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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » cisco » CISCO-SIBU-STACKABLE-DUAL-SPEED-HUB-MIB » Objects

CISCO-SIBU-STACKABLE-DUAL-SPEED-HUB-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-SIBU-STACKABLE-DUAL-SPEED-HUB-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.



Scalar Object
cssSystemLinkTraps .
Indicates whether the stack is permitted to generate linkUp/linkDown traps for both repeater port and switch module's port. The stack provides only a single global control of link traps in contrast to per interface control provided by IF-MIB. The value of all instances ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable is set to TRUE (FALSE) if this object is set to enabled (disabled). The object ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable is read-only. A linkUp/linkDown trap is generated whenever a port's link STATUS or administrative status changes.
cssGroupEntry .
Configuration parameters for an individual hub. An entry is created by default for the master unit in the stack. A entry is created (removed) when a hub is connected to (removed from) the stack.
cssRepeaterPortEntry .
Configuration parameters for an individual repeater port on a hub. The value of rptrPortIndex also indicates the physical port number of the port in the hub. An entry is created for each repeater port in a hub when the hub is connected to the stack. The corresponding entries are removed when the hub is removed from the stack.
cssSwitchPortEntry .
Configuration parameters for an individual switch module port. An entry is created for each switch port on a module is inserted into a hub in the stack. The corresponding entries are removed when the module is removed from the hub in the stack, or if the hub is removed from the stack.
Tabular Object
cssGroupID .
The hub identifier of unit in a stack.
cssGroupType .
The model type of the hub unit
cssGroupSerialNo .
Serial number of the hardware.
cssGroupBoardRevision .
Hardware version of the repeater board.
cssGroupAgentBootVersion .
Returns the version number of the dual-speed hub BOOT software residing in flash. The format is 'V1.2.3'.
cssGroupAgentFirmwareVersion .
Returns the version number of the dual-speed hub firmware residing in flash. The format is 'V1.2.3'.
cssGroupAgentStatus .
Status of this hub agent. Each stack allows only one SNMP primary agent. notPresent(1): The hub does not have an agent. primary(2): The agent of this hub is a primary agent. backup(3) : The agent of this hub is a backup agent.
cssGroupAgentPhysAddress .
MAC address of this hub's agent
cssGroupInternalPowerState .
Indicates the state of the internal power supply. off : The internal power supply is off. on : The internal power supply is on.
cssGroupRedundantPowerState .
Indicates the state of the external/backup power supply. off : the switch is not connected to a redundant power source. healthy : a redundant power source is connected to the switch and the power source is operating correctly. faulty : a redundant power source is connected to the switch but a failure exists in the power system.
cssGroupReset .
Setting this object to reset(2) causes a complete reset of both hardware and software, but does not run the POST (Power On Self Test). Setting this object to noReset(1) has no effect. The switch always returns the value noReset(1) when this object is read.
cssGroupConfigDefaultReset .
Setting this object to reset(2) causes a complete reset of both hardware and software, but does not run the POST (Power On Self Test). All configuration parameters will revert to their factory default settings. Setting this object to noReset(1) has no effect. The switch always returns the value noReset(1) when this object is read.
cssGroupIsolatedState .
Setting this object to isolated(1) causes this hub to be isolated from the back plane bus. Setting this object to attached(2) causes this hub to be attached to the back plane bus.
cssRepeaterPortName .
A descriptive string of up to 20 characters used by the network administrator to name a port.
cssRepeaterPortControllerRevision .
Returns the revision number of the port controller.
cssRepeaterPortSpeedAdmin .
Set to tenMbps(1) to operate in 10Mbps speed mode. Set to oneHundredMbps(2) to operate in 100Mbps speed mode. Set to autoNegotiate(3) to allow the switch to negotiate with the other end of the connection. The actual operating speed of the port is given by cssRepeaterPortSpeedStatus.
cssRepeaterPortSpeedStatus .
The operating speed of the port.
cssRepeaterPortLinkStatus .
The current port link status.
cssSwitchPortModuleID .
Unique ID number of a module unit in a hub as used in the command line interface.
cssSwitchPortPortID .
The unique ID identifying a port on an extension module on a hub as used in the command line interface.
cssSwitchPortName .
A descriptive string of up to 20 characters used by the network administrator to name a switch port.
cssSwitchPortType .
Type of switch module in this hub.
cssSwitchPortControllerRevision .
The revision number of the port controller.
cssSwitchPortState .
Setting this object to enabled(1) enables the port. Setting this object to disabled(2) disables the port.
cssSwitchPortDuplexAdmin .
Set to fullDuplex(1) to operate in full duplex mode: port will allow simultaneous transmit and receive which can double its bandwidth. Set to halfDuplex(2) to operate in normal mode. Set to autoNegotiate(3) to allow the switch to negotiate the duplex status with the other end of the connection.
cssSwitchPortDuplexStatus .
The operating duplex mode of the switched port.
cssSwitchPortSpeedAdmin .
Set to tenMbps(1) to operate in 10Mbps speed mode. Set to oneHundredMbps(2) to operate in 100Mbps speed mode. Set to autoNegotiate(3) to allow the switch to negotiate the operating speed with the other end of the connection. If the value of object cssSwitchPortType is WS-X4002(2), this object will be read-only, because FX module only supports 100Mbps speed.
cssSwitchPortSpeedStatus .
The operating speed of the switched port.
cssSwitchPortLinkStatus .
Indicates the link STATUS of switch port.
cssGroupTable .
A list of member hubs in the stack.
cssRepeaterPortTable .
The list of repeater port configurations on each hub unit.
cssSwitchPortTable .
A list of switched ports on extension module on a each hub unit in the stack.
ciscoSibuStackableDualSpeedHubRptrPortLinkChange .
This trap is generated whenever the value of cssRepeaterPortLinkStatus changes for a repeater port.
ciscoSibuStackableDualSpeedHubSwitchPortLinkChange .
This trap is generated whenever the value of cssSwitchPortLinkStatus changes for a switch port on an extension module.
Object Identifier
ciscoSibuStackableDualSpeedHubMIB .
The MIB module that extends the REPEATER-MIB to manage CISCO low end stackable repeater products. For the purpose of this mib, a hub is a repeater group and stack is collection of one or more hubs interconnected via stack bus connectors.
ciscoSibuStackableDualSpeedHubMIBObjects .
cssSystem .
cssGroup .
cssRepeaterPort .
cssSwitchPort .
ciscoSibuStackableDualSpeedHubNotifications .
ciscoSibuStackableDualSpeedHubNotificationsPrefix .
ciscoSibuStackableDualSpeedHubMIBComformance .
ciscoSibuStackableDualSpeedHubMIBCompliances .
ciscoSibuStackableDualSpeedHubMIBGroups .
ciscoSibuStackableDualSpeedHubGroup .
A collection of group objects for use with the Cisco Stackable Dual-Speed Hub products.
ciscoSibuStackableDualSpeedHubRepeaterPortGroup .
A collection of repeater port objects for use with the Cisco Stackable Dual-Speed Hub products.
ciscoSibuStackableDualSpeedHubSwitchPortGroup .
A collection of switch module port objects for use with the Cisco Stackable Dual-Speed Hub products.