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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » cisco » CISCO-VOICE-DIAL-CONTROL-MIB » Objects

CISCO-VOICE-DIAL-CONTROL-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file CISCO-VOICE-DIAL-CONTROL-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.



Scalar Object
cvGeneralPoorQoVNotificationEnable .
This object indicates whether cvdcPoorQoVNotification (or the newer cvdcPoorQoVNotificationRev1) traps should be generated for a poor quality of voice calls. If the value of this object is 'true', cvdcPoorQoVNotification (or the newer cvdcPoorQoVNotificationRev1) traps will be generated for all voice over IP peers when a poor quality of voice call condition is detected after the voice gateway call disconnection. If the value of this object is 'false', cvdcPoorQoVNotification (or the newer cvdcPoorQoVNotificationRev1) traps will be generated only for calls for which the cvVoIPPeerCfgPoorQoVNotificationEnable object of voice over IP peers having set to 'true'.
cvPeerCfgEntry .
A single voice generic Peer. The creation of this entry will create an associated ifEntry with an ifType that is associated with cvPeerCfgType, i.e., for 'voiceEncap' encapsulation, an ifEntry will contain an ifType voiceEncap(103); for 'voiceOverIp' encapsulation, an ifEntry will contain an ifType voiceOverIp(104). The ifAdminStatus of the newly created ifEntry is set to 'up' and ifOperStatus is set to 'down'. In addition, an associated voiceEncap/voiceOverIp Peer configuration entry is created after the successful ifEntry creation. Then ifIndex of the newly created ifEntry must be used by the network manager to create a peer configuration entry of IETF Dial Control MIB (Refer to RFC 2128 section and the description of dialCtlPeerCfgEntry for the detailed information). In summary, the voice dial peer creation steps are as follows: [1] create this entry (voice/data generic peer entry). [2] read the cvPeerCfgIfIndex of this entry for the ifIndex of newly created voice/data generic peer. [3] create the dialCtlPeerCfgEntry of RFC 2128 with the indices of dialCtlPeerCfgId and the ifIndex of newly created voice generic peer. For each VoIP peer, it uses IP address and UDP port with RTP protocol to transfer voice packet. Therefore, it does not have its lower layer interface. The dialCtlPeerCfgIfType object of IETF Dial Control MIB must set to 'other' and the dialCtlPeerCfgLowerIf must set to '0'. After the successful creation of peer configuration entry of IETF Dial Control MIB, the dial plan software in managed device will set the ifOperStatus of the newly created voiceEncap/voiceOverIp ifEntry to 'up' for enabling the peer function if the peer configuration is completed. When this entry is deleted, its associated ifEntry, voiceEncap/voiceOverIp specific peer entry and the peer entry of IETF Dial Control MIB are deleted.
cvVoicePeerCfgEntry .
A single Voice specific Peer. One entry per voice encapsulation. The entry is created when its associated 'voiceEncap(103)' encapsulation ifEntry is created. This entry is deleted when its associated ifEntry is deleted.
cvVoIPPeerCfgEntry .
A single VoIP specific Peer. One entry per VoIP encapsulation. The entry is created when its associated 'voiceOverIp(104)' encapsulation ifEntry is created. This entry is deleted when its associated ifEntry is deleted.
cvPeerCommonCfgEntry .
A single Voice specific Peer. One entry per voice related encapsulation. The entry is created when a voice related encapsulation ifEntry is created. This entry is deleted when its associated ifEntry is deleted.
cvCallActiveEntry .
The information regarding a single voice encapsulation call leg. The call leg entry is identified by using the same index objects that are used by Call Active table of IETF Dial Control MIB to identify the call. An entry of this table is created when its associated call active entry in the IETF Dial Control MIB is created and call active entry contains the call establishment to a voice over telephony network peer. The entry is deleted when its associated call active entry in the IETF Dial Control MIB is deleted.
cvVoIPCallActiveEntry .
The information regarding a single VoIP call leg. The call leg entry is identified by using the same index objects that are used by Call Active table of IETF Dial Control MIB to identify the call. An entry of this table is created when its associated call active entry in the IETF Dial Control MIB is created and the call active entry contains information for the call establishment to the peer on the IP backbone via a voice over IP peer. The entry is deleted when its associated call active entry in the IETF Dial Control MIB is deleted.
cvCallHistoryEntry .
The information regarding a single voice encapsulation call leg. The call leg entry is identified by using the same index objects that are used by Call Active table of IETF Dial Control MIB to identify the call. An entry of this table is created when its associated call history entry in the IETF Dial Control MIB is created and the call history entry contains the call establishment to a voice encapsulation peer. The entry is deleted when its associated call active entry in the IETF Dial Control MIB is deleted.
cvVoIPCallHistoryEntry .
The information regarding a single VoIP call leg. The call leg entry is identified by using the same index objects that are used by Call Active table of IETF Dial Control MIB to identify the call. An entry of this table is created when its associated call history entry in the IETF Dial Control MIB is created and the call history entry contains information for the call establishment to the peer on the IP backbone via a voice over IP peer. The entry is deleted when its associated call history entry in the IETF Dial Control MIB is deleted.
Tabular Object
cvPeerCfgIndex .
An arbitrary index that uniquely identifies a generic voice peer.
cvPeerCfgIfIndex .
The ifIndex of the peer associated ifEntry. The ifIndex appears after the associated ifEntry is created successfully. This ifIndex will be used to access the objects in the Voice over Telephony or Voice over IP peer specific table. In addition, the ifIndex is also used to access the associated peer configuration entry of the IETF Dial Control MIB. If the peer associated ifEntry had not been created, then this object has a value of zero.
cvPeerCfgType .
Specifies the type of voice related encapsulation. voice - voice encapsulation (voiceEncap ifType) on the telephony network. voip - VoIP encapsulation (voiceOverIp ifType) on the IP network. mmail - Media Mail over IP encapsulation (mediaMailOverIp ifType) on the IP network. voatm - VoATM encapsulation (voiceOverATM ifType) on the ATM network. vofr - VoFR encapsulation (voiceOverFR ifType) on the Frame Relay network.
cvPeerCfgRowStatus .
This object is used to create a new row or modify or delete an existing row in this table.
cvPeerCfgPeerType .
Specifies the type of a peer. voice - peer in voice type to be defined in a voice gateway for voice calls. data - peer in data type to be defined in gateway that supports universal ports for modem/data calls.
cvVoicePeerCfgSessionTarget .
The object specifies the session target of the peer. Session Targets definitions: The session target has the syntax used by the IETF service location protocol. The syntax is as follows: mapping-type:type-specific-syntax the mapping-type specifies a scheme for mapping the matching dial string to a session target. The valid Mapping type definitions for the peer are as follows: loopback - Syntax: loopback:where 'where' string is defined as follows: compressed - loopback is performed on compressed voice as close to the CODEC which processes the data as possible. uncompressed - loopback is performed on the PCM or analog voice as close to the telephony endpoint as possible. Local loopback case: uncompressed - the PCM voice coming into the DSP is simply turned around and sent back out, allowing testing of the transmit--> receive paths in the telephony endpoint. compressed - the compressed voice coming out of the CODEC is turned around on the DSP module and fed back into the decompressor through the jitter buffer. In addition to the telephony endpoint, this tests both the encode and decode paths without involving data paths or packet handling on the host router. Remote loopback case: compressed - RTP packets received from the network are decapsulated and passed to the DSP board. Instead of feeding these into the CODEC for decompression, they are immediately sent back to the session application as if they had originated locally and been compressed. uncompressed - In addition to the above, the voice samples are sent all the way through the CODEC and then turned around instead of being sent to the telephony endpoint
cvVoicePeerCfgDialDigitsPrefix .
The object specifies the prefix of the dial digits for the peer. The dial digits prefix is sent to telephony interface before the real phone number when the system places the outgoing call to the voice encapsulation peer over telephony interface.
cvVoicePeerCfgDIDCallEnable .
The object enables/disables the DID call treatment for incoming DNIS digits. true - treat the incoming DNIS digits as if the digits are received from DID trunk. false - Disable DID call treatment for incoming DNIS digits.
cvVoicePeerCfgCasGroup .
The object specifies the CAS group number of a CAS capable T1/E1 that is in the dialCtlPeerCfgLowerIf object of RFC2128. This object can be set to a valid CAS group number only if the dialCtlPeerCfgLowerIf contains a valid ifIndex for a CAS capable T1/E1. The object must set to -1 before the value of the dialCtlPeerCfgLowerIf object of RFC2128 can be changed.
cvVoicePeerCfgRegisterE164 .
This object specifies that the E.164 number specified in the dialCtlPeerCfgOriginateAddress field of the associated dialCtlPeerCfgTable entry be registered as an extension phone number of this gateway for H323 gatekeeper and/or SIP registrar.
cvVoicePeerCfgForwardDigits .
This object specifies the number of dialed digits to forward to the remote destination in the setup message. The object can take the value: 0-32 number of right justified digits to forward -1 default -2 forward extra digits i.e those over and above those needed to match to the destination pattern -3 forward all digits
cvVoicePeerCfgEchoCancellerTest .
This object specifies which, if any, test to run in the echo canceller when a call from the network is connected. echoCancellerTestNone - do not run a test. echoCancellerG168Test2A - run ITU-T G.168 Test 2A. echoCancellerG168Test2B - run ITU-T G.168 Test 2B. echoCancellerG168Test2Ca - run ITU-T G.168 Test 2C(a). echoCancellerG168Test2Cb - run ITU-T G.168 Test 2C(b). echoCancellerG168Test3A - run ITU-T G.168 Test 3A. echoCancellerG168Test3B - run ITU-T G.168 Test 3B. echoCancellerG168Test3C - run ITU-T G.168 Test 3C. echoCancellerG168Test4 - run ITU-T G.168 Test 4. echoCancellerG168Test6 - run ITU-T G.168 Test 6. echoCancellerG168Test9 - run ITU-T G.168 Test 9.
cvVoIPPeerCfgSessionProtocol .
The object specifies the session protocol to be used for Internet call between local and remote router via IP backbone.
cvVoIPPeerCfgDesiredQoS .
The object specifies the user requested Quality of Service for the call.
cvVoIPPeerCfgMinAcceptableQoS .
The object specifies the minimally acceptable Quality of Service for the call.
cvVoIPPeerCfgSessionTarget .
The object specifies the session target of the peer. Session Targets definitions: The session target has the syntax used by the IETF service location protocol. The syntax is as follows: mapping-type:type-specific-syntax the mapping-type specifies a scheme for mapping the matching dial string to a session target. The type-specific-syntax is exactly that, something that the particular mapping scheme can understand. For example, Session target Meaning ipv4: The session target is the IP version 4 address of and port 1006. The session target is the IP host with dns name, and port 1661. ras The session target is the gatekeeper with RAS (Registration , Admission, Status protocol). settlement The session target is the settlement server. enum:1 The session target is the enum profile match table 1. The valid Mapping type definitions for the peer are as follows: ipv4 - Syntax: ipv4:w.x.y.z:port or ipv4:w.x.y.z dns - Syntax: dns:host.domain:port or dns:host.domain ras - Syntax: ras settlement - Syntax: settlement enum - Syntax: enum:<table#> loopback - Syntax: loopback:where 'where' string is defined as follows: rtp - loopback is performed at the transport protocol level. Local loopback case: rtp - the session application sets up an RTP stream to itself (i.e. actually allocates a port pair and opens the appropriate UDP sockets). It then does the full RTP encapsulation, sends the packets to the loopback IP address, receives the RTP packets, and hands the compressed voice back to the CODEC. This tests the entire local processing path, both transmit and receive, in the router, as well as all of the above paths. Remote loopback case: rtp: RTP packets received from the network are decapsulated and immediately re-encapsulated in the outbound RTP stream, using the same media clock (i.e. timestamp) as the received packet. They are then sent back to the remote source router as if the voice had originated on a telephony port on the local router.
cvVoIPPeerCfgCoderRate .
This object specifies the most desirable codec of speech for the VoIP peer.
cvVoIPPeerCfgFaxRate .
This object specifies the default transmit rate of FAX the VoIP peer. If the value of this object is 'none', then the Fax relay feature is disabled; otherwise the Fax relay feature is enabled.
cvVoIPPeerCfgVADEnable .
This object specifies whether or not the VAD (Voice Activity Detection) voice data is continuously transmitted to IP backbone.
cvVoIPPeerCfgExpectFactor .
This object specifies the user requested Expectation Factor of voice quality for the call via this peer.
cvVoIPPeerCfgIcpif .
This object specifies the user requested Calculated Planning Impairment Factor (Icpif) for the call via this peer.
cvVoIPPeerCfgPoorQoVNotificationEnable .
This object specifies whether cvdcPoorQoVNotification (or the newer cvdcPoorQoVNotificationRev1) traps should be generated for the call that is associated with this peer.
cvVoIPPeerCfgUDPChecksumEnable .
This object specifies whether the outgoing voice related UDP packet contains a valid checksum value. true - enable the checksum of outgoing voice UDP packets false - disable the checksum of outgoing voice UDP packets
cvVoIPPeerCfgIPPrecedence .
This object specifies the value to be stored in the IP Precedence field of voice packets, with values ranging from 0 (normal precedence) through 7 (network control), allowing the managed system to set the importance of each voice packet for delivering them to the destination peer.
cvVoIPPeerCfgTechPrefix .
This object specifies the technology prefix of the peer, The technology prefix and the called party address are passed in Admission Request (ARQ) to gatekeeper for the called party address resolution during call setup.
cvVoIPPeerCfgDigitRelay .
This object specifies the methods to transmit dial digits (DTMF or MF digits) via IP network. rtpCisco - Enable capability to transmit dial digits with Cisco proprietary RTP payload type. h245Signal - Enable capability to transmit dtmf digits across the H.245 channel, via the signal field of the UserInputIndication message h245Alphanumeric - Enable capability to transmit dtmf digit across the H.245 channel, via the string or alphanumeric fields of the UserInputIndication message rtpNte - Enable capability to transmit dial digits using Named Telephony Event per RFC 2833 section 3. sipNotify - Enable capability to transmit dtmf digits using unsolicited SIP NOTIFY messages. This mechanism is only available for SIP dialpeers. Modifying the value of cvVoIPPeerCfgSessionProtocol can reset the digit-relay method associated bits value in this object if the modified session protocol does not support these digit-relay methods.
cvVoIPPeerCfgCoderBytes .
This object specifies the size of the voice payload sample to be produced by the coder specified in cvVoIPPeerCfgCoderRate. Each coder sample produces 10 bytes of voice payload. The specified value will be rounded down to the nearest valid size. A value of 0, specifies that the coder defined by cvVoIPPeerCfgCoderRate should produce its default payload size.
cvVoIPPeerCfgFaxBytes .
This object specifies the payload size to be produced by the coder when it is generating fax data. A value of 0, specifies that the coder specified in cvVoIPCfgPeerCoderRate should produce its default fax payload size.
cvVoIPPeerCfgInBandSignaling .
This object specifies the type of in-band signaling that will be used between the end points of the call. It is used by the router to determine how to interpret ABCD signaling bits sent as part of voice payload data.
cvVoIPPeerCfgMediaSetting .
This object specifies how the media is to be setup on an IP-IP Gateway. Two choices are valid: flow-through and flow-around. When in flow-through mode, which is the default setting, the IP-IP Gateway will terminate and then re-originate the media stream. When flow-around is configured the Gateway will not be involved with the media, since it will flow-around the Gateway and will be established directly between the endpoints.
cvVoIPPeerCfgDesiredQoSVideo .
The object specifies the user requested Quality of Service for the video portion of the call.
cvVoIPPeerCfgMinAcceptableQoSVideo .
The object specifies the minimally acceptable Quality of Service for the video portion of the call.
cvVoIPPeerCfgRedirectip2ip .
This object specifies the Inbound VoIP calls that match an outbound VoIP dialpeer will be responded with a SIP redirect(for inbound SIP) or H.450.3 call-forward(for inbound H.323).
cvPeerCommonCfgIncomingDnisDigits .
The object specifies the prefix of the incoming Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS) digits for the peer. The DNIS digits prefix is used to match with the incoming DNIS number for incoming call discrimination. If the digits in this object are matched with incoming DNIS number, the associated dialCtlPeerCfgInfoType in RFC 2128 will be used as a call discriminator for differentiating speech, data, fax, video or modem calls.
cvPeerCommonCfgMaxConnections .
The object specifies the maximum allowed connection to/from the peer. A value of -1 disables the limit of maximum connections.
cvPeerCommonCfgApplicationName .
The object specifies the application to handle the incoming call after the peer is selected. If no application name is specified, then the default session application will take care of the incoming call.
cvPeerCommonCfgPreference .
This object specifies the selection preference of a peer when multiple peers are matched to the selection criteria. The value of 0 has the lowest preference for peer selection.
cvPeerCommonCfgHuntStop .
This object specifies whether dialpeer hunting should stop when this peer is reached.
cvPeerCommonCfgDnisMappingName .
The object specifies a Dialer Number Identification Service (DNIS) map name for the Voice specific peer entry specified in this row. A DNIS is a called party number and they can be grouped and identified by DNIS map.
cvPeerCommonCfgSourceCarrierId .
The object specifies the Source Carrier Id for the peer. The Source Carrier Id is used to match with the Source Carrier Id of a call. If the Source Carrier Id in this object is matched with the Source Carrier Id of a call, then the associated peer will be used to handle the call. Only alphanumeric characters, '-' and '_' are allowed in the string.
cvPeerCommonCfgTargetCarrierId .
The object specifies the Target Carrier Id for the peer. The Target Carrier Id is used to match with the Target Carrier Id of a call. If the Target Carrier Id in this object is matched with the Target Carrier Id of a call, then the associated peer will be used to handle the call. Only alphanumeric characters, '-' and '_' are allowed in the string.
cvPeerCommonCfgSourceTrunkGrpLabel .
The object specifies the Source Trunk Group Label for the peer. The Source Trunk Group Label is used to match with the Source Trunk Group Label of a call. If the Source Trunk Group Label in this object is matched with the Source Trunk Group Label of a call, then the associated peer will be used to handle the call. Only alphanumeric characters, '-' and '_' are allowed in the string.
cvPeerCommonCfgTargetTrunkGrpLabel .
The object specifies the Target Trunk Group Label for the peer. The Target Trunk Group Label is used to match with the Target Trunk Group Label of a call. If the Target Trunk Group Label in this object is matched with the Target Trunk Group Label of a call, then the associated peer will be used to handle the call. Only alphanumeric characters, '-' and '_' are allowed in the string.
cvCallActiveConnectionId .
The global call identifier for the gateway call.
cvCallActiveTxDuration .
Duration of Transmit path open from this peer to the voice gateway for the call leg. This counter object will lock at the maximum value which is approximately two days.
cvCallActiveVoiceTxDuration .
Duration of voice transmitted from this peer to voice gateway for this call leg. The Voice Utilization Rate can be obtained by dividing this by cvCallActiveTXDuration object. This counter object will lock at the maximum value which is approximately two days.
cvCallActiveFaxTxDuration .
Duration of fax transmitted from this peer to voice gateway for this call leg. The FAX Utilization Rate can be obtained by dividing this by cvCallActiveTXDuration object. This counter object will lock at the maximum value which is approximately two days.
cvCallActiveCoderTypeRate .
The negotiated coder rate. It specifies the transmit rate of voice/fax compression to its associated call leg for the call.
cvCallActiveNoiseLevel .
The object contains the active noise level for the call leg.
cvCallActiveACOMLevel .
The object contains the sum of Echo Return Loss (ERL), cancellation loss (Echo Return Loss Enhancement) and nonlinear processing loss for the call leg. The value -1 indicates the level can not be determined or level detection is disabled.
cvCallActiveOutSignalLevel .
The object contains the active output signal level to telephony interface that is used by the call leg.
cvCallActiveInSignalLevel .
The object contains the active input signal level from telephony interface that is used by the call leg.
cvCallActiveERLLevel .
The object contains the current Echo Return Loss (ERL) level for the call leg. The value -1 indicates the level can not be determined or level detection is disabled.
cvCallActiveSessionTarget .
The object specifies the session target of the peer that is used for the call leg. This object is set with the information in the call associated cvVoicePeerCfgSessionTarget object when the call is connected.
cvCallActiveImgPageCount .
The number of FAX related image pages are received or transmitted via the peer for the call leg.
cvCallActiveCallingName .
The calling party name of the call. If the name is not available, then it will have a length of zero.
cvCallActiveCallerIDBlock .
The object indicates whether or not the caller ID feature is blocked for this call.
cvCallActiveEcanReflectorLocation .
The location in milliseconds of the largest amplitude reflector detected by the echo canceller for this call. The value 0 indicates there is no reflector or the information is not available.
cvCallActiveAccountCode .
The object indicates the account code input to the call. It could be used for call screen or by down stream server for billing purpose. The value of empty string indicates no account code input.
cvCallActiveERLLevelRev1 .
The object contains the current Echo Return Loss (ERL) level for the call leg. The value -1 indicates the level can not be determined or level detection is disabled.
cvVoIPCallActiveConnectionId .
The global call identifier for the gateway call.
cvVoIPCallActiveRemoteIPAddress .
Remote system IP address for the VoIP call.
cvVoIPCallActiveRemoteUDPPort .
Remote system UDP listener port to which to transmit voice packets.
cvVoIPCallActiveRoundTripDelay .
The voice packet round trip delay between local and the remote system on the IP backbone during the call.
cvVoIPCallActiveSelectedQoS .
The selected RSVP QoS for the voice call.
cvVoIPCallActiveSessionProtocol .
The object specifies the session protocol to be used for Internet call between local and remote router via IP backbone.
cvVoIPCallActiveSessionTarget .
The object specifies the session target of the peer that is used for the call. This object is set with the information in the call associated cvVoIPPeerCfgSessionTarget object when the voice over IP call is connected.
cvVoIPCallActiveOnTimeRvPlayout .
Duration of voice playout from data received on time for this call. This plus the durations for the GapFills in the following entries gives the Total Voice Playout Duration for Active Voice. This does not include duration for which no data was sent by the Transmit end as voice signal, e.g., silence suppression and fax signal. The On Time Playout Rate can be computed by dividing this entry by the Total Voice Playout Duration. This counter object will lock at the maximum value which is approximately two days.
cvVoIPCallActiveGapFillWithSilence .
Duration of voice signal replaced with signal played out during silence due to voice data not received on time (or lost) from voice gateway this call. This counter object will lock at the maximum value which is approximately two days.
cvVoIPCallActiveGapFillWithPrediction .
Duration of voice signal played out with signal synthesized from parameters or samples of data preceding in time due to voice data not received on time (or lost) from voice gateway for this call. An example of such playout is frame-erasure or frame-concealment strategies in G.729 and G.723.1 compression algorithms. This counter object will lock at the maximum value which is approximately two days.
cvVoIPCallActiveGapFillWithInterpolation .
Duration of voice signal played out with signal synthesized from parameters or samples of data preceding and following in time due to voice data not received on time (or lost) from voice gateway for this call. This counter object will lock at the maximum value which is approximately two days.
cvVoIPCallActiveGapFillWithRedundancy .
Duration of voice signal played out with signal synthesized from redundancy parameters available due to voice data not received on time (or lost) from voice gateway for this call. This counter object will lock at the maximum value which is approximately two days.
cvVoIPCallActiveHiWaterPlayoutDelay .
The high water mark Voice Playout FIFO Delay during the voice call. This counter object will lock at the maximum value which is approximately two days.
cvVoIPCallActiveLoWaterPlayoutDelay .
The low water mark Voice Playout FIFO Delay during the voice call.
cvVoIPCallActiveReceiveDelay .
The average Playout FIFO Delay plus the decoder delay during the voice call.
cvVoIPCallActiveVADEnable .
The object indicates whether or not the VAD (Voice Activity Detection) was enabled for the voice call.
cvVoIPCallActiveCoderTypeRate .
The negotiated coder rate. It specifies the transmit rate of voice/fax compression to its associated call leg for the call. This rate is different from the configuration rate because of rate negotiation during the call.
cvVoIPCallActiveLostPackets .
The number of lost voice packets during the call.
cvVoIPCallActiveEarlyPackets .
The number of received voice packets that arrived too early to store in jitter buffer during the call.
cvVoIPCallActiveLatePackets .
The number of received voice packets that arrived too late to playout with CODEC (Coder/Decoder) during the call.
cvVoIPCallActiveUsername .
The textual identifier of the calling party (user) of the call. If the username is not available, then the value of this object will have a length of zero.
cvVoIPCallActiveProtocolCallId .
The protocol-specific call identifier for the VoIP call.
cvVoIPCallActiveRemSigIPAddrT .
This object specifies the type of address contained in the associated instance of cvVoIPCallActiveRemSigIPAddr.
cvVoIPCallActiveRemSigIPAddr .
Remote signalling IP address for the VoIP call.
cvVoIPCallActiveRemSigPort .
Remote signalling listener port to which to transmit voice packets.
cvVoIPCallActiveRemMediaIPAddrT .
This object specifies the type of address contained in the associated instance of cvVoIPCallActiveRemMediaIPAddr.
cvVoIPCallActiveRemMediaIPAddr .
Remote media end point IP address for the VoIP call.
cvVoIPCallActiveRemMediaPort .
Remote media end point listener port to which to transmit voice packets.
cvVoIPCallActiveSRTPEnable .
The object indicates whether or not the SRTP (Secured RTP) was enabled for the voice call.
cvCallHistoryConnectionId .
The global call identifier for the gateway call.
cvCallHistoryTxDuration .
Duration of Transmit path open from this peer to the voice gateway for the call leg. This counter object will lock at the maximum value which is approximately two days.
cvCallHistoryVoiceTxDuration .
Duration for this call leg. The Voice Utilization Rate can be obtained by dividing this by cvCallHistoryTXDuration object. This counter object will lock at the maximum value which is approximately two days.
cvCallHistoryFaxTxDuration .
Duration of fax transmitted from this peer to voice gateway for this call leg. The FAX Utilization Rate can be obtained by dividing this by cvCallHistoryTXDuration object. This counter object will lock at the maximum value which is approximately two days.
cvCallHistoryCoderTypeRate .
The negotiated coder rate. It specifies the transmit rate of voice/fax compression to its associated call leg for the call.
cvCallHistoryNoiseLevel .
The object contains the average noise level for the call leg.
cvCallHistoryACOMLevel .
The object contains the average ACOM level for the call leg. The value -1 indicates the level can not be determined or level detection is disabled.
cvCallHistorySessionTarget .
The object specifies the session target of the peer that is used for the call leg via telephony interface.
cvCallHistoryImgPageCount .
The number of FAX related image pages are received or transmitted via the peer for the call leg.
cvCallHistoryCallingName .
The calling party name of the call. If the name is not available, then it will have a length of zero.
cvCallHistoryCallerIDBlock .
The object indicates whether or not the caller ID feature is blocked for this call.
cvCallHistoryAccountCode .
The object indicates the account code input to the call. It could be used by down stream billing server. The value of empty string indicates no account code input.
cvVoIPCallHistoryConnectionId .
The global call identifier for the gateway call.
cvVoIPCallHistoryRemoteIPAddress .
Remote system IP address for the call.
cvVoIPCallHistoryRemoteUDPPort .
Remote system UDP listener port to which to transmit voice packets for the call.
cvVoIPCallHistoryRoundTripDelay .
The voice packet round trip delay between local and the remote system on the IP backbone during the call.
cvVoIPCallHistorySelectedQoS .
The selected RSVP QoS for the call.
cvVoIPCallHistorySessionProtocol .
The object specifies the session protocol to be used for Internet call between local and remote router via IP backbone.
cvVoIPCallHistorySessionTarget .
The object specifies the session target of the peer that is used for the Voice over IP call.
cvVoIPCallHistoryOnTimeRvPlayout .
Duration of voice playout from data received on time for this call. This plus the durations for the GapFills in the following entries gives the Total Voice Playout Duration for Active Voice. This does not include duration for which no data was sent by the Transmit end as voice signal, e.g., silence suppression and fax signal. The On Time Playout Rate can be computed by dividing this entry by the Total Voice Playout Duration. This counter object will lock at the maximum value which is approximately two days.
cvVoIPCallHistoryGapFillWithSilence .
Duration of voice signal replaced with signal played out during silence due to voice data not received on time (or lost) from voice gateway this call. This counter object will lock at the maximum value which is approximately two days.
cvVoIPCallHistoryGapFillWithPrediction .
Duration of voice signal played out with signal synthesized from parameters or samples of data preceding in time due to voice data not received on time (or lost) from voice gateway for this call. An example of such playout is frame-erasure or frame-concealment strategies in G.729 and G.723.1 compression algorithms. This counter object will lock at the maximum value which is approximately two days.
cvVoIPCallHistoryGapFillWithInterpolation .
Duration of voice signal played out with signal synthesized from parameters or samples of data preceding and following in time due to voice data not received on time (or lost) from voice gateway for this call. This counter object will lock at the maximum value which is approximately two days.
cvVoIPCallHistoryGapFillWithRedundancy .
Duration of voice signal played out with signal synthesized from redundancy parameters available due to voice data not received on time (or lost) from voice gateway for this call. This counter object will lock at the maximum value which is approximately two days.
cvVoIPCallHistoryHiWaterPlayoutDelay .
The high water mark Voice Playout FIFO Delay during the voice call. This counter object will lock at the maximum value which is approximately two days.
cvVoIPCallHistoryLoWaterPlayoutDelay .
The low water mark Voice Playout FIFO Delay during the voice call.
cvVoIPCallHistoryReceiveDelay .
The average Playout FIFO Delay plus the decoder delay during the voice call.
cvVoIPCallHistoryVADEnable .
The object indicates whether or not the VAD (Voice Activity Detection) was enabled for the voice call.
cvVoIPCallHistoryCoderTypeRate .
The negotiated coder rate. It specifies the transmit rate of voice/fax compression to its associated call leg for the call. This rate is different from the configuration rate because of rate negotiation during the call.
cvVoIPCallHistoryIcpif .
The Calculated Planning Impairment Factor (Icpif) of the call that is associated to this call leg. The value in this object is computed by the following equation. Icpif of the call = Itotal (total impairment value) of the call - A (Expectation Factor) in the cvVoIPPeerCfgExpectFactor of the call leg associated peer. A value of -1 implies that Icpif was not calculated and is meaningless for this call.
cvVoIPCallHistoryLostPackets .
The number of lost voice packets during the call.
cvVoIPCallHistoryEarlyPackets .
The number of received voice packets that are arrived too early to store in jitter buffer during the call.
cvVoIPCallHistoryLatePackets .
The number of received voice packets that are arrived too late to playout with CODEC (Coder/Decoder) during the call.
cvVoIPCallHistoryUsername .
The textual identifier of the calling party (user) of the call. If the username is not available, then the value of this object will have a length of zero.
cvVoIPCallHistoryProtocolCallId .
The protocol-specific call identifier for the VoIP call.
cvVoIPCallHistoryRemSigIPAddrT .
This object specifies the type of address contained in the associated instance of cvVoIPCallHistoryRemSigIPAddr.
cvVoIPCallHistoryRemSigIPAddr .
Remote signalling IP address for the VoIP call.
cvVoIPCallHistoryRemSigPort .
Remote signalling listener port to which to transmit voice packets.
cvVoIPCallHistoryRemMediaIPAddrT .
This object specifies the type of address contained in the associated instance of cvVoIPCallHistoryRemMediaIPAddr.
cvVoIPCallHistoryRemMediaIPAddr .
Remote media end point IP address for the VoIP call.
cvVoIPCallHistoryRemMediaPort .
Remote media end point listener port to which to transmit voice packets.
cvVoIPCallHistorySRTPEnable .
The object indicates whether or not the SRTP (Secured RTP) was enabled for the voice call.
cvPeerCfgTable .
The table contains the Voice Generic Peer information that is used to create an ifIndexed row with an appropriate ifType that is associated with the cvPeerCfgType and cvPeerCfgPeerType objects.
cvVoicePeerCfgTable .
The table contains the Voice over Telephony peer specific information that is required to accept voice calls or to which it will place them or perform various loopback tests via interface.
cvVoIPPeerCfgTable .
The table contains the Voice over IP (VoIP) peer specific information that is required to accept voice calls or to which it will place them via IP backbone with the specified session protocol in cvVoIPPeerCfgSessionProtocol.
cvPeerCommonCfgTable .
The table contains the Voice specific peer common configuration information that is required to accept voice calls or to which it will place them or process the incoming calls.
cvCallActiveTable .
This table is the voice extension to the call active table of IETF Dial Control MIB. It contains voice encapsulation call leg information that is derived from the statistics of lower layer telephony interface.
cvVoIPCallActiveTable .
This table is the VoIP extension to the call active table of IETF Dial Control MIB. It contains VoIP call leg information about specific VoIP call destination and the selected QoS for the call leg.
cvCallHistoryTable .
This table is the voice extension to the call history table of IETF Dial Control MIB. It contains voice encapsulation call leg information such as voice packet statistics, coder usage and end to end bandwidth of the call leg.
cvVoIPCallHistoryTable .
This table is the VoIP extension to the call history table of IETF Dial Control MIB. It contains VoIP call leg information about specific VoIP call destination and the selected QoS for the call leg.
cvdcPoorQoVNotification .
Poor quality of voice notification. A cvdcPoorQoVNotification is sent at the call disconnection time if the value of cvVoIPCallHistoryIcpif exceeds the value of cvVoIPPeerCfgIcpif in the call associated peer.
cvdcPoorQoVNotificationRev1 .
Poor quality of voice notification. A cvdcPoorQoVNotificationRev1 is sent at the call disconnection time if the value of cvVoIPCallHistoryIcpif exceeds the value of cvVoIPPeerCfgIcpif in the call associated peer.
Object Identifier
ciscoVoiceDialControlMIB .
This MIB module enhances the IETF Dial Control MIB (RFC2128) by providing management of voice telephony peers on both a circuit-switched telephony network, and an IP data network.
cvdcMIBObjects .
cvGeneralConfiguration .
cvPeer .
cvGatewayCallActive .
cvGatewayCallHistory .
cvdcMIBNotificationPrefix .
cvdcMIBNotifications .
cvdcMIBConformance .
cvdcMIBCompliances .
cvdcMIBGroups .
cvdcGeneralCfgGroup .
A collection of objects providing the general Voice Gateway Call Dial Control configuration capability.
cvdcVoiceCfgGroup .
A collection of objects providing the GSTN (General Switched Telephony Network Voice Dial Control configuration capability. GSTN (General Switched Telephony Network), which is supposed to encompass analog, ISDN, Cellular - essentially anything circuit switched over the TDM infrastructure.
cvdcVoIPCfgGroup .
A collection of objects providing the VoIP Dial Control configuration capability.
cvCallGroup .
A collection of objects providing the GSTN (General Switched Telephony Network Voice Call capability. GSTN (General Switched Telephony Network), which is supposed to encompass analog, ISDN, Cellular - essentially anything circuit switched over the TDM infrastructure.
cvVoIPCallGroup .
A collection of objects providing the VoIP Call capability.
cvdcGeneralCfgGroupRev1 .
A collection of objects providing the general Voice Gateway Call Dial Control configuration capability.
cvdcVoiceCfgGroupRev1 .
A collection of objects providing the GSTN (General Switched Telephony Network Voice Dial Control configuration capability. GSTN (General Switched Telephony Network), which is supposed to encompass analog, ISDN, Cellular - essentially anything circuit switched over the TDM infrastructure.
cvVoIPCallGroupRev1 .
A collection of objects providing the VoIP Call capability.
cvdcGeneralCfgGroupRev2 .
A collection of objects providing the general Voice Gateway Call Dial Control configuration capability.
cvdcVoIPCfgGroupRev1 .
A collection of objects providing the VoIP Dial Control configuration capability.
cvCallGroupRev1 .
A collection of objects providing the GSTN (General Switched Telephony Network Voice Dial Control configuration capability. GSTN (General Switched Telephony Network), which is supposed to encompass analog, ISDN, Cellular - essentially anything circuit switched over the TDM infrastructure.
cvdcGeneralCfgGroupRev3 .
A collection of objects providing the general Voice Gateway Call Dial Control configuration capability.
cvdcVoiceCfgGroupRev2 .
A collection of objects providing the GSTN (General Switched Telephony Network Voice Dial Control configuration capability. GSTN (General Switched Telephony Network), which is supposed to encompass analog, ISDN, Cellular - essentially anything circuit switched over the TDM infrastructure.
cvdcVoIPCfgGroupRev2 .
A collection of objects providing the VoIP Dial Control configuration capability.
cvVoIPCallGroupRev3 .
A collection of objects providing the VoIP Call capability.
cvdcGeneralCfgGroupRev4 .
A collection of objects providing the general Voice Gateway Call Dial Control configuration capability.
cvCallGroupRev2 .
A collection of objects providing the GSTN (General Switched Telephony Network Voice Dial Control configuration capability. GSTN (General Switched Telephony Network), which is supposed to encompass analog, ISDN, Cellular - essentially anything circuit switched over the TDM infrastructure.
cvVoIPCallGroupRev4 .
A collection of objects providing the VoIP Call capability.
cvdcGeneralCfgGroupRev5 .
A collection of objects providing the general Voice Gateway Call Dial Control configuration capability.
cvdcVoIPCfgGroupRev3 .
A collection of objects providing the VoIP Dial Control configuration capability.
cvdcVoIPCfgGroupRev4 .
A collection of objects providing the VoIP Dial Control configuration capability.
cvCallGroupRev3 .
A collection of objects providing the GSTN (General Switched Telephony Network Voice Dial Control configuration capability. GSTN (General Switched Telephony Network), which is supposed to encompass analog, ISDN, Cellular - essentially anything circuit switched over the TDM infrastructure.
cvCallGroupRev4 .
A collection of objects providing the GSTN (General Switched Telephony Network Voice Dial Control configuration capability. GSTN (General Switched Telephony Network), which is supposed to encompass analog, ISDN, Cellular - essentially anything circuit switched over the TDM infrastructure.
cvVoIPCallGroupRev5 .
A collection of objects providing the VoIP Call capability.
cvdcNotificationGroup .
The notifications for the CISCO-VOICE-DIAL-CONTROL-MIB
cvdcNotificationGroupRev1 .
The notifications for the CISCO-VOICE-DIAL-CONTROL-MIB