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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » cisco » CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB » Objects

CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.

CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB file content

Object view of CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB:

Scalar Object
cslbxStatsTableEntry .
A list of additional SLB statistics for a particular SLB entity.
cslbxServerFarmTableEntry .
Additional configuration parameters about a particular server farm served by a particular local SLB entity.
cslbxRedirectSvrTableEntry .
Information about a particular HTTP redirect virtual server in a particular server farm served by a particular local SLB entity.
cslbxServerFarmProbeTableEntry .
Information about a particular probe associated with a particular server farm, served by a particular local SLB entity.
cslbxNatPoolEntry .
Information about a particular NAT pool served by a particular local SLB entity.
cslbxStickyGroupEntry .
Information about a particular Sticky Group served by a particular local SLB entity.
cslbxStickyObjectTableEntry .
Information about a particular sticky entry by a particular local SLB entity.
cslbxMapTableEntry .
Information about a particular map group, served by a particular local SLB entity.
cslbxHttpExpressionTableEntry .
Information about a particular HTTP field and the regular expression in a particular map group, served by a particular local SLB entity.
cslbxHttpReturnCodeEntry .
Information about the particular action rule in a particular map of type 'returnCodeMap' dealing with a particular range of HTTP return codes, served by a particular local SLB entity.
cslbxProbeCfgEntry .
This entry provides the basic configuration of a probe of a particular name, served by a particular SLB entity. This entry may be of any probe type.
cslbxDnsProbeIpEntry .
The IP address in this entry is a valid response to a request for resolution of the domain name associated with the DNS probe in this entry.
cslbxProbeHeaderCfgEntry .
This entry defines the HTTP header value of a particular HTTP header name sent with a particular HTTP probe, served by a particular SLB entity.
cslbxProbeExpectStatusCfgEntry .
This entry provides the configuration of a range of expect status codes for a particular probe, served by a particular SLB entity.
cslbxPolicyTableEntry .
Information about a particular policy configured on a particular local SLB entity.
cslbxVirtualServerTableEntry .
Additional configuration information about a particular virtual server served by a particular local SLB entity.
cslbxRuleEntry .
This entry links one SLB policy to a virtual server. If the status of associated cslbxRuleVirtualServerName or the status of associated cslbxRulePolicyName is not active, the status of this entry cannot be active.
cslbxVlanEntry .
This entry is for configuring the VLAN on the SLB device.
cslbxAliasAddrEntry .
This entry is for configuring an alias IP address on the SLB device.
cslbxStaticRouteEntry .
This entry is for configuring the static route used by the SLB device. The SLB device will accept multiple destination gateways for the same route. The SLB should able to pick an active gateway for a given route. In some case, the SLB device can load-balancing among the gateways of the same route.
cslbxFtTableEntry .
Information about Fault Tolerance settings for a particular local SLB entity.
cslbxXmlConfigTableEntry .
Information about XML interface settings for a particular local SLB entity.
cslbxConnTableEntry .
A list of Extended Connections for a particular local SLB entity.
cslbxFtStateChangeNotifEnabled .
This object controls the generation of cslbxFtStateChange notification. 'true' Indicates that cslbxFtStateChange notification is to be generated when the state changes. That is, notification generation is enabled. 'false' Indicates that cslbxFtStateChange notification generation is disabled.
Tabular Object
cslbxStatsServerInitConns .
The total number of connections initiated by the servers.
cslbxStatsServerInitHCConns .
The total number of connections initiated by the servers. This is the 64-bit version of cslbxStatsServerInitConns.
cslbxStatsCurrConnections .
The number of connections currently still open.
cslbxStatsCurrServerInitConns .
The number of server initiated connections currently still open.
cslbxStatsFailedConns .
The number of connections that were load balanced to real servers that then failed to respond.
cslbxStatsFailedServerInitConns .
The number of server initiated connections that failed.
cslbxStatsL4PolicyConns .
The number of connections made to the virtual servers with only layer 4 configuration.
cslbxStatsL7PolicyConns .
The number of connections made to the virtual servers with some layer 7 configuration.
cslbxStatsDroppedL4PolicyConns .
The number of connections dropped by virtual servers with only layer 4 configuration.
cslbxStatsDroppedL7PolicyConns .
The number of connections dropped by virtual servers with some layer 7 policy.
cslbxStatsFtpConns .
The number of connections made to virtual servers with the FTP service.
cslbxStatsHttpRedirectConns .
The number of connections made to HTTP redirect servers.
cslbxStatsDroppedRedirectConns .
The number of connections dropped by HTTP redirect servers.
cslbxStatsNoMatchPolicyRejects .
The number of connections rejected because they failed to match any configured policy.
cslbxStatsNoCfgPolicyRejects .
The number of connections rejected because the matching virtual server was not configured with any policy.
cslbxStatsNoActiveServerRejects .
The number of connections rejected because the chosen server farm did not have any active servers.
cslbxStatsAclDenyRejects .
The number of connections rejected because the the matching client access list was configured to deny access.
cslbxStatsMaxParseLenRejects .
The number of connections rejected because the length of an HTTP request or response header exceeded the maximum L7 parse length configured for the matching virtual server.
cslbxStatsBadSslFormatRejects .
The number of connections rejected because some invalid or unrecognized SSL format was detected.
cslbxStatsL7ParserErrorRejects .
The number of connections rejected because an error occurred while parsing the connection data at Layer 7.
cslbxStatsVerMismatchRejects .
The number of connections rejected because the Layer 7 configuration was changed while Layer 7 parsing was occurring on the connection.
cslbxStatsOutOfMemoryRejects .
The number of connections rejected because the SLB module could not allocate the required memory.
cslbxStatsTimedOutConnections .
The number of connections that were terminated because they were idle longer than the configured idle timeout value.
cslbxStatsTcpChecksumErrorPkts .
The accumulated number of TCP packets which have checksum error.
cslbxStatsIpChecksumErrorPkts .
The accumulated number of IP packets which have checksum error.
cslbxServerFarmHashMaskAddrType .
The type of address stored in cslbxServerFarmHashMaskAddr.
cslbxServerFarmHashMaskAddr .
The mask value applied to the IP address before performing IP hashing operation.
cslbxServerFarmClientNatPool .
The name of the current client NAT pool associated with this server farm.
cslbxServerFarmFailAction .
The current action assigned to this server farm when a server has failed ARP or health probe.
cslbxServerFarmHttpReturnCodeMap .
The name of the HTTP return code checking applied to with this server farm.
cslbxServerFarmInFailedThreshold .
The threshold of failed connections before the inband health check taking a server in this farm out-of-service.
cslbxServerFarmInbandResetTimer .
The wait time interval before the inband health check reset a failed server to enable state. The value of zero indicates failed state will never reset.
cslbxRedirectSvrFarmName .
Redirect Server's server farm name.
cslbxRedirectSvrName .
The name of the Redirect Server
cslbxRedirectSvrRelocationStr .
The relocation URL string sent in the reply of the Redirect Server.
cslbxRedirectSvrBackupString .
The backup string sent in the reply of the Redirect Server when the associated real server is disabled.
cslbxRedirectSvrRedirectCode .
The HTTP response code sent in the reply by the Redirect Server.
cslbxRedirectSvrRedirectPort .
The TCP port in the HTTP response sent by the Redirect Server. Instead of the original HTTP port (80), the Redirect Server can tell the client to use a different port (like HTTPS) when connection to the redirected URL destination.
cslbxRedirectSvrState .
The current state of the Redirect Server.
cslbxRedirectSvrNumberOfConns .
The number TCP and UDP connections currently open on this Redirect Server.
cslbxRedirectSvrMaxConns .
The maximum number of concurrent open connections the SLB will allow on this Redirect Server.
cslbxRedirectSvrAdminWeight .
The user configured weight of the Redirect Server for the load-balancing algorithms. A weight of zero indicates that no new connections will be assigned to this Redirect Server. Higher weight values indicate to the load-balancing algorithms a higher availability of this Redirect Server to accept more work.
cslbxRedirectSvrOperWeight .
The actual operating weight of the Redirect Server used by the load-balancing algorithms. This can be adjusted dynamically by DFP. A weight of zero indicates that no new connections will be assigned to this Redirect Server. Higher weight values indicate to the load-balancing algorithms a higher availability of this Redirect Server to accept more work.
cslbxRedirectSvrMetric .
The value used by the least connections load-balancing algorithm. It is the number of connections divided by the actual operating weight. New connections will be given to the server with the smaller metric.
cslbxRedirectSvrTotalConns .
The total number of connections assigned to this Redirect Server since this server was configured.
cslbxRedirectSvrHCTotalConns .
The total number of connections assigned to this Redirect Server since this server was configured. This is the 64-bit version of cslbxRedirectSvrTotalConnections.
cslbxRedirectSvrRowStatus .
The object used by a management station to create or delete the row entry in cslbxRedirectSvrTable following the RowStatus textual convention.
cslbxServerFarmProbeFarmName .
The name the server farm.
cslbxServerFarmProbeProbeName .
The name of probe.
cslbxServerFarmProbeRowStatus .
The object is used by a management station to create or delete the row entry in cslbxServerFarmProbeTable following the RowStatus textual convention.
cslbxNatPoolName .
The name of the NAT pool.
cslbxNatPoolStartAddressType .
The type of address stored in cslbxNatPoolStartAddress.
cslbxNatPoolStartAddress .
The first IP address in this NAT pool.
cslbxNatPoolEndAddressType .
The type of address stored in cslbxNatPoolEndAddress.
cslbxNatPoolEndAddress .
The last IP address in this NAT pool.
cslbxNatPoolRowStatus .
The object is used by a management station to create or delete the row entry in cslbxNatPoolTable following the RowStatus textual convention.
cslbxStickyGroupId .
This Sticky Group's ID.
cslbxStickyGroupType .
This Sticky Group's type.
cslbxStickyGroupMaskAddressType .
The type of address stored in cslbxStickyGroupMaskAddress.
cslbxStickyGroupMaskAddress .
The network mask used with the ipSticky type. The source IP address will be AND'ed with this mask before inserting into the sticky database.
cslbxStickyGroupCookieName .
The HTTP Cookie name used with httpCookieSticky type.
cslbxStickyGroupStickyTimer .
The length of time a Sticky Group may exist before being automatically removed.
cslbxStickyGroupRowStatus .
The row status is used by a management station to create or delete the row entry in cslbxStickyGroupTable following the RowStatus textual convention.
cslbxStickyObjectIndex .
The sticky entry index.
cslbxStickyObjectGroupId .
The group ID associated with this sticky entry.
cslbxStickyObjectType .
The sticky type of this sticky entry.
cslbxStickyObjectSourceInfo .
The client IP address or hashed of source data used created this sticky entry.
cslbxStickyObjectRealAddressType .
The type of address stored in cslbxStickyObjectRealAddress.
cslbxStickyObjectRealAddress .
The real server IP address selected for all clients matched this sticky entry.
cslbxStickyObjectRealPort .
The port number of the real server associated with this sticky entry.
cslbxMapName .
The name of the map group.
cslbxMapType .
The type of the map group.
cslbxMapRowStatus .
The object used by a management station to create or delete the row entry in cslbxMapTable following the RowStatus textual convention.
cslbxHttpExpressionMapName .
The name of the Map containing this entry. This entry is only valid for cslbxMapType of: 'urlMap', 'cookieMap', or 'headerMap'.
cslbxHttpExpressionIndex .
The index of this item within a Map group.
cslbxHttpExpressionFieldName .
The HTTP Cookie Name or Header Name. The SLB device will parse the HTTP packets for this field name. This object is not used for the Map type of 'urlMap', since there is only one HTTP URL field in a HTTP request.
cslbxHttpExpressionValue .
The regular expression to match against a HTTP URL, Cookie, or Header field.
cslbxHttpExpressionRowStatus .
The object used by a management station to create or delete the row entry in cslbxHttpExpressionTable following the RowStatus textual convention.
cslbxHttpReturnCodeMapName .
The name of the ReturnCode map containing this action rule.
cslbxHttpReturnCodeMinValue .
The minimum HTTP return code that this rule matches.
cslbxHttpReturnCodeMaxValue .
The maximum HTTP return code that this rule matches.
cslbxHttpReturnCodeThreshold .
The number of times the return code seen before the action taking place. Once HTTP return codes between cslbxHttpReturnCodeMinValue and cslbxHttpReturnCodeMaxValue, inclusive, have been seen at least cslbxHttpReturnCodeThreshold times, the action specified by cslbxHttpReturnCodeType is taken. The value of zero indicates this object has not been set.
cslbxHttpReturnCodeResetTimer .
The time interval before resetting the state of the real server. Once the action associated with this rule is taken, the associated real server state is reset after cslbxHttpReturnCodeResetTimer. The value of zero indicates the state will never reset.
cslbxHttpReturnCodeType .
The action associated with this rule.
cslbxHttpReturnCodeRowStatus .
The object used by a management station to create or delete the row entry in cslbxHttpReturnCodeTable following the RowStatus textual convention.
cslbxProbeName .
The name of the probe.
cslbxProbeType .
The type of probe.
cslbxProbeInterval .
Time between health checks. It is from the end of previous check to the beginning of the next check.
cslbxProbeRetries .
The number of consecutive retries without a successful probe before marking the real server as 'failed'.
cslbxProbeFailedInterval .
Time before retrying a 'failed' real server to see if it has recovered yet.
cslbxProbeReceiveTimeout .
Maximum time to wait for a reply from a real server before considering this probe attempt to have failed.
cslbxProbeTcpOpenTimeout .
Maximum time to wait for a TCP SYN/ACK frame from the real server. This entry is only valid for probes employing TCP, such as SMTP and HTTP probes.
cslbxProbeAlternateDestAddrType .
The type of address stored in cslbxProbeAlternateDestAddr.
cslbxProbeAlternateDestAddr .
The alternative destination IP address to be used with the probing packet. Probe frames are normally sent to a real server IP address. If the setting is not '', probe frames are sent to the IP address given by this object. This entry is only valid with the ICMP probe type.
cslbxProbeDnsDomainName .
The domain name string use with the DNS probe. (Only applicable to DNS probes.)
cslbxProbeHttpRequestMethod .
The request method type string to be used in the HTTP probe packets. (Only applicable to HTTP probes.)
cslbxProbeHttpRequestUrl .
The URI string in the HTTP request of HTTP probe packets. (Only applicable to HTTP probes.)
cslbxProbeRowStatus .
The row status is used by a management station to create or delete the row entry in cslbxProbeCfgTable following the RowStatus textual convention.
cslbxDnsProbeIpProbeName .
The name of the DNS probe.
cslbxDnsProbeIpAddressType .
The type of address stored in cslbxDnsProbeIpAddress.
cslbxDnsProbeIpAddress .
The IP address that may be expected in response to a DNS probe from a 'healthy' real DNS server.
cslbxDnsProbeIpRowStatus .
The object used by a management station to create or delete the row entry in cslbxDnsProbeIpTable following the RowStatus textual convention.
cslbxProbeHeaderProbeName .
The name of the HTTP probe.
cslbxProbeHeaderFieldName .
An HTTP header of this name is transmitted in the HTTP request sent by this probe.
cslbxProbeHeaderFieldValue .
The HTTP header value associated with the HTTP header name given by cslbxProbeHeaderFieldName.
cslbxProbeHeaderRowStatus .
The object used by a management station to create or delete the row entry in cslbxProbeHeaderTable following the RowStatus textual convention.
cslbxProbeExpectStatusProbeName .
The name of the probe.
cslbxProbeExpectStatusMinValue .
The starting value of the expect status code range.
cslbxProbeExpectStatusMaxValue .
The ending value of the expect status code range.
cslbxProbeExpectStatusRowStatus .
The object used by a management station to create or delete the row entry in cslbxProbeExpectStatusCfgTable following the RowStatus textual convention.
cslbxPolicyName .
The name of the policy.
cslbxPolicyClientGroupNumber .
The group number of the associated client access list.
cslbxPolicyClientGroupName .
The group name of the associated client access list.
cslbxPolicyUrlMap .
The name of the associated URL map.
cslbxPolicyCookieMap .
The name of the associated Cookie map.
cslbxPolicyGenericHeaderMap .
The name of the associated generic HTTP header map.
cslbxPolicyStickyGroup .
The number of the associated sticky group. The value '0' indicates no sticky group is associated.
cslbxPolicyDscpEnabled .
The current setting for enabling TOS byte stamping. If this is set, the TCP TOS (type-of-service) byte of traffic matching this policy will be stamped with the cslbxPolicyDscpStamping value.
cslbxPolicyDscpStamping .
The value to be stamped over the TCP TOS (type-of-service) byte.
cslbxPolicyFarmName .
The server farm to which a connection matching this policy may be assigned.
cslbxPolicyRowStatus .
The object used by a management station to create or delete the row entry in cslbxPolicyTable following the RowStatus textual convention.
cslbxVirtualAdvertiseOption .
The advertise option for the virtual IP address. This value and the cslbxVirtualAdvertise value will determine whether and when to add the virtual IP address into the static route table.
cslbxVirtualVlanId .
The VLAN ID associated with the virtual server. Only traffic from this VLAN may match the virtual server. By default (value of zero), a virtual server may match traffic from any VLAN.
cslbxVirtualReplicationMode .
Specifies which information will be replicated from the active device to a standby device in a fault tolerant configuration.
cslbxVirtualPendingTimer .
The length of time before a connection in the pending state gets torn down.
cslbxVirtualL7MaxParseLength .
The maximum number of characters to be parsed for Layer 7 (application level) specific information. If HTTP processing is required on an HTTP request or response with HTTP header length greater than cslbxVirtualL7MaxParseLength, the connection will be rejected and reset.
cslbxVirtualHttpPersistenceSlb .
The setting for load balancing each request in a HTTP 1.1 persistence connection. If set to 'true', the SLB device may direct successive HTTP requests in the same TCP connection to different destinations.
cslbxVirtualURLHashBeginString .
The sub-string within the URL string at which to start the hashing operation. The hash result will be used in the server farm with predictor 'urlHash'. An empty string indicates hashing should begin at the beginning of the URL.
cslbxVirtualURLHashEndString .
The sub-string within the URL string at which to end the hashing operation. The hash result will be used in the server farm with predictor 'urlHash'. An empty string indicates hashing should end at the end of the URL.
cslbxRuleVirtualServerName .
The name of the associated virtual server.
cslbxRulePolicyName .
The name of the associated SLB policy.
cslbxRuleCurrentConnections .
The current number of open connections that matched this SLB policy.
cslbxRuleTotalConnections .
The total number of connections that ever matched this SLB policy.
cslbxRuleHCTotalConnections .
The total number of connections that ever matched this SLB policy. This is the 64-bit version of cslbxRuleTotalConnections.
cslbxRuleTotalClientPackets .
The total number of packets ever sent by the client to the server on a connection that matched this SLB policy.
cslbxRuleHCTotalClientPackets .
The total number of packets ever sent by the client to the server on a connection that matched this SLB policy. This is the 64-bit version of cslbxRuleTotalClientPackets.
cslbxRuleTotalServerPackets .
The total number of packets ever sent by the server to the client on a connection that matched this SLB policy.
cslbxRuleHCTotalServerPackets .
The total number of packets ever sent by the server to the client on a connection that matched this SLB policy. This is the 64-bit version of cslbxRuleTotalClientPackets.
cslbxRuleRowStatus .
The object used by a management station to create or delete the row entry in cslbxRuleTable following the RowStatus textual convention.
cslbxVlanId .
The 802.1q VLAN ID of this VLAN.
cslbxVlanType .
The type of this VLAN.
cslbxVlanAddressType .
The type of address stored in cslbxVlanAddress.
cslbxVlanAddress .
The IP address of this VLAN interface.
cslbxVlanMaskAddressType .
The type of address stored in cslbxVlanMaskAddress.
cslbxVlanMaskAddress .
The network mask for this VLAN interface.
cslbxVlanRowStatus .
The object is used by a management station to create or delete the row entry in cslbxVlanTable following the RowStatus textual convention.
cslbxAliasAddrVlanId .
The VLAN ID associated with this alias address.
cslbxAliasAddrAddressType .
The type of address stored in cslbxAliasAddrAddress.
cslbxAliasAddrAddress .
The alias IP address itself.
cslbxAliasAddrRowStatus .
The object is used by a management station to create or delete the row entry in cslbxAliasAddrTable following the RowStatus textual convention.
cslbxStaticRouteVlanId .
The VLAN ID associated with this route.
cslbxStaticRouteSubnetAddrType .
The type of address stored in cslbxStaticRouteSubnetAddr.
cslbxStaticRouteSubnetAddr .
The IP subnet of this route.
cslbxStaticRouteMaskAddrType .
The type of address stored in cslbxStaticRouteMaskAddr.
cslbxStaticRouteMaskAddr .
The IP network mask of this route.
cslbxStaticRouteGatewayAddrType .
The type of address stored in cslbxStaticRouteGatewayAddr.
cslbxStaticRouteGatewayAddr .
The IP address of the next hop gateway.
cslbxStaticRouteRowStatus .
The object is used by a management station to create or delete the row entry in cslbxStaticRouteTable following the RowStatus textual convention.
cslbxFtGroupId .
The Fault Tolerance group number.
cslbxFtVlanId .
The VLAN ID used by this Fault Tolerance group.
cslbxFtPreempt .
The preemption setting for this Fault Tolerance group.
cslbxFtPriority .
The priority value of this SLB device for the Fault Tolerance group.
cslbxFtHeartBeatTimer .
The time interval of sending the keep-alive messages to the peer in the Fault Tolerance group.
cslbxFtFailThreshold .
The threshold for failing over to the standby SLB. If a standby SLB device has not received a keep-alive message from an active SLB device within cslbxFtFailThreshold consecutive periods of length cslbxFtHeartBeatTimer, the standby will become active.
cslbxFtState .
The current Fault Tolerance state of this SLB device.
cslbxFtStateChangeTime .
The time of the last change in the current Fault Tolerance state of the SLB device.
cslbxFtRxHeartBeatMsgs .
The number of the keep-alive messages ever received by this SLB device.
cslbxFtTxHeartBeatMsgs .
The number of the keep-alive messages ever sent by this SLB device.
cslbxFtRxUpdateMsgs .
The number of the state update (sticky) messages ever received by this SLB device.
cslbxFtTxUpdateMsgs .
The number of the state update (sticky) messages ever sent by this SLB device.
cslbxFtRxCoupMsgs .
The number of master override messages ever received by this SLB device.
cslbxFtTxCoupMsgs .
The number of master override messages ever sent by this SLB device.
cslbxFtRxElectMsgs .
The number of the master election messages ever received by this SLB device.
cslbxFtTxElectMsgs .
The number of the master election messages ever sent by this SLB device.
cslbxFtRxConnReplMsgs .
The number of the connection replication messages ever received by this SLB device.
cslbxFtTxConnReplMsgs .
The number of the connection replication messages ever sent by this SLB device.
cslbxFtRxPackets .
The total number of Fault Tolerance messages ever received by this SLB device.
cslbxFtDropPackets .
The total number of Fault Tolerance messages ever dropped by this SLB device.
cslbxFtDuplPackets .
The total number of duplicate Fault Tolerance messages ever received by this SLB device.
cslbxFtXsumErrPackets .
The total number of Fault Tolerance messages with a checksum error ever received by this SLB device.
cslbxFtBuffErrPackets .
The total number of Fault Tolerance messages dropped by this SLB device due to insufficient buffer memory.
cslbxFtRowStatus .
The row status is used by a management station to create or delete the row entry in cslbxFtTable following the RowStatus textual convention.
cslbxXmlConfigEnabled .
The current setting for enabling XML interface. If this is set, the XML configuration is enabled for this SLB instance.
cslbxXmlConfigVlanId .
The VLAN ID on which to accept requests for configuration via XML. If it set to zero, then connection from any VLAN is acceptable.
cslbxXmlConfigListeningPort .
The TCP port on which this SLB instance listens for XML configuration requests.
cslbxXmlConfigRowStatus .
The row status is used by a management station to create or delete the row entry in cslbxXmlConfigTable following the RowStatus textual convention.
cslbxConnIndex .
The index to internal structures for the Extended Connection.
cslbxConnInDestAddrType .
The type of address stored in cslbxConnInDestAddr.
cslbxConnInDestAddr .
The destination IP address of the incoming request.
cslbxConnInDestPort .
The destination port of the incoming request.
cslbxConnInSourceAddrType .
The type of address stored in cslbxConnInSourceAddr.
cslbxConnInSourceAddr .
The source IP address of the incoming request.
cslbxConnInSourcePort .
The source port of the incoming request.
cslbxConnProtocol .
The IP protocol for the Extended Conn.
cslbxConnOutDestAddrType .
The type of address stored in cslbxConnOutDestIpAddr.
cslbxConnOutDestAddr .
The destination IP address of the load-balanced Extended Conn.
cslbxConnOutDestPort .
The destination port of the load-balanced Extended Conn.
cslbxConnOutSourceAddrType .
The type of address stored in cslbxConnOutSourceAddr.
cslbxConnOutSourceAddr .
The source IP address of the load-balanced Extended Conn.
cslbxConnOutSourcePort .
The source port of the load-balanced Extended Conn.
cslbxConnState .
The current state of this Extended Conn.
cslbxStatsTable .
A table of global SLB statistics for all local SLB entities. It contains addition information to the slbStatsTable.
cslbxServerFarmTable .
This is a table of server farms, each of which is a group of real servers to be used by SLB for load balancing. It contains additional configurations to the slbSeverFarmTable.
cslbxRedirectSvrTable .
A table of HTTP redirect servers. Entry attributes may be modified regardless of the value of cslbxRedirectSvrState.
cslbxServerFarmProbeTable .
This is a table of probes in the server farms.
cslbxNatPoolTable .
A table of IP NAT pools.
cslbxStickyGroupTable .
A table of Sticky Groups.
cslbxStickyObjectTable .
Table of existing sticky entries. Sticky entries allow related connections to be sent to the same real server on a per client basis. This table supports the Content Switching Module (CSM) feature which is not supported by the slbStickyObjectTable in the CISCO-SLB-MIB.
cslbxMapTable .
Table of SLB map groups. A SLB map group contains a list of matching criteria.
cslbxHttpExpressionTable .
Table of HTTP field and regular expressions.
cslbxHttpReturnCodeTable .
Table of rules associating ReturnCode maps and intervals of HTTP return codes with actions to perform when particular HTTP return codes are seen in the data stream.
cslbxProbeCfgTable .
The probing function monitors the health of real servers. The SLB device actively probes real servers to determine if they are healthy. This table is for configuring the parameters of probes.
cslbxDnsProbeIpTable .
The probing function monitors the health of real servers. The SLB device actively probes real servers to determine if they are healthy. This table is for configuring the parameters of DNS probes. In a DNS probe, resolution of a specific domain name is requested, and the resulting IP address must match one of a list of 'expected IP addresses' configured for that probe. This table stores the list of expected IP addresses for each DNS probe.
cslbxProbeHeaderCfgTable .
The probing function monitors the health of real servers. The SLB device actively probes real servers to determine if they are healthy. This table is for configuring the parameters of HTTP probes. In particular, each HTTP probe request may be sent with a number of fixed HTTP headers. This table defines such fixed HTTP headers sent with HTTP probes.
cslbxProbeExpectStatusCfgTable .
The probing function monitors the health of real servers. The SLB device actively probes real servers to determine if they are healthy. This table is for configuring the expect status codes returned by a server.
cslbxPolicyTable .
Table of load balancing policies.
cslbxVirtualServerTable .
Table of virtual servers. It contains addtional configurations for the slbVirtualServerTable.
cslbxRuleTable .
This table provides the function to apply the policies to the virtual servers. Using different policies, the SLB can direct traffic matching different patterns to different server farms.
cslbxVlanTable .
This table provides the configuration of VLANs configured on the SLB.
cslbxAliasAddrTable .
This table provides the configuration of alias IP addresses on the SLB device. The SLB device will respond to an ARP request for alias IP addresses if the ARP request arrives on the configured VLAN. A given VLAN may be associated with multiple alias IP addresses.
cslbxStaticRouteTable .
This table provides the configuration of static routes on the SLB device.
cslbxFtTable .
Table of Fault Tolerance settings.
cslbxXmlConfigTable .
Table of XML interface settings.
cslbxConnTable .
Table of Extended Connections being load-balanced by SLB. This table supports the Content Switching Module (CSM) feature which is not supported by the slbConnectionTable in the CISCO-SLB-MIB.
cslbxFtStateChange .
The notification generated when the Fault Tolerance process changes to a new state. The value of cslbxFtState indicates the new state.
Object Identifier
ciscoSlbExtMIB .
The extended MIB for managing Server Load Balancing Manager(s). This MIB extends the SLB management functionality in the CISCO-SLB-MIB. The Cisco Content Switching Module (CSM) product is the first SLB product to support this MIB. SLB: Server Load Balancing. Server load balancing provides for the balancing of packets and connections arriving at the SLB device across a number of other devices, such as real servers, firewalls, or caches. A system containing an SLB device typically exhibits higher performance, scalability, and reliability than any of the devices being load balanced. An SLB device determines how to handle incoming frames and connections according to the contents of incoming data and various configuration options. In determining how to handle incoming data, an SLB device may examine the data at any OSI layer, including Layer 7. This MIB includes instrumentation for the manager-side implementation of the Dynamic Feedback Protocol (DFP). A DFP manager uses the DFP protocol to communicate with DFP agents in order to obtain information about the current load and available capacity of devices. Acronyms and terms: SLB Server Load Balancing VIP Virtual Server IP address NAT Network Address Translation SF Serverfarm FT Fault Tolerance
ciscoSlbExtMIBNotifs .
ciscoSlbExtMIBObjects .
cslbxStats .
cslbxServerFarms .
cslbxClientNatPools .
cslbxStickyObjects .
cslbxMaps .
cslbxServerProbes .
cslbxPolicies .
cslbxVirtualServers .
cslbxVlans .
cslbxFaultTolerance .
cslbxXmlConfig .
cslbxConnections .
cslbxNotifObjects .
ciscoSlbExtMIBConform .
cslbxMIBCompliances .
cslbxMIBGroups .
cslbxStickyGroupsGroup .
The SLB sticky group objects.
cslbxMapsGroup .
The SLB map objects.
cslbxPoliciesGroup .
The SLB policy objects.
cslbxVirtualServersGroup .
A collection of virtual server and rule objects used to further define layer 7 parameters for the SLB virtual server.
cslbxStatsGroup .
A collection of additional global statistics objects for the SLB entity.
cslbxServerFarmsGroup .
A collection of cslbxServerFarmTable and cslbxRedirectSvrTable objects used to further define an SLB server farm.
cslbxClientNatPoolsGroup .
The SLB client NAT pool objects.
cslbxServerProbesGroup .
The SLB server health probe objects.
cslbxVlansGroup .
The SLB VLAN configuration objects.
cslbxFaultToleranceGroup .
The SLB Fault Tolerance objects.
cslbxNotifControlGroup .
The collection of objects to control the notifications for state changed in a SLB device.
cslbxNotifGroup .
The collection of notifications of CISCO-SLB-EXT-MIB entity that are required to support.
cslbxConnsGroup .
The SLB Extended Conn objects.
cslbxStickyObjectsGroup .
The SLB Extended sticky objects.
cslbxXmlConfigGroup .
The SLB XML configuration objects.