cwRsrcPartID |
. |
This is resource partition identifier. One interface can
have multiple resource partitions on it.
cwRsrcPartController |
. |
This is controller identifier. Once a resource partition
is added the controller identified by this identifier
can access resources configured for this partition.
cwRsrcPartEgrGuarPctBwConf |
. |
The guaranteed percentage bandwidth reserved for the
resource partition in egress direction.
The sum of all resource partition guaranteed
bandwidths cannot exceed 100% of interface's guaranteed
cwRsrcPartEgrMaxPctBwConf |
. |
The maximum percentage bandwidth for the resource partition
in egress direction. This is not the guaranteed bandwidth.
If bandwidth is available, the resource partition will be
allocated bandwidth up to this value.
cwRsrcPartIngGuarPctBwConf |
. |
The guaranteed percentage bandwidth reserved for the
resource partition in ingress direction.
The sum of all resource partition guaranteed
bandwidths cannot exceed 100% of the interface's guaranteed
cwRsrcPartIngMaxPctBwConf |
. |
The maximum percentage bandwidth allocated for the resource
partition in ingress direction.
This is not the guaranteed bandwidth. If bandwidth
is available, the resource partition will be allocated
bandwidth up to this value.
cwRsrcPartEgrPctBwUsed |
. |
This is the percentage bandwidth used by the resource
partition in egress direction.
cwRsrcPartIngPctBwUsed |
. |
This is the percentage bandwidth used by the resource
partition in ingress direction.
cwRsrcPartEgrPctBwAvail |
. |
This is the percentage bandwidth available on the resource
partition in egress direction.
cwRsrcPartIngPctBwAvail |
. |
This is the percentage bandwidth available on the resource
partition in ingress direction.
cwRsrcPartVpiLo |
. |
The beginning of the VPI range for this partition. Connections
provisioned on this partition must have a VPI greater than or
equal to this value.
cwRsrcPartVpiHigh |
. |
The end of the VPI range for this partition. Connections
provisioned on this partition must have a VPI less than or
equal to this value.
cwRsrcPartVciLo |
. |
The beginning of the VCI range for this partition. Connections
provisioned on this partition must have VCI greater than or
equal to this VCI.
cwRsrcPartVciHigh |
. |
The end of the VCI range reserved for this partition.
Connections provisioned on this partition must have a VCI
less than or equal to this VCI.
cwRsrcPartGuarCon |
. |
The guaranteed number of connections that can be
configured on this partition.
cwRsrcPartMaxCon |
. |
The maximum number of connections that can be configured on
this partition.
cwRsrcPartUsedCon |
. |
This is the number of connections currently in use on this
cwRsrcPartAvailCon |
. |
This is the number of connections available, that can be
added on this partition.
cwRsrcPartRowStatus |
. |
This will add, delete or modify the partition. Resource
partition can be created by setting this object to
createAndGo(4). Row may be deleted by setting this object
to destroy(6).
cwRsrcPartIlmiEnabled |
. |
By setting the value of this object to 'true', ILMI signalling
is enabled on the resource partition.
cwRsrcPartSignallingVpi |
. |
Indicates the VPI on which signalling cells arrive on this
resource partition.
cwRsrcPartSignallingVci |
. |
Indicates the VCI on which signalling cells arrive on this
resource partition.
cwRsrcPartIlmiTrapEnable |
. |
ILMI trap generation can be enabled or disabled using
this object.
cwRsrcPartIlmiEstablishConPollIntvl |
. |
The amount of time S between successive transmissions
of ILMI messages on this interface for the purpose of
detecting establishment of ILMI connectivity.
cwRsrcPartIlmiCheckConPollIntvl |
. |
The amount of time T between successive transmissions
of ILMI messages on this interface for the purpose of
detecting loss of ILMI connectivity. The distinguished
value zero disables ILMI connectivity procedures on
this interface.
cwRsrcPartIlmiConPollInactFactor |
. |
The number K of consecutive polls on this interface
for which no ILMI response message is received before
ILMI connectivity is declared lost.
cwRsrcPartCtlrController |
. |
This is controller identifier. One resource partition can be
controlled by multiple controllers.User may want to do this to
configure redundant controllers.
cwRsrcPartCtlrRowStatus |
. |
This is used to create a row in the cwRsrcPartCtlrConfTable.
A redundant controller is added by setting this object to
Row may be deleted by setting this object to destroy(6).
cwRsrcSvcAggrVpiLow |
. |
The low end of the VPI range for this SVC aggregate.
This value has to be greater than or equal to the value of
cwRsrcPartVpiLo of the containing resource partition.
SVC connection provisioned on this SVC aggregate must have
a VPI greater than or equal to this value.
cwRsrcSvcAggrVpiHigh |
. |
The high end of the VPI range for this SVC aggregate.
This value has to be less than or equal to the value of
cwRsrcPartVpiHigh of the containing resource partition.
SVC connection provisioned on this SVC aggregate must have
a VPI less than or equal to this value.
If cwRsrcSvcAggrVpiLow and cwRsrcSvcAggrVpiHigh are equal,
then only one VSI is allocated for this SVC aggregate.
cwRsrcSvcAggrEgrPctBw |
. |
This object indicates the percentage egress bandwidth that
is used by SVC connections within the resource partition.
The total egress bandwidth will be used by SVC connections
within the resource partition is determined by
multiplying the value of this object and
cwRsrcPartEgrGuarPctBwConf and port speed (ifSpeed).
Total egress bandwidth available to SVCs = ifSpeed *
cwRsrcPartEgrGuarPctBwConf *
Note that the total egress bandwidth for all PVC connections
on the resource partition plus the egress bandwidth of SVC
aggregate can't be greater than the maximum egress bandwidth
(cwRsrcPartEgrMaxPctBwConf) of the containing resource
cwRsrcSvcAggrIngPctBw |
. |
This object indicates the percentage ingress bandwidth that
is used by SVC connections within the resource partition.
The total ingress bandwidth will be used by SVC connections
within the resource partition is determined by
multiplying the value of this object and
cwRsrcPartIngGuarPctBwConf and port speed (ifSpeed).
Total ingress bandwidth available to SVCs = ifSpeed *
cwRsrcPartIngGuarPctBwConf *
Note that the total ingress bandwidth for all PVC connections
on the resource partition plus the ingress bandwidth of SVC
aggregate can't be greater than the maximum ingress
bandwidth (cwRsrcPartIngMaxPctBwConf) of the containing
resource partition.
cwRsrcSvcAggrChanVADTolerance |
. |
The value in this object refers to the customer accepted
drop rate for voice connections when the bandwidth usage
exceeds allowed value.
The actual range of this object is 0.0001(or 0.01%) to
1.00(or 100%).
However, when the underlying CAC(Connection Admission Control)
module is notified of the change in this object, then the
value has to be divided by a factor of 10000.
cwRsrcSvcAggrChanVADDutyCycle |
. |
This object refers to the talk-spurts duty cycle.
The actual range of this object is 0.01(or 1%) to
0.99(or 99%).
When the value of this object is to be passed to underlying
CAC module this value has to be divided by 100.
cwRsrcSvcAggrRowStatus |
. |
When an entry of the table is created, the following
objects are mandatory: