CISCO-SIBU-FLASH-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco
Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers).
This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-SIBU-FLASH-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.
Object view of CISCO-SIBU-FLASH-MIB:
Scalar Object |
csfUpgradeFirmwareVersion |
. |
Returns the version number of the device system
firmware residing in flash. The string has a
'V1.2.3' format.
csfUpgradeFlashSize |
. |
The size of available FLASH memory in the system,
in kilobytes. For example: 128 equals 131072 bytes
(128 bytes times 1024).
csfUpgradeTFTPServerAddress |
. |
The IP address of a TFTP server from which a firmware
image can be downloaded. The download may be initiated
by setting the upgradeTFTPInitiate to upgrade(1), or via
an out-of-band management action.
csfUpgradeTFTPLoadFilename |
. |
The name of the file containing a firmware upgrade
image on the host whose address is given by
upgradeTFTPServerAddress. The default value is
an empty string, or no filename.
csfUpgradeTFTPInitiate |
. |
Setting this object to noUpgrade(2) results in no
action. When set to upgrade(1), the switch will attempt
to download a firmware upgrade image from the server
whose address is given by upgradeTFTPServerAddress.
The image is found in the file whose name is given by
sibuFlashTFTPLoadFilename. Both
sibuFlashTFTPServerAddress and
sibuFlashTFTPLoadFilename must be non-empty for the
upgrade to proceed.
This object always returns noUpgrade(2) when read.
csfUpgradeFlashMode |
. |
Indicates whether a newly upgraded firmware version
should write to flash. When this object is temporary(2),
following a successful upgrade the system will switch to
run the new firmware but will not upgrade the new
firmware to flash. That means after a power cycle,
system will run the firmware residing the flash.
When this object is permanent(1), following a successful
firmware upgrade, the flash will be upgraded and the
system will automatically switch to run the new firmware.
csfUpgradeFirmwareStatus |
. |
Status of last upgrade attempt via TFTP:
none - no upgrade has ever been attempted since
inProgress - an upgrade is in progress.
succeeded - the previous attempt succeeded.
failed - the previous attempt failed.
Object Identifier |
ciscoSibuFlashMIB |
. |
The MIB module that provides a simple mechanism
to support firmware upgrade on Cisco low end
ciscoSibuFlashMIBObjects |
. |
csfUpgrade |
. |
ciscoSibuFlashMIBNotificationsPrefix |
. |
ciscoSibuFlashMIBNotifications |
. |
ciscoSibuFlashMIBComformance |
. |
ciscoSibuFlashMIBCompliances |
. |
ciscoSibuFlashMIBGroups |
. |
Group |
ciscoSibuFlashMIBGroup |
. |
A collection of image upgrade objects for use with
the devices that supports simple upgrade mechanism.