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Crumbtrail » Technical documentation » SNMP » MIB » cisco » OLD-CISCO-TS-MIB » Objects

OLD-CISCO-TS-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco


Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers). This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file OLD-CISCO-TS-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.

OLD-CISCO-TS-MIB file content

Object view of OLD-CISCO-TS-MIB:

Scalar Object
tsLines .
Number of terminal lines on this device. Includes virtual lines.
ltsLineEntry .
A collection of per TTY objects in the cisco Terminal Server implementation.
ltsLineSessionEntry .
A collection of per session and per TTY objects in the cisco Terminal Server implementation.
tsMsgTtyLine .
tty line to send the message to. -1 will send it to all tty lines
tsMsgIntervaltim .
Interval between reissuing message in milliseconds. Minimum non-zero setting is 10000. 0 will cause the routine to choose its own intervals becoming more frequent as MessageDuration gets close to expiring. 2hr, 1hr, 30min, 5min, 1min
tsMsgDuration .
Length of time to reissue message in milliseconds. Minimum non-zero setting is 10000. A setting of 0 will not repeat the message.
tsMsgText .
Up to 256 characters that will make up the message
tsMsgTmpBanner .
Should the message be used as a temporary banner. 1 - No. 2 - In addition to the normal banner
tsMsgSend .
Sends the message. The value determines what to do after the message has completed.
tsClrTtyLine .
tty line to clear. Read returns the last line cleared. A value of -1 indicates no lines have been cleared.
Tabular Object
tsLineNumber .
The line i've been talking about.
tsLineActive .
Boolean whether this line is active or not.
tsLineType .
Type of line.
tsLineAutobaud .
Boolean whether line will autobaud or not.
tsLineSpeedin .
What input speed the line is running at.
tsLineSpeedout .
What output speed the line is running at.
tsLineFlow .
What kind of flow control the line is using.
tsLineModem .
What kind of modem control the line is using.
tsLineLoc .
Describes the line's physical location.
tsLineTerm .
Describes the line's terminal type.
tsLineScrlen .
Length in lines of the screen of terminal attached to this line.
tsLineScrwid .
Width in characters of the screen of terminal attached to this line.
tsLineEsc .
Escape character used to break out of active sessions.
tsLineTmo .
Line idleness timeout in seconds.
tsLineSestmo .
Session idleness timeout in seconds.
tsLineRotary .
Rotary group number the line belongs in.
tsLineUses .
Number of times a connection has been made to or from this line.
tsLineNses .
Current number of sessions in use on this line.
tsLineUser .
TACACS user name, if TACACS enabled, of user on this line.
tsLineNoise .
Count of garbage characters received when line inactive.
tsLineTimeActive .
The time in seconds since line was activated.
tslineSesLine .
Table index 1.
tslineSesSession .
Table index 2.
tslineSesType .
Type of session.
tslineSesDir .
Direction of session.
tslineSesAddr .
Remote host address of session. [What about PAD connections?]
tslineSesName .
Remote host name of session.
tslineSesCur .
Boolean whether session is the currently active one.
tslineSesIdle .
Time in seconds session has been idle.
ltsLineTable .
A list of terminal server line entries.
ltsLineSessionTable .
A list of terminal server line and session entries.
Object Identifier
lts .