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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » cisco » CISCO-SLB-MIB » Objects

CISCO-SLB-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-SLB-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.

CISCO-SLB-MIB file content

Object view of CISCO-SLB-MIB:

Scalar Object
slbStatsTableEntry .
A list of SLB statistics for a particular SLB entity.
slbServerFarmTableEntry .
Information about a particular server farm served by a particular local SLB entity.
slbRealTableEntry .
Information about a particular real server in a particular server farm, served by a particular local SLB entity.
slbVirtualServerTableEntry .
Information about a particular virtual server served by a particular local SLB entity.
slbConnectionTableEntry .
A list of attributes for a particular SLB connection.
slbVirtualClientTableEntry .
Information about a particular client range for a virtual server served by a particular local SLB entity. If client ranges overlap, the entry with the longest match will be used.
slbStickyObjectTableEntry .
Information about a particular sticky object for clients at a particular IP address served by a particular local SLB entity.
cSlbVirtStateChangeNotifEnabled .
The virtual server notification truth value. 'true' Indicates that ciscoSlbVirtualStateChange notification is to be generated when the state changes. That is, the notification generation is enabled. 'false' Indicates that ciscoSlbVirtualStateChange notification generation is disabled.
cSlbRealStateChangeNotifEnabled .
The real server notification truth value. 'true' Indicates that ciscoSlbRealStateChange notification is to be generated when the state changes. That is, the notification generation is enabled. 'false' Indicates that ciscoSlbRealStateChange notification generation is disabled.
slbDfpPasswordTableEntry .
An entry in this table represents the password used by a particular DFP manager (identified by slbEntity) when it exchanges messages with DFP agents.
slbDfpAgentTableEntry .
Information about the communication between a local DFP manager and a particular remote DFP agent.
slbDfpRealTableEntry .
Information about a particular real server, within one or more server farms (identified with 'bindId'), reported by a DFP agent for a particular local SLB entity. The real servers are identified by finding rows in slbServerFarmTable for which slbServerFarmBindId matches slbDfpRealBindId. For each identified server farm, extract the slbServerFarmName and use this value together with slbDfpRealIpAddress and slbDfpRealPort to identify the row in slbRealTable.
Tabular Object
slbEntity .
The SLB instance reference number for this server. This allows multiple SLB's to exist on the same SNMP system.
slbStatsUnassistedSwitchingPkts .
The number of packets forwarded by the Software Load Balancing manager's software.
slbStatsUnassistedSwitchingHCPks .
The number of packets forwarded by the Software Load Balancing manager's software. This is the 64-bit version of slbStatsUnassistedPkts.
slbStatsAssistedSwitchingPkts .
The number of packets handled by SLB which were switched via the highest-performance switching path.
slbStatsAssistedSwitchingHCPkts .
The number of packets handled by SLB which were switched via the highest-performance switching path. This is the 64-bit version of slbStatsAssistedSwitchingPkts.
slbStatsCreatedConnections .
The number of TCP and UDP connections created since SLB was configured. TCP connections are created after seeing a SYN for a connection. UDP connections are created based on the source and destination and are removed based on a timer.
slbStatsCreatedHCConnections .
The number of connections created by SLB since it was configured. TCP connections are created after seeing a SYN for a connection. UDP connections are created based on the source and destination and are removed based on a timer. This is the 64-bit version of slbStatsCreatedConnections.
slbStatsEstablishedConnections .
The number of connections established through SLB (reached the ESTAB state). TCP connections reach the ESTAB state after a SYN - SYN/ACK exchange. UDP connections reach the ESTAB state after data is sent from the client or server.
slbStatsEstablishedHCConnections .
The number of connections established through SLB (reached the ESTAB state). TCP connections reach the ESTAB state after a SYN - SYN/ACK exchange. UDP connections reach the ESTAB state after data is sent from the client or server. This is the 64-bit version of slbStatsEstablisedConnections.
slbStatsDestroyedConnections .
The number of TCP and UDP connections destroyed by SLB, either by TCPIP teardown or timeout. UDP connections can only be timed out.
slbStatsDestroyedHCConnections .
The number of TCP and UDP connections destroyed by SLB, either by TCPIP teardown or timeout. UDP connections can only be timed out. This is the 64-bit version of slbStatsDestroyedConnections.
slbStatsReassignedConnections .
The number of TCP and UDP connections reassigned from one real server to another.
slbStatsReassignedHCConnections .
The number of TCP and UDP connections reassigned from one real server to another. This is the 64-bit version of slbStatsReassignedConnections.
slbStatsZombies .
The number of TCP and UDP connections currently in the zombie state waiting for timers to expire.
slbStatsHCZombies .
The number of TCP and UDP connections currently in the zombie state waiting for timers to expire. This is the 64-bit version of slbStatsZombies.
slbServerFarmName .
The name of server farm.
slbServerFarmPredictor .
The load balancing algorithm in use by the server farm for its real servers for the local SLB entity.
slbServerFarmNat .
The type of NAT employed by the local SLB entity for servers in this server farm.
slbServerFarmNumberOfRealServers .
The number of real servers in this server farm.
slbServerFarmBindId .
slbServerFarmBindId is used to identify one or more real servers for which slbDfpRealWeight applies to the real server's slbRealOperWeight. The identification is done by finding rows in slbServerFarmTable for which slbServerFarmBindId matches slbDfpRealBindId. For each identified server farm, extract the slbServerFarmName and use this value together with slbDfpRealIpAddress and slbDfpRealPort to identify the row in slbRealTable.
slbServerFarmRowStatus .
The object is used by a management station to create or delete the row entry in slbServerFarmTable following the RowStatus textual convention.
slbRealServerFarmName .
The real server's server farm name.
slbRealIpAddress .
The IP address of real server.
slbRealPort .
The TCP or UDP port of real server. This is used if SLB NAT is configured (see slbServerFarmNat). If SLB is not using NAT, this value will be 0.
slbRealState .
The current state of real server.
slbRealNumberOfConnections .
The number TCP and UDP connections currently assigned to this real server.
slbRealNumberOfDummyConnections .
The current number of idle dummy connections that are not in use but are reserved for this real server to accomplish slow-start.
slbRealMaxConnections .
The configured maximum number of concurrent connections which SLB will deliver to this real server.
slbRealAdminWeight .
The user configured weight of the real server for the load-balancing algorithms. A weight of zero indicates that no new connections will be assigned to this real server. Higher weight values indicate to the load-balancing algorithms a higher availability of this real server to accept more work.
slbRealOperWeight .
The actual operating weight of the real server used by the load-balancing algorithms. This can be adjusted dynamically by DFP. A weight of zero indicates that no new connections will be assigned to this real server. Higher weight values indicate to the load-balancing algorithms a higher availability of this real server to accept more work.
slbRealMetric .
The value used by the least connections load-balancing algorithm. It is the number of connections divided by the actual operating weight. New connections will be given to the server with the smaller metric.
slbRealReassign .
The number of consecutive TCP SYNs sent to the real server with no answer before reassigning the connection to another real server.
slbRealRetryInterval .
The time interval between retries while the server is in the Failed state.
slbRealFailedConnections .
The number of failed connections after which the real server goes to Failed state. A failed connection is when a SYN timeouts or a RST is received from the real server.
slbRealFailedClients .
The number of connections with distinct client IP addresses which need to fail on this real server before it goes to Failed state. A failed connection is when a SYN timeouts or a RST is received from the real server.
slbRealConsecutiveFails .
The number of connection failures to this real server without a successful connection. A failed connection is when a SYN timeouts or a RST is received from the real server.
slbRealTotalFails .
The total number of times this real server has failed since the creation of this row.
slbRealRowStatus .
The object used by a management station to create or delete the row entry in slbRealTable following the RowStatus textual convention.
slbRealTotalConnections .
The number of assigned connections handled by this real server since this server was configured.
slbRealHCTotalConnections .
The number of assigned connections handled by this real server since this server was configured. This is the 64-bit version of slbRealTotalConnections.
slbVirtualServerName .
The name of the virtual server.
slbVirtualServerState .
The state of virtual server.
slbVirtualIndex .
The index assigned to a virtual server, used to correlate connections with virtual servers.
slbVirtualIpAddress .
The IP address of this virtual server.
slbVirtualPort .
The port of this virtual server.
slbVirtualProtocol .
The protocol for this virtual server.
slbVirtualService .
The service setting for this virtual server. Setting this to other than 'none' results in an association being formed between clients using this service and this virtual server. Subsequent packets from clients requiring this service will be forwarded to the nominated real server.
slbVirtualAdvertise .
The setting for virtual address advertising. It is set to 'true' if this virtual server has added a static route to the routing table attracting traffic destined for slbVirtualIpAddress.
slbVirtualFarmName .
The name of virtual server farm bound to this virtual server.
slbVirtualDelayTimer .
The amount of time this SLB entity will maintain TCP connection context after a connection has terminated.
slbVirtualIdleTimer .
The amount of time this SLB entity will maintain connection information in the absence of packet activity for a connection. When the service is configured as 'gtp', this is the amount of time the SLB entity will forward SGSN retries for a SLB session to the same GGSN
slbVirtualStickyTimer .
The amount of time that a connection's real server is remembered after a connection has terminated.
slbVirtualStickyGroup .
The group ID associated with the 'sticky group' that this virtual server is placed in. A value of zero indicates that no 'sticky group' is associated with this virtual server.
slbVirtualSynguardCount .
The number of unanswered SYNs that are allowed to be outstanding to this virtual server. After this number is reached, SYNs are dropped depending on the value of slbVirtualSynguardPeriod.
slbVirtualSynguardPeriod .
The interval of time that this virtual server can have outstanding unanswered SYNs. This is used with slbVirtualSynguardCount to limit outstanding SYNs.
slbVirtualRowStatus .
This object is used by a management station to create or delete the row entry in slbVirtualServerTable following the RowStatus textual convention.
slbVirtualNumberOfConnections .
The number of currently assigned connections being handled by this virtual server.
slbVirtualTotalConnections .
The number of assigned connections handled by this virtual server since this server was configured.
slbVirtualHCTotalConnections .
The number of assigned connections handled by this virtual server since this server was configured. This is the 64-bit version of slbVirtualTotalConnections.
slbVirtualMask .
The IP subnet mask which is applied to the address of this virtual server for traffic filtering.
slbConnectionIndex .
The index to internal structures for the connection.
slbConnectionVirtualIpAddress .
The IP address of the virtual server.
slbConnectionVirtualPort .
The port of the virtual server.
slbConnectionProtocol .
The connection protocol.
slbConnectionClientIpAddr .
The client IP address.
slbConnectionClientPort .
The client port.
slbConnectionState .
The current state of this connection.
slbConnectionRealIpAddr .
The IP Address of the real server to which this client is being load-balanced.
slbConnectionServerPort .
The port number at the real server to which this client is being load-balanced.
slbConnectionNumCacheEntries .
The number of netflow cache entries for this connection. An entry for a terminated connection cannot be deleted while this number is non-zero.
slbConnectionSynCount .
The number of SYNs seen from client.
slbVirtualClientIpAddress .
The IP address of the client. It is used along with the slbVirtualClientMask to represent subsets of client traffic being handled by the particular virtual server.
slbVirtualClientMask .
The general purpose mask of the client. It is used along with the slbVirtualClientIpAddress to represent subsets of client traffic being handled by the particular virtual server.
slbVirtualClientExclude .
The truth value that determines if the client range should be included or excluded on the virtual server.
slbVirtualClientRowStatus .
The row status is used by a management station to create or delete the row entry in slbVirtualClientTable following the RowStatus textual convention.
slbStickyObjectGroupId .
The group ID for this sticky object.
slbStickyObjectClientIpAddress .
The client IP address with which this object is associated.
slbStickyObjectRealIpAddress .
The real server IP address selected for all clients bound to this sticky object.
slbStickyObjectConnectionCount .
The number of connections currently associated with this sticky object.
slbStickyObjectFtpControlCount .
The number of FTP control connections currently associated with this sticky object.
slbStickyObjectRowStatus .
The row status is used by a management station to create or delete the row entry in slbStickyObjectTable following the RowStatus textual convention.
slbDfpPasswordPending .
The pending password which will be used by DFP for MD5 authentication within password timeout ticks. When read, this object returns a zero-length string and writing a zero-length string unsets the password. If this object is modified twice within the time interval given by slbDfpPasswordTimeout, the password and timeout of the first modification are forgotten and replaced by the password and timeout of the second.
slbDfpPasswordTimeout .
The time interval between the setting of the pending password and the removal of the current password.
slbDfpPasswordRowStatus .
The object is used by a management station to create or delete the row entry in slbDfpPasswordTable following the RowStatus textual convention.
slbDfpAgentIpAddress .
The DFP agent's IP address.
slbDfpAgentPort .
The DFP agent's port.
slbDfpAgentState .
The state of the DFP agent.
slbDfpAgentTimeout .
Time interval during which the agent must send at least one message to the manager.
slbDfpAgentRetryCount .
The number of times the manager will attempt to re-establish a connection with the agent. If this value is exceeded, the agent is placed in 'failed' state, and the manager does not attempt to re-establish a connection with the agent.
slbDfpAgentInterval .
Time interval before SLB retries connecting to a DFP agent.
slbDfpAgentRowStatus .
The row status is used by a management station to create or delete the row entry in slbDfpAgentTable following the RowStatus textual convention.
slbDfpRealIpAddress .
The DFP agent's IP address
slbDfpRealProtocol .
The protocol of the real server.
slbDfpRealPort .
The port number of the real server.
slbDfpRealBindId .
The Bind ID identifies one or more server farms to which the real server belongs. The real servers are identified by finding rows in slbServerFarmTable for which slbServerFarmBindId matches slbDfpRealBindId. For each identified server farm, extract the slbServerFarmName and use this value together with slbDfpRealIpAddress and slbDfpRealPort to identify the row in slbRealTable.
slbDfpRealWeight .
The weight of the real server reported from a DFP agent. The weight represents a relative capacity to accept new connections.
slbDfpRealRowStatus .
The row status is used by a management station to create or delete the row entry in slbDfpRealTable following the RowStatus textual convention.
slbStatsTable .
A table of SLB statistics for all local SLB entities.
slbServerFarmTable .
This is a table of server farms, each of which is a group of real servers to be used by SLB for load balancing. Columnar objects can be modified when the row is 'active'. Rows can be created and destroyed. Entries are added to this table via slbServerFarmRowStatus in accordance with the RowStatus convention.
slbRealTable .
A table of real servers. Columnar objects can be modified when the row is 'active'. Rows can be created and destroyed. Entries are added to this table via slbRealRowStatus in accordance with the RowStatus convention.
slbVirtualServerTable .
Table of virtual servers. Columnar objects can be modified when the row is 'active'. Rows can be created and destroyed. Entries are added to this table via slbVirtualRowStatus in accordance with the RowStatus convention.
slbConnectionTable .
Table of connections being load-balanced by SLB.
slbVirtualClientTable .
Table of virtual clients for a particular virtual server. Columnar objects can be modified when the row is 'active'. Entries are added to this table via slbVirtualClientRowStatus in accordance with the RowStatus convention.
slbStickyObjectTable .
Table of sticky objects. Sticky objects allow related connections to be sent to the same real server on a per client basis. Sticky objects are useful for FTP and SSL connections. Columnar objects can be modified when the row is 'active'. Entries are added to this table via slbStickyObjectRowStatus in accordance with the RowStatus convention.
slbDfpPasswordTable .
A table of password values which a local Server Load Balancing Manager uses so that it can communicate with remote DFP agents. Entries are added to this table via slbDfpPasswordRowStatus in accordance with the RowStatus convention. Columnar objects can be modified when in row is 'active'. Rows can be created and destroyed.
slbDfpAgentTable .
A table of remote DFP agents with which the local DFP managers communicate. Rows can be created and destroyed. Columnar objects can be modified when the row is 'active'. Entries are added to this table via slbDfpAgentRowStatus in accordance with the RowStatus convention.
slbDfpRealTable .
A table containing information about Real Servers obtained through communications between local DFP manager and remote DFP agents. Rows can be created and destroyed. Columnar objects can be modified when the row is 'active'. Entries are added to this table via slbDfpRowStatus in accordance with the RowStatus convention.
ciscoSlbVirtualStateChange .
The notification generated when a virtual server changes to a new state. The value of slbVirtualServerState indicates the new state.
ciscoSlbRealStateChange .
The notification generated when a real server changes to a new state. The value of slbRealServerState indicates the new state.
Object Identifier
ciscoSlbMIB .
The MIB for managing Server Load Balancing Manager(s), such as the Cisco IOS SLB product. This MIB includes instrumentation for the manager-side implementation of the Dynamic Feedback Protocol (DFP). A DFP uses the DFP protocol to communicate with DFP agents in order to obtain information about Servers. Acronyms and terms: GGSN Gateway GPRS Support Node GPRS General Packet Radio Service GTP GPRS Tunneling Protocol SGSN Serving GPRS Support Node
ciscoSlbMIBObjects .
slbStats .
slbServerFarms .
slbRealServers .
slbVirtualServers .
slbConnections .
slbVirtualClients .
slbStickyObjects .
slbNotificationObjects .
slbDfpPassword .
slbDfpAgents .
slbDfpReal .
ciscoSlbMIBNotificationPrefix .
ciscoSlbMIBNotifications .
ciscoSlbMIBConformance .
ciscoSlbMIBCompliances .
ciscoSlbMIBGroups .
ciscoSlbStatsGroup .
SLB Statistic objects.
ciscoSlbDfpPasswordGroup .
SLB DFP password objects.
ciscoSlbServerFarmsGroup .
The SLB serverfarm objects.
ciscoSlbRealServersGroup .
The SLB real server objects.
ciscoSlbVirtualServersGroup .
The SLB virtual server objects.
ciscoSlbConnectionsGroup .
The SLB connection objects.
ciscoSlbVirtualClientsGroup .
The SLB virtual client objects.
ciscoSlbStickyObjectsGroup .
The SLB sticky objects.
ciscoSlbDfpAgentGroup .
The SLB DFP agent objects.
ciscoSlbDfpRealGroup .
The SLB DFP real server objects.
ciscoSlbNotifEnabledGroup .
The SLB Notification Truth Value objects.
ciscoSlbNotifGroup .
A collection of objects providing SLB notifications.
ciscoSlbVirtualServersAddGroup .
A collection of additional SlbVirtualServer objects used to further define an Slb virtual server.