OLD-CISCO-XNS-MIB.mib object view, vendor cisco
Most network devices and programs ship with so-called MIB files to describe the parameters and meanings (i.e.: friendly names) which are available for monitoring via SNMP.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import vendor-specific MIB files, so it can be used to monitor specific OID's (Object Identifiers).
This way, you can monitor your devices, computers, etc. by selecting your relevant OID's by name.
ActiveXperts Network Monitor 2024 can import MIB file OLD-CISCO-XNS-MIB and use it to monitor vendor specific OID's.
OLD-CISCO-XNS-MIB file content
Object view of OLD-CISCO-XNS-MIB:
Scalar Object |
xnsInput |
. |
Total input count of number of XNS packets.
xnsLocal |
. |
Total count of XNS input packets for this
xnsBcastin |
. |
Total count of number of XNS input broadcast
xnsForward |
. |
Total count of number of XNS packets
xnsBcastout |
. |
Total count of number of XNS output
broadcast packets.
xnsErrin |
. |
Total count of number of XNS Error input
xnsErrout |
. |
Total count of number of XNS Error output
xnsFormerr |
. |
Total count of number of XNS input packets
with header errors.
xnsChksum |
. |
Total count of number of XNS input packets
with checksum errors.
xnsNotgate |
. |
Total count of number of XNS input packets
received while not routing.
xnsHopcnt |
. |
Total count of number of XNS input packets
that have exceeded the maximum hop count.
xnsNoroute |
. |
Total count of number of XNS packets dropped
due to no route.
xnsNoencap |
. |
Total count of number of XNS packets dropped
due to output encapsulation failure.
xnsOutput |
. |
Total count of number of XNS output
xnsInmult |
. |
Total count of number of XNS input multicast
xnsUnknown |
. |
Total count of number of unknown XNS input
xnsFwdbrd |
. |
Total count of number of XNS broadcast
packets forwarded.
xnsEchoreqin |
. |
Total count of number of XNS Echo request
packets received.
xnsEchoreqout |
. |
Total count of number of XNS Echo request
packets sent.
xnsEchorepin |
. |
Total count of number of XNS Echo reply
packets received.
xnsEchorepout |
. |
Total count of number of XNS Echo reply
packets sent.
Object Identifier |
tmpxns |
. |