locIfHardType |
. |
Returns the type of interface.
locIfLineProt |
. |
Boolean whether interface line protocol is
up or not.
locIfLastIn |
. |
Elapsed time in milliseconds since last line
protocol input packet was received.
locIfLastOut |
. |
Elapsed time in milliseconds since last line
protocol output packet was transmitted.
locIfLastOutHang |
. |
Elapsed time in milliseconds since last line
protocol output packet could not be
successfully transmitted.
locIfInBitsSec |
. |
Five minute exponentially-decayed moving
average of input bits per second.
locIfInPktsSec |
. |
Five minute exponentially-decayed moving
average of input packets per second.
locIfOutBitsSec |
. |
Five minute exponentially-decayed moving
average of output bits per second.
locIfOutPktsSec |
. |
Five minute exponentially-decayed moving
average of output packets per second.
locIfInRunts |
. |
Number of packets input which were smaller
then the allowable physical media permitted.
locIfInGiants |
. |
Number of input packets which were larger
then the physical media permitted.
locIfInCRC |
. |
Number of input packets which had cyclic
redundancy checksum errors.
locIfInFrame |
. |
Number of input packet which were
locIfInOverrun |
. |
Count of input which arrived too quickly for
the to hardware receive.
locIfInIgnored |
. |
Number of input packets which were simply
ignored by this interface.
locIfInAbort |
. |
Number of input packets which were aborted.
locIfResets |
. |
Number of times the interface internally
locIfRestarts |
. |
Number of times interface needed to be
completely restarted.
locIfKeep |
. |
Boolean whether keepalives are enabled on
this interface.
locIfReason |
. |
Reason for interface last status change.
locIfCarTrans |
. |
Number of times interface saw the carrier
signal transition.
locIfReliab |
. |
The reliability of the interface. Used by
locIfDelay |
. |
The amount of delay in microseconds of the
interface. Used by IGRP.
locIfLoad |
. |
The loading factor of the interface. Used by
locIfCollisions |
. |
The number of output collisions detected on
this interface.
locIfInputQueueDrops |
. |
The number of packets dropped because the
input queue was full.
locIfOutputQueueDrops |
. |
The number of packets dropped because the
output queue was full.
locIfDescr |
. |
User configurable interface description.
locIfSlowInPkts |
. |
Packet count for Inbound traffic routed with
slow switching
locIfSlowOutPkts |
. |
Packet count for Outbound traffic routed
with slow switching
locIfSlowInOctets |
. |
Octet count for Inbound traffic routed with
slow switching
locIfSlowOutOctets |
. |
Octet count for Outbound traffic routed with
slow switching
locIfFastInPkts |
. |
Packet count for Inbound traffic routed with
fast switching
locIfFastOutPkts |
. |
Packet count for Outbound traffic routed
with fast switching
locIfFastInOctets |
. |
Octet count for Inbound traffic routed with
fast switching
locIfFastOutOctets |
. |
Octet count for Outbound traffic routed with
fast switching
locIfotherInPkts |
. |
Other protocol input packet count
locIfotherOutPkts |
. |
Other protocol output packet count
locIfotherInOctets |
. |
Other protocol input octet count
locIfotherOutOctets |
. |
Other protocol output octet count
locIfipInPkts |
. |
ip protocol input packet count
locIfipOutPkts |
. |
ip protocol output packet count
locIfipInOctets |
. |
ip protocol input octet count
locIfipOutOctets |
. |
ip protocol output octet count
locIfdecnetInPkts |
. |
Decnet protocol input packet count
locIfdecnetOutPkts |
. |
Decnet protocol output packet count
locIfdecnetInOctets |
. |
Decnet protocol input byte count
locIfdecnetOutOctets |
. |
Decnet protocol output byte count
locIfxnsInPkts |
. |
XNS protocol input packet count
locIfxnsOutPkts |
. |
XNS protocol output packet count
locIfxnsInOctets |
. |
XNS protocol input byte count
locIfxnsOutOctets |
. |
XNS protocol output byte count
locIfclnsInPkts |
. |
CLNS protocol input packet count
locIfclnsOutPkts |
. |
CLNS protocol output packet count
locIfclnsInOctets |
. |
CLNS protocol input byte count
locIfclnsOutOctets |
. |
CLNS protocol output byte count
locIfappletalkInPkts |
. |
Appletalk protocol input packet count
locIfappletalkOutPkts |
. |
Appletalk protocol output packet count
locIfappletalkInOctets |
. |
Appletalk protocol input octet count
locIfappletalkOutOctets |
. |
Appletalk protocol output octet count
locIfnovellInPkts |
. |
Novell protocol input packet count
locIfnovellOutPkts |
. |
Novell protocol output packet count
locIfnovellInOctets |
. |
Novell protocol input octet count
locIfnovellOutOctets |
. |
Novell protocol output octet count
locIfapolloInPkts |
. |
Apollo protocol input packet count
locIfapolloOutPkts |
. |
Apollo protocol output packet count
locIfapolloInOctets |
. |
Apollo protocol input octet count
locIfapolloOutOctets |
. |
Apollo protocol output octet count
locIfvinesInPkts |
. |
Vines protocol input packet count
locIfvinesOutPkts |
. |
Vines protocol output packet count
locIfvinesInOctets |
. |
Vines protocol input octet count
locIfvinesOutOctets |
. |
Vines protocol output octet count
locIfbridgedInPkts |
. |
Bridged protocol input packet count
locIfbridgedOutPkts |
. |
Bridged protocol output packet count
locIfbridgedInOctets |
. |
Bridged protocol input octet count
locIfbridgedOutOctets |
. |
Bridged protocol output octet count
locIfsrbInPkts |
. |
SRB protocol input packet count
locIfsrbOutPkts |
. |
SRB protocol output packet count
locIfsrbInOctets |
. |
SRB protocol input octet count
locIfsrbOutOctets |
. |
SRB protocol output octet count
locIfchaosInPkts |
. |
Choas protocol input packet count
locIfchaosOutPkts |
. |
Choas protocol output packet count
locIfchaosInOctets |
. |
Choas protocol input octet count
locIfchaosOutOctets |
. |
Choas protocol output octet count
locIfpupInPkts |
. |
PUP protocol input packet count
locIfpupOutPkts |
. |
PUP protocol output packet count
locIfpupInOctets |
. |
PUP protocol input octet count
locIfpupOutOctets |
. |
PUP protocol output octet count
locIfmopInPkts |
. |
MOP protocol input packet count
locIfmopOutPkts |
. |
MOP protocol output packet count
locIfmopInOctets |
. |
MOP protocol input octet count
locIfmopOutOctets |
. |
MOP protocol output octet count
locIflanmanInPkts |
. |
LanMan protocol input packet count
locIflanmanOutPkts |
. |
LanMan protocol output packet count
locIflanmanInOctets |
. |
LanMan protocol input octet count
locIflanmanOutOctets |
. |
LanMan protocol output octet count
locIfstunInPkts |
. |
STUN protocol input packet count
locIfstunOutPkts |
. |
STUN protocol output packet count
locIfstunInOctets |
. |
STUN protocol input octet count
locIfstunOutOctets |
. |
STUN protocol output octet count
locIfspanInPkts |
. |
Spanning tree input protocol packet count
locIfspanOutPkts |
. |
Spanning tree output protocol packet count
locIfspanInOctets |
. |
Spanning tree input octet packet count
locIfspanOutOctets |
. |
Spanning tree output octet packet count
locIfarpInPkts |
. |
Arp protocol input packet count
locIfarpOutPkts |
. |
Arp protocol output packet count
locIfarpInOctets |
. |
Arp protocol input octet count
locIfarpOutOctets |
. |
Arp protocol output octet count
locIfprobeInPkts |
. |
Probe protocol input packet count
locIfprobeOutPkts |
. |
Probe protocol output packet count
locIfprobeInOctets |
. |
Probe protocol input octet count
locIfprobeOutOctets |
. |
Probe protocol output octet count
locIfDribbleInputs |
. |
The number of good packets received with the
dribble condition present
locIfFSIPIndex |
. |
Interface index of this card corresponding
to its ifIndex
locIfFSIPtype |
. |
Is this FSIP line DCE or DTE
locIfFSIPrts |
. |
Is the RTS signal up or down
locIfFSIPcts |
. |
Is the CTS signal up or down
locIfFSIPdtr |
. |
Is the DTR signal up or down
locIfFSIPdcd |
. |
Is the DCD signal up or down
locIfFSIPdsr |
. |
Is the DSR signal up or down
locIfFSIPrxClockrate |
. |
Received clock rate
locIfFSIPrxClockrateHi |
. |
Use when received clock rate
is greater than 2^32 (gigabits).
locIfFSIPportType |
. |
Cable Type of 4T, HSSI, Mx serial or FSIP