cvpdnTunnelLocalPort |
. |
The local port number of the tunnel. This is the UDP port
of the interface at the local end of the tunnel.
cvpdnTunnelRemotePort |
. |
The remote port number of the tunnel. This is the UDP port
of the interface at the remote end of the tunnel.
cvpdnTunnelLastChange |
. |
The time of last state change reflected in cvpdnTunnelState.
cvpdnTunnelPacketsOut |
. |
The total number of output packets through the tunnel.
cvpdnTunnelBytesOut |
. |
The total number of output bytes through the tunnel.
cvpdnTunnelPacketsIn |
. |
The total number of input packets through the tunnel.
cvpdnTunnelBytesIn |
. |
The total number of input bytes through the tunnel.
cvpdnSessionRemoteId |
. |
The remote end ID of an active VPN tunnel user session.
cvpdnSessionInterfaceName |
. |
The interface name (description) of the user session.
cvpdnSessionLastChange |
. |
The time stamp of last change in cvpdnTunnelSessionState.
cvpdnSessionOutOfOrderPackets |
. |
The total number of out of order packets through
this active user session.
cvpdnSessionSequencing |
. |
The object indicates whether sequencing is on or not.
cvpdnSessionSendSequence |
. |
This object contains the next send sequence number
for for this session.
cvpdnSessionRecvSequence |
. |
This object contains the next receive sequence
number expected to be received on this session.
cvpdnSessionRemoteSendSequence |
. |
This object contains the next send sequence number
for for this session.
cvpdnSessionRemoteRecvSequence |
. |
This object contains the next receive sequence
number expected to be received on this session.
cvpdnSessionSentZLB |
. |
This object returns the total number of Zero
Length Body acknowledgement packets transmitted
on this session.
cvpdnSessionRecvZLB |
. |
This object returns the total number of Zero Length
Body acknowlegement payload packets received for
this session.
cvpdnSessionSentRBits |
. |
This object contains the total number of sequence
number resets (payload packets with the R-bit set)
received on this session.
cvpdnSessionRecvRBits |
. |
This object contains the total number of sequence
number resets (payload packets with the R-bit set)
received on this session.
cvpdnSessionLocalWindowSize |
. |
This object returns the local send window size
for this session. If the value of the object
cvpdnSessionSequencing is false,
then this object should return value zero.
cvpdnSessionRemoteWindowSize |
. |
This object returns the initial remote send
window size for this session. If the value
of the object cvpdnSessionSequencingState
is none(1) then this object should not be
cvpdnSessionCurrentWindowSize |
. |
This object returns the local send window size
for this session. If the value of the object
cvpdnSessionSequencingState is none(1)
then this object should not be interpreted.
cvpdnSessionMinimumWindowSize |
. |
This object returns the initial remote send
window size for this session. If the value
of the object cvpdnSessionSequencingState
is none(1) then this object should not be
cvpdnSessionATOTimeouts |
. |
The object reflects the current adaptive timeout
the system is using.
cvpdnSessionOutGoingQueueSize |
. |
The object reflects the queue size of out going queue.
cvpdnSessionCalculationType |
. |
The object reflects the round trip time calculation type.
cvpdnSessionAdaptiveTimeOut |
. |
The object reflects the configured session adaptive timeout.
cvpdnSessionRoundTripTime |
. |
The object reflects the round trip time.
cvpdnSessionPktProcessingDelay |
. |
The object reflects the number of packets in
processing delay for this session.
cvpdnSessionZLBTime |
. |
The object reflects the zero length body time interval.