval.
cpAtmIfIntEgrRcvClp1Cells .
The number of CLP-1 cells received from switch at the traffic management and policing device during a 15 minute interval.
cpAtmIfIntEgrClp0DiscCells .
The number of CLP-0 cells discarded due to policing during a 15 minute interval.
cpAtmIfIntEgrClp1DiscCells .
The number of CLP-1 cells discarded due to policing during a 15 minute interval.
cpAtmIfIntEgrRcvOAMCells .
The number of OAM cells received from the switch at the traffic management and policing device during a 15 minute interval.
cpAtmIfIntEgrRcvEFCICells .
The number of EFCI cells received from the switch at traffic management and policing device during a 15 minute interval.
cpAtmIfHCIntEgrRcvClp0Cells .
The number of CLP-0 cells received from switch at the traffic management and policing device during a 15 minute interval. This object is a 64-bit version of cpAtmIfIntEgrRcvClp0Cells.
cpAtmIfHCIntEgrRcvClp1Cells .
The number of CLP-1 cells received from switch at the traffic management and policing device during a 15 minute interval. This object is a 64-bit version of cpAtmIfIntEgrRcvClp1Cells.
cpAtmIfHCIntEgrClp0DiscCells .
The number of CLP-0 cells discarded due to policing during a 15 minute interval. This object is a 64-bit version of cpAtmIfIntEgrClp0DiscCells.
cpAtmIfHCIntEgrClp1DiscCells .
The number of CLP-1 cells discarded due to policing during a 15 minute interval. This object is a 64-bit version of cpAtmIfIntEgrClp1DiscCells.
cpAtmIfHCIntEgrRcvOAMCells .
The number of OAM cells received from the switch at the traffic management and policing device during a 15 minute interval. This object is a 64-bit version of cpAtmIfIntEgrRcvOAMCells.
cpAtmIfHCIntEgrRcvEFCICells .
The number of EFCI cells received from the switch at traffic management and policing device during a 15 minute interval. This object is a 64-bit version of cpAtmIfIntEgrRcvEFCICells.
cpAtmIfIngXmtClp0Cells .
The number of CLP-0 cells transmitted to the switch after traffic management and policing in ingress direction.
cpAtmIfIngXmtClp1Cells .
The number of CLP-1 cells transmitted to the switch after traffic management and policing in ingress direction.
cpAtmIfIngXmtEFCICells .
The number of EFCI cells transmitted to the switch after traffic management and policing in ingress direction.
cpAtmIfIngXmtOAMCells .
The number of OAM loopback cells transmitted to switch after traffic management and policing in ingress direction.
cpAtmIfHCIngXmtClp0Cells .
The number of CLP-0 cells transmitted to the switch after traffic management and policing in ingress direction. This object is a 64-bit version of cpAtmIfIngXmtClp0Cells.
cpAtmIfHCIngXmtClp1Cells .
The number of CLP-1 cells transmitted to the switch after traffic management and policing in ingress direction. This object is a 64-bit version of cpAtmIfIngXmtClp1Cells.
cpAtmIfHCIngXmtEFCICells .
The number of EFCI cells transmitted to the switch after traffic management and policing in ingress direction. This object is a 64-bit version of cpAtmIfIngXmtEFCICells.
cpAtmIfHCIngXmtOAMCells .
The number of OAM loopback cells transmitted to switch after traffic management and policing in ingress direction. This object is a 64-bit version of cpAtmIfIngXmtOAMCells.
cpAtmIfConfigTable .
This table is used to configure propAtm interfaces. Each entry in this table has a corresponding ifTable entry with ifType propAtm(197). The ifIndex value of that associated ifTable entry is used to index this this table. The entry of this table is added after its associated ifEntry is added in the ifTable of IF-MIB. It is impossible to add/delete entry to/from this table.
cpAtmIfStatsEgressTable .
This table reflects real-time statistics associated with each of propAtm interfaces on the egress side. Ingress terminology is used for the cells that are generated by the voice gateway on the TDM side and are going toward the ATM switch. Egress terminology means the cells that are coming from the ATM switch into the TDM side. This table contains statistics from this egress point of view.
cpAtmIfEgressIntervalTable .
This table reflects interval(each 15 minute) statistics associated witheach of the propAtm interfaces on egress side.
cpAtmIfStatsIngressTable .
This table reflects real time statistics associated with each of the the propAtm interfaces on the ingress side. Ingress terminology is used for the cells that are generated by the voice gateway on the TDM side and are going toward the ATM switch. Egress terminology means the cells that are coming from the ATM switch into TDM side. This table contains statistics from this ingress point of view.
Object Identifier
ciscoPropAtmIfMIB .
This MIB is designed for Propietary ATM (propAtm) interfaces. The propAtm interfaces are identified in the ifTable entries with ifType 197 (as defined in IANAifType-MIB). This interface is a switch virtual interface which does not have any physical connector(jack).
ciscoPropAtmIfMIBNotifs .
ciscoPropAtmIfMIBObjects .
cpAtmIfConfig .
cpAtmIfVirtualPortStats .
cpAtmIfMIBConformance .
cpAtmIfMIBCompliances .
cpAtmIfMIBGroups .
cpAtmIfConfigGroup .
These are objects related to configuration of propAtm Interface.
cpAtmIfEgressStatMIBGroup .
These are objects related to Egress Statistics of propAtm interfaces.
cpAtmIfEgressIntervalMIBGroup .
These are objects related to Egress Interval Statistics of propAtm Interfaces.
cpAtmIfIngressStatMIBGroup .
These are objects related to Ingress Statistics of propAtm interfaces.
cpAtmIfHCEgressStatMIBGroup .
These are objects related to Egress Statistics of propAtm interfaces. This group is a 64-bit version of cpAtmIfEgressStatMIBGroup.
cpAtmIfHCEgressIntervalMIBGroup .
These are objects related to Egress Interval Statistics of propAtm Interfaces. This group is a 64-bit version of cpAtmIfEgressIntervalMIBGroup.
cpAtmIfHCIngressStatMIBGroup .
These are objects related to Ingress Statistics of propAtm interfaces. This group is a 64-bit version of cpAtmIfIngressStatMIBGroup.