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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » cisco » OLD-CISCO-ENV-MIB » Objects

OLD-CISCO-ENV-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file OLD-CISCO-ENV-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.

OLD-CISCO-ENV-MIB file content

Object view of OLD-CISCO-ENV-MIB:

Scalar Object
envPresent .
Is there an environmental monitor card in this box?, 0 - No, 1-AGS card present, wrong firmware, 2-AGS CARD present, firmware ok, 3-7000 support
envTestPt1Descr .
Description of the test point 1. Typically ambient air or the temperature of air entering the router
envTestPt1Measure .
Current value of test point 1. Typically a temperature in centigrade.
envTestPt2Descr .
Description of the test point 2. Typically airflow or the temperature of air leaving the router
envTestPt2Measure .
Current value of test point 2. Typically a temperature in centigrade.
envTestPt3Descr .
Description of the test point 3. Typically +5 volt
envTestPt3Measure .
Current value of test point 3. Typically the value in millivolts of the +5v supply
envTestPt4Descr .
Description of the test point 4. Typically +12 volt
envTestPt4Measure .
Current value of test point 4. Typically the value in millivolts of the +12v supply
envTestPt5Descr .
Description of the test point 5. Typically -12 volt
envTestPt5Measure .
Current value of test point 5. Typically the value in millivolts of the -12v supply
envTestPt6Descr .
Description of the test point 6. Typically -5 volt
envTestPt6Measure .
Current value of test point 6. Typically the value in millivolts of the -5v supply
envTestPt1MarginVal .
Value at which the router will shutdown. Typically the ambient air temperature that will shut the router down. (e.g. 43)
envTestPt2MarginVal .
Value at which the router will shutdown. Typically the airflow air temperature that will shut the router down. (e.g. 58)
envTestPt3MarginPercent .
+/- Percentage that will shut the router down, (e.g. 10%) typically +5 volt
envTestPt4MarginPercent .
+/- Percentage that will shut the router down, (e.g. 15%) typically +12 volt
envTestPt5MarginPercent .
+/- Percentage that will shut the router down, (e.g. 15%) typically -12 volt
envTestPt6MarginPercent .
+/- Percentage that will shut the router down, (e.g. 10%) typically -5 volt
envTestPt1last .
Value of TestPt1 when last shutdown occurred.
envTestPt2last .
Value of TestPt2 when last shutdown occurred.
envTestPt3last .
Value of TestPt3 when last shutdown occurred.
envTestPt4last .
Value of TestPt4 when last shutdown occurred.
envTestPt5last .
Value of TestPt5 when last shutdown occurred.
envTestPt6last .
Value of TestPt6 when last shutdown occurred.
envTestPt1warn .
Is this test point at a warning level?
envTestPt2warn .
Is this test point at a warning level?
envTestPt3warn .
Is this test point at a warning level?
envTestPt4warn .
Is this test point at a warning level?
envTestPt5warn .
Is this test point at a warning level?
envTestPt6warn .
Is this test point at a warning level?
envFirmVersion .
Description of Environmental Card firmware
envTechnicianID .
Technician ID
envType .
The type of environmental card
envBurnDate .
The calibration / burn in date
envSerialNumber .
Serial Number of environmental monitor card
Object Identifier
lenv .