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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » cisco » CISCO-SNMP-NOTIFICATION-EXT-MIB » Objects

CISCO-SNMP-NOTIFICATION-EXT-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-SNMP-NOTIFICATION-EXT-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.



Scalar Object
csneSnmpNotifyFilterEntry .
This entry augments the entries in snmpNotifyFilterEntry.
Tabular Object
csneFilterAdminTimer .
This object specifies the time in units specified in csneFilterTimerUnit for which the notification specified in snmpNotifyFilterSubtree will remain active with the corresponding snmpNotifyFilterProfileName. If set to 0, it indicates that the corresponding snmpNotifyFilterSubtree will remain active forever. This value can be set when the snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus is active. If this is done, the csneFilterOperTimer will be refreshed to take the new value set in this object.
csneFilterOperTimer .
This object specifies the time in units specified in csneFilterTimerUnit for which the notification specified in snmpNotifyFilterSubtree to remain active within the corresponding snmpNotifyFilterProfileName. When this value becomes 0, it indicates that the corresponding row in the snmpNotifyFilterTable has run through the time specified in csneFilterAdminTimer. This will cause the corresponding row to be deleted from the corresponding snmpNotifyFilterName. If snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus is notInService, then this object will not be decremented, i.e. the timer will not run. Once the snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus is transitioned to active, the timer will be refreshed with the value in csneFilterAdminTimer. Example: If a row indexed by snmpNotifyFilterProfileName abc and snmpNotifyFilterSubtree is created for a csneFilterAdminTimer value of 10 units (as specified in csneFilterTimerUnit). Initially, the csneFilterAdminTimer and the csneFilterOperTimer will indicate 10 units. If the snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus is active, then the csneFilterOperTimer will start decrementing. Once the csneFilterOperTimer value reaches 0, it will cause the deletion of the row indexed by snmpNotifyFilterProfileName abc and snmpNotifyFilterSubtree Now, if snmpNotifyFilterProfileName abc has no more active rows that it indexes, then, the snmpNotifyFilterProfileRowStatus for the snmpNotifyFilterProfileName of abc will be transitioned to notReady.
csneFilterTimerUnit .
This object specifies the unit of time that is used for the csneFilterAdminTimer and csneFilerOperTimer objects.
csneSnmpNotifyFilterTable .
This table contains objects which are used to configure notification filtering parameters and an entry in this table will augment the corresponding base entry in snmpNotifyFilterTable. When the csneFilterAdminTimer defined in this table expires, the entire row from the snmpNotifyFilterTable and the csneNotifyFilterTable will be removed. Thus, the csneNotifyFilterTable will provide an 'aging' capability to the snmpNotifyFilterTable entries. The 'age' of an entry will be defined in the csneFilterAdminTimer object. The snmpNotifyFilterProfileStatus is an object in the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable. The snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable also contains the snmpNotifyFilterProfileName that is used to index into the snmpNotifyFilterTable (and consequently the csneNotifyFilterTable). If, due to the aging mechanism, there are no entries in the snmpNotifyFilterTable with an index corresponding to a snmpNotifyFilterProfileName say abc, then the corresponding entry in the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable for abc will have its row status, snmpNotifyFilterProfileRowStatus, changed to 'notReady'.
Object Identifier
ciscoSnmpNotificationExtMIB .
This MIB extends the functionality provided by SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB. This MIB provides for the aging of the notification filters specified in the SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB.
csneMIBNotifs .
csneMIBObjects .
csneMIBConform .
csneNotifyObjects .
csneMIBCompliances .
csneMIBGroups .
csneNotifyFilterGroup .
Extension objects to the snmpNotifyFilterTable.