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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » cisco » MPLS-LDP-MIB » Objects

MPLS-LDP-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file MPLS-LDP-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.

MPLS-LDP-MIB file content

Object view of MPLS-LDP-MIB:

Scalar Object
mplsLdpLsrId .
The LSR's Identifier.
mplsLdpLsrLabelRetentionMode .
The LSR can be configured to use either conservative or liberal label retention mode. If the value of this object is conservative(1) then advertized label mappings are retained only if they will be used to forward packets, i.e. if label came from a valid next hop. If the value of this object is liberal(2) then all advertized label mappings are retained whether they are from a valid next hop or not.
mplsLdpLsrLoopDetectionCapable .
A indication of whether this LSR supports loop detection. none(1) -- Loop Detection is not supported on this LSR. other(2) -- Loop Detection is supported but by a method other than those listed below. hopCount(3) -- Loop Detection is supported by Hop Count only. pathVector(4) -- Loop Detection is supported by Path Vector only. hopCountAndPathVector(5) -- Loop Detection is supported by both Hop Count And Path Vector. Since Loop Detection is determined during Session Initialization, an individual session may not be running with loop detection. This object simply gives an indication of whether or not the LSR has the ability to support Loop Detection and which types.
mplsLdpEntityIndexNext .
This object contains an appropriate value to be used for mplsLdpEntityIndex when creating entries in the mplsLdpEntityTable. The value 0 indicates that no unassigned entries are available. To obtain the mplsLdpEntityIndex value for a new entry, the manager issues a management protocol retrieval operation to obtain the current value of this object. After each retrieval, the agent should modify the value to the next unassigned index.
mplsLdpEntityEntry .
An entry in this table represents an LDP entity. An entry can be created by a network administrator or by an SNMP agent as instructed by LDP.
mplsLdpEntityConfGenericEntry .
An entry in this table provides a way to configure a 'Generic Label' for LDP. An entry in the 'mplsLdpEntityTable' will only have associated entries in this Table if Generic Labels are configured for a specific 'mplsLdpEntityEntry'. Thus, not every 'mplsLdpEntityEntry' will have associated entries in this table. The InterfaceIndex value for a Generic Label is from the 'ifLayer' where the label is created. Likewise, the ifType of the interface is the 'ifLayer' where the label is created. For example, if an implementation creates the generic label at the ifLayer which has the 'ifType' of 'mpls', then the 'mplsLdpConfGenericIfIndexOrZero' object should be set to the value of the InterfaceIndex for this 'ifLayer'. If the value of 'mplsLdpConfGenericIfIndexOrZero' is zero then the InterfaceIndex value of this object is not known. If this Generic Label is used, i.e. a session has been established successfully and data is forwarded using this label, then the value of the 'mplsLdpConfGenericIfIndexOrZero' object MUST be updated by the network management entity (e.g. SNMP agent) to reflect the InterfaceIndex value for the 'ifLayer' that created the Generic Label. To summarize, not all implementations may assign ifIndices at a label's creation time, thus, an ifIndex value may not be known, until a subsequent time. However, once that ifIndex value is known, the 'mplsLdpConfGenericIfIndexOrZero' object should be changed to reflect the ifIndex value.
mplsLdpEntityAtmParmsEntry .
An entry in this table represents the ATM parameters and ATM information for this LDP entity.
mplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeEntry .
A row in the LDP Entity Configurable ATM Label Range Table. One entry in this table contains information on a single range of labels represented by the configured Upper and Lower Bounds VPI/VCI pairs. These are the same data used in the Initialization Message. NOTE: The ranges for a specific LDP Entity are UNIQUE and non-overlapping. For example, for a specific LDP Entity index, there could be one entry having ConfLowerBound vpi/vci == 0/32, and ConfUpperBound vpi/vci == 0/100, and a second entry for this same interface with ConfLowerBound vpi/vci == 0/101 and ConfUpperBound vpi/vci == 0/200. However, there could not be a third entry with ConfLowerBound vpi/vci == 0/200 and ConfUpperBound vpi/vci == 0/300 because this label range overlaps with the second entry (i.e. both entries now have 0/200). A row will not be created unless a unique and non-overlapping range is specified. Thus, row creation implies a one-shot row creation of LDP EntityID and ConfLowerBound vpi/vci and ConfUpperBound vpi/vci. At least one label range entry for a specific LDP Entity MUST include the default VPI/VCI values denoted in the LDP Entity Table.
mplsLdpEntityFrameRelayParmsEntry .
An entry in this table represents the Frame Relay optional parameters associated with the LDP entity.
mplsLdpEntityConfFrLabelRangeEntry .
An entry in this table represents the Frame Relay optional parameters associated with the LDP entity.
mplsLdpEntityStatsEntry .
A row in this table contains statistical information about an LDP Entity. Some counters contained in a row are for fatal errors received during a former LDP Session associated with this entry. For example, an Ldp Pdu received on a TCP connection for an LDP Session which contains a fatal error is counted here, because the session is terminated. If the error is NOT fatal (i.e. and the Session remains), then the error is counted in the mplsLdpSessionStatsEntry.
mplsLdpEntityPeerEntry .
Information about a single Peer which is related to an entity.
mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyEntry .
Each row represents a single LDP Hello Adjacency. An LDP Session can have one or more Hello adjacencies.
mplsLdpSessionUpDownTrapEnable .
Indicates whether the traps, 'mplsLdpSessionUp' and 'mplsLdpSessionDown' will be generated or not. If the value of this object is 'enabled(1)' then the traps will generated. If the value of this object is 'disabled(2)' then the traps will not be generated. The DEFVAL is set to 'disabled(1)'.
mplsLdpSessionEntry .
An entry in this table represents information on a single session between an LDP Entity and LDP Peer. The information contained in a row is read-only.
mplsLdpAtmSessionEntry .
An entry in this table represents information on a single label range intersection between an LDP Entity and LDP Peer. The information contained in a row is read-only.
mplsLdpFrameRelaySessionEntry .
An entry in this table represents information on a single label range intersection between an LDP Entity and LDP Peer. The information contained in a row is read-only.
mplsLdpSessionStatsEntry .
An entry in this table represents statistical information on a single session between an LDP Entity and LDP Peer.
mplsLdpSessionPeerAddressEntry .
An entry in this table represents information on session's for a single next hop address which was advertised in an Address Message from the LDP peer. The information contained in a row is read-only.
mplsLdpLibLspUpDownTrapEnable .
Indicates whether traps related to an LSP's operation status should be sent. If the value of this object is 'enabled(1)' then the 'mplsLdpLibLspUp' and the 'mplsLdpLibLspDown' traps will be sent. If the value of this object is 'disabled(2)' then those traps will not be sent.
mplsLdpLibEntry .
Each row represents a single LDP LIB entry.
mplsLdpFecEntry .
Each row represents a single FEC Element.
Tabular Object
mplsLdpEntityLdpId .
The LDP identifier. The first four octets encode an IP address assigned to the LSR, and the last two octets identify a specific label space within the LSR.
mplsLdpEntityIndex .
This index is used as a secondary index to uniquely identify this row. Before creating a row in this table, the 'mplsLdpEntityIndexNext' object should be retrieved. That value should be used for the value of this index when creating a row in this table. (NOTE: if a value of zero (0) is retrieved, that indicates that no rows can be created in this table at this time.
mplsLdpEntityProtocolVersion .
The version number of the protocol. The value of 0 on a read indicates that the version of the protocol is unknown. Otherwise, the value of this object represents the version of the LDP protocol.
mplsLdpEntityAdminStatus .
The administrative status of this LDP Entity. If this object is changed from 'enable' to 'disable' and this entity has already attempted to establish contact with a Peer (which implies that the 'mplsLdpEntityRowStatus' object has been set to 'active'), then all contact with that Peer is lost and all information from that Peer needs to be removed from the MIB. At this point the user is able to change values which are related to this entity. When the admin status is set back to 'up', then this Entity will attempt to establish new sessions with the Peer.
mplsLdpEntityOperStatus .
The operational status of this LDP Entity.
mplsLdpEntityWellKnownDiscoveryPort .
The well known LDP Discovery Port.
mplsLdpEntityMaxPduLength .
The maximum PDU Length that is sent in the Common Session Parameters of an Initialization Message. A value of 255 or less specifies the default maximum length of 4096 octets.
mplsLdpEntityKeepAliveHoldTimer .
The two octet value which is the proposed keep alive hold timer for this LDP Entity.
mplsLdpEntityHelloHoldTimer .
The two octet value which is the proposed Hello hold timer for this LDP Entity. A value of 0 means use the default, which is 15 seconds for Link Hellos and 45 seconds for Targeted Hellos. A value of 65535 means infinite.
mplsLdpEntityFailedInitSessionTrapEnable .
Indicates whether the 'mplsLdpFailedInitSessionThresholdExceeded' trap should be generated. If the value of this object is 'enabled(1)' then the trap will generated. If the value of this object is 'disabled(2)' then the trap will not be generated. The DEFVAL is set to 'enabled(1)'.
mplsLdpEntityFailedInitSessionThreshold .
When attempting to establish a session with a given Peer, the given LDP Entity should send out the SNMP notification, 'mplsLdpFailedInitSessionThresholdExceeded', when the number of Session Initialization messages sent exceeds this threshold. A value of 0 (zero) for this object indicates that the threshold is infinity, and the SNMP notification will never be sent when the value of this object is 0 (zero).
mplsLdpEntityLabelDistributionMethod .
For any given LDP session, the method of label distribution must be specified.
mplsLdpEntityPVLimitMismatchTrapEnable .
Indicates whether the 'mplsLdpPathVectorLimitMismatch' trap should be generated. If the value of this object is 'enabled(1)' then the trap will generated. If the value of this object is 'disabled(2)' then the trap will not be generated. The DEFVAL is set to 'enabled(1)'.
mplsLdpEntityPathVectorLimit .
If the value of this object is 0 (zero) then Loop Dection for Path Vectors is disabled. Otherwise, if this object has a value greater than zero, then Loop Dection for Path Vectors is enabled, and the Path Vector Limit is this value. Also, the value of the object, 'mplsLdpLsrLoopDetectionCapable', must be set to either 'pathVector(4)' or 'hopCountAndPathVector(5)', if this object has a value greater than 0 (zero).
mplsLdpEntityHopCountLoopDetection .
An indication of whether loop detection based on hop count is disabled or enabled for this Entity. If this object has the value of 'disabled(0)', then loop detection using hop counts is disabled. Otherwise, if this object has a value of 'enabled(1)', then loop detection based on hop counts is enabled. Also, the value of the object, 'mplsLdpLsrLoopDetectionCapable', must have the value of either: 'hopCount(3)' or 'hopCountAndPathVector(5)'.
mplsLdpEntityHopCount .
If the value of 'mplsLdpEntityHopCountLoopDetection' for this entry is 'enabled(1)', then this object represents the initial Hop Count for this Entity. If the value of 'mplsLdpEntityHopCountLoopDetection' is 'disabled(0)', then the value of this object is undefined.
mplsLdpEntityTargetedPeer .
If this LDP entity uses targeted peer then set this to true.
mplsLdpEntityTargetedPeerAddrType .
The type of the internetwork layer address used for the Extended Discovery. This object indicates how the value of mplsLdpEntityTargetedPeerAddr is to be interpreted.
mplsLdpEntityTargetedPeerAddr .
The value of the internetwork layer address used for the Extended Discovery.
mplsLdpEntityOptionalParameters .
Specifies the optional parameters for the LDP Initialization Message. If the value is generic(1) then no optional parameters will be sent in the LDP Initialization message associated with this Entity. If the value is atmParameters(2) then a row must be created in the mplsLdpEntityAtmParms Table, which corresponds to this entry. If the value is frameRelayParameters(3) then a row must be created in the mplsLdpEntityFrameRelayParms Table, which corresponds to this entry.
mplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime .
The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which any one or more of this entity's counters suffered a discontinuity. The relevant counters are the specific instances associated with this entity of any Counter32, or Counter64 object contained in the 'mplsLdpEntityStatsTable'. If no such discontinuities have occurred since the last re-initialization of the local management subsytem, then this object contains a zero value.
mplsLdpEntityStorageType .
The storage type for this entry.
mplsLdpEntityRowStatus .
An object that allows entries in this table to be created and deleted using the RowStatus convention. Once the 'mplsLdpEntityAdminStatus' object has the value of 'up' and this object has the value of 'active' then the Entity will atttempt to contact an LDP Peer. If the value of this object is changed to 'notInService', then the Entity looses contact with the LDP Peer and all information related to that Peer must be removed from the MIB. This has the same effect as changing 'mplsLdpEntityAdminStatus' from 'enable' to 'disable'. When this object is set to 'active' and the value of the 'mplsLdpEntityAdminStatus' is 'enable' then this Entity will attempt to contact the Peer and establish new sessions.
mplsLdpConfGenericIndex .
This index is used to distinguish between multiple Generic Labels configured for the same LDP Entity.
mplsLdpConfGenericIfIndexOrZero .
This value represents either the InterfaceIndex of the 'ifLayer' where this Generic Label was created, or 0 (zero). The value of zero means that the InterfaceIndex is not known. For example, if the InterfaceIndex is created subsequent to the Generic Label's creation, then it would not be known. However, if the InterfaceIndex is known, then it must be represented by this value. If an InterfaceIndex becomes known, then the network management entity (e.g. SNMP agent) responsible for this object MUST change the value from 0 (zero) to the value of the InterfaceIndex. If this Generic Label is being used in forwarding data, then the value of this object MUST be the InterfaceIndex.
mplsLdpConfGenericLabel .
The value of this object represents the Generic Label used in the Generic Label TLV.
mplsLdpConfGenericStorageType .
The storage type for this entry.
mplsLdpConfGenericRowStatus .
An object that allows entries in this table to be created and deleted using the RowStatus convention. NOTE: This RowStatus object should have the same value of the 'mplsLdpEntityRowStatus' related to this entry.
mplsLdpEntityAtmIfIndexOrZero .
This value represents either the InterfaceIndex of the 'ifLayer' where the ATM Labels 'owned' by this entry were created, or 0 (zero). The value of zero means that the InterfaceIndex is not known. For example, if the InterfaceIndex is created subsequent to the ATM Label's creation, then it would not be known. However, if the InterfaceIndex is known, then it must be represented by this value. If an InterfaceIndex becomes known, then the network management entity (e.g. SNMP agent) responsible for this object MUST change the value from 0 (zero) to the value of the InterfaceIndex. If an ATM Label is being used in forwarding data, then the value of this object MUST be the InterfaceIndex.
mplsLdpEntityAtmMergeCap .
Denotes the Merge Capability of this Entity.
mplsLdpEntityAtmLabelRangeComponents .
Number of LabelRange Components in the Initialization message. This also represents the number of entries in the mplsLdpLabelRangeComponentsTable which correspond to this entry.
mplsLdpEntityAtmVcDirectionality .
If the value of this object is 'bidirectional(0)', a given VCI, within a given VPI, is used as a label for both directions independently. If the value of this object is 'unidirectional(1)', a given VCI within a VPI designates one direction.
mplsLdpEntityAtmLsrConnectivity .
The peer LSR may be connected indirectly by means of an ATM VP so that the VPI values may be different on either endpoint so the label MUST be encoded entirely within the VCI field.
mplsLdpEntityDefaultControlVpi .
The default VPI value for the non-MPLS connection. The default value of this is 0 (zero) but other values may be configured. This object allows a different value to be configured.
mplsLdpEntityDefaultControlVci .
The Default VCI value for a non-MPLS connection. The default value of this is 32 but other values may be configured. This object allows a different value to be configured.
mplsLdpEntityUnlabTrafVpi .
VPI value of the VCC supporting unlabelled traffic. This non-MPLS connection is used to carry unlabelled (IP) packets.
mplsLdpEntityUnlabTrafVci .
VCI value of the VCC supporting unlabelled traffic. This non-MPLS connection is used to carry unlabelled (IP) packets.
mplsLdpEntityAtmStorageType .
The storage type for this entry.
mplsLdpEntityAtmRowStatus .
An object that allows entries in this table to be created and deleted using the RowStatus convention. NOTE: This RowStatus object should have the same value of the 'mplsLdpEntityRowStatus' related to this entry.
mplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeMinimumVpi .
The minimum VPI number configured for this range.
mplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeMinimumVci .
The minimum VCI number configured for this range.
mplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeMaximumVpi .
The maximum VPI number configured for this range.
mplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeMaximumVci .
The maximum VCI number configured for this range.
mplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeStorageType .
The storage type for this entry.
mplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeRowStatus .
An object that allows entries in this table to be created and deleted using the RowStatus convention. There must exist at least one entry in this table for every LDP Entity that has 'mplsLdpEntityOptionalParameters' object with a value of 'atmSessionParameters'. NOTE: This RowStatus object should have the same value of the 'mplsLdpEntityRowStatus' related to this entry.
mplsLdpEntityFrIfIndexOrZero .
This value represents either the InterfaceIndex of the 'ifLayer' where the Frame Relay Labels 'owned' by this entry were created, or 0 (zero). The value of zero means that the InterfaceIndex is not known. For example, if the InterfaceIndex is created subsequent to the Frame Relay Label's creation, then it would not be known. However, if the InterfaceIndex is known, then it must be represented by this value. If an InterfaceIndex becomes known, then the network management entity (e.g. SNMP agent) responsible for this object MUST change the value from 0 (zero) to the value of the InterfaceIndex. If an Frame Relay Label is being used in forwarding data, then the value of this object MUST be the InterfaceIndex.
mplsLdpEntityFrMergeCap .
This represents whether or not Frame Relay merge capability is supported.
mplsLdpEntityFrLabelRangeComponents .
Number of LabelRange Components in the Initialization message. This also represents the number of entries in the mplsLdpEntityConfFrLabelRangeTable which correspond to this entry.
mplsLdpEntityFrLen .
This object specifies the DLCI bits.
mplsLdpEntityFrVcDirectionality .
If the value of this object is 'bidirectional(0)', then the LSR supports the use of a given DLCI as a label for both directions independently. If the value of this object is 'unidirectional(1)', then the LSR uses the given DLCI as a label in only one direction.
mplsLdpEntityFrParmsStorageType .
The storage type for this entry.
mplsLdpEntityFrParmsRowStatus .
An object that allows entries in this table to be created and deleted using the RowStatus convention. NOTE: This RowStatus object should have the same value of the 'mplsLdpEntityRowStatus' related to this entry.
mplsLdpConfFrMinimumDlci .
The lower bound which is supported. This value should be the same as that in the Frame Relay Label Range Component's Minimum DLCI field.
mplsLdpConfFrMaximumDlci .
The upper bound which is supported. This value should be the same as that in the Frame Relay Label Range Component's Maximum DLCI field.
mplsLdpConfFrStorageType .
The storage type for this entry.
mplsLdpConfFrRowStatus .
An object that allows entries in this table to be created and deleted using the RowStatus convention. If the value of the object 'mplsLdpEntityOptionalParameters' contains the value of 'frameRelaySessionParameters(3)' then there must be at least one corresponding entry in this table. NOTE: This RowStatus object should have the same value of the 'mplsLdpEntityRowStatus' related to this entry.
mplsLdpAttemptedSessions .
A count of the total attempted sessions for this LDP Entity.
mplsLdpSessionRejectedNoHelloErrors .
A count of the Session Rejected/No Hello Error Notification Messages sent or received by this LDP Entity.
mplsLdpSessionRejectedAdvertisementErrors .
A count of the Session Rejected/Parameters Advertisement Mode Error Notification Messages sent or received by this LDP Entity.
mplsLdpSessionRejectedMaxPduErrors .
A count of the Session Rejected/Parameters Max Pdu Length Error Notification Messages sent or received by this LDP Entity.
mplsLdpSessionRejectedLabelRangeErrors .
A count of the Session Rejected/Parameters Label Range Notification Notification Messages sent or received by this LDP Entity.
mplsLdpBadLdpIdentifierErrors .
This object counts the number of Bad LDP Identifier Fatal Errors detected by the session(s) (past and present) associated with this LDP Entity.
mplsLdpBadPduLengthErrors .
This object counts the number of Bad Pdu Length Fatal Errors detected by the session(s) (past and present) associated with this LDP Entity.
mplsLdpBadMessageLengthErrors .
This object counts the number of Bad Message Length Fatal Errors detected by the session(s) (past and present) associated with this LDP Entity.
mplsLdpBadTlvLengthErrors .
This object counts the number of Bad TLV Length Fatal Errors detected by the session(s) (past and present) associated with this LDP Entity.
mplsLdpMalformedTlvValueErrors .
This object counts the number of Malformed TLV Value Fatal Errors detected by the session(s) (past and present) associated with this LDP Entity.
mplsLdpKeepAliveTimerExpiredErrors .
This object counts the number of Session Keep Alive Timer Expired Errors detected by the session(s) (past and present) associated with this LDP Entity.
mplsLdpShutdownNotifReceived .
This object counts the number of Shutdown Notfications received related to session(s) (past and present) associated with this LDP Entity.
mplsLdpShutdownNotifSent .
This object counts the number of Shutdown Notfications sent related to session(s) (past and present) associated with this LDP Entity.
mplsLdpPeerLdpId .
The LDP identifier of this LDP Peer.
mplsLdpPeerLabelDistributionMethod .
For any given LDP session, the method of label distribution must be specified.
mplsLdpPeerLoopDetectionForPV .
An indication of whether loop detection based on path vectors is disabled or enabled for this Peer. If this object has a value of disabled(0), then loop detection is disabled. Otherwise, if this object has a value of enabled(1), then loop detection based on path vectors is enabled.
mplsLdpPeerPathVectorLimit .
If the value of 'mplsLdpPeerLoopDetectionForPV' for this entry is 'enabled(1)', the this object represents that Path Vector Limit for this peer. If the value of 'mplsLdpPeerLoopDetectionForPV' for this entry is 'disabled(0)', then this value should be 0 (zero).
mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyIndex .
An identifier for this specific adjacency.
mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyHoldTimeRemaining .
The time remaining for this Hello Adjacency. This interval will change when the 'next' Hello message which corresponds to this Hello Adjacency is received.
mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyType .
This adjacency is the result of a 'link' hello if the value of this object is link(1). Otherwise, it is a result of a 'targeted' hello, targeted(2).
mplsLdpSessionState .
The current state of the session, all of the states 1 - 5 are based on the state machine for session negotiation behavior.
mplsLdpSessionProtocolVersion .
The version of the LDP Protocol which this session is using.
mplsLdpSessionKeepAliveHoldTimeRemaining .
The keep alive hold time remaining for this session.
mplsLdpSessionMaxPduLength .
The value of maximum allowable length for LDP PDUs for this session. This value may have been negotiated during the Session Initialization.
mplsLdpSessionDiscontinuityTime .
The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which any one or more of this session's counters suffered a discontinuity. The relevant counters are the specific instances associated with this session of any Counter32 or Counter64 object contained in the mplsLdpSessionStatsTable. If no such discontinuities have occurred since the last re-initialization of the local management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value. Also, an NMS can distinguish when a session between a given Entity and Peer goes away and then is 're-established'. This value would change and thus indicate to the NMS that this is a different session.
mplsLdpSessionAtmLabelRangeLowerBoundVpi .
The minimum VPI number for this range.
mplsLdpSessionAtmLabelRangeLowerBoundVci .
The minimum VCI number for this range.
mplsLdpSessionAtmLabelRangeUpperBoundVpi .
The maximum VPI number for this range.
mplsLdpSessionAtmLabelRangeUpperBoundVci .
The maximum VCI number for this range.
mplsLdpFrSessionMinDlci .
The lower bound of DLCIs which are supported.
mplsLdpFrSessionMaxDlci .
The upper bound of DLCIs which are supported.
mplsLdpFrSessionLen .
This object specifies the DLCI bits.
mplsLdpSessionStatsUnknownMessageTypeErrors .
This object counts the number of Unknown Message Type Errors detected during this session. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of mplsLdpSeeionDiscontinuityTime.
mplsLdpSessionStatsUnknownTlvErrors .
This object counts the number of Unknown TLV Errors detected during this session. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of mplsLdpSeeionDiscontinuityTime.
mplsLdpSessionPeerAddressIndex .
An index which uniquely identifies this entry within a given session.
mplsLdpSessionPeerNextHopAddressType .
The internetwork layer address type of this Next Hop Address as specified in the Label Address Message associated with this Session. The value of this object indicates how to interpret the value of mplsLdpSessionPeerNextHopAddress.
mplsLdpSessionPeerNextHopAddress .
The value of the next hop address.
mplsLdpLibLspId .
This number is used to uniquely identify this row, since this row is associated with a specific LSP, it may also be used to describe a unique number for an LSP. This number is used in the mplsLdpFecTable to identify which FECs or FEC is associated with this LIB entry.
mplsLdpLibLabelInIfIndex .
The ifIndex of the 'mplsLdpInLabel'.
mplsLdpLibLabelOutIfIndex .
The ifIndex of the 'mplsLdpOutLabel'.
mplsLdpLibInLabelType .
The Layer 2 Label Type for 'mplsLdpInLabel'.
mplsLdpLibInLabel .
The incoming label of this LSP.
mplsLdpLibOutLabelType .
The Layer 2 Label Type for 'mplsLdpOutLabel'.
mplsLdpLibOutLabel .
The outgoing label of this LSP.
mplsLdpLibOperationStatus .
The operation status of this LSP. unknown(1), -- cannot be determined up(2), -- LSP is up down(3) -- LSP is down.
mplsLdpLibLspLastChange .
The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion that the 'mplsLdpLibOperationStatus' changed. If the status has not changed since the last re-initialization of the network management entity (i.e. SNMP agent), then this object should have the value of 0 (zero).
mplsLdpFecType .
The type of the FEC. If the value of this object is 'prefix(1)' then the FEC type described by this row is for address prefixes. If the value of this object is 'hostAddress(2)' then the FEC type described by this row is a host address.
mplsLdpFecAddressFamily .
The value of this object is from the Address Family Numbers.
mplsLdpFecAddressLength .
If the value of 'mplsLdpFecType' is 'prefix(1)' then the value of this object is the length in bits of the address prefix represented by 'mplsLdpFecAddress', or if the length is zero then this is a special value which indicates that the prefix matches all addresses. In this case the prefix is also zero (i.e. 'mplsLdpFecAddress' will have the value of zero.)
mplsLdpFecAddress .
If the value of 'mplsLdpFecType' is 'prefix(1)' then the value of this object is the address prefix. If the value of the 'mplsLdpFecAddressLength' is object is zero, then this object should also be zero.
mplsLdpFecLspId .
This number represents the LSP which is related to this FEC. The value of this index should correspond to the 'mplsLdpLibLspId' in the LIB table.
mplsLdpFecSessionRowPointer .
A pointer to a row in the 'mplsLdpSessionTable' which is related to this FEC entry. The NULL OID zeroDotzero is interpreted to mean there is no known Session related to this FEC.
mplsLdpEntityTable .
This table contains information about the MPLS Label Distribution Protocol Entities which exist on this Label Switch Router (LSR).
mplsLdpEntityConfGenericTable .
This table provides a way to configure Generic Labels associated with LDP entities on the LSR.
mplsLdpEntityAtmParmsTable .
This table contains information about the ATM specific information which could be used in the 'Optional Parameters' and other ATM specific information.
mplsLdpEntityConfAtmLabelRangeTable .
The MPLS LDP Entity Configurable ATM Label Range Table. The purpose of this table is to provide a mechanism for specifying a contiguous range of vpi's with a contiguous range of vci's, or a 'label range' for LDP Entities. LDP Entities which use ATM must have at least one entry in this table.
mplsLdpEntityFrameRelayParmsTable .
This table contains information about the Optional Parameters to specify what this Entity is going to specify for Frame Relay specific LDP Intialization Messages.
mplsLdpEntityConfFrLabelRangeTable .
This table contains information about the Optional Parameters to specify what this Entity is going to specify for Frame Relay specific LDP Intialization Messages.
mplsLdpEntityStatsTable .
This table is a read-only table which augments the mplsLdpEntityTable. The purpose of this table is to keep statistical information about the LDP Entities on the LSR.
mplsLdpEntityPeerTable .
Information about LDP peers known by Entities in the mplsLdpEntityTable. The information in this table is based on information from the Entity-Peer interaction but is not appropriate for the mplsLdpSessionTable.
mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyTable .
A table of Hello Adjacencies for Sessions.
mplsLdpSessionTable .
A table of Sessions between the LDP Entities and LDP Peers. Each row represents a single session.
mplsLdpAtmSessionTable .
A table which relates Sessions in the 'mplsLdpSessionTable' and their label range intersections. There could be one or more label range intersections between an LDP Entity and LDP Peer using ATM as the underlying media. Each row represents a single label range intersection. NOTE: this table cannot use the 'AUGMENTS' clause because there is not necessarily a one-to-one mapping between this table and the mplsLdpSessionTable.
mplsLdpFrameRelaySessionTable .
A table of Frame Relay label range intersections between the LDP Entities and LDP Peers. Each row represents a single label range intersection. NOTE: this table cannot use the 'AUGMENTS' clause because there is not necessarily a one-to-one mapping between this table and the mplsLdpSessionTable.
mplsLdpSessionStatsTable .
A table of statistics for Sessions between LDP Entities and LDP Peers.
mplsLdpSessionPeerAddressTable .
This table 'extends' the mplsLdpSessionTable. This table is used to store Label Address Information from Label Address Messages received by this LSR from Peers. This table is read-only and should be updated when Label Withdraw Address Messages are received, i.e. Rows should be deleted as apropriate. NOTE: since more than one address may be contained in a Label Address Message, this table 'extends', rather than 'AUGMENTS' the mplsLdpSessionTable's information.
mplsLdpLibTable .
This table represents LIB (Label Information Base) Information. The table is read-only.
mplsLdpFecTable .
This table represents the FEC (Forwarding Equivalence Class) Information associated with an LSP. The table is read-only.
mplsLdpFailedInitSessionThresholdExceeded .
This notification is generated when the value of the 'mplsLdpEntityPVLimitMismatchTrapEnable' object is 'enabled(1)' and the value of the object, 'mplsLdpEntityFailedInitSessionThreshold' has been exceeded.
mplsLdpPathVectorLimitMismatch .
This notification is generated when the value of the value of the object, 'mplsLdpEntityFailedInitSessionTrapEnable' is 'enabled(1)' and the 'mplsLdpEntityPathVectorLimit' does NOT match the value of the 'mplsLdpPeerPathVectorLimit' for a specific Entity.
mplsLdpSessionUp .
Generation of this trap occurs when the 'mplsLdpSessionUpDownTrapEnable' object is 'enabled(1)' and the value of mplsLdpSessionState changes from any state accept 'nonexistent(1)' to 'operational(5)'.
mplsLdpSessionDown .
Generation of this trap occurs when the 'mplsLdpSessionUpDownTrapEnable' object is 'enabled(1)' and the value of mplsLdpSessionState changes from 'operational(5)' to any other state.
mplsLdpLibLspUp .
Generation of this trap occurs when the 'mplsLdpLibLspUpDownTrapEnable' object is 'enabled(1)' and the LSP operation status changes from any state to 'up'.
mplsLdpLibLspDown .
Generation of this trap occurs when the 'mplsLdpLibLspUpDownTrapEnable' object is 'enabled(1)' and the LSP operation status changes from any state to 'down'.
Object Identifier
mplsLdpMIB .
This MIB contains managed object definitions for the Multiprotocol Label Switching, Label Distribution Protocol, LDP, as defined in draft-ietf-mpls-ldp-06.txt.
mplsLdpObjects .
mplsLdpNotifications .
mplsLdpConformance .
mplsLdpLsrObjects .
mplsLdpEntityObjects .
mplsLdpEntityGenericObjects .
mplsLdpEntityAtmObjects .
mplsLdpEntityFrameRelayObjects .
mplsLdpEntityPeerObjects .
mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyObjects .
mplsLdpSessionObjects .
mplsLdpLibObjects .
mplsLdpNotificationPrefix .
mplsLdpGroups .
mplsLdpCompliances .
mplsLdpGeneralGroup .
Objects that apply to all MPLS LDP implementations.
mplsLdpNotificationsGroup .
The notification(s) which an MPLS LDP implemention is required to implement.
mplsLdpAtmGroup .
Objects that apply to all MPLS LDP implementations over ATM.
mplsLdpFrameRelayGroup .
Objects that apply to all MPLS LDP implementations over Frame Relay.
mplsLdpGenericGroup .
Objects that apply to all MPLS LDP implementations using Generic Lables.