romId |
. |
This variable contains a printable octet
string which contains the System Bootstrap
description and version identification.
whyReload |
. |
This variable contains a printable octet
string which contains the reason why the
system was last restarted.
hostName |
. |
This variable represents the name of the
host in printable ascii characters.
domainName |
. |
This variable is the domain portion of the
domain name of the host.
authAddr |
. |
This variable contains the last SNMP
authorization failure IP address.
bootHost |
. |
Contains the IP address of the host that
supplied the currently running software.
ping |
. |
The ping mib object is obsolete as of IOS 10.2
It has been superseded by the Cisco Ping MIB
freeMem |
. |
The freeMem mib object is obsolete as of IOS 11.1
It has been replaced with the cisco memory pool mib
bufferElFree |
. |
Contains the number of free buffer
bufferElMax |
. |
Contains the maximum number of buffer
bufferElHit |
. |
Contains the number of buffer element hits.
bufferElMiss |
. |
Contains the number of buffer element
bufferElCreate |
. |
Contains the number of buffer element
bufferSmSize |
. |
Contains the size of small buffers.
bufferSmTotal |
. |
Contains the total number of small buffers.
bufferSmFree |
. |
Contains the number of free small buffers.
bufferSmMax |
. |
Contains the maximum number of small
bufferSmHit |
. |
Contains the number of small buffer hits.
bufferSmMiss |
. |
Contains the number of small buffer misses.
bufferSmTrim |
. |
Contains the number of small buffer trims.
bufferSmCreate |
. |
Contains the number of small buffer
bufferMdSize |
. |
Contains the size of medium buffers.
bufferMdTotal |
. |
Contains the total number of medium
bufferMdFree |
. |
Contains the number of free medium buffers.
bufferMdMax |
. |
Contains the maximum number of medium
bufferMdHit |
. |
Contains the number of medium buffer hits.
bufferMdMiss |
. |
Contains the number of medium buffer
bufferMdTrim |
. |
Contains the number of medium buffer trims.
bufferMdCreate |
. |
Contains the number of medium buffer
bufferBgSize |
. |
Contains the size of big buffers.
bufferBgTotal |
. |
Contains the total number of big buffers.
bufferBgFree |
. |
Contains the number of free big buffers.
bufferBgMax |
. |
Contains the maximum number of big buffers.
bufferBgHit |
. |
Contains the number of big buffer hits.
bufferBgMiss |
. |
Contains the number of big buffer misses.
bufferBgTrim |
. |
Contains the number of big buffer trims.
bufferBgCreate |
. |
Contains the number of big buffer creates.
bufferLgSize |
. |
Contains the size of large buffers.
bufferLgTotal |
. |
Contains the total number of large buffers.
bufferLgFree |
. |
Contains the number of free large buffers.
bufferLgMax |
. |
Contains the maximum number of large
bufferLgHit |
. |
Contains the number of large buffer hits.
bufferLgMiss |
. |
Contains the number of large buffer misses.
bufferLgTrim |
. |
Contains the number of large buffer trims.
bufferLgCreate |
. |
Contains the number of large buffer
bufferFail |
. |
Count of the number of buffer allocation
bufferNoMem |
. |
Count of the number of buffer create
failures due to no free memory.
netConfigAddr |
. |
Holds the address of the host that supplied
the network-confg file.
netConfigName |
. |
Holds the name of the network configuration
netConfigSet |
. |
Cause the loading of a new network-confg
file using TFTP.
hostConfigAddr |
. |
Contains the address of the host that
provided the host-config file.
hostConfigName |
. |
Contains the name of the last configured
host-confg file.
hostConfigSet |
. |
Cause the loading of a new host-confg file
using TFTP.
writeMem |
. |
Write configuration into non-volatile memory
/ erase config memory if 0.
writeNet |
. |
Write configuration to host using TFTP.
busyPer |
. |
CPU busy percentage in the last 5 second
period. Not the last 5 realtime seconds but
the last 5 second period in the scheduler.
avgBusy1 |
. |
1 minute exponentially-decayed moving
average of the CPU busy percentage.
avgBusy5 |
. |
5 minute exponentially-decayed moving
average of the CPU busy percentage.
idleCount |
. |
cisco internal variable. not to be used
idleWired |
. |
cisco internal variable. not to be used
ciscoContactInfo |
. |
cisco's name and address
bufferHgSize |
. |
Contains the size of huge buffers.
bufferHgTotal |
. |
Contains the total number of huge buffers.
bufferHgFree |
. |
Contains the number of free huge buffers.
bufferHgMax |
. |
Contains the maximum number of huge
bufferHgHit |
. |
Contains the number of huge buffer hits.
bufferHgMiss |
. |
Contains the number of huge buffer misses.
bufferHgTrim |
. |
Contains the number of huge buffer trims.
bufferHgCreate |
. |
Contains the number of huge buffer creates.
netConfigProto |
. |
Holds the protocol that supplied the
network-confg file.
hostConfigProto |
. |
Holds the protocol that supplied the host-
confg file.
sysConfigAddr |
. |
Holds the address of the host that supplied
the system boot image.
sysConfigName |
. |
Holds the name of the system boot image.
sysConfigProto |
. |
Holds the protocol that supplied the system
boot image.
sysClearARP |
. |
Perform a clearing of the entire ARP cache
and invalidation of route caches.
sysClearInt |
. |
Clear interface given IfIndex as value.
envPresent |
. |
Is there an environmental monitor card in
this box?, 0 - No, 1-AGS card present, wrong
firmware, 2-AGS CARD present, firmware ok,
3-7000 support
envTestPt1Descr |
. |
Description of the test point 1. Typically
ambient air or the temperature of air
entering the router
envTestPt1Measure |
. |
Current value of test point 1. Typically a
temperature in centigrade.
envTestPt2Descr |
. |
Description of the test point 2. Typically
airflow or the temperature of air leaving the
envTestPt2Measure |
. |
Current value of test point 2. Typically a
temperature in centigrade.
envTestPt3Descr |
. |
Description of the test point 3. Typically
+5 volt
envTestPt3Measure |
. |
Current value of test point 3. Typically the
value in millivolts of the +5v supply
envTestPt4Descr |
. |
Description of the test point 4. Typically
+12 volt
envTestPt4Measure |
. |
Current value of test point 4. Typically the
value in millivolts of the +12v supply
envTestPt5Descr |
. |
Description of the test point 5. Typically
-12 volt
envTestPt5Measure |
. |
Current value of test point 5. Typically the
value in millivolts of the -12v supply
envTestPt6Descr |
. |
Description of the test point 6. Typically
-5 volt
envTestPt6Measure |
. |
Current value of test point 6. Typically the
value in millivolts of the -5v supply
envTestPt1MarginVal |
. |
Value at which the router will shutdown.
Typically the ambient air temperature that
will shut the router down. (e.g. 43)
envTestPt2MarginVal |
. |
Value at which the router will shutdown.
Typically the airflow air temperature that
will shut the router down. (e.g. 58)
envTestPt3MarginPercent |
. |
+/- Percentage that will shut the router
down, (e.g. 10%) typically +5 volt
envTestPt4MarginPercent |
. |
+/- Percentage that will shut the router
down, (e.g. 15%) typically +12 volt
envTestPt5MarginPercent |
. |
+/- Percentage that will shut the router
down, (e.g. 15%) typically -12 volt
envTestPt6MarginPercent |
. |
+/- Percentage that will shut the router
down, (e.g. 10%) typically -5 volt
envTestPt1last |
. |
Value of TestPt1 when last shutdown
envTestPt2last |
. |
Value of TestPt2 when last shutdown
envTestPt3last |
. |
Value of TestPt3 when last shutdown
envTestPt4last |
. |
Value of TestPt4 when last shutdown
envTestPt5last |
. |
Value of TestPt5 when last shutdown
envTestPt6last |
. |
Value of TestPt6 when last shutdown
envTestPt1warn |
. |
Is this test point at a warning level?
envTestPt2warn |
. |
Is this test point at a warning level?
envTestPt3warn |
. |
Is this test point at a warning level?
envTestPt4warn |
. |
Is this test point at a warning level?
envTestPt5warn |
. |
Is this test point at a warning level?
envTestPt6warn |
. |
Is this test point at a warning level?
envFirmVersion |
. |
Description of Environmental Card firmware
envTechnicianID |
. |
Technician ID
envType |
. |
The type of environmental card
envBurnDate |
. |
The calibration / burn in date
envSerialNumber |
. |
Serial Number of environmental monitor card