CISCO-VIRTUAL-NW-IF-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco
Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers).
This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-VIRTUAL-NW-IF-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.
Scalar Object |
virtualNwIfEntry |
. |
Each entry provides information on a local virtual
interface for a VSAN or VLAN.
Tabular Object |
virtualNwIfType |
. |
If the virtualNwIfType is vsan(1) and if the
corresponding virtual interface is enabled
( ifAdminStatus='up' ), then the operational state of
virtual interface will become active
( ifOperStatus='up' ) only if the VSAN state is active
and a FCID is obtained through a successful FLOGI.
Even if the desired state of the virtual interface is
enabled ( ifAdminStatus='up' ), but if the VSAN state is
non-active or FCID has not been obtained, then the
virtual interface is disabled(ifOperStatus='down').
Only when the VSAN state becomes active and an FCID is
obtained will the virtual interface be enabled
( ifOperStatus='up' ). An interface can be disabled while
its VSAN exists by setting ifAdminStatus='down'. When
an VSAN is deleted, the corresponding interface
( if created ) is also deleted.
If the virtualNwIfType is vlan(2) and if the
corresponding virtual interface is enabled
( ifAdminStatus='up' ) , then the virtual interface will
become active ( ifOperStatus='up' ) only if the VLAN
state is active. Even if the desired state of the
virtual interface is enabled(ifAdminStatus='up'), but if
the VLAN state is non-active, then the virtual interface
is disabled ( ifOperStatus='down' ) . Only when the VLAN
state becomes active will the virtual interface be
enabled ( ifOperStatus='up' ). An interface can be
disabled while its VLAN exists by setting
ifAdminStatus='down'. When an VLAN is deleted, the
corresponding interface ( if created ) is also deleted.
virtualNwIfId |
. |
The id of VSAN or VLAN, according to the value of
virtualNwIfIndex |
. |
The ifIndex of this interface. This value is
dynamically assigned by the agent. It is valid
whenever the value of the corresponding
virtualNwIfRowStatus is 'active'.
The ifType of interface of type vsan(1) will be
'fibreChannel(56)' and of type 'vlan(2)' would be
virtualNwIfFcId |
. |
The Fibre Channel Identifier(FC-ID) of this interface.
This object is relevant to interfaces with
'virtualNwIfType' of vsan(1) only.
virtualNwIfOperStatusCause |
. |
The cause of current operational state of the interface.
'none(1)' - no failure.
'adminDown(2)' - 'ifAdminStatus' is down(2).
'vsanNotOperational(3) - VSAN not operational.
'noFcid(4)' - failed to get an FCID.
'kernelConfFailure(5)' - failed to configure the
network device.
The current operational state of the interface is shown
by the 'ifOperStatus' defined in rfc2863. This object
will show 'none(1)' for all the 'ifOperStatus' values
except for 'down(2)'. It will show one of the values
defined above if 'ifOperStatus' is 'down(2)'.
virtualNwIfOperStatusCauseDescr |
. |
The description for the cause of current operational
state of the interface, shown by the object
virtualNwIfRowStatus |
. |
The status of this conceptual row.
Table |
virtualNwIfTable |
. |
This table contains one entry for each local virtual
interface to a VSAN or VLAN, at most one such interface
per processor on a Supervisor or Line card managed by
the agent. Each such processor will have an entry in
the entPhysicalTable ( from ENTITY-MIB ) and will have a
unique PhysicalIndex. For e.g. if Line card has
2 processors on it then each processor will have a
entry in the entPhysicaltable and each will have
unique PhysicalIndex. It is possible that there can be
multiple VSAN's or VLAN's per processor, but the
network manager can create only one virtual interface
for a VSAN and only one for a VLAN per physical entity
i.e. per processor on the card.
Note:Processor is represented as a physical entity in
the entPhysicalTable.
Each such interface has a unique ifIndex assigned by
the agent. When requested to create an entry in this
table, the agent also creates a corresponding entry in
the ifTable of IF-MIB and also an entry in the
cieIfInterfaceTable of CISCO-IF-EXTENSION-MIB. Next,
the agent fills in the values of virtualNwIfIndex, after
which the creation of the entry in this table completes.
The ciiIPIfAddressTable of CISCO-IP-IF-MIB can be used
to configure the IP addresses. The ifTable and this
table can be used to monitor the interface.
Entries in this table are created by network managers.
But the entries can be deleted either by the network
managers or will be deleted by the agent if the
corresponding VSAN or VLAN is deleted.
An entry will be allowed to be created only if the
corresponding VSAN or VLAN has been created.
The ifType for an created interface of type 'vsan(1)'
will be 'fibreChannel(56)' and of type 'vlan(2)' would
be 'ethernetCsmacd(6)'.
Trap |
virtualNwIfCreateEntryNotify |
. |
This notification is generated by the agent
whenever an virtual interface is created in the,
'virtualNwIfTable'. Note that this notification
is generated only when a new entry is added to the
table and not for any modifications to an existing
virtualNwIfDeleteEntryNotify |
. |
This notification is generated by the agent
whenever an virtual interface is deleted from the
Object Identifier |
ciscoVirtualNwIfMIB |
. |
The MIB module for management of virtual network
interfaces to VSAN and VLAN.
ciscoVirtualNwIfObjects |
. |
virtualNwIfMIBConformance |
. |
virtualNwIfConfig |
. |
virtualNwIfStatistics |
. |
virtualNwIfNotification |
. |
virtualNwIfNotifications |
. |
virtualNwIfMIBCompliances |
. |
virtualNwIfMIBGroups |
. |
Group |
virtualNwIfGroup |
. |
A collection of objects related to virtual interface
virtualNwIfNotificationGroup |
. |
A collection of notifications for monitoring virtual